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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ivoryowl

  1. I have had no problems with recovery. Totally text book, a little pulling type pain the first couple of days that was it. It's been 3 weeks eating softer type food, vegetables well cooked and chewing everything well. So far no problems with any food. I am trying to follow the rules.
  2. Had my surgery Mon Sept 30th went home tues Oct 1st in after noon , had leak test, made sure I could drink and go to the restroom then I could go home.
  3. Not a May sleever, But frustrated, had surgery Sept 30th, before surgery weight was 407, then on clear liquids till 1 saw doc for 1week check up,weighed in at 410. I cried. After 6 months of pre op, surgery and then to have gained . I know scale could be off, water weight , la la la. it still sucks.
  4. Had my sleeve done yesterday I did great everybody was surprised I was up and getting around last night . This morning they did the leak test, I passed with flying colors. If I can get my fluids in I could go home tonight . If not tomorrow.
  5. Ivoryowl

    on my way

    Thanks, surgery went good. I'm getting the leak test in the morning yea ! Can't have anything by mouth yet and would kill for ice chips. Walking around the room to help with gas. They used glue instead of stitches, No drain also. Pain meds are working and I am going to sleep.
  6. On my way to surgery this morning, rough night. I was excited that the end of the waiting was here, but now I am really scared. I know this will change my life for the good, but still the chances with any surgery at my size is dangerous. I do have my family's support wish me luck.
  7. On day 13 surgery is Monday. After the first 3days or so it's not to bad, I think once the carbs are out of your system the cravings go away.
  8. Finished up with my pre op at the hospital, surgery is Monday the 30th. It's been a long 6 months and now that I have reached the end of the waiting I'm so scared.
  9. I have the same thing, I go to the bathroom at the first sign that might have to.
  10. Ivoryowl

    I passed

    I am by-polar and have a shrink, my surgeon still sent me for a psych eval, to another doctor just to make sure I was ready for this. I had a 30 minute interview and had a written test with about 50 questions. Oh I passed no problems.
  11. My date is Sept 30th 3 days into preop diet it's hard when you have to cook for others.
  12. Ivoryowl

    Surgery date!

    I got my date confirmed Sept. 30th ! Start pre op diet Sunday.
  13. Ivoryowl

    Help! Diabetes and Pre-op diet!

    I'm on a preoperative diet also, I have a lot of weight to lose before my surgeon will operate. it's a long road for me. I am using the Atkins shakes and 1 healthy choice meal a day. If we go out for dinner, I have a plan of what to eat before we go and that's my one meal a day. It took about a week before a wasn't starving and now it's not a problem. My blood sugar is better also. I have been able to cut my bed time insulin in half! I know this surgery is a new life style that l' m committing to and this diet is practice for what to expect long term afterwards.
  14. I'm bi-polar only one of my meds is extended release its a small pill. If I can't get it down , my shrink said there are some we can switch to. I just would have to take it more than once a day. My surgeon has all my shrink info and was not said anything would be a problem.
  15. I've always been the fatest, I can't imagine being different. I just want to feel better. I'm working on getting a surgery date.
  16. I really had the straw that broke the camels back. I feel out of bed and my husband couldn't help me up and had to call the fire department to get me up. I do walk with a cane and do water exercises at the ymca so I can get around. But I promised I would never let that happen to me again.
  17. Wonderful you look great! How do you feel? Has it been hard?
  18. Ivoryowl

    I came out about my surgery

    I have not had the surgery yet . But everyone feels that I need to hear their opinion on the subject. This is my body and I am the one to decide what is right for me. Your words express my feelings exactly. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Ivoryowl

    Who Are You?

    Hi, l am 55, been married for 35 years ( to the same guy lol). We have two grand kids 2 & 5 years old, that we watch while their parents work. My husband is retired and I'm disabled do to many heath issues. I want my surgery so I can feel better and be able to help him take care of my grand children. I want to be able to play on the floor and get up again! I do not have a surgery date yet, still working on all the things that Medicare requires. I 'm very happy to have found this site and all of you.
  20. Ivoryowl

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    I hope to be able to get results like you that is wonderful!
  21. Ivoryowl

    I just want to feel healthy and beautiful!

    I want to feel good and to be able to do things again like walking, going the zoo, the beach, shopping with out having to use the store scooter. Looking forward to a surgery date.
  22. Ivoryowl

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    it's so long since I was under 300 I just can't imagine how that feels.
  23. Ivoryowl

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    I am around 450 now and have 3 months and 50 lbs to go before I get a surgery date. ( Dr wants bmi down to 60 before surgery)

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