Before my surgery, I LOVED to eat out, it was such a special treat......the menu, the service, the food, the drinks! But, things have changed now. I don't go out as much because frankly, the service and the food just isn't as appealing to me as it used to be. And, when I do go out to eat, it's usually with my friend (who lost 1/2 his stomach/intestines from a motorcycle accident) and I share a meal and still bring home half of it. I try to stay away from the bread (sorry to say not entirely because I'm trying to be good), but because I won't be able to each my 1/3 of the meal that we share.
Also, I notice sometimes (most likely the grill oil) when I order breakfast out (ham & egg on toasted whole wheat), it occassionally, and quick quickly, runs right through me. So, that's become problematic....but saves money and keeps me healthier I believe by buying supplies and cooking for myself.
Bottom Line: Eating out just doesn't appeal to me as it used too; I can no longer eat with gusto - which is a good thing!