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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jenniferkatie

  1. Jenniferkatie


    I was wondering about the packing part! How long are you staying in Mx? I'm going in July and want to take what I need, but not too much as we can only lift so much afterwards and going on and off a plane, i don't want too bring to much!... Congrats on the countdown till your big day! I know you will do great and can't wait to hear how it all went!! Whih MD are you going with? I'm having mine with Dr Garcia at Florence Health! Take care!
  2. Jenniferkatie

    Going to Mexico!? Ahhhh

    I agree, give them all the info you can get! Show pictures of the facilities, success rates, procedure information, and if all else fails, ask if he would like to go with you as your companion! I hope this helps! I'm going to Tijuana on July 8th with Dr. Garcia! SO EXCITED! So want to get this journey started! Just got approval from my PCP that she would be willing to do my follow up! So that is a BIG relief!!
  3. Jenniferkatie

    Enjoying the Sun and pool

    I'm going to Tijuana, on July 7th for my procedure on the 8th! Super excited! So you don't feel too sore to do the "touristy" stuff? I was wondering if i'd even be able to get outside much come july as its pretty hot...I deffinatly hope to hit the pool for some last minute swimming on arrival day Do you know if you can start taking the unflavored protein powders in your crystal lite drinks/jello right after surgery? I want to make sure to start taking the protein as soon as possible after surgery...
  4. Jenniferkatie

    Happy with my trip to Mexico with OCC!

    For me, it was the ease of contact with the coordinater Alma, the great reputation of Dr. Garcia, the full service hospital facilities of Florence Health (Oasis of Hope), the use of The Marriott for before and after hospital stay, the high quality of care given by the nursing staff in the hospital and aftercare rounders while your at the Marrriott, and all that is included in your stay, even down to the pick up and drop off at the air port. I think for $4700 all inclusive but air fare, thats pretty impressive! Even the before surgery labwork, EKG and the leak tests are included. I've heard the staff are very attentive and the doctors who round and do the surgery spend time with you, explaining everything and alow for time for questions too...And i've heard lots of great things about them on this site...not to mention, its just about 45min. from San Diego air port so easy to get to! I deffinatly would want to be in a full fledge hospital having this done then a "clinic" that some doctors operate out of...and I've heard they facilites are way cleaner then our own hospitals....and i'm a RN so i've seen a lot of our hospitals and know we can improve...and know the attentiveness of USA nursing staffs limitations are and from what i've heard, MX goes above and beyond what we can offer....its a buisness, and they know if you provide a good product with good results, you will get more buisness and this helps their economy...for what seems like "so little" here is a lot for those across the boarder...and over the last 10 yrs or so that medical tourism has taken off, their good reputations have been growing as more and more USA and Canadian citizens go t Mx for their treatments....
  5. Jenniferkatie

    Dr. Garcia July 3rd... anyone else?

    I agree, this will be a scary and exciting adventure...I thought when hubby dropped me off (literally at the door) at the hospital to have my gallbladder removed and not seeing him again till he picked me up the next day at discharge was scary/sad because i was all alone in the hospital overnight and through recovery, but this will be a whole lot bigger of a deal...but i've also heard that even if we come alone, we never feel alone because they check in on us so frequently, especially because we are coming alone they want us not to feel alone....better attention then what we would get in a USA hospital...,so that makes me feel better!...we were hoping that hubby and myself could come down together getting a "his and hers" sleeve, but the timing and trying to get a sitter for the kids wasn't working out and also to get the funds together in such short notice is a challenge...so hopefully he will get his soon after mine...I too have heard nothing but good things and now that he is practicing out of The Oasis of Hope (I don't know why/when it changed to Florence Hospital), its suppost to be an awesome hospital with gardens to walk through and more of a hospital feel with higher levels of care if needed...I look forward to walking the boardwalk at the hotel (i heard we were staying on a boardwalk on the beach?) the two days we are at the hotel....I just wish it was here already...like Christmas for a child
  6. Jenniferkatie

    Calcium citrate chews?

    Is there a list of all the vitamins that we must take after having the sleeve? I heard some take just the multi vites and others add lots more...I want to be sure i'm fully covered but also not taking stuff i don't need to take...also, do you all take the gummi vites (little critters) two a day or do you use more? Thanks!
  7. Jenniferkatie

    Dr. Garcia July 3rd... anyone else?

    Congrats! I used to live in the Atlanta/Buford area about 10 yrs ago! I'm about at my highest wt. of 285...but i've lost 100lbs before and was down around 195 before i ended up with a new job with new hrs and much more difficult time to maintain the lifestyle I had at that time so ended up gaining it all back SOOO I figured this is the only way I can loose wt. by restricting the amount of food I can eat in a sitting...currently, I eat till i'm full, and unfortunatly, that can be alot of food I'll be so glad to be on the mend and heading the right direction with my weight....I haven't ran by my PCP that i was going for the surgery, but I figured, it doesn't matter, if something is going on with me, i'll set up an apointment as always and walk in and tell them what is going on...and they would have to treat me anyways as a established patient...i would think they would be ok with it anyways if it helps me be healthy and hopefully will get my cholesterol lowered as well! Good luck and can't wait to see how our stories unfold!
  8. Jenniferkatie

    Happy with my trip to Mexico with OCC!

    I'm going with Dr. Garcia with Ready4achange! I'm super excited and have heard nothing but AWESOME things about him out of Tijuana (Florence Hospital)....can't wait till my date on July 8th!
  9. Jenniferkatie

    Dr. Garcia July 3rd... anyone else?

    I'm going for mine with Dr. Garcia on July 8th! I wish i could join you all the week before! I might even get to see you if your going to be heading back to San Diego on the 7th as thats when i'm flying in that morning! I'm super excited! Anyone else going to be in Mx. July 7th through the 12th? It would be cool to get in touch with others sharing this adventure together I'm going by myself so would really be nice to have someone to talk with while down there!

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