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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NoneYa

  1. I do I don't think you're whining at all I am still pre-op. After surgery when I am on a liquid diet I can easily imagine a craving like yours and trying to find a "legal" way to satisfy it.
  2. Ouch! cheese soup dumping will be considerably worse with hot sauce added lol.
  3. I don't know why you can't make a thin watery soup and add hot sauce to it. Just blend it and make it thin and smooth enough to go through a strainer.
  4. No eggs. If it doesn't run through a strainer it's not ok until after week 3.
  5. I have Dr Nick too. He was pretty firm when telling me that I had to do clear liquids for 3 weeks post-op to allow the surgery to heal well and avoid problems or leaks.
  6. My daughter gets dizzy and passes our she she gets dehydrated,even a little.
  7. NoneYa

    liquid diet

    I think if its a 3 day liquid it's at least partly to have intestines empty. It's also to shrink the liver..
  8. NoneYa

    Preop liver reduction.

    How many calories is that per day? Your loss is outstanding! My drslan is 1200 per day and I'll not lose on hat, I never have.
  9. NoneYa

    liquid diet

    My surgery is the 16th. Its protein shakes and 1 lean/ green ,meal a day for 2 weeks pre-op. Post-op its Clear liquids for 3 weeks then full liquids for 3 weeks. After that is mushy for another 3 weeks. I'm going on memory but I think that's right.
  10. NoneYa

    Can you believe this?

    Omg! So glad that's out!
  11. Gum? Bummer! Move along folks, there's nothing to see here lol. Seriously, since you didn't have bypass (stoma) I wouldn't worry about it too much. It'll all come out in the end(pun intended).
  12. NoneYa

    Starting to get worried...

    I don't know about BCBS of IL but I have BCBS Anthem. They approve within a day or two but they will not approve unless you use a Center of Excellence.
  13. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    I can do that. Here goes ##### you can have it
  14. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    Thank you. It makes my day to think that you spent that time scouring the thread to find the "1st post" position lol. Anal much? As I said I have read all of the threads on this subject and I knew you had already posted in this one. I was not referring to waiting for you to post in this thread. I was referring to waiting for you to respond to my post and to disagree with me. As I've already said I've read your posts throughout the forum. I get that that's how you roll.
  15. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    Dibs on the middle position lol!
  16. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    Lol so am I
  17. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    Trust me, I have read every post and thread on this, including the one that states she lied.
  18. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    I was waiting for you. You're never too far away. One only has to look on the wrong side of the fence in any heated topic to find you. You must understand the meaning of the word "maybe" as it was used repeatedly here. Like in "maybe" you have more insight and inherent knowledge than the majority of the members of this forum and "maybe" you just think you do and love attention, even if its negative.
  19. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    I'm not too interested in who you WANT to hear from. I did not portray fat girls as vulnerable although many are and Dr Garcia is not the one that is preying on women. However, if he is aware (and he surely is, at least now) he needs to step up and do the right thing and protect all future patients. Next time make an attempt to read all of the post and respond once you actually understand what it says.
  20. I don't have your situation but my brochures stress the fact that women become VERY fertile shortly after surgery. It also advises that they use 2 layers of protection to prevent pregnancy for the first year. Best of luck to you.
  21. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    This is directed at you and at any other person that has jumped on the Dr Luna defense team. I obviously have no first hand knowledge of Dr Luna or the medical practice in question here. I do however have first hand knowledge of men (including lecherous men) and people in general. It's as I have always said, you never know the feelings, thoughts and motivations of another person. You do not live in their head. You can only be sure of your own thoughts no matter who you are. You met the Dr Luna that he presented to you just as she did. Rest assured that just because he didn't play that crap on you doesn't mean it didn't happen to others. Maybe the OP made the relationship more than it was in her own mind based on her own needs and desires. Maybe he manipulated her into doing so and maybe he didn't. Maybe she assumed he was single because omitted the fact he had a girlfriend and she didn't ask and maybe she thought so because he deliberately led her to believe it to be the case. Maybe the OP is naive and is easily manipulated and used and maybe after years of feeling overweight and unattractive the flirting and attention spoke for itself to her (albeit incorrectly). Maybe he has fine-tuned his victim radar and can easily pick them out. My point is that the only thing we know for sure is that a medical professional stepped out of bounds and had sex with a patient. That is wrong no matter what country it occurs in. The fact the he didn't come on to certain other patients adds no merit to his defense.
  22. I I've heard that gallstones can cause the liver enzymes to be high. I don't have a gallbladder or appendix. .
  23. I'm scheduled for July 16th. I was given a list of pre-op tests to have done. My PCP is concerned about my heart and now wants to consult with my cardiologist. That wasn't worrisome enough. One of the blood tests came back showing my liver enzymes are high. Now I am asked to have an ultrasound to look closer at the liver. I asked the Dr if we shouldn't just assume that I have a fatty liver because I am fat but he said no. We need to check for a mass. I am crossing fingers and toes that this all works out and things go on as scheduled. I started my pre-op diet a week in advance to try to shrink my liver, we'll see. Sheesh, it's always something!
  24. NoneYa

    Dr. Luna

    Thank you. I just read through it and can honestly say its been a while since my emotions changed so quickly while reading through a thread. I only hope that in the end the medical practice does the right thing and he is appropriately dealt with.

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