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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by alyshac

  1. I'm 3 days post-op and I wish I could take it all back! I can't get enough Water in or Protein so I'm always tired and my left shoulder has some gas trapped in it and there is no comfortable position. Anyone else like me?

    Totally understand where you are coming from. I am 10 days post op today & I feel much better. Still have air in my left shoulder as well, when I burp or hiccup I feel it most. I wasn't able to get any fluids either, but it is so much better now. I notice everyday that I am able to get more & more down. I still miss food, chewing, & a different taste! But I do understand that I won't be stuck on liquids forever, I will be able to have real food soon... It's rough.... I actually posted on here too a few days after, saying I regret it..... It's rough, I promise it gets easier! Good luck!

  2. This stuff is hard to do. As I sit here starving on the pre-op and wondering how I will survive till surgery ... I am reminded just how hard this stuff is.

    But we all have something in common. We wouldn't be doing this if there was any other way. I weigh a ton ... well' date=' not exactly, but it seems that way.

    I have no choice. Somehow I'm gonna get through it. Who knows what my experience will be like. I have a great surgeon so I will have the best hands on me. But I'm high risk and several doctors did not want me as a patient.

    It will be worth it in the end, I'm sure. So hang in there, honey, you're gonna come out the other end light as a rainbow, floating in your new beauty[/quote']

    :) thank you for sharing. I send you my prayers & all is fine with your surgery. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, it is very difficult but so worth this.. Bless you & good luck on your journey! I look forward to seeing your success!

  3. Amen....I do have days just like this and reading that it gets better helps but in the moment you feel hopeless. I do not regret what I have done...yet....but I do get frustrated hearing about BBQ's and pizza nights as I am sucking on a Protein shake! I trust that it will get better and you are not alone in your thoughts! We did this to better our lives in the LONG run....the first couple months will be a challenge but we will be happier in the end...I have faith in that!

    YES! That is killing me too, especially seeing everyone eat around me... It's really hard... I have a 3 year old, her food was never "appetizing" to me, as it is healthy, "toddler" food.... But man oh man, it has been smelling super good these past few days.... I have faith as well as you! This is only for the better, I don't regret this, especially since now I just weighed my self & I am down 19lbs since surgery day. I am so happy, & I know that this will only get better! Thanks for sharing that I am not alone :) good luck on your journey!!

  4. Just wanted to thank everyone who posts positive things post op ... I'm sure everyone (or most) were at the stage I feel I am at now - I am 8 days post op & I'm thinking "what the hell did I do to myself?!" Going through up & downs, but coming on this site really cheers me up to what I have to look forward to.... :) thanks fellow sleevers!

  5. Thank you to everyone's response. I wish I could reply all, but I don't feel enough energy yet :( everyone who said 'everyday gets better' you're right... It does, though I am still feeling down, I sipped way more then the past few days. I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel, I cannot wait until all these pains have left my body. Especially since I start work next Friday! On the bright side, I have lost 9 lbs as of today :)

  6. Hello, I'm 2 days post op & I feel horrible. Chest pains (assuming from anesthesia), always sleepy, lots of gas in me that won't come out! & last thing is I cannot drink anything. The pain is too much when I swallow some Water or soup... Hoping that this will go away.. I have lost 8 lbs so far since Tuesday, which I am happy about, but I am hoping that I won't regret this.... How long did this feeling last for you all? Do I have hope? What do I do about my intake, do I just not drink anything until I can? :( help please.....

  7. I know WEIRD question! At first, I thought - anything smaller then I am, is better! But then, I have seen quite a few people who look ....sick.. After having WLS, as if the life were sucked out of them! I want to look healthy & happy, not sick! Plus, I do not wish to be "skinny"! I would love to keep my Latina curves, & feel beautiful! Any one on the same boat as me? Hope I am not alone in this one!

  8. I am in band hell!!! And I have been in band hell for 5 and a half years <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> pain pain and more pain along with the signature throwing up. 2 insurances denied even the removal of the band. I have tried for 3 years to get this darn thing out so I know how you feel. Now for the good news' date=' I am evicting the darn thing forever on 06/25 ! Now I am in a similar situation. If I get approved the doctor can decide to do the removal and sleeve all in one. But I would not count in it happening all in one. Hang in there. Your surgeon wants you to heal. Once you are healed you can start your sleeved life in the safest way. Good luck and have a speedy recovery from your band removal![/quote']

    I'm not sure if you have yet- but what helped me with my pain is getting it adjusted to NOTHING, I had 4ccs removed, & I felt like I had the band removed! It was awesome, yes you get the freedom to eat more, but it is so worth it to have it emptied, the pain literally went away for me. Congrats on having your date to getting it removed!! It had been quite a recovery process for me since having it removed, but I am so happy that I am getting a step closet to my sleeve date.. :) good luck on your journey & thank you for sharing!! Best of luck :)

  9. I was banded in 2010 and had so many problems. Everything I ate got stuck and had to go back onto fluids constantly to try and start over again to try and eat. My body ended up going into starvation mode and stored my fat (like that's what we want)!. I was starving hungry and mad that I had tried everything possible and nothing worked. There was nothing wrong with the band itself but I think my body rejected it??

