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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by HappyCat

  1. HappyCat

    Calling all Smoothies!

    Avocado, strawberry and banana shake with Greek yogurt (any flavor), skim milk, truvia, and ice in the Nutribullet. My husband likes his with sugar so he sweetens his after I pour mine into a glass to add the truvia. I also LOVE the vanilla avocado combo ~ so creamy! Vanilla yogurt, avocado, milk, truvia to taste and ice.
  2. HappyCat

    Jacked up body image....and NSV?

    Ok LoLo, let's just stop the "old lady" talk right now! (I'm 47, too) You are a beautiful, sexy mama who had it right when you left the house~ pay attention to all the compliments you get ~ we all know those GAP mirrors are recycled from a funhouse anyway.
  3. I got the Nutribullet from Bed Bath and Beyond. It was $99.99 but I used my 20% off coupon, so it came to $80- something with tax. It is a great blender but can be foamy on top of some shakes, which I just spoon off before drinking.
  4. HappyCat

    Going back to work?

    I have a mostly desk job and had a horrible time trying to get liquids in this afternoon! I had two large mugs of weak tea (that's how I like it, plus negligible amount of caffeine that way) but got busy/distracted and went an hour and a half with no water or Protein. Yeesh ~ I solemnly vow to do better tomorrow! I am very fortunate that my doctor gave me 6 weeks off work so I had a chance to heal and get used to the new lifestyle before adding the work into the mix. Just a little backache from the computer chair/bad posture...
  5. HappyCat

    Houston, TX Sleevers

    I was sleeved May 6, 2013. I live in the Bellaire area.
  6. HappyCat

    Liquid Band-Aid

    I had surgical glue (purple -my favorite color lol!) and my surgeon said it would come off eventually on its own, but not to help it along. It took about 2 1/2 weeks and now the scars are starting to fade. Two are invisible already.
  7. HappyCat

    Robotic VSG

    I had the robotic surgery as well. My sister is a surgical RN who worked in a bariatric practice and introduced me to the idea of having the sleeve. One thing she said was that the risk for infection was reduced with robotic surgery. My surgeon teaches this technique so I was very confident in him. My experience was excellent, with no complications.
  8. HappyCat


    Happy birthday to one of the most entertaining posters here!
  9. HappyCat


    I went through the same thing in my first week. Don't give up and know that each day it will get better. Do your best with hydration as it is the most important thing right now. Hot tea was the easiest for me to get down (I still count on it for soothing my pouch first thing every morning). Harney & Sons make a great variety of herbal and caffeine free teas and I order it online ( since way before being sleeved!). I still have to work hard getting all the liquids and enough Protein in, even at almost 7 weeks out. Every day is a new opportunity to improve and every day I manage a little more. You will get there, too, don't doubt it ~ I remember how it was for me in the beginning and am glad that I feel so good now and got through the roughest part. I have lost about 30 lbs and it really shows, which is the best incentive! Just imagine holding your baby one day very soon and feeling on top of the world Hang in there, BrittNicole <3
  10. I couldn't have said it better, Kari61:) I am almost 7 weeks out and no regrets.
  11. I get that quite a bit. It helps to drink hot tea to hydrate first thing and it kind of relieves the tightness before trying proteins. It works for me as I have to take thyroid med on an empty stomach and wait half an hour before eating anything, anyway. I hope it will get better with time... I am 6 1/2 weeks out.
  12. HappyCat

    Surgery and work

    I just went to my HR person and filled out the necessary FMLA paperwork. I thought I would be out two weeks but when my doctor's office faxed the paperwork back they gave me six weeks. I take my hat off to those who went back to work the next week. I admit I am a tad wimpy! Oh, and HR took care of informing my supervisor.
  13. HappyCat

    Down in the dumps

    Happy birthday! just think of all the great things this year has in store for you ~ you will blow your way past the 200 mark (to the left!) And leave all those grumpy hormones behind, right? Meanwhile, just inwardly him a few bars of Gloria Gaynor's "I will survive" to get you through the humps! :-)
  14. HappyCat

