I didn't go into detail about my story, but... if you want to hear a bit of it... I had a lap band inserted at noon, by midnight (still in the hospital) I had a fever of 106 degrees. The next day they removed the band. Apparently, there was an esophageal tear (note the passive voice to the verb "was"). No one would admit how or why the tear happened. Apparently, it just "happened." I weighed 240 at 5'8" so I wasn't one of the more high-risk patients, but I did have a hiatal hernia, which the doctor did not repair during the surgery. He told me that the lap band would repair the hernia in time. Anyway, I developed sepsis, jaundice, my lungs collapsed, I had blood transfusions 3 times, I was in the hospital for a total of 4 months. I was in a drug-induced coma twice and in the ICU for a total of 2 months, in a nursing home (at age 50) for 10 days, then sent back to ICU. Anyway, it was a nightmare. It's a much longer story than this, but if I were to go into detail, I'd have to write a book. I'm glad that your surgery went better than mine. I am not trying to scare anyone, I just want to warn everyone, that this surgery is VERY dangerous. BTW, I tried to sue my doctor, but the statute of limitations went by very quickly. Remember 4 months of the two-year period I was still in the hospital... For another 6 months of that two-year period, I was trying to learn how to roll over, stand, take a shower on my own, read again, and think and speak. I was trying to survive. I didn't have the time or the wits to sue at the time. I did talk to an attorney, but the statute of limitations ran by very quickly and we could not find a doctor who would speak out against my doctor... you know how they say it's a very tight brotherhood.