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Everything posted by stacechase

  1. stacechase

    Day 4 Post-Op!

    Sounds like you are on the right track! Great job, keep it up!
  2. Congrats! That's a great NSV -- one that shows how much you've improved your overall health. And if that's your dog in your profile picture, he/she is ADORBS!!
  3. stacechase

    Does it really matter?

    I feel like posts like this only stir the pot and invite drama, even if they're not meant to. By saying there are certain people who are judgmental/harsh on certain occasions, but then not providing examples, it just creates more confusion—who does she mean? What post is she referring to? Could it be ME? I'm not saying that there aren't people on this site that seem to be quick to jump in and offer their (strong) opinions readily. That absolutely happens, and in the short few months I have been a part of this site, I already know whose opinions to take with a grain of salt. It's a personal thing, of course. I totally understand that some people can be a bit harsh and that WLS is a very emotional process for all of us here, and we should be respectful of that and craft our responses with care and consideration of the feelings of others. However, I for one don't particularly have much sympathy for people who pop on and start posts about how they're cheating on their pre-op diet (you have your instructions, and those instructions need to be followed for your own health and safety) or people who complain because they're feeling pain after eating Flamin' Hot Cheetos 5 days post-op (come on, really!?) In most cases, I just tend to keep on scrollin'...or even better, I go over to the Recipe Sharing board which is SO MUCH FUN to browse and so very useful! (Um, I'm on Day 5 of 10 of my pre-op liquid diet...can you tell that I'm HUNGRY!? )
  4. This thread is amazing! SO useful, thank you!!
  5. stacechase

    Non believers

    This is an agnostic/atheist sub-forum, and there are also other religious sub-forums on this site. Faith and/or personal belief systems play a large role in the weight loss process for many people, and that's why these boards are here. So people can discuss their thoughts/feelings with others and how they influence their weight loss experiences.
  6. stacechase

    Non believers

    Thanks for the thread, Butter, and very well-said, Gamergirl. I consider myself an atheist. When I was younger, I was much more anti-organized religion, and as I've aged, I've become much more tolerant. Live and let live, just don't try to push your beliefs on me, and I won't do it to you. My choice has not played any part in my lifelong struggle with weight nor does it play a choice in my current dedication to a healthier lifestyle. I have made the decision because it's the smart one to make, it's for my health, and I attribute my strength in staying the course to no one other than myself and my own hard work and perseverance. Butter, like you, I also tend to have adverse reactions to authority. I prefer to live by rules that make the most sense for me, and don't react well to having to operate under the rule system of others. It has made me stubborn, but strong. The hardest thing for me is battling with my own brain—the large part of me that knows I need to become healthy, wants to make major changes, is often silenced by the bossy, stubborn part of my brain that tells me to "eat whatever you want and feel happy." I'm just now realizing that food does not equal happiness...and that's a conclusion that I am proud to say came from my own noggin...no credit to a "higher power" needed.
  7. stacechase

    August 19th

    You can do it! My surgery is on August 19th also. Today is Day 5 of my all-liquid, OptiFast diet. It does get easier after the first 3 days. Incorporate some exercise in as well if you can, like long walks...I've found that it curbs my appetite.
  8. stacechase

    "Hair" Today, Gone Tomorrow...

    My surgery is on August 19th, and I have fine hair as it is...so I just had it all cut off yesterday, and I'm rocking it! (See profile pic!) I'm ready for this! Game on, LOL!
  9. stacechase

    So....did ya cheat any?

    I am on Day 4 out of 10 of my all-liquid pre-op diet, and have not cheated once, thought about it, or will. This may sound harsh, but if you can't follow pre-op instructions, how can you expect yourself to adhere to the lifestyle changes you have to make for the rest of your life? What my doctor says goes, no questions asked, and I know I'm setting myself up for success. Plus, every day I succeed on this diet by not cheating, it gives me the confidence I'll need for post-surgery challenges.
  10. stacechase

    Just had the GS...excited!

    Welcome! You'll find a lot of great information & support on this site. So glad your recovery is becoming easier!
  11. stacechase


    You look fantastic!! Awesome job!
  12. stacechase

    Urgency Eating!

    I think that happens to many people! It happened to me. Then, the strangest thing happened...about 3 weeks ago (and my surgery is scheduled for August 19, by the way), I randomly decided to watch this food documentary that looked interesting on Netflix called "Hungry for Change." It was the first time ever that I felt like something really clicked about the changes I had to make. About how my body deserved so much more than what I was giving it, both nutritionally and in lack of activity. I put on my walking shoes right away and haven't looked back since, working out every day and eating right. (Well, I'm currently on my liquid diet, but when I was chewing, I was eating responsibly! HA!) I guess my advice is that you realize that everything post-surgery will be easier if you start developing healthy habits now. You've made the decision for surgery because you care about yourself and your health...don't wait until you HAVE the surgery to show your body some thanks and start treating it better now. You're worth it!
  13. So many! I love Disney, and they have some amazing half marathons that I really want to participate in. There's one run that is 10 miles and is villain themed, and you run at night! I'd also just love to ride around on a cruiser bike and enjoy biking around town to run errands. And I've always wanted to take up boxing! Can't wait to start.
  14. You look great!! Congrats on your success! I have a sneaking suspicion with how much I have to lose, I will eventually need plastics, and this is really informative. Thanks!
  15. stacechase

    Sleevers by profession.

    Hahaha, yay! Glad to hear it!
  16. stacechase

    Sleevers by profession.

    I work for Google as a Writer/Editor. Currently working on Google's new version of maps where you can see which restaurants & attractions are around you to choose where to go!
  17. stacechase


    LOL, pureed is the part that sounds the worst to me too! I am currently on Day 2 of my liquid diet, and sure, I'm hungry, but it's nothing I can't handle. However...the thought of purees is so gross, haha...I REFUSE TO DRINK CHICKEN! Haha!
  18. stacechase

    Clothing exchange/sale site?

    You should try Poshmark! It's an app that basically allows you to make a virtual closet and people and browse and buy. It's pretty cool!
  19. stacechase

    10 months post op down 146!

    You look amazing! You may notice the loose skin, but I promise you it doesn't translate in photos. Great job!!!
  20. Well, I haven't had my surgery yet (8/19) but I really like my doctor so far, Dr. Marc Zare in San Jose, CA, and I believe a few other people on this site have used him as well! He operates out of Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose and El Camino Hopsital in Mountain View.
  21. stacechase

    selfie update

    Chippendale's called...the bow tie you ordered came in. Great job!!! You look fantastic.

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