    Ughhh this is fustrating

    I was sleeved on May 6. When I went for my 1 week f/u appointment, I asked my surgeon when I would be able to advance my diet to include soup (specifically pureed lentil soup in my case - I was dreaming about it!). He said I could introduce it on the 17th, so boy was I counting the days! However, when the time came, even having thinned out the soup, I was only able to eat maybe a teaspoon of it. Not at all as satisfying as I had imagined it would be, nor as delicious as I had remembered. Even though I can't stand the protein shakes, I find that diluting them with protein fortified skim milk helps and I feel a lot more energetic (relatively) than trying to depend on food sources of protein only. I gather from the posters on this site that getting to that point will take time and patience. And although we all want to know how long it took for others to reach a certain stage, how much weight was lost by a certain point, etc., we are all individuals with unique journeys and timelines. I plan to take it slow and enjoy the process.
  15. Wow. Terri, I wish you a speedy recovery and hope this will be the extent of your complications. I am glad you took immediate action and got the medical attention needed! Gentle hug coming your way
  16. Lol "bum trumpets" - that's a new one for me! Thanks for the laugh ~ maybe it will get my bum moving
  17. HappyCat

    Anyone with PCOS?

    I was sleeved on may 6 so just 3 weeks out. I have lost 29lbs so far and hope to get some relief from the PCOS, too. I was diagnosed at 38 after getting married and trying to start a family. I also have endometriosis and the birth control hormones didnot help, only made me gain more weight! Hoping to get off this merry-go-round and finally lose weight. At least then I can enjoy an active lifestyle
  18. HappyCat

    My Texas Sleevers

  19. HappyCat

    Post op itching

    My doctor said specifically to not use neosporin (just saying). I had head to toe itching, rash and welts (probably the welts were due to scratching). Turns out I had an allergic reaction to something in my multivitamin. Best to check with your doctor as everyone is different. By the way, my doctor told me to take liquid Benadryl every four hours, take aveeno oatmeal baths and apply calamine lotion and aloe vera to the non-wound affected areas. This was last week, a little more than two weeks post surgery.
  20. HappyCat

    How many incisions?

    One large, six small.
  21. Any new diagnosis can be scary. But, don't worry. Hypothyroidism can be managed as other posters here have pointed out. Some of my goals in getting vsg surgery were to avoid type 2 diabetes (I have PCOS with insulin resistance ) and get off b/p meds, etc. Medication-wise, I want to be down to just the synthroid. I take it first thing in the morning so that I can start hydrating early. The hour I have to wait to eat anything gives me time to get ready and plan my meals for the day. I have blood tests every 6 months or so to check my levels and that's the extent of the inconvenience. Seriously, just take your medication and it will be fine.
  22. I was sleeved on May 6 and suffered days 3 to 5. I thought at the time I would never get through it, since it was so hard to get the liquids in. However, it got easier each day after that and the pain/nausea went away. Do your best to stay hydrated and think baby steps . You will be fine in no time
  23. Ditto what Nervousnellie said - it was a week before I had a BM which resembled rabbit pellets in my case.
  24. HappyCat

    #5 Allergies, Anyone?

    Oh, boy. Well, since the day after the surgery, I noticed some pimply looking bumps here and there on my stomach, arms and legs. I understood this was normal in some sense, as such a major shock to the body would manifest in many ways. I didn't worry about it too much. Then, last night I started itching all over madly and noticed many more bumps, plus raised welts all over my stomach, top of my legs, underarms, back and especially painful welts all over/under my breasts. I took a cool shower and applied hydrocortisone wherever I could see redness, but still woke up in the middle of the night, scratching. By this morning I woke up in considerable pain and horrible itchiness. Even my scalp was affected by then. So, I called my surgeon's office to find out what I should do. Apparently, I have developed an allergy to something as yet unknown. Since I had recently started taking the Centrum chewable vitamins, the nurse told me to stop taking them immediately. I may have an allergy to one of the dyes or other ingredients. As soon as we figure it out, I will update this post. They did not want to put me on prednisone so soon after my surgery, so it's children's liquid Benadryl every four hours, a daily 10mg of Zyrtec, Aveeno oatmeal baths, aloe vera and calamine lotion for the duration. Sidebar: children's liquid anything (besides grape Dimetapp) is a form of cruelty! Yuck! After an oatmeal bath and slathering of calamine lotion and the two meds, I am feeling much less itchy and was able to take a much needed nap. So, the adventure continues... And I'm off for another bath. Have a great afternoon/evening, everyone and thanks for listening

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
