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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Indigo1991

  1. Indigo1991

    Non Scale Goals

    Ashlee, great goals - I bet you do them all! Has made me think and I agree with the sitting in a booth - have now managed to do that. Went shopping yesterday and bought in the regular womenswear department and went outside yesterday in a sleeveless top - but still a way to go before I can tuck a shirt in :-) For me, I can't wait to go to a hairdresser and get a fantastic cut that isn't just designed to make my face less fat!
  2. Indigo1991


    It's a mild diuretic, over 90% Water and 6% sugar. Hope that helps!
  3. You are not bad but you are given the diet to follow for a reason, not least to give time for your sleeve to heal, to allow then swelling to go down and for you get to get used to a new relationship with food. You have what is really a new stomach, like a baby's, and you are reintroducing food to it, the same way we wean babies from liquids to solids. You made a big decision to have this surgery and its your body, you can do what you want. But I chose to stick with the plan and 5 weeks out, have no issues with eating or drinking. It's only a few weeks of your life to stick with what your surgeon wants you to do... Something to think about :-)
  4. Indigo1991

    Today is the day!

    Good luck, I hope all goes well - you have a great attitude!
  5. Indigo1991

    auto immune disorders and the sleeve

    I have an autoimmune disease (psoriatic arthritis, little psoriasis but severe arthritis) and was sleeved five weeks ago. I don't want to give you or anyone else false hope, but the surgery has put my condition into remission. No-one can understand why, not even my rheumy. I was on two immune suppressant treatments just to keep everything at bay - methotrexate (chemo drug) for last 7 years (max dose for last two years) and had been in discussion about cutting back - I stopped it 7 weeks ago and currently don't need it. Also inject a biological therapy once a week. Rheumy restarted it 3 weeks post surgery to stay ahead of my immune system starting to attack my joints again and, touch wood, all is going well. So down to one jab a week and my life has been transformed. I know it may return with a vengeance so am taking things week by week. Bariatric centre and rheumy watching with interest. Good luck with your surgery, I wish you the very best and a good outcome for you!
  6. Indigo1991

    Does your sleeve have a name?

    Thank you all for your thoughts, need to think if mine will have a name or be left in peace. Laura, I laughed out loud at the "fat bastard", fantastic!
  7. Indigo1991

    Too full! NEED ADVICE!

    Using a small plate and fork, I eat half what