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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by coyotegirl

  1. coyotegirl

    Please Help!

    You really have to shop around because I have heard of many many different prices of lap band surgerys. Mine cost $24,000 but I have Medicare so I only paid about $1,500 out of pocket. It took me 5 months from the time I started looking into this surgery to having the surgery. I think with most surgeons in the US you have to have a BMI of 40 or more with other health issues. But not sure!! You can get this surgery done in Mexico for a lot less $. Good luck with your research!!
  2. I was lucky because my GP has the lap band and has lost almost 100lbs. She can also do fills for me if I want.
  3. coyotegirl

    Banded July 20, 2005

    Congratulation!! Welcome to Bandland!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. coyotegirl

    what is the actual surgery like?

    I sooooo know what you mean NJChick!! I felt the same way and to this day 8 months post op When ever I see my surgeon I think "is he thinking of how bad I looked during surgery?" We are silly I'm sure but hey we are human!!
  5. coyotegirl

    I am Approved!

    CONGRATULATION!!! I am so happy for you!
  6. coyotegirl

    2005 Vegas Bash

    Ok, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to come to Viva Las Vegas in September!!!! Not sure I can get off that close to school starting. But I have some question. Where will everyone meet? How much $ for a hotel room? How many steps at your house Lisa? Remember I'm on crutches and can't do steps very well. Damn F-ing disease. How handicap accessible is Vegas? I have talked about it soooo much that every one tells me to shut up and go!!
  7. I have never had a problem with any food since banding untill this last fill. Wow, today I had 2 pices of toast for breaksfast. I ate 1/2 a slice and thought I was going to die. Almost had my first PB. Did have my first case of slimes. can you say YUCK??? Where does it all come from. Took a couple of hours to feel all better. Then the kids were having french fries with their lunch today so I ate 2 and I mean only 2. and there it went again. Pain Pain Pain. slime slime slime. Guess what? NO MORE BREAD FOR ME. I can't take it!!! In my book this is a good thing. The band is working!!!!!!!!!!! Breads not so good anyway right? Carbs Other than bread I don't have any food I can't eat, YET!!
  8. coyotegirl

    How Do You Deal With Head Hunger ?

    I HATE HEAD HUNGER!!!!!!!!!!! It is very much still a problem with me! But I can usually ignor it by going WAY WAY far from kitchen. I usually go to the computer and log on to the #1 group here, or go outside, or work on my scrapbooking. Just find something else you enjoy doing other than eating. It's hard but we can fight through it. I can be sickly full and if I see something good I still want to eat it. One of my bigest problems still is NOT finishing everything on my plate. I really have to remind myself that it is ok to leave something on my plate when I am full. I keep thinking "God, this is good, I have to finish it." Well I don't have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! put down the damn spoon!!! It will get better wont it? OH BOY, not thinking about food would be a dream.
  9. coyotegirl

    Calling all Vanguard Bandsters...

    I have a Vanguard band and I have had 5 fills now and this one really seems to be doing it's job! I did have restriction after 3 and 4 but they didn't have the umph this one does. I had restriction for about couple of weeks and then nothing. My losing weight was from dieting and a little help from the band. and I mean little help. I think my surgeon was beeing stingie with my fills before but I told him to stop being stingie and FILL 'ER UP!! I think he did!!!! Hang in there and get your next fill. Everything will work out and the weight will start coming off real soon. ((((HUGS))))
  10. coyotegirl

    getting a handle on my life

    WOW, you are a busy girl!! Just hang in there you are doing fine. -10lbs is GREAT!! I don't have any children of my own, so I really don't have any advice for you. Sorry! Welcome to LBT, you have come to the right place for support and encouragement! (((((HUGS)))))
  11. coyotegirl

    Surgery time

    Wow, Big day tomorrow!! Good Luck. I was in pre-op for 1 hour, surgery 1 hour, recovery 1 hour then on to my room. Stayed in hospital just overnight!! It felt sooooo good to be home!
  12. coyotegirl

    5th fill today!

    Thanks a bunch Penni, You're the BEST!!
  13. coyotegirl

    5th fill today!

    No, It doesn't hurt at all. He gives me a little numbing shot first. I can feel pressure when he pushes on the port to insert the needle, but that's all. Kind of feels funny!
  14. coyotegirl


    Congratulations -r-!!!
  15. coyotegirl

    5th fill today!

    Yea Paula, I am doing FANTASTIC!! I actually enjoy going in for my fills. I get so many complements on how good I am looking. I don't usually get complements on how I look so now I LOVE TO HEAR THEM. I always get complements for things I do, Like fix things, for some reason I can look at something that needs fixed (electronics, furnature, etc) and fix it. So I get complemented for that and now I am getting complements for my looks. WOW ya gotta like that? LOL
  16. coyotegirl

    5th fill today!

    Here is one with the needle going in. Maybe you soon to be's don't want to see it?? LOL
  17. coyotegirl

    5th fill today!

    Ok that worked but it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big. Penni HELP!!!!!!!!!!! I can't make my pictures smaller on any picture program I have. If I post the rest can you fix them also????
  18. coyotegirl

    tomorrow is my big day!

    Best of Luck tomorrow and I willl say an extra prayer for you for a speedy recovery. ((((HUGS))))
  19. coyotegirl

    About medicare

    Rene, I just found your thread here. I wanted to tell you that Medicare paid for my Lap-Band. No qurestion asked and It went through the first time. It paid for Dr., pre op testing, phyc eval., surgeon, Lap-band and hospital. I only had to pay my co pay and of course the 20% they don't cover. The total cost of everything from begining to end was $24,000 and I had to pay $1,500. And not all at once. I paid a little here and a little there and then on some I am still paying on. I know this thread was back in June so I don't know if you got any answers since then. If you have any questions just let me know. My surgery was back in November 04. Good luck,
  20. coyotegirl

    Jelly Wrestling

    OMG. I have no Idea how to make Bulk jello, But it sounds like you have a blast. CAN I COME OVER AND PLAY? LOL
  21. coyotegirl

    Optifast-How many really

    I also was on the liquid diet before surgery. Not Optifast. I could mostly have only clear liquid. Apple Juice, crystal light, jello,etc.. and I could have 3 cups of Skim Milk a day. I had one cup for breakfast one for lunch and one for dinner. The rest of the time it was nothing but clear liquids. No I didnt get the runs. No I didn't feel sick, Just HUNGRY! I lost 11lbs before surgery. I was to be on the liquid diet for 10 days but my surgery was put off for a few days so I ended up being on it for 14 days. I know it sounds hard but you can do it. Just think about how healthy you will be when you have lost your weight. Good luck,
  22. I'm Morbidly obese now!! Still sounds terrible but I'm on my way! My BMI was 57.4 and now it's 46.7!!! WHOOO WHOOO!!! DOWN 55 POUNDS AND LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! GOD, I LOVE MY BAND!! Severely obese here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. coyotegirl


    Hi Cheryl, Welcome to LBT!! Don't worry you will not bug anyone here, we all love to talk.
  24. Hi and Welcome to LBT!! You have come to the right place for getting your questions answered. I am sure someone here can answer them.
  25. coyotegirl

    Anyone watch Big Brother 6?

    I LOVE Big Brother!! Never miss it! I am a reality show junky. I use to sign up so I could see Big Brother on my computer all the time. Live video on what is going on in the house. Not anymore.

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