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Patti K

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Patti K

  1. Patti K

    july 2013 sleevers

    Ditto for the 31st
  2. Patti K

    july 2013 sleevers

    Welcome! I am a 31st-er too!!!!! Friend me and we can follow each other's progress
  3. Patti K

    july 2013 sleevers

    Good luck Annie!!!! Praying for a smooth transition from ild u to new!!!!
  4. Good luck all! Can't believe I am only ten days away!
  5. Well, here I am! I am waiting for the secretary but already passed the breathing tests! I have to practice blowing out with that contraption they gave my mom got when she was diagnosed woth COPD. Just waiting for the rest of the day to go just as smoothly!!!
  6. Patti K

    Pre-admission testing

    I hope so!!! I am ready!
  7. Hello, all. New here, obviously. I am in the process of getting scheduled and seeking some support. This is kind of an assignment because i live 70 minutes from my hospital and my psych eval said I dont feel like I have a strong support system and my counselor said I need a support group but I live in a rural area. I am 432 right now and hoping for the best because I have forgotten what it feels like to walk pain free and walk iin oublic without feeling like all eyes are on me. I am a food addict. I worry about post-op complications and how much extra skin I will have to deal with. I would like to get some info from people who have been sleeved. What is the best thing? What's the worst? And anyone who wants to answer...why did you do it?
  8. Patti K

    Seeking support

    Please add me as a friend. Like I have explained I use the mobile app and have not foud a way to do it. I will update my subscribed threads on my progress: July 31 sleevers, July 2013 sleevers, and seekig support. Prepare to be amazed! Lol
  9. Patti K

    July 31 sleevers

    I know it! I have so much going on that I am all over the place too! I am on liquids now and trying to get my house together before I go in the hospital (my hospital's program is straigh two nights and two days after surgery day). I am also helping my bf try to gain custody pf his nephew and going through a time at work! I certainly went to Red Lobster before starting the liquid diet! Enjoy your cheesecake!
  10. Patti K

    Seeking support

    On the internet site if u go to a person's profile page it gives u the option. I haven't found a way to do it on mobile yet.
  11. Patti K

    july 2013 sleevers

    I am July 31st and i have already bought my sippy cups and kids utensils (tip from my hospital), i have everything I need for my hospital bag and am considering packing now. I am ordering these protein fruit drinks from my NUT in the hospital after sirgery that we tried on PAT day. I am gonna ask her to bring me samples again after surgery to see if my taste for them changed. I just have to clean my house still with a good once over and go pay for the scrips they called over. 11 days to go!
  12. Patti K

    July 31 sleevers

    My bf expects me to cook for him and run and get him food in the drive theu during my liquid diet...AFTER he said he would do it with me cuz he couldnt bear to eat in front of me. Actions are louder than words! He sees nothing wrong with making me smell and handle food. He refuses to eat what his nephew makes. Grrrrrrrr
  13. Patti K

    Pre-admission testing

    Actually I just found out today I get to see LK!!! I can do bowel prep the day prior and just remain onclear liquids the day of LK! Yes!!!
  14. Patti K

    July 31 sleevers

    Then I dont see why not!!! Take it easy and dont try and eat to much! I will have to wait for my Keys visit til I have mastered the sleeve because I only know where to find conch fritters and Angie's pizza down there! And Caroline's. yum! But it would be nice to go and want to do things other than food! I did do a dolphin tour once. Next time I will be thin enough to snorkel (the gettig in and out of the boat was an issue at my weight so I didnt try)
  15. Patti K

    July 31 sleevers

    Are you driving? My doc's office said no driving for two weeks. Otherwise it would all depend on how YOU feel. I LOVE the Keys! I have been to Key West twice. I could SO live there
  16. Patti K

    july 2013 sleevers

    Corina, I am the opposite...my mom and sis are all for it but my bf (who suffers from severe anxiety) doesnt want me to and he is always theeatening that he is going to call the hospital and tell them I am not following their rules or that I am taking steroids so they will stop the surgery. Lol I just laugh him off and say GLAD there ate HIPPA laws! The hospital cannot even tell you I am a patient there!
  17. I just looked it up and the partial gastrectomy that is discussed as having a higher liklihood of getting pancreatic cancer is the kind tht is done to relieve peptic ulcers. The stomach is cut differently and the duodenum is affected, unlike vsg. Also, peptic ulcers could ACTUALLY be the causal factor and the surgery's invasiveness could have accelerated the issue. Not related to vsg imho. My bff's mom died f pancreatic cancer and her doctor specifically said it was probably due to her smoking....
  18. Patti K

    July 31 sleevers

    I am eating 3-4 protein shakes a day, one or twp V8s, liquid vitamin, and at lunch I have either a soup-in-hand tomato soup or beef broth.
  19. Patti K

    Seeking support

    Hey I am the 31st so friend me and we will do this together!
  20. Patti K

    July 31 sleevers

    I suffered headaches today and this was sucha stressful day. Normally I would eat through it. I did have a push-pop but hey that is liquid right? I did not have time to intake enough protein and if I only had a push-pop after today then I think I dis pretty good! Also I got new soft sheets I bought in the mail today so I destressing on super awesome sheets....mmmm. Almost makes up for no solid food....ALMOST! Lol
  21. Patti K

    July 31 sleevers

    Lol no kidding! I thought the same thing last night! And I was watching Property Brothers. Where were my non-edible Home Depot Commercial? Lol. I am now on Day 2 and my stomach is actually growling (which it never did when I did the 5 days of liquids) and I have a headache. BUT I am about to have my period too anyday so wonder if that makes a difference?

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