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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Jean0228

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/28/1965

About Me

  • Biography
    I am single and live in NC along with my dog Dusty. I have been over weight for about 15 years and have finally decided to take the first step to helping myself by having Lapband surgery. I am pre-op right now waiting for my surgery date.
  • Interests
    I like sports, especially college basketball & football. I play guitar, enjoy movies and being with friends.
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  1. Happy 48th Birthday Jean0228!

  2. Happy 47th Birthday Jean0228!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary Jean0228!

  4. Hey everybody, My surgery date is 09/04 and I'm both excited and nervous. I go to the nutritionist next Tuesday to start my pre-op liquid diet. My bariatric coordinator told me I could expect to lose 50 to 75% the first year. I have two friends who had lapband surgery in April, they have had no complications and have both lost 40+ pounds. I hope I do as well as they have done. Good luck!
  5. Hi YummieT, My name is Jean and I am in the process of getting banded. I just got my surgery date today, I'm scheduled for surgery on 09/04. Like you, I am a bundle of nerves! I'm really excited but I'm scared too. I'm sure the roller coaster ride will only get worse the closer I get to my surgery date. Anyway, if you're close to Greensboro, you can try Central Carolina Surgery. They have been great working ih me through this whole process and I really like my Dr- his name is Dr. Newman. The phone number to CCS is 336-387-8100. Take care and good luck! Keep us posted on your progress.
  6. Hi Everyone, My name is Jean and I've been 'lurking' for the last month, taking it all in. Today is a special day for me, so I decided to stop lurking and start posting. The Dr's office called me today and my insurance company has approved my surgery. It's scheduled for September 4th- I'm sooo excited. My lapband journey began in january of this year when I made the call the get signed up for the hospitals WLS information session. It's been a long road since then, but now it seems it's finally coming to end. the road to a new, healthier life is about to begin for me, and I am so thankful that I've been given this second chance. I hope everyone has a good day! Jean in NC

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