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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jean0228

  1. Hey everybody, My surgery date is 09/04 and I'm both excited and nervous. I go to the nutritionist next Tuesday to start my pre-op liquid diet. My bariatric coordinator told me I could expect to lose 50 to 75% the first year. I have two friends who had lapband surgery in April, they have had no complications and have both lost 40+ pounds. I hope I do as well as they have done. Good luck!
  2. Hi Everyone, My name is Jean and I've been 'lurking' for the last month, taking it all in. Today is a special day for me, so I decided to stop lurking and start posting. The Dr's office called me today and my insurance company has approved my surgery. It's scheduled for September 4th- I'm sooo excited. My lapband journey began in january of this year when I made the call the get signed up for the hospitals WLS information session. It's been a long road since then, but now it seems it's finally coming to end. the road to a new, healthier life is about to begin for me, and I am so thankful that I've been given this second chance. I hope everyone has a good day! Jean in NC
  3. Hi YummieT, My name is Jean and I am in the process of getting banded. I just got my surgery date today, I'm scheduled for surgery on 09/04. Like you, I am a bundle of nerves! I'm really excited but I'm scared too. I'm sure the roller coaster ride will only get worse the closer I get to my surgery date. Anyway, if you're close to Greensboro, you can try Central Carolina Surgery. They have been great working ih me through this whole process and I really like my Dr- his name is Dr. Newman. The phone number to CCS is 336-387-8100. Take care and good luck! Keep us posted on your progress.

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