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Everything posted by stacechase

  1. stacechase

    I know its a compliment but still

    The other day my THERAPIST (of all people) fed me the most hated non-compliment a fat woman could ever hear: "You have such a pretty face." Coupled with the gem, "You'll be so attractive when you lose weight," I let her know right then and there to NEVER say that to an overweight person again. Good Lord. Anyway, I feel you, Heyher! Some people just don't know how to say things tactfully although they mean well. Funny how weight loss also brings with it some frustrating social scenarios!
  2. So, the oddest thing is happening lately...I'm noticing lots of new hair "sprouts" along my hairline! I have super fine hair and I know that when the inevitable 3-month hair loss hits after surgery, I'll likely have to rock the short hair, which is no problem. However, for the past week and a half or so, I have been going cray with lots of Protein and noticed that my nails have grown incredibly fast and I'm getting some new fuzzy little hair chutes, LOL! Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I guess I never realized how protein-deficient my diet was! This gives me hope that even though I will likely have hair loss from the surgery, maybe in the long run, now that I have to consume 60-80 gms of protein a day, that my hair will eventually be thicker than it is now!
  3. stacechase

    Hate working out!

    Treadmills can be a little tedious sometimes! Walking outside at a nice park or in your neighborhood can be much more fun, especially if you have a friend with you! I've been pleasantly surprised with how many friends of mine jump at the chance to go on walks with me when I suggest I'm going on one. Maybe see if any of your friends want to set up weekly walk dates? Something about being in the fresh air is really rewarding too...and definitely a better smell than the gym! Besides that, I am not the biggest fan of exercise too, but you know what? I've been doing the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred workout DVD every morning before work. I have made it a part of my routine...get up, do the workout, shower, make a shake, head out the door...it's just a part of my life now! Plus it's only 20 minutes and I am DRIPPING sweat when I'm done...damn that Jillian Michaels! She gets results but I hate her at the same time! And I always feel great when I'm done exercising...proud of myself for doing something good for my body and my health. Keep at it and try different things, don't give up! Exercise isn't an option anymore...it's a requirement. Good luck!
  4. stacechase

    New hair growth PRE-surgery!

    Interesting! It makes sense about the small amount of nutrients post-op. I have no doubt that I will experience hair loss due to surgery at some point, and I'm cool with that. Just found it weird that there seems to be new growth right now, and I feel like it has to do with all of the protein!
  5. I just had to share the MAJOR pre-op NSV I accomplished this weekend! For the record, I'm having my surgery in exactly 2 weeks (8/19) and am starting my full liquid pre-op diet tomorrow. About a week and a half ago I watched a great food documentary (it's call "Hungry for Change" and is available on Netflix streaming, highly recommended!) and something just clicked. I decided to change everything, right then. I put on my shoes and went for a several-mile walk that night after watching it, and have been dedicated to eating healthy, no snacking, lots of Water & Protein, and daily exercise. Even bought a juicer and am making fresh green juice in the morning for myself for breakfast! Fast forward to this past weekend: I had planned a trip to Disneyland several months back as a "last hurrah" before surgery. Disneyland is my most favorite place ever. I go about every other month. Of course, one of the things I love most about the park is the FOOD. I would plan my whole vacation around what I "had" to eat. I am a huge sugar fanatic, so usually this was churros, ice cream, candy, etc...although my meal choices were also decidedly unhealthy. I was EXTREMELY anxious about this trip because I had committed to my lifestyle change and this was like going into the belly of the beast! I met with my therapist before my trip and we created a mantra for me whenever I was feeling anxious at the park: "Disneyland is still fun without food." Anyway, here I am, sitting in the airport ready to fly home—and I am so proud to say that I didn't have so much as a SINGLE BITE of sweets or treats this WHOLE trip!! I brought Protein Bars & shakes with me and treated myself to one healthy meal in the parks per day (had some pretty amazing salads!) I didn't snack at all in between and drank lots of water. I am really proud of myself, and this was not easy by any means! However, it was all worth it knowing that I have given myself the confidence to enter into the pre-op diet...if I can survive without any cheating at my favorite place, I know that I have no excuse to cheat while at home. Just wanted to share, and for all of my fellow pre-ops, I promise you that if you start developing these kinds of healthy habits & challenging yourself to make permanent changes before surgery, it will be a tremendous confidence booster and constant reminder that YOU CAN DO THIS! Have a great day, everyone!
  6. Thank so much, lady! I know, I'm VERY lucky! My Annual Pass absolutely pays for itself since I go so often. Avoiding all of the yummy treats was hard...especially since everything SMELLS so good and it wafts everywhere, haha...but I'm proud that I was able to do it! I started my liquid diet this morning and it's nice to go into it with that increased confidence.
  7. Wow!! You look younger AND so happy -- almost glowing! Congrats and great job!
  8. Wowza! What a story and kudos on your perseverance! Wishing you the best on your much-deserved surgery.
  9. I've heard great things about these! Haven't tried them yet. Apparently we sometimes get them at work (Google) in the snack section but we don't get very many I'm told, and then they're all gone! I love peanut butter, do they have additional flavors?
  10. stacechase

    Why is this forum even here?

    Alex clarified what the dots mean earlier in the thread. It's good to read the thread all the way through before you post a question.
  11. Thank you so much! I hope so!
  12. stacechase

    One Year!

    You look PHENOMENAL!! Your hard work has absolutely paid off! Congrats!
  13. stacechase

    The fittest city

    Yay! Did you have a good experience? I like him. Just went in to sign all of the consent paperwork and pick up that scrumptious liquid diet on Thursday. Will be starting it on Tuesday for 2 weeks until my surgery on the 19th!
  14. stacechase

    The fittest city

    Guuuurl, I used to work in LG...that's a tough place to not be "yuppie perfect". I feel your pain!
  15. stacechase

    The fittest city

    I live in the Bay Area, and am not surprised to see San Francisco and San Jose on the list! Seems like everyone I meet is either training for a marathon or is super into biking. Laura-ven is right, with such great year-round weather and so many beautiful natural areas to exercise, the Bay Area seems like the perfect place to get--and stay--fit. Now if only I wasn't paying astronomical rent.
  16. I'm with you! My surgery is on the 19th so I'll be starting my pre-op diet on Tuesday. I've been getting prepared by having a liquid Breakfast (I started juicing) and a Protein shake for lunch, so hopefully it will be easier to do all liquids when the time comes! Good luck to all of us!
  17. This is probably pretty boring, but see if they have won ton soup or egg drop soup! Those are tasty!
  18. stacechase


  19. stacechase

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I'm very new to the app, but my username is stacechase
  20. stacechase

    6wks post surgery!

    OMG! You look amazing!! Great job, I'm sure it took a lot of hard work!
  21. stacechase

    Me And Po

    From the album: My Life!

  22. From the album: Me!

    Love this necklace I picked up at Tokyo Disneyland!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
