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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About dlopez978

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  1. Started 240, down 29 lbs between 2 week pre-op diet and 1 week after surgery! Feels great so far....
  2. Had surgery last Wednesday, October 2. I am one week exactly today. I mean, I feel great aside from the gas pain, and light cramping near the incisions. So far I am down 29 lbs....n I can see it in my neck (I finally have a neck) never had one before :-) Seen my surgeon today for the 1 week follow-up n he said all looked good. He started me up on pureed foods. However...im struggling tryin to get my liquids in....I constantly feel full. I can only imagine how much more of a struggle its gon b introducing pureed, im still tryin to figure out how to get my body hydrated, that i dont even want to start the pureed stage! I can barely get 32oz of liquids in! Im sippin all day long, I dont know what to do! Um scared to get dehydrated!
  3. Im seriously getting tired of people askin me y I am doing this and trying to convince me im doin a mistake! I am a few days away from doing the surgery, and the more they ask the more upsetting it is! "Youre not even big! Youre controlling what you eat now, why cant you just continue doing it? You dont need that, just exercise and eat less!" Seriously....jus stf up already, its not like they r the ones getting the blade and staples! Urgggg....im so done! The only mistake I did was tell them I was doing it! So word of advice....tell the least people possible! People r so quick to judge n comment....its ridiculous! In another note....I am at Chuck E cheese wit my kids, (wanted to do something fun wit them before I have surgery) n I have to say, as I sit here wit a large chicken and brocolli pizza and buffalo chicken wings and cheesy breadsticks; that is smellin soooooo friggin good and looks soooooo delish.....I am chewin away at my banana and sipping away at my oh so good ice water....go me! I am so proud of myself....even my tummy is cheerin away and makin noise for my accomplishment!!!
  4. Thank you guys! Feels refreshing to get all this encouragement...my family doesnt support me in this decision, so its hard! Im sure theyll b on board after its done (they would have no other choice) but damn it's hard....
  5. As selfish as this sounds, im glad im not alone! All I keep thinkin bout is the negative things! Its ridiculous!
  6. dlopez978

    Day 5 of pre-op diet....

    How did the surgery go?
  7. dlopez978

    Day 5 of pre-op diet....

    I havent had any diarrhea....Im hardly poopin actually
  8. Surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday. And im thinkin of calling the surgeons office to cancel! Although ive been prepping for this day for 2 years now, I am having second thoughts! Have I really tried hard enough? Do I really want to endure all of this? Do I want to risk having complications? I am perfectly fine now....I dont know what to do! Doesnt help that I have people repeating whats already in my head....wth!

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