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Baby doll

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Baby doll

  1. Baby doll

    May 29th Sleevers -UNITE! Ha!

    Only nervous about getting too skinny lol
  2. Baby doll

    May 29th Sleevers -UNITE! Ha!

    I am, nervous and excited.
  3. Baby doll

    Bahama Cruise 2012

    Bahama Cruise Aug 2012, weight 245 lb
  4. Baby doll

    bahama trip 2012 068

    From the album: Bahama Cruise 2012

    Bahama Cruise Aug 2012, weighted 245 lb. I look bigger because I'm 5'3.
  5. Baby doll

    Aug 2012, 245lb

    Bahama Cruise Aug 2012

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
