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Posts posted by 2Big2Skate

  1. I didn't tell coworkers but then again I don't sit with my immediate peers either. My time off was for a "procedure to help my back". And then when the weight started coming off I explained that I had been told to lose weight (to help the back) and started well before the surgery. And how I'm seeing a nutritionist etc. Everyone just wanted to talk about diet when they realized it was working, so that was easy and fun. I just told them what I'd learned in the process. It's all about the calories that get by the teeth!

    i was also taking breaks to walk around the building and stuff, so people knew I was "doing stuff" to lose weight before they saw it happening.

    Good luck!

  2. My wife is on anxiety meds and they make her put on weight like mad. Ask your prescribing doc if that's a side effect of yours and see if there is another variety you can take? I know they're very hard to get off of and change. And it sounds like you need them. If you must be on them, you'll have to work them into your lifestyle. Research how they work chemically and see if you can't make some nutritional changes to minimize their weight gaining side effects. And try to get off them when the time is right.

    You've been through a lot, but you can do this. Tell the people closest to you how much you need them. People react poorly to friends and family with depression. They just don't know what to do. Tell them what you need and forgive their dumb reactions.

  3. Also my tailbone kills me all.the.time. I do transcription and sit at my desk for hours and hours at a time. I can literally feel the bone right under my skin. I sit on a "donut" and it still kills. Trying to strengthen my glutes with the hopes it will help. Glute bridges, single leg dead lift, squats.

    +1 to this. I feel like I have a spiked tail now. There's no protection for my tail bone. And it doesn't stick out or anything, it just touches stuff when I sit on springy materials. Ouch.

    And I'm finding I sprain/tweak ligaments in my feet a LOT. So I must be walking differently. I've always walked on the balls of my feet, very weight-forward. I've noticed a little muscle loss in the calves and ankles since losing all the weight. I'm sure it's all connected.

    And I too slouch a little when I walk. I just assume it's the ghost of twinkies past hanging on my shoulders.

  4. Youre a new man with a major surgey and a new metabolism. I know you're excited to get going on reinventing your body, but when you do, take it slow.

    Crawl, Walk, Run - it's the way of nature!

    When doc clears, you just ease into activity. Your body adapts to the stresses you put it under. It will take some time.

  5. I remember feeling extremely weak and feeble when I went back to working out. Take it easy. It'll be a couple months before you can push yourself. I found that when my daily calories increased, and i added more good carbs, I could do more in the gym. You do need carbs. But not at the expense of Protein of course.

  6. Happy anniversary!

    You got to 30 years with the man, so there's nothing I can tell you that you dont already know. But when Im mad at my wife for all the dumb crap she does I try to return a small fraction of the grace she's given me for all my dumb crap. Sometimes you just gotta come right out and say "this is one of those times I need the princess treatment" for a guy to get it.

  7. If time in your car is a weak time/place, then rethink your car. Stash good, healthy alternatives in the cupholder, arm-rest, back seat, under the visor. Then tape a picture of yourself at your heaviest to the steering wheel, along with a one sentence description of your reason for having WLS.

    Fight back! Plan ahead!

  8. I know I'm capable of failure. I expect it in small doses. So I've planned accountability into my life, and put a net under the tightrope. That eases the fear from Defcon 5 to maybe Defcon 2.

    For me that looks like a wife who knows my dietary restrictions and select friends who keep tabs on me and encourage me. It also looks like financial commitments to sports leagues so I get my butt moving even if the gym isnt that appealing in the early AM. And its friends I've made on here, so when I get to work I check in with this community and I get WLS and proper diet and nutrition back to the front parts of my brain.

    I don't think I'll ever just accept that the weight is permanently gone. Nor do I think that's a bad thing.

  9. OP: are you on a restricted calorie pre-op diet?

    Sounds to me like your body is going through chemical cravings for carbs. I felt that way too when I first started the pre-op diet. It was like detox from a powerful drug. And i had all these crazy thoughts. So Id take a big bite of bagel or ice cream, put it in my mouth, enjoy it, and spit it in the trash. Worked for me, to get through the carb-detox.

  10. How much caffeine are you getting? That's not a good idea when you've got dehydrated poo clogging you up. Of course, I quit caffeine altogether and I have bad days, so it's no guarantee of success.

    Hmm other causes? Too much Calcium in your diet?

    Medications for depression or blood pressure?

    Dehydrated (I think you eliminated that - pardon the pun)

    Exercise helps too. Bounce on the treadmill for an hour a day and it might loosen things up for ya.

  11. That got your attention!

    I just wanted to call out to everyone something that I missed. I read a post on here that said the Cookies and cream Quest bars are delicious and indeed theyre tasty. But when I started using them, my uh bathroom experiences became less enjoyable, to put it mildly.

    I take Fiber chewies and try to keep my dietary fiber up naturally as well. As I imagine many of you do. Well these bars clock in at over 20g of dietary fiber! Hence why I call them poo bombs. If you use them in your daily diet, you may want to scale back other fiber supplementation. Otherwise, I recommend Miralax powder!


  12. Dragon, Did you try EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control too, or just lite? The carb control is thinner, has cal/pro of 110/17. The Myoplex Lite has more stuff in it so its thicker at 170/20. It also has some muscle building stuff in it like HMB.

    The AdvantEdge line and the Myoplex line are really two separate products aimed at two different customers. I find the carb control very thin but myoplex would choke me out.

    All my best,


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