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Everything posted by stacechase

  1. stacechase

    My first post

    Aww, thanks! No apology necessary!
  2. stacechase

    My first post

    Welcome! I'm relatively new too, and only two people responded to my newbie post, LOL, so I wanted to make sure and say hello! I am approved for insurance-covered surgery on August 19 (can't come soon enough!) and right now am trying very hard (very, very hard) to eat better and do daily exercise so I'm in the best shape I can be before the surgery. Feel free to contact me directly if you ever want to talk or need support! Congrats on starting the process!
  3. Thank you so much for the suggestion! I'm going to be busy with lots of homework now!
  4. I'm having mine done on August 19th, and an incredibly excited! I'm trying to be better about my eating (a big step for me, as I love junk food) and today when I realized I needed groceries, I put on the brand new walking shoes I bought yesterday, threw on my backpack, and walked a mile to the store! Whatever I purchased, I carried home on my back or in a bag. In this crazy heat, the sweat ran like rain, my friend! LOL! Anyway, eating better and going to try to walk 45 min (at least) 5 days a week. I'm new to the site and would love some new friends to go through the process with too! Good luck!
  5. Ohhhh, GURL, it will hit fast and without warning! Stay by the porcelain throne with some breaks inbetween to watch Breaking Amish or whatever ridiculous show is currently marathoning on TLC. I had to take this stuff when I had an ovary/ovarian cyst removed in March, and it will most definitely work! Good luck!
  6. Thank you so much, Misty! I'll check it out!
  7. stacechase

    Before Photo.jpg

    From the album: Me!

    Spring 2013...can't wait to be sleeved on 8/19/2013!
  8. stacechase

    Pug Life

    From the album: Cupcakes I've Decorated!

  9. stacechase


    From the album: Cupcakes I've Decorated!

  10. stacechase

    Purple Roses

    From the album: Cupcakes I've Decorated!

  11. stacechase

    Yay Summer!

    From the album: Cupcakes I've Decorated!

  12. stacechase


    From the album: Cupcakes I've Decorated!

  13. stacechase

    Marge Simpson

    From the album: Cupcakes I've Decorated!

    Did this one for Mother's Day! She is one of the coolest moms ever, after all.
  14. stacechase


    From the album: Cupcakes I've Decorated!

    Composed of lots of tiny dots of color! It took me a long time, haha!
  15. stacechase

    I wish I hadn't seen this forum....

    I can completely understand your fear, and I am going to be sleeved on August 19. However, I choose to look at all of the AMAZING before-and-after photos that people post on this site, they are SO motivating and really inspirational! As with any major surgery, there is always the risk of complications. Even people that follow orders precisely can have difficulties. Try to read more of the success stories on the site—trust me, they're fantastic!—and remember that it was easy to get ourselves into this situation, and getting out of it won't be! But the results in the long run—being able to do things you aren't currently able to, keep up with friends and family, be healthy and live an even better life—are worth it. Good luck to you!
  16. stacechase

    One year anniversary

    You look FANTASTIC! What a wonderful, encouraging thing to see...my surgery is scheduled for August 19. I am so excited and seeing how much this surgery has changed lives is a tremendous motivator. Keep up the amazing work! BTW, you say you want to be "softly ripped"...I love it! Today I watched a concert of Beyonce on TV and was like, "I think I wanna be Beyonce." LOL!
  17. stacechase

    August 2013 Roll Call

    I am also approved and scheduled for August 19! So excited!
  18. stacechase

    New to this...

    Hi there, and welcome! I'm new also, and have my surgery set for August 19 (just got approved by insurance last Friday, yay!) I don't know that I will be able to be much help at the moment, but I am always happy to meet someone new.
  19. stacechase

    1 week away from surgery!

    How exciting!! I know that it'll be a challenge (as it will be for me when I have the surgery), but it sounds like you have the right mindset, focusing on the long-term benefits instead of the short-term difficulties. Good luck with everything!
  20. stacechase

    The look

    When someone I don't care to speak with about the subject asks "How much have you lost", I say "Not enough." That usually gives them the hint I"m not getting into specifics with them. Genius, Hathery!!! Love it!
  21. stacechase

    New around here :)

    Welcome! I'm pretty new around here too, hoping to have my surgery in August. You'll find some great info around here!
  22. stacechase

    Fear of dating after major weight loss

    What a great topic. Thanks for being brave and sharing your feelings. I completely understand what you mean. I don't date much, and have only had one long-term relationship in my life (from ages 20-22, I'm 32 now). Every rejection I get, I automatically attribute to my weight. Ever since I was a child, I've thought I was fat (and, of course, looking back at photos now, I realize I wasn't). I am hoping to get my surgery in August of this year, and I too am very afraid of dating and the idea that suddenly men might be interested in me...might even FLIRT with me...more than before, and because of my weight loss. (I realize that some people say that because you have a better attitude when you lose weight, that can attract more men to you, but I don't necessarily believe that's true). I hold a lot of anger toward men my age in general, and I know it's wrong. It's something I absolutely have to work out in therapy. I know they aren't all bad, but I have had some pretty terrible experiences. I'm the same person inside, and it makes me furious to think that I may finally be "given a chance" just because my body has changed. I'm sorry that I don't have any advice for you, because I feel the same way that you do! I just wanted to chime in and let you know that I totally get where you're coming from (although you are very, very lucky to have what sounds like such a supportive boyfriend/best friend with you already!) I guess if your current relationship is a good one, try not to think about the "what ifs" -- after all, lots of things (including your mindset) may have changed by then. Good luck, and again, thanks for sharing.

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