Hi Everyone,
May 6th sleever here, so I'm only 3 days post op.
Self paid in Tijuana via Dr. Ponce at the INT Hospital. Stayed at the hospital for 2 days & was released yesterday. Although I currently live in NYC, I'm originally from SD & I'm blessed to have my parents' home to come home to & do about a week of recovery rest before I head back to the east coast.
These 1st days have not been easy AT ALL, but I know this too shall pass.
The nausea is *constant*. It's disheartening to see my US counterparts being sent home with anti-nausea & pain meds & us MX patients only be sent home with a maalox-like substance & a nexium-equivalent med to all be taken for the next 28 days.
I'm on the clear liquids diet for the next 10 days, but the nausea is preventing me from wanting to ingest anything. So I sip as much as I can, but it isn't that much
Any solutions for the nausea?
I'm allowed to take meds I was taking prior to surgery, but I try to take the maalox solution 1st to coat my stomach & protect it from possible irritation.
I decided to sleep on the living room couch with several pillows as props, as from what I've read around hear, it's easier on the soreness of the incisions.
Today I finally am experiencing the trapped gas in my upper back, but nothing outta this world. I feel like there's trapped gas in my abdominal area or maybe my organs are still trying to readjust.
I do have moments of "buyers remorse", but I have to remind myself of the future outcome.
I also get these hiccupy quick sessions (or possible burps, I can't quite identify) once in awhile & not, do those HURT. Any input on that?