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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from natynat22 in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Doing my pre-op testing right now at the hospital, and so far already registered for my surgery so don't have to fill anything out that day, blood work and labs done, waiting on respiratory and mri tests, ekg, and endoscopy then can go home to start my liquid diet! Very anxious and my stomach is upset from stress but at least I'll be done with my pre-op stuff and after my 2 week liquid diet, it'll be surgery day!
  2. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from Dee White in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Start my pre-op diet tomorrow after my pre-op testing, surgery is August 19th. I'm so nervous and my anxiety is so high. Seriously! I worked so hard for the approval but I'm scared now. The unknown is so hard on me. Anyways, good luck to my fellow August sleevers, and speedy recovery for those who recently had their surgery!
  3. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from natynat22 in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Doing my pre-op testing right now at the hospital, and so far already registered for my surgery so don't have to fill anything out that day, blood work and labs done, waiting on respiratory and mri tests, ekg, and endoscopy then can go home to start my liquid diet! Very anxious and my stomach is upset from stress but at least I'll be done with my pre-op stuff and after my 2 week liquid diet, it'll be surgery day!
  4. Like
    gia24 reacted to stacechase in Pre-Op NSV: Resisting Temptation at Disneyland!   
    I just had to share the MAJOR pre-op NSV I accomplished this weekend! For the record, I'm having my surgery in exactly 2 weeks (8/19) and am starting my full liquid pre-op diet tomorrow. About a week and a half ago I watched a great food documentary (it's call "Hungry for Change" and is available on Netflix streaming, highly recommended!) and something just clicked. I decided to change everything, right then. I put on my shoes and went for a several-mile walk that night after watching it, and have been dedicated to eating healthy, no snacking, lots of Water & Protein, and daily exercise. Even bought a juicer and am making fresh green juice in the morning for myself for breakfast!
    Fast forward to this past weekend: I had planned a trip to Disneyland several months back as a "last hurrah" before surgery. Disneyland is my most favorite place ever. I go about every other month. Of course, one of the things I love most about the park is the FOOD. I would plan my whole vacation around what I "had" to eat. I am a huge sugar fanatic, so usually this was churros, ice cream, candy, etc...although my meal choices were also decidedly unhealthy. I was EXTREMELY anxious about this trip because I had committed to my lifestyle change and this was like going into the belly of the beast! I met with my therapist before my trip and we created a mantra for me whenever I was feeling anxious at the park: "Disneyland is still fun without food."
    Anyway, here I am, sitting in the airport ready to fly home—and I am so proud to say that I didn't have so much as a SINGLE BITE of sweets or treats this WHOLE trip!! I brought Protein Bars & shakes with me and treated myself to one healthy meal in the parks per day (had some pretty amazing salads!) I didn't snack at all in between and drank lots of water. I am really proud of myself, and this was not easy by any means! However, it was all worth it knowing that I have given myself the confidence to enter into the pre-op diet...if I can survive without any cheating at my favorite place, I know that I have no excuse to cheat while at home.
    Just wanted to share, and for all of my fellow pre-ops, I promise you that if you start developing these kinds of healthy habits & challenging yourself to make permanent changes before surgery, it will be a tremendous confidence booster and constant reminder that YOU CAN DO THIS!
    Have a great day, everyone!
  5. Like
    gia24 reacted to TV-Duhhh!!! in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Getting ready for pre op testing today....
    Sent from my ADR6330VW using VST
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    gia24 got a reaction from natynat22 in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Doing my pre-op testing right now at the hospital, and so far already registered for my surgery so don't have to fill anything out that day, blood work and labs done, waiting on respiratory and mri tests, ekg, and endoscopy then can go home to start my liquid diet! Very anxious and my stomach is upset from stress but at least I'll be done with my pre-op stuff and after my 2 week liquid diet, it'll be surgery day!
  7. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from natynat22 in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Doing my pre-op testing right now at the hospital, and so far already registered for my surgery so don't have to fill anything out that day, blood work and labs done, waiting on respiratory and mri tests, ekg, and endoscopy then can go home to start my liquid diet! Very anxious and my stomach is upset from stress but at least I'll be done with my pre-op stuff and after my 2 week liquid diet, it'll be surgery day!
  8. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from Dee White in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Start my pre-op diet tomorrow after my pre-op testing, surgery is August 19th. I'm so nervous and my anxiety is so high. Seriously! I worked so hard for the approval but I'm scared now. The unknown is so hard on me. Anyways, good luck to my fellow August sleevers, and speedy recovery for those who recently had their surgery!