    After 15+ adjustments' date=' 3 gastroscopy's, diabetes and blood pressure out of control, B12 deficient and 3 years later and not losing ANY weight I had had enough. That's when I decided to get the sleeve.

    I had my band removed in Jan 13 and I was sleeved May 7th 13. It was a really hard decision but I think it was the best decision I have ever made.

    I have lost 6kg (13 pounds) in 2 weeks and lots of inches. My diabetes and blood pressure is slowly improving and best of all I'm not starving or bringing my food up anymore.

    Now, because I have more energy I'm exercising more and am feeling human again and not SO obsessed about my weight because things seem to be working with me for once!

    Hopefully you have thought everything through clearly because even though you are in pain with your band the sleeve isn't an easy way out (not saying you think this!) but it is (in my opinion) an easier tool than the band to work with.

    All the best of luck for your WL journey dde00[/quote']

    Wow!! 15+ adjustments?! That is horrible! I had 4 adjustments in 2 1/2 years.. I was not able to eat anything! If I did, I paid for it! Throwing up was a daily for me! Not even a grape would stay down! Let alone soup! I would be stuck for a few minutes! It was HELL! Congrats on your sleeve, I cannot wait until I can say I have been sleeved! 12lbs in two weeks sounds so awesome! I have thought this out a lot, & I am ready.. I don't want the easy way out, I just want a healthier pain free way out.. I am looking forward to the many opportunities I will have with this sleeve.. Thank you for your story & advice :) good luck on your journey !

  10. I don't have a conversion story like that but I did go through some major set backs and delays. I was all set to get a surgery date' date=' I had done all the appointments that my doctor wanted and had been told by his office that I wouldn't be required to do anything else. I was very excited to get the journey started. I had worked very hard to make sure I followed all directions and made all the appointments and all of that. Well I got a call a few days after my last appointment and was told oh sorry the last nurse, who I found out later was let go, told you wrong you have to do 3 months of visits with all for people you have been seeing (the Nut, Psychologist, Exercise therapist, and GP Doc). I was beyond pissed off. That was going to be a ton more money and a lot of time and if at any point I screwed one of those up I would be denied. 3 months now doesn't seem like much but then I was very disappointed and scared it wouldn't happen.

    I worked even harder for those 3 months and got through all of it. I have been banded for just over 2 months now and have lost something like 50 pounds. You will get this done, it may not seem like it now but you will. The end of July will come sooner than you think and you will look back at this as a growing and strengthening period. I wish you the best luck in your journey![/quote']

    WOW! That is just horrible!!! You had the right to be pissed, how horrible.. Thank you for sharing your story. 3 months is long- but you have now been banded... So it was all worth it- losing 50+ lbs! Awesome & congrats! 2 months, seems long to me, but I am determined to not count down the days as I did before, because it seems it took much longer to be counting! I will get through these next two months, & I will be a very happy camper once my date is here!

    Thank you, again Shawn!

    Good luck on your journey!


  11. Well' date=' you're in the right place, now. The people here are fonts of knowledge, tons of experience, and many words of wisdom.

    I'm glad they operated on you and took care of your problem. I know it's hard, but that's a good thing to focus on - how lucky you are to have such a supportive doctor who was capable of focusing on what was important. Other doctors might have tried to do it all, but I wouldn't want to take that chance. I like a doctor to do the wise thing. My God, that's a lot of repairing you needed. It doesn't sound like a good idea to do all that and then proceed with removing a large portion of your stomach.

    It's really hard to have our expectations crushed. It's a painful lesson I learned, but it took me literally decades to get it. I am persistent, and I don't take no for an answer. I've been working on getting WLS surgery for 10 years. As I neared my goal to get the lap band, I learned about the sleeve, and had to wait another 1 1/2 years to have my insurance cover it. I had a ton of hoops I had to jump through. After every hoop, I would have the expectation of nearing surgery. It was never true. There was still more work to be done.

    Yeah, you''re gonna miss out on this summer ... but you will have a lifetime of great summers to come. Just dig in your heels, keep your expectations in check. You're gonna be OK. You're gonna love your sleeve, I just know it..[/quote']

    I do feel extremely lucky to have such a great DR! I am so glad he decided to do what was best, & it really just shows his work ethics.. Wow 10 years!!!! That is crazy! But you know what, I am so glad that you waited another 1 1/2 for the sleeve to be covered, because the band was hell for me, & for many ppl. There are a small percentage if success stories! So I am very happy for you that you had the will power to be patient & get what was actually right for you! Thank you for your support! :)

