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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by 2Big2Skate

  1. My PCP knew I was fat and trying to lose weight for a decade. So when I came to him and said "its time to try something else", he was completely supportive. There was no judgment or blame. He just said "if you're convinced you cant do this yourself, then this makes complete sense for your long term health".

    He doesn't want to treat you for complications of obesity for the rest of your life so I can't imagine he'd be anything but supportive.

  2. The scale makes it fun for me! Enjoy the heck out of your transformation. Focus on your goals, and track as you get closer to them. Use this time to relearn slow, intentional eating with proper nutritional balance. You just spent a ton of money, now you've got some jobs to do! As many on here have said to me "every day is better than the one before".

    Congratulations and welcome to the losers bench.

  3. This one's for the bodybuilders out there, or at least the fitness gurus that are very concerned about building or maintaining muscle mass.

    I'm considering starting a course of Glutamine and Creatine to aid and preserve my gains in the gym. Frankly, at 2.5 months out, I feel weak as hell. All my reading suggests this is a safe and effective path, in the right moderation of course. I've seen many threads on here where folks are using supplements to aid their workouts. But I'd like to consolidate and see what your full day looks like for supplementation - if you'd be so kind as to humor me.


    whey isolate - 2x day

    B12 1x day

    Multivit 2x day

    Calcium & magnsium liquid 3x day

    Creatine (gym days)

    Glutamine (gym days)

    Thanks in advance!


  4. The opinions on marijuana are so varied right now that I hesitate to say anything. For clarity, let's just act like it's any destructive addiction -- even like my own food addiction. Is it possible for you to love him while hating his addiction? I know there is a trail of destruction in the lives of everyone who loves an addict so I can't pretend to know the answer to that question in your case.

    But if you CAN love him and hate the addiction, then it's possible you can love him through treatment and the cure. Unfortunately, he's going to have to see and admit his addiction. There are resources out there, and professionals who can help, once he's willing to try. You do owe it to your children to protect them from the destructive effects of his behavior. You can't compromise on that point.

    I wish you all the best and hope it doesn't have to end like this for you two.


  5. There's an android app called "eat slower" that lets you set time between bites. I have the same problem. Ive started taking reading material to the table (and apologizing to my wife.) My whole family scarfs food down and frankly it makes me uncomfortable. It's hard to watch and not want to keep up. I try to precut my bites and spread them out on the plate so clearing it becomes a long slow journey.

    My PSYCH said to separate the food into 4 quarters and eat one quarter every five minutes, roughly. That might work for you, it didnt do much for me.

  6. Yesterday over lunch, I hit the ice and played hockey!

    It was a little akward at first, and I have some great blisters on my ankles, but these are the payment the hockey gods require. I skated ok, and had decent stamina. Being pickup we didnt have a lot of subs on either side. But I defended well against a bunch of college kids home on break. I didn't have much burst, as I feel overall weak. But my balance was great, especially skating backwards.

    It was such a great feeling afterwards. I forgot the rush of adrenaline-fueled brain chemicals you get after good competition. It was like I was high, or having an out of body experience lol. When I got back to work, it was as if I had drank 2 pots of starbucks high octance coffee.

    So that's a big check in the box next to one of my big goals. Sore today, but completely worth it. My pads fit really well too, which was an unexpected perk.

    Another NSV I had at the gym. You know those stupid little towels they give you that are made out of sandpaper so you dont steal them? I was able to wrap one around my titanic butt and stay covered on my walk to the shower! Hallu-freakin-lujah! Previously i had to choose a region to conceal and hold the towel in place lol. TMI I know, but some of you have probably been there done that.

    Happy day for me!


  7. Hey guys, I'm so glad I found this thread. I feel so weak in the gym. I'm still in the losing-fast honeymoon, but I get a lot of Protein every day. I don't measure exact (since i eat a lot of meat Snacks and leftovers) but its over 80 for sure.

    I was curling 50s before surgery and now 25s make me shake. Legs are closer to pre-op, but still weaker. I've started supplementing with a little creatine to help recovery and volumize. It helps a little but I'm still bummed out. I think the smaller muscle groups got hit the worst. Back and chest are still pretty good. But calves and forearms, forget about it!

    When I get to maintenance weight, I plan to switch to a gym-friendly diet right at my daily maintenance calorie totals.

  8. You used to also get a lot of Water out of the food you ate. Now there's less coming in on all fronts. You're very early in so I wouldn't go to any extremes to cause movements just yet. I drink enough to have clear pee (finally) but I still only pee maybe twice a day. Everyone's different.

    As for the other end of the *cough* discussion, I think I went once the first week I was home. The doc told me that I'd be messed up as the body 'wakes up' from anesthesia. Then I went about every third day for a while. Once I got on purees it picked up a bit. But I didn't get back to daily until like 2 months out. RJs spot on correct. Your intestines are very long and your body is in no rush to pass the vital nutrients out. Remember you're kinda starving your body so its going to be very possessive of every little bit of food and Water you give it!

    If when you do go, its painful or problematic, call the doc. I had to take a softener and laxative at the beginning of solids. And at that time I introduced a SF Fiber chewie and now I'd say things are "normal-ish".

  9. Interesting question for sure. I'm not in a place yet where I'm worried about not losing. But in general, the sleeve is a calorie restriction device right. So if you want to slow down losing, increase your calories. I'm not sure it'd be healthy or advisable to TRY to go so far over your calorie target that you gain a significant amount. Why not just level off when you like what you look like? I bet that'd take the form of increasing your calories per day from say 900 to 1200 or something in that range.

    I think the vets can weigh in better on getting to a maintenance weight and holding steady.

  10. Are you looking for gym exercises? Or more at-home things?

    Upper arms you can do triceps extensions (basically anything that involves opening the elbow joint under load). Cable pull-downs are the most common. Or you can lay on your back on a bench and lift a weight from over your head to above your nose (dont drop it!). Some people throw light medicine balls to a trainer using a two handed overhead starting grip. I think that's the general motion you want.

    Inner thighs are hard. Some gyms have specific abductor/adductor machines, but from what I hear they don't work and are very embarrassing to use. Ice skating is a great tool for the area since you push away from your centerline then recover, over and over. So is tennis with the lateral bounding motion. You wont get bulk in the inner thigh area, but it'll burn whatever stubborn fat is there i bet. In the gym, I would say to generally build the quads and hamstrings and see if that doesn't improve the overall appearance. They're the biggest muscles in the area and they will burn fat locally and make skin more taught. Good exercises for these are lunges (holding dumbbells), squats, seated leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls.

    Lastly, chat up any lady trainer you see at the gym. I bet they get this question a lot.

    All my best!


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