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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NoneYa

  1. I read several reviews on Nioxin as I planned to purchase and use it when the time comes. I have encountered a lot of reviews that state that the original Nioxin was wonderful and worked very well. They say it has since been bought by Procter and Gamble and they changed the formula. They said the change was not a positive one and that it doesn't work anymore. Not as well as it did before anyway. I would love to hear from someone that has used it before the buyout and after. Does anyone know anything about this?
  2. He needs to post fashion show pics.
  3. NoneYa

    I hate skinny Beotchs

    You know what? I really like you, draws and all lol
  4. Agreed. While you may not have intended to be offensive the words you chose to use were easily interpreted that way,
  5. The 12 pack boxes of Quest bars are buy 2 get one free at GNC right now.
  6. Do you have fever? I think that will be he Drs first question.
  7. NoneYa

    I hate skinny Beotchs

    My dream is that someday somebody will say that to me lol.
  8. NoneYa

    I hate skinny Beotchs

    My ex daughter in law was one of those detestable creatures. Sure she was an amazing housekeeper, devoted wife, fabulous mother BUT she started eating when she woke up and grazed all day. Not healthy grazing either. She went straight to the stove in the am and fried bacon, a few eggs and toast loaded with butter and jelly. She had her hand in a bag of potato chips daily and drank nonstop full sugar pepsi by the case. I had to kill her lol jk. Seriously though, this girl gained like 10 lbs when pregnant and complained about it! She wore a size 1!
  9. Omg! I never thought about having a male nurse after surgery! Its bad enough to be vulnerable and in a hospital gown without having to worry about giving some guy PTSD in the shower! How many calories are in Whiskey again lol.
  10. I feel that this is a support forum and anyone going through the process, no matter what stage they're in should feel comfortable asking any questions they have. It doesn't really matter that it's been asked before. That person obviously doesn't know and needs guidance or encouragement or both. If i title doesn't interest me i just don't click into it. Additionally, not everyone is comfortable with or familiar with computers and some don't know how to search a forum for similar questions to theirs. My husband would never be able to do it.
  11. I'm so sorry! I agree with the others, please go to an ER if you can't see your regular Dr. May i ask who did your surgery? I haven't heard of your diet plan/ no protein or 7 UP before.
  12. NoneYa


    Thats great! How exciting. I hope i am as successful as you are.
  13. NoneYa

    I hate my pre op diet!

    I hear ya. I've got 14 to do and only 4 in so far too.
  14. Congrats on your success! I'm coming in behind you with Dr Nicholson on the 16th.
  15. NoneYa

    Dr Luna

    ^ THIS ^
  16. NoneYa

    Dr Luna

    I think Dr Luna's followers should set aside the venom and empathize as women for a moment. Place yourself, your daughter or your best friend as a single young woman in the same scenario. Before you say "that would never happen because I'm too smart, too moral, too whatever don't bet on it. You don't have a clue how you would react to flirtation from the Dr unless you are the one there. I have known a few men that spent 50% of their time working on a female with only one end in sight. They run around half-cocked (pun intended) at all times ready and waiting for a way in (pun intended again). I have read the argument several times that "he was perfectly respectful" or "he didn't try anything with me so it didn't happen" ( that one might be sour grapes). Consider that just because he didn't try it on you does not mean he didn't try it on someone else. Show me the rapist, child molester or any other type of abuser that abused every person he contacted. They don't for a few reasons. It might be that you didn't slam his drawers. Who knows? I think that the OP's fault was in being naive and falling for an age old stunt. Maybe that was wishful thinking. Who didn't dream of falling in love and marrying the handsome Dr? As women we shouldn't be crucifying her. As always, if we do unto others as we would have them do unto us a lot of problems would not exist. Just saying.
  17. I agree that counseling would be very beneficial for you right now. Is possible that like many of us, (myself included) that you are stuffing feelings down and doing it via twinkies. A good counselor can help you get to the bottom of it and help you move past it.
  18. Has it ever occured to you that maybe you didn't trip his trigger?
  19. NoneYa

    Don't Try to Understand Women...

    Lol, whatever!
  20. Are you certain that you cant make a pay agreement witht the hospital? I have a 3000 coinsurance and 200 or so remaining to meet my deductable. I won't pay anything to the Dr, the insurance will. The hospital will bill me for the amount i owe after the insurance claim has been closed and they see the balance. I have always made a pay agreement with them in cases of surgery or hospitalization. Just an idea.
  21. http://www.carecredit.com/ Interest free if paid in the time frame they give, instant approval online and it'll ot you nothing to try. I was going this route if i had been denied.
  22. More surgeons accept Carecredit. Its interest free if you pay with 2 years I think. Don't quote me on the time. You can apply online and get an instant answer. Its a loan for medical only.
  23. But if they force you to do a 6 month diet they know you will lose.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