  12. Hello Alyshac' date=' First of all, l I'm so sorry to hear about your lap band trauma! <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' /> My friend has a lap band and she hates it too. She sounds just like you with the pain and the throwing up. I know July seems like a long time to wait, but it will fly by. You made a great decision to do the sleeve it sounds like. I had to move my surgery from June 17th to July 9th and that was frustrating. But it'll give me time to do my "restaurant bucket list". And to get totally ready for my new way of life. I'm going to try different Protein shakes and see which ones I like, things like that. I'm going to sort through my clothes and say goodbye to those super sized ones that I'll never want to lay eyes on again. I'm searching new looks and make over's too. I heard that there is a chance that we can lose a lot of hair after this procedure, so I need to mentally prepare for that possibility. I hope these ideas help a little bit. Good luck to you! [/quote']


    That must be frustrating to move your date.. But as you said - more time for the restaurant bucket list! Made me laugh, because before may 21st (thinking I might get the sleeve & band removal at the same time) I hit all my fav spots! Lol! Was quite the fun, probably gained 2 more lbs, & then to feel even bigger after - and realizing I won't get sleeved for another two months-- sucks! I feel the 2lbs in My jeans! Lol

  13. I have nothing good to say about the Lapband

    You need to give your body time to heal' date=' while i know how anxious you were for the revision, this will give your body time to rest. So rest and begin your pre-op diet now. begin reading all there is to know about nutrition and exercising...educate yourself while you wait. Before you know it, two months will have flown by and you will be sleeved.

    good luck to you[/quote']

    Thank you! You're right, I am so very glad that my dr decided what was best for me. & I have started my pre op diet, (since I am also afraid that taking out my band 2 days ago, my stomach is still sensitive) thank you for your support and advice!

  14. Hi all,

    I am home from ER today, & feeling awesome! & I feel SO much better about having to wait TWO months for my sleeve.. From the help of you all, I have gained some insight, & it is only best for me to be healed before the sleeve. Thank you all for your support. I am excited to become a sleever, & to see the wonderful results you all have experienced! I may not have a awesome summer, but I WILL have an awesome Christmas (as someone said) :) that is so true! & I will have a awesome rest of my life!! Very exciting.. :)

    Thank you all AGAIN, for being a huge part of my support, I am looking forward to speaking to you all more on my journey to getting sleeved, & my journey after being sleeved :)


  15. Hi all, thank you all for responding. I have read Eberhart single post & it really brought tears to my eyes knowing that you all had so many good things to say for me.. I really needed this, & now I see why my co worker has called this site "her family" you all are amazing. Sadly, I am back in ER this afternoon due to major, unbearable chest pain. I had it all night long & finally came now, I'm on an IV, & have had a GI cocktail, which hasn't helped! They say that my chest pain may have been caused by the gas they used firing surgery... But this is ONE PAINFUL 'gas, short of breath, short walk is so painful on my chest, shoulders, sides, neck, & head! I'm going in for a CAT scan in a few.. Wish me luck new friends! :')

  16. Hi all, I am new to this site - and hoping I can find a lot of support on here. So here's my story.... When I was 18, only 6 months after my birthday I had decided to get the lapband. I have ALWAYS been "the big, little sister", obesity runs in my mothers side of the family & after having a beautiful baby girl when I was 17 (yes, young!) I had reached my heaviest. I went in, with high hopes, but two years later, I am still struggling with my weight at 5'4 & 230lbs. The lapband was HORRIBLE, I would never wish that procedure even on my own enemy.. I was always in pain, couldn't eat ANYTHING without throwing it up... Not even a grape! For 2 years, I just hoped it would one day work, I finally called a news doctor within my insurance, & he wanted it out ASAP, & suggested I go with the Gastric Sleeve. Of course, I said YES! He put in a request to my insurance to do the conversion, & within 5 days, I received a letter of denial. I was in tears, I called my doctor, & he said we weren't giving up, he put in another request demanding the conversion, or at least removal of my band, as it was causing me much pain. Finally, a day after that, I was approved for the conversion my surgery was scheduled for today, I went in, in high hopes that he would be able to take out my band, & also give me the gastric sleeve..... I would only find out if he was able to do both-when I would awake from anesthesia.. First question I asked was if I had the conversion. Answer was, no I'm sorry it was too risky- and being so drugged up, I fell into a sleep again. When I woke again, they explained to me that the band had slipped (for some reason it was not seen in the X-ray) & being it slipped, I ended up with a few ulcers in my stomach, & the band was pushing into my liver, which has caused a "dent" in it... Hearing that, I cried... Now I see where all the pain came from! I was heart broken, still am, & now I will have to wait until July---END OF MONTH July feeling really bummed, I just turned 21 last Monday, and I was hoping this would be my birthday gift to myself... Looks like I won't enjoy this hot weather this summer.. Does this sound familiar to anyone? - has something similar happened to you? How did you feel? I'm looking for any type of support on this one, as I am just feeling really upset tonight.. Ps, please excuse any bad grammar, if any, as I am still feeling a little drowsy... Thanks in advance to anyone who reads/comments/supports!

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