The diet the dr put me on was a 2 week diet of 1200 calories per which includes 5 protein shakes or bars and one 5oz meal. In that 2 week time period I have stuck to the diet minus 3 days. One day I broke down and ate 2 crunchy beef tacos and a small coke and the 2 other days I had one pancake. Other than that I have had no sugar or sweets and have had no carbonated drinks of any kind and I have been drinking about 2 quarts of crystal light per day. As of last Tuesday I put myself on a more strict diet which contains of chicken or beef broth, decaf coffee, sugar free jello, nonfat cottage cheese and crystal light. So since Tuesday I have not consumed more than 700 calories per day minus today's screw up of eating a pancake. I pray everything is going to be ok and the dr won't cancel my surgery.