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Patti K

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Patti K

  1. Patti K

    July 31 sleevers

    I started today too....and my nephew is making a freaking pizza as we speak. Lol. I did a liquid diet 2 weeks ago for 5 days and it was easier than today! My surgeon told me to do4 weeks but the hospital said no more than 3 (he is new to the program) so I had to stop and start over. Killing me right now!!!!
  2. The ipad is probably the mobile version also. Gonna start a July 31st thread. Comment on it if u want to be friended. I will go on my work computer later today to friend....
  3. July 31st-ers, Please friend me (I use VST mobile which doesnt allow me to friend) so that we can support each other as we begin the journey at the same time. I am really getting nervous. I know I am ready but I also know its gonna hurt!!!! Lol
  4. Patti K

    Pre Op Diet Disaster

    Personally, i see what you did not as a "maybe you are not ready" but your mind's fear that u may fail even with the sleeve so u made tourself fail. We do this to ourselves, we expect to fail so we DO since we know it is inevitable anyway. Just collect yourself, start again, and again, and again. You only fail when you do not get right back up after a fall. You will have these moments after the surgery too. Do you give up and say "I screwed up so I suck and I can't do it!" NO! You try again. And again. Think of how many times celebrities reinvet themselves after a fall from fame. You can always start again!!!
  5. So I am tryin this liquid diet the surgeon said would be BEST at 4 weeks. On here most people said the first four days were the worst. I am on day 3 and found it bearable. Sat and watched people eat and everything...until my bf and his nephew just ate dinner. It hit me and I actually wanted to cry. 24 more days of this? This is torture. Why couldn't I get the diets I read on here where I get to eat a sensible dinner??? This is going to be a long 24 days....
  6. Patti K


    Thanks for the words of encouragement. The Doc said that the program does a minimum 2 week liquid diet (to be started the day of PAT because they do that 2 wks before, but he said that in my case (I guess because of my size -currently 429 before liquids) that 3 weeks woyld be better and 4 weeks would be best. I also am not giving myself the option of cheating. This post was my diversion to not focus on the meal my bf prepared for his nephew and himself. Thanks for helping me through!
  7. Patti K

    July 2013 sleevers

    My bf and his nephew wanted to do the LD with me but i told them no. They shouldnt suffer for me. Their best support is making all the foods they eat that I hate! Lol
  8. Patti K

    Ohio Sleeve patients?

    I am at St Vincents too!!! We should be buddies! My date is the 31st. Do u have Dr Hassan or the other Dr.? I ofc have Hassan because I cannot think of the other guys name! Lol.
  9. Buckeyefan, mine is the 31st too. Are u a Buckeye? I am having mine in Cleveland at St Vincents. Where r u?
  10. I started my liquid diet early and felt day 1 was ok but day 2 was horrible. I am still eating today (ajuly 4th) because the fam planned a big deal for what was supposed to be my last day of food for 6 weeks! Lol. My "last meal" will be a steak. Tomorrow I am back on the liquids. I didn't have money for protein shake stuff so I am just doing skim milk am/lunch/pm and juices and diet gold peak tea for caffeine. And water water water! Chicken broth in the evening to quell the hunger pangs for better sleep. In two days I lost 10 lbs! Back on it tomorrow though for the long haul! July 31st needs to come soon! Still waffling between excitement and fear...but I feel like I am getting things together so As I get stuff done I will be more calm.
  11. July 31st. I was given a 2 week minimum pre-op liquid diet but I am going to start July 5th cuz the doc said 3-4 weeks would be best. I go back and forth between excited and scared. I need buddies still so friend me! Inalready bought some liquids like V8 but need to find a good protein powder and liquid vitamin. I found centrum but need to go to vitamin world.
  12. Patti K

    July 2013 sleevers

    I hve considered blogging but my bf hates when I talk about him because he is uber-private :-(
  13. Patti K

    July 2013 sleevers

    My insurance approved me in less than 5 days, once the hoops were jumped with my hospital's program for what they required. Then my surgeon left and a new one came in so we had to resubmit and they are taking longer. I got my date because they knew it would be approved since it already was.
  14. Patti K

    Ohio Sleeve patients?

    Hey Ohio-ers. I got July 31st at St Vincent's in Cleve!
  15. Patti K

    July 2013 sleevers

    July 31st! I finally got the date and it is STILL in July! Woot woot!
  16. To be comfortable at concerts (walking around, sitting in the seats, etc....
  17. A month ago I applied for a new position within my company it is a few steps higher than where I am but I qualify for it based on my newly achieved bachelors degree however the I finally got called for an interview I will be interviewing and they are saying they want to fill the position quickly which usually means it's a busy position and they can't afford to have it take it for long with this in mind I am worried about telling them about my surgery which Should be getting scheduled for the end of July early August do I tell or do I wait I am worried that if I tell it also have a time's my chances of possibly doubling my income
  18. Patti K

    To tell or not to tell

    Well, i get up to 13 weeks paid through my company's short term disability. If I dont get the job I am taking every bit because I am not liking my current position (I am used and abused) but if I do get it I probably will only need 3 weeks...
  19. Patti K

    To tell or not to tell

    I am using talk to text so some things are unclear I did not mean that it needed to be taken long but that they would not want it to be vacant for long
  20. So I figured out why I am getting wls today. I decided to take my nephew to McDonalds for a treat today. I order a steak biscuit meal. It is what I am really wanting. But then I think about the last time I had one and the steak was grissly and the egg wasnt cooked. So then I think well I really want it but if its gross I wont have anything to eat. So I order a bacon and cheese biscuit (cuz I really hate their muffins) as a just in case measure. Then I eat the steak biscuit and it is perfect. No grissle, no yuck at all. NOW my kind reels. I spent that extra money on that sandwich. It wont be good later and it will be a waste. I was raised to never waste food and this is the worst thing I go through in regards to my weight. I HAVE to eat it. I think of those starving children in Africa that my mom always warned me about but never sent my food to (trust me, I told her she could) and I HAVE to eat it. It doesnt taste good now because I am not really hungry and I am only eating out of guilt, but i eat it nonetheless. I am getting weight loss surgery to combat the crazy going on in my head. I KNOW i cant eat two sandwiches. I will probably only order a piece of sausage and a smoothie. And it will be heaven to enjoy my food without guilt for once!
  21. Patti K

    Why I am getting WLS

    I believe a journey has good days and bad. This is just a bad day. I enjoy good food, but I also had drilled into me to avoid wasting. I think that there is a lot of people living the mind-struggle I do everyday. My post will inspire someone to know you can't and shouldn't expect perfection from yourself or anyone. We all have our own demons to face. A year from now i will be posting post-op success pics and everyone will see that my tool did help me overcome my mind!

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