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About Shribhi

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    Advanced Member

About Me

  • Biography
    Im 36 years ,weighing 93 kgs at 5.5 with bmi 34 .
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    Tamil nadu

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  1. Shribhi

    Poop problems

    Dont worry about bm.i didnt have any for 8 days post op n my doc said not to worry about it.the only thing you sgould be concerned about right now should be having the urge to pee.if u dont have it then u r not drinking enough liquids n getting dehydrated.so sip sip sip.
  2. I just googled it and found out that they are due to rapid eating.
  3. I get hiccups too.i dont know why.
  4. Shribhi

    have you been faithful to your diet.

    Its ok to cheat once in a while as long as you realise what you did and are back on track.im 7 weeks out and my doctor told me that im being too hard on myself and if i dont treat myself once in a month or so i will go completely offtrack.so its better i do it with his permission once in a month for one meal.so i ate little bit of danish pastry and with eating little i was so satisfied without the guilt that now i dont have lustful thoughts in me about food.
  5. Catherine i couldnt eat much till i was 3-4 weeks out but somehow things fell into place after that.i get up at 6 a.m.and by 8,i finish 250 ml water and 125 ml protein shake,then around 8.45 i eat my breakfast..then 30- 45 minutes after i have water then for snack,i have 1oz sunflower seeds and 2 prunes or someother combo of dry fruits.im a vegetarian so ive to work extra hard for my protein.my breakfast is generallt one hard boiled egg or egg white with greek yogurt.when im done with one meal i put an alarm on my phone for my next water and snack n so on.things will fall into place for you also.its just a matter of time.and it takes a lottttttttttt of planning.its like a full time job.all the best.
  6. Hi.im 7 weeks out and ive never had a complaint with food so far.i eat 6oz with no problem at all for my main meals and 2 oz for snacks. And i also have two 125 ml protein shakes.i eat three main meals and two snacks and two protein shakes and 2 litres of water divided into 250 ml each time.
  7. Shribhi

    The goal weight number

    I dont have a goal weight.neither did my doc asked nor did i think about it.im a month post op.should i be thinking about it?what exactly is it and why does everyone have one?pls enlighten me.
  8. im writing to you from indiaand im a vegetarian so its been really hard to get my proteins but what i did was boil half cup piggeon pea lentil with five times water and salt and drink that throughout the day during clear liquid stage and then drink the lentil itself during full liquid stage.the other thing i did during clear liquid stage was mix one tbsp yogurt with water and salt and blend and drink that for protein.during mushy food stge it was yogurt,lentils,boiled egg and greek yogurt and cottage cheese for me.at thid stage i was able to find chocolate flavour protein shake by GNC which saved my life.all the best to you.
  9. Shribhi

    Greens just PostOpp

    The one thing we Indian vegetarians drink a lot is lentil Water.boil half cup of green or yellow pigeon pea with 5 times water and salt.and drink the liquid during clear liquid phase and when on mushy phase have the mushy lentil too much Protein in that.the other thing I did was blend water n salt with little bit yogurt and drink that.hope it helps.you can write to me incase you want vegetarian Indian recipes.
  10. I got it done 3 weeks back on 10th june.only one incision in the belly button.they made a video of the surgery and gave it to me.its a bit more expensive but totally worth it.recovery is super fast.
  11. im 10 days out and feeling the same hunger as you but it im ok when i drink something but then after a while im hungry again.i was told before surgery that i would never be hungry again but i am and its depressing me a lot.
  12. Shribhi

    4th day out

    hi.i got sleeved on june 10th and alsogot my umbilical hernia repaired.im in a lot of pain myself.plus im a vegetarian so my protein intake is bad since i feel like vomitting if i try n drink protein shake.i got scared to read about ur muscle pain.hope ur feeling better now.take care.
  13. Shribhi

    June surgery dates

    im june 10th.
  14. Surgery on june 10.......im an emotional wreck.is that normal?

  15. See Amy.......its everybodys story.....AudOne wrote the same thing ......look at the brighter side...you just made two new friends who understand you ......feel free to write anytime.hugs.

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