  9. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from healthy2bemomof3 in OMG! I'm FREAKING out!   
    I was bad this morning! I hadn't slept well and was up reading up on the sleeve and just went on information overload! I'm a little better after my nap, I have my pre-op testing tomorrow, after which I have to start my shakes. Not looking forward to the diet but going too keep pushing through. We can definitely be sleeve buddies!
  10. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in OMG! I'm FREAKING out!   
    Ok, so I've thought about WLS on and off for years, I tried to get gastric bypass 10 years ago when I was 26, and 90lbs lighter. I went through all the requirements and got denied. I appealed and got denied again. I was upset, but I lost some weight on my own and was feeling good about myself, I then unexpectedly met my husband and I forgot about WLS. But over the years I gained weight, which wasn't an issue for my husband, but bothered me. I would talk about WLS but never really felt ready, then within the last 4 years, I've lost a lot of family and loved ones, to cancer, heart attack, or complications from their illnesses.
    I started thinking of my life and my health, I have hbp, but nothing crazy, I'm on a low dose of hbp meds, sleep apnea, and of course I'm fat. I decided I wanted to get WLS.
    So I researched and found a Dr. On the list provided by my insurance, found a Dr. I liked and my insurance had a designated center for excellence for bariatric surgery, so I felt good about my decision, started my requirements to get approval in January. Met the surgeon, Dr. Hilaro Juarez and he took his time going over my options and history. I felt good. Did my 6 month weight lost attempt, ekg, pulmonary testing, and got my family Dr's support. My paperwork was submitted on July 9, got my approval 5 days later, got my surgery date 3 days later. I'm scheduled to have surgery on August 19th, do my pre-op testing tomorrow August 5, and start my 2 week liquid pre-op diet tomorrow too.
    With that being said, I'm scared. I'm freaking out. I'm aware of the complications and everything, but I'm scared. I can't help it. My brain is going through so many scenarios and I am worried. I have been so confident with my decision up til now and with it 2 weeks away, I am so scared and don't know what to do. Anyone else have some crazy anxiety before surgery? I need some feedback, I have a great support system, which is my husband and kids, but they don't know how scared I am, and I don't feel right putting them through my fears when I know they have their own. Ok. Done spazzing out for now.
  11. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in OMG! I'm FREAKING out!   
    Ok, so I've thought about WLS on and off for years, I tried to get gastric bypass 10 years ago when I was 26, and 90lbs lighter. I went through all the requirements and got denied. I appealed and got denied again. I was upset, but I lost some weight on my own and was feeling good about myself, I then unexpectedly met my husband and I forgot about WLS. But over the years I gained weight, which wasn't an issue for my husband, but bothered me. I would talk about WLS but never really felt ready, then within the last 4 years, I've lost a lot of family and loved ones, to cancer, heart attack, or complications from their illnesses.
    I started thinking of my life and my health, I have hbp, but nothing crazy, I'm on a low dose of hbp meds, sleep apnea, and of course I'm fat. I decided I wanted to get WLS.
    So I researched and found a Dr. On the list provided by my insurance, found a Dr. I liked and my insurance had a designated center for excellence for bariatric surgery, so I felt good about my decision, started my requirements to get approval in January. Met the surgeon, Dr. Hilaro Juarez and he took his time going over my options and history. I felt good. Did my 6 month weight lost attempt, ekg, pulmonary testing, and got my family Dr's support. My paperwork was submitted on July 9, got my approval 5 days later, got my surgery date 3 days later. I'm scheduled to have surgery on August 19th, do my pre-op testing tomorrow August 5, and start my 2 week liquid pre-op diet tomorrow too.
    With that being said, I'm scared. I'm freaking out. I'm aware of the complications and everything, but I'm scared. I can't help it. My brain is going through so many scenarios and I am worried. I have been so confident with my decision up til now and with it 2 weeks away, I am so scared and don't know what to do. Anyone else have some crazy anxiety before surgery? I need some feedback, I have a great support system, which is my husband and kids, but they don't know how scared I am, and I don't feel right putting them through my fears when I know they have their own. Ok. Done spazzing out for now.
  12. Like
    gia24 reacted to SuzyB in OMG! I'm FREAKING out!   
    I think this is normal. My surgery is 6 wks out and for the majority of the time I am totally at peace about it. Then I realize how big this is. I just keep telling myself gaining my health back is more important. My Dr is very very good and I trust him. That is very important to me.
  13. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from ShrinkyDinkMe101 in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
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    gia24 got a reaction from Dee White in August 2013 Roll Call   
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    gia24 got a reaction from Sleeve Goddess in Why do some spouses seem so threatened by wls?   
    I know he loves me, I love him, we are in the process for him to formally adopt my children from a previous marriage, which he considers his own, and always treated them as if they were biologically his, and I love him for being such a great husband and father, we aren't perfect, have had our issues, but I know we have a strong marriage and communicate well, I just feel bad that he thinks just because I lose weight, that I'd stop loving him and leave him. He is a big guy, which I love, and he is very attractive. I'm happy and content and never even thought of leaving. I've been hit on as a big girl, but never thought twice of leaving him. I guess it's those stories of people who have left their spouses after wls that makes it bad for those who are happy and have no intention of leaving even when they lose their weight.
  16. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from Kathie5353 in ANY AUGUST SLEEVERS OUT THERE ?   
    My surgery date is August 19, start pre-op diet August 5, after my pre-op testing. Can't believe how fast my date is coming!
  17. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from Dee White in August 2013 Roll Call   
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    gia24 got a reaction from ThePaparazzo in Who Are You?   
  19. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from Mocha2871 in Anyone else getting sleeved in August?   
    I'm scheduled on the 19th too! Start my pre-op Monday Aug 5. Surgery is at 1AZ time, good luck!
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    gia24 reacted to SimplyDeVonte in Who Are You?   
    My name is DeVonte I'm 19 years old, currently a college student at a near by community college, My surgery date is August 21. I actually wrote my story out on the "my story" tab, that's it I guess lol.
  21. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from TwinsMama in Why do some spouses seem so threatened by wls?   
    I'm not sure about him just liking bigger woman, before we got married, he had dated all kinds of women, most of them being smaller framed women, but then.again, I was smaller too, I've always been thick, but gained weight from depression and the loss of so many close family and friends, so I'm sure it's not that. I'm no longer an emotional eater, I've dealt with that so it won't be a trigger for me.
    But we do have a plan in place, we are going to exercise together and hit the gym together and change our whole family's eating habits for healthier choices too, so there won't be any bad food in the house, so we can prevent our children from picking up bad habits and we can all learn better choices in food instead of what's quick and easy . He also feels like he should lose weight too, so I will still think he is attractive, but I've always been attracted to him, he is an amazing man, he is just having a hard time right now, it's a huge change that I'm about to make. I was just curious if this was a normal thing for spouses of wls patients.
  22. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from natynat22 in August 2013 Roll Call   
    See, I'm very honest, and blunt, I probably wouldn't have been to nice to her, I appreciate the concern but she don't know me, and sure the hell shouldn't have felt to express her opinion of what I need to do, without knowing anything about me, my life, or struggles. So yeah, I would have put her in her place very quickly and walked away. I don't have time for people like that or their unsolicited opinions.
  23. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from Dee White in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Thanks for the prayers and responses, I don't feel like a freak anymore! Lol! I was worried I was losing my mind or something. I did do a lot of research, and put in time and effort to get my approval. I knew this is something I wanted and needed. I also know it's not an easy fix, I still have to put work in, wls is a tool and it won't magically fix anything if I'm not willing to make several life changes and the way I think and feel about food, which I have. Good luck to event and I will definitely keep you guys posted!
  24. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from natynat22 in August 2013 Roll Call   
    See, I'm very honest, and blunt, I probably wouldn't have been to nice to her, I appreciate the concern but she don't know me, and sure the hell shouldn't have felt to express her opinion of what I need to do, without knowing anything about me, my life, or struggles. So yeah, I would have put her in her place very quickly and walked away. I don't have time for people like that or their unsolicited opinions.
  25. Like
    gia24 got a reaction from supbanana in August 2013 Roll Call   
    Put a countdown timer on my phone. I am so emotional, surgery is August 19, and I have days where I'm super excited and others where I'm scared. I worked really hard at getting my approval, tried 10 years ago but got denied and I was beat up by the appeal process, so I let it go. I got married again to wonderful man and lived my life but always felt like I wasn't living a quality life. So I tried again this year and finally got my approval. Start my liquid pre-op diet next Monday along with my pre-op testing, then 2 weeks till my surgery. I'm praying for no complications and for this next few weeks to fly by! Anyone else feeling emotional, and all over the place?

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