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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Kimd

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  1. Tomorrow is my 2 week anniversary! Couple of questions... I was sleeved on May 10th with my sis and sis-n-law. They have done great since day 1! I on the other hand had severe nausea for 4 days after! Zofran was a lifesaver and I feel fine now, with the exception of a little belly tenderness. I feel that I am eating and drinking enough, yet I have 0 energy. I am also taking gummy vitamins. Thank goodness i don't work outside the home, as they do. And they have young chidren and walk laps every night at the ball park! I do some light housework, run errands and maybe stroll around the mall and have to come home and take a 2 hour nap??? Is anyone else having this issue? I think it might be my age (50), but they are only 5 years younger! Hoping that after I am able to add more foods to my diet, (tomorrow!!) activity level will rise!
  2. Kimd

    Tomato soup

    I had the broth from a tomato based veggie soup and it gave me acid reflux. But I have always had this problem, still don't know if I would chance it. Trying straining beef broth from a beef based soup for something different. My first two weeks are up tomorrow. I can't believe how fast it went by.
  3. Good luck! Experience was ok. I had researched it as much as my sis did so i did not know what to expect. Dr. Lopez was supposed to our surgery, however, we both feel like his associate, dr. Ortiz did it. Our names on the board in the hall said dr. Ortiz, and he did all the follow ups. Dr. Lopez only came in right before surgery and introduced himself. She and I both had a hiatal hernia, so, that had a little added discomfort. I had very bad nausea but she didn't! She did wonderful! I kept asking for something for it and they kept giving me something for acid??? Language barrier??? But I am home, doing well, and so far, no regrets! Again, good luck.
  4. I was sleeved on may 10th and have been suffering with severe nausea. Any suggestion? How long does it last?
  5. Kimd

    mi hospital

    Yes we are on the loser's bench today. But you will be on the loser's bench for the next 4 days. He needs prayers also! But he's been a great support so far, having gone through this 6 months ago! Signed, Your favorite sis in law!
  6. Kristen, are you at the Marriott? Are you from Nola? My brother in law said he spoke to a couple yesterday and the husband had on an LSU shirt. Just wondering if that was you?
  7. Thanks. We need it. But my poor brother in law needs the most. He is accompanying all of us!
  8. And having our chicken broth at hotel. Yummy! (Sarcasm noted)
  9. Here we are, waiting on our ride
  10. Kristen, what exactly was hurting? Your belly? Or pain from the gas? Are you staying at the Marriott? I may have just seen you in the restaurant...
  11. Well I am trying to upload a pic. But don't know how? Help?
  12. Just landed and waiting on our ride. Surgery tomorrow with dr. Lopez for all three of us.
  13. Will be on our way tomorrow! Me, my sister, and my sister in law. Any suggestions as to what we can bring on plane to eat, or should I say drink, as we are in clear liquids phase? Can we get hot water on plane to mix broth? Can we bring jello snack? We will be flying or in airports several hours. Just looking for some ideas. Thanks for any suggestions.
  14. Will be on our way tomorrow! Me, my sister, and my sister in law. Any suggestions as to what we can bring on plane to eat, or should I say drink, as we are in clear liquids phase? Can we get hot water on plane to mix broth? Can we bring jello snack? We will be flying or in airports several hours. Just looking for some ideas. Thanks for any suggestions.

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