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Everything posted by stacechase

  1. stacechase

    I did my first 5K today!

    That is AMAZING!! Congratulations!!! I want to do some runs in the future too!
  2. Had my 2-week post-op appointment today, and I'm feeling great! Still sore at my two major incision sites (man, I miss sleeping on my stomach!) but besides that, I'm taking multiple-mile walks a day and following the diet prescribed by my surgeon. He was SUPER impressed with the fact that I've lost 5% of my BMI since the start of this process, woo hoo! I took a new photo of me (and my happy, I've-lost-34-lbs-since-July-26 smile) and loved how much my face has changed since the start of my pre-op diet. Just wanted to share this small victory, and encourage everyone to follow their surgeon's plan, get plenty of exercise, and remember to stop and enjoy the little victories along the way! Have a great Labor Day, everyone!
  3. stacechase


    Wow, that's awesome! Amazing job! Hope to be as successful as you one year out!
  4. stacechase

    Severe back pain

    I was sleeved on 8/19, and absolutely had horrible back pain from about day 4 post-op to about a week out. The center of gravity thing is something I never considered! It could also have been spending a lot of time in one or two positions in the hospital bed that were comfortable (I was there for 3 days). Know that it WILL get better! Mine is gone now! Hang in there!
  5. stacechase

    When is a goal too excessive?

    Actually, it's something that's true, which it why people say it. I know that I'm fat, but I also know that at my lowest (and unhealthy) weight at about a size 8, my calves are still so big that I can't wear tall boots, even the ones for "larger calves." So it's not just something "fat people say to make themselves feel less fat."
  6. stacechase

    Height, weight and loss

    My stats are in my ticker as well...but since you can't see the ticker on mobile (at least I can't!), here they are: Sleeved on 8/19/13 Highest weight: About 305 Pre-op weight: 287 Current weight: 260 Height: 5'7"
  7. stacechase


    I had a hankering for sushi last night...so I bought some tuna & avocado sushi, got home, and popped the filling out of the roll and tossed all the rice! Didn't miss it at all!
  8. stacechase

    Clothing sizes?

    I'm about 3 weeks post-op, and my weight loss (including pre-op) is 40 lbs. I have found that I've only lost one size as well! I'm just enjoying being able to wear things that were crazy uncomfortable before, like jeans. We'll be dropping sizes in no time!
  9. stacechase

    Bay Area CA support groups?

    There's a monthly support group at El Camino Hospital in Mountain View that is the second Thursday of each month from 6-7:30pm!
  10. stacechase


    BAHAHAHA! So true! That's one sketchy scooter.
  11. stacechase


  12. stacechase

    Dry skin

    I've noticed this too! (Sleeved 8/19). I especially notice it on my hands!
  13. stacechase

    Books to help on this journey

    This link should help! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/85547-good-books-for-the-emotional-aspects-of-post-surgery/
  14. I have half a Dannon Light & Fit Greek yogurt usually! Or some Cream of Wheat with a blob of sugar-free strawberry preserves. You could also have applesauce or low fat cottage cheese! Not too exciting, but some options nonetheless! (I'm currently on purées too!)
  15. LOLOL @ "who dat iz"!!!! Love it! Thanks for the positive words, sleeve sister! As you know...us August 19th chicks are just gettin' started. #turnup
  16. stacechase

    Post op hunger

    I was sleeved on August 19, and I've had hunger pretty regularly. However, it's not the "I-have-to-have-a-huge-meal-right-now" hunger I used to have pre-surgery...although I think sipping on a Protein shake throughout the day helps that! My primary issue with food pre-op was eating when I was bored, not necessarily hungry. Now that I'm on purées and it takes me about an hour to eat 3 Tbsp., mealtime is no longer something I look forward to. Not because I don't like the flavors (I am so digging egg salad right now), but because of how long it takes and how even a slightly too-big bite can cause pain, it's just something I have to do rather than wanting to, if that makes sense.
  17. stacechase


    Congrats to all of you soon-to-be sleevers! I won't lie to you -- it will be pretty hard the first few days as you get rid of the gas, etc -- so use that pain pump like it's going out of style! After that, you'll feel better every day...I sure do! Time to take charge of your health and kudos to you for doing just that! Best wishes for a smooth surgery and recovery.
  18. Thanks so much, Tina! Good luck on the pre-op diet, you can do it!! I know it can be tough, but remember that it's to make your surgery more smooth (my surgery went great!) and that you are WORTH the awesome feeling of success that you will have!
  19. Thank you so much! I feel great too, which is the most important thing, I think!
  20. stacechase

    What's for dinner?

    I'm still on puréed foods, so my meals are rather uninteresting! However, if you have Pinterest, feel free to check out my board of Healthy Chow for some ideas! Hope it helps! http://m.pinterest.com/stacechase/healthy-chow/
  21. stacechase

    Bites per min?

    I bought some rad toddler spoons (haha) and I eat 2 Tbsp of my puréed food. It takes me about 45 minutes to eat the 2 Tbsp without any discomfort (any faster and I get the infamous chest pain that signals me to slow down!)
  22. stacechase

    So Stripey.

    From the album: Me!

    Always have to thank the Cat Eye Liner gods for an even application.
  23. stacechase

    I say screw you Lululemon

    Wow...I've always been jealous of my friends who seem to live in Lululemon...that's disappointing! Unfortunately, these companies can size things how they want. If being a size 12 is considered and XL, then I guess my goal is to be XL! Ha! I do think that their whole brand is targeted at a luxury clientele that does a little yoga inbetween lunching with the ladies and redecorating the beach house...(snark alert, haha)...it kinda reminds me of Abercrombie only going up to a certain size because they only want their clothes on a certain body type. A shame, for sure...and stupid, if you ask me! It ignores a whole other consumer set and their money...which functions the same no matter what size you are.
  24. stacechase

    Reaction From The Men In Your Life

    Well, I don't have a lot of men in my life, hahah...however, I don't think my dad is too pleased with my decision. I know he loves me to death, and I think he just sees me as beautiful as I am, and doesn't understand my need to have such a drastic surgery. I discussed this with my mom, and she said that she hasn't talked about my surgery much with my dad, but she make a good point: he's always been really thin, and can eat whatever he wants. She noted that often, people like that have no idea what it's like to have a life-long struggle with weight, so they probably wouldn't understand the desire for the surgery. Other than my dad, I have had a few close male friends who were more concerned for my safety (and loved eating big meals with me, LOL) that seemed a bit down, but they were still supportive and want me to be happy. I do think there's a difference in the reactions of my girl friends and my guy friends about my decision for sure!

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