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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by dcrodriguez

  1. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    I feel better this morning I think I was over doing it yesterday. From reading through stuff it sounds like a lot of people that had the sleeve and their hernia fixed at the same time had similar issues with getting enough down. My problem is if given a goal I push myself to meet it. I've decided my goal for the next day or two is to get 32oz minimum down and get at least 30 grams of protein. I've gotten 12oz down so far today and I feel good...I'm not feeling the overstuffed feeling and I'm not having abdominal pain. I walked my children to the school bus and had a Popsicle on the way which helped much more then trying to take sips while walking. To the bus stop and back is .6 miles so I'm going to do that twice a day and in between walk around my neighborhood. After school I'm going to walk them to the park. After schools out next week we're going to start walking more as a family, the kids are really good at pushing me to walk (I told them it helps with the pain and makes me feel better). I'm excited about today ...actually I'm excited about the rest of my life because I know if I work hard I'm going to have a much longer and healthier life. I've also decided no more pain pills, my body obviously doesn't like these any better then any of the other ones I've taken before. I generally use ibuprofen if I'm in pain but with the sleeve I feel like that would be a bad idea.
  2. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    I was doing great this morning...I started the morning with a 11oz protein drink and got a little water in me but I took a pain pill and got really nauseated and felt like I had OD. I ended up losing the little water I managed to drink and I've had this over full sensation since. I've only managed to get 2 sf Popsicles, a few sips of broth and a few sips of protein drink down me since. In the hospital they were giving me something like fatomide they said it was for the acid but they didn't prescribe anything other then the pain pills when I left the hospital. I'm trying not to stress out but this is a bad first whole day home :-/
  3. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    I finally got to go home today...my bed has never felt so good resting and relaxing is much easier at home with my children.
  4. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    I'm excited I woke up this morning and I feel great. I am 5 days post op and I'm able to get 2 oz at a time down with no pain. I'm extremely confident I'm going home today. St. Lukes staff has been incredibly amazing!
  5. dcrodriguez

    Almost there!

    I got my surgery the 15th and I'd agree... Walk often but know your limits. I started off trying to walk 10 laps and wound up causing more pain. I realized walking 2 laps around the floor every hour was easier and tolerable.
  6. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    Thank you...I didn't think about it that way
  7. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    Thank you...I didn't think about it that way
  8. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    I'm extremely depressed... They ended up having to put the IV in the crook of my arm so I can't bend it...which means I can't even shower myself at this point. My girlfriend has been coming to spend the night each night since my surgery to help. My mom came on the day of my surgery and stopped by for an hour the day after. My brother brought my kids to see me but I felt like it was a huge inconvenience to him. Neither of my sisters have called or come by nor have my friends. I feel so alone right now, I'm trying to focus on getting out of here but it's getting harder.
  9. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    No, he said to take it slow since this is the most important part. I've managed to get about an ounce an hour down today so I'm really happy. I finally was able to expel some of the trap gas from the surgery so I'm not in nearly as much pain. The night before last my IV went bad so they had to place a new one...it took them 7 tries before they could get another one in. I swallowed a lot of air due to the excruciating pain, (they finally numbed it the 7th time) I was due for my pain meds but it took almost 2 hours ( one guy tried 3 spots for roughly 10 minutes each time) I was actually in more pain from that then the surgery. My IV just went bad again so I'm starting to have a little anxiety about them putting a new one in again. I'm walking around at least hourly and doing ROM in between walks but trying not to over due it. I'm tempted to drink more but I have this amazing second chance and I don't want to mess it up so I'm forcing myself to take baby steps. I feel like this is kinda of like a do over...I have the chance to be healthier for myself and my children and I need to do it right. I've never been a patient person though...I had a c-section on a Thursday and Saturday I packed a bag to go to Arizona for a rodeo...I'm really trying hard to do everything the right way when it comes to this surgery. I think the way things have gone today I should be home hopefully tomorrow but Monday for sure (knock on wood)
  10. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    I'm feeling better today and I've been off my pain meds for a good 5 hours now (I was getting it every 2 hours) I'm only at a 2 so I'm holding off till it gets closer to a 4. I have been able to drink small amounts of liquid and it feels good. It's a little strange seeing food and not feeling hungry. My kiddos came to visit me today and it really helped cheer me up
  11. dcrodriguez

    May 15!

    I'm happy for you I'm really hoping I'll get released tomorrow!
  12. dcrodriguez

    May 15!

    I got sleeved on may 15th. How did you surgeries go? I ended up having a hiatal hernia that my doctor fixed at the same time. I was supposed to go home yesterday but due to complications I will be in the hospital until tomorrow (at least). I'm not hungry, my kids came to see me and I ordered them a pizza I was a little nervous about it but I looked at it and wasn't interested in the slightest. I've finally been able to get some liquids down today so I'm happy. The extra air has been really hard on me anyone else had that problem?
  13. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    I was doing really good and then I started having horrible upper stomach pain so the doctor says I'm here another night. He also said NPO again :-/ I was really proud that I've been walking and doing everything and now I'm really disheartened.
  14. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    Thanks I'll ask the nurse when she comes back about it.
  15. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    Yes they said I should be able to go home today if I can get enough liquids down, the air makes it hard though
  16. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    I'm on day 2 post op, they ended up with 7 incisions because they repaired a hernia they found. I've been up walking around but I've got so much air it hurts and no matter how much I burp there's more air. Does anyone have any tips on how to help release some of the air?
  17. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

  18. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    Dr Korn is doing my surgery Wednesday the 15th. Did your emotions get a little out of wack as your date got closer? I had little bouts of sadness yesterday but I've honestly never been happier. I think it's because I know a lot of my friendships are going to end, but if they can't accept that this is my choice for myself then they don't need to be a part of my life.
  19. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

  20. dcrodriguez

    Idaho People?

    Hi I'm delfina and I live in nampa and dr. Korn is doing my sleeve on may 15th. I was curious if there is a pre op diet. I see him on Thursday but I'm really excited and thought you guys might know. I started at 270 in November and as of today I'm 227. I'm 32 yr old and a single mother of 2.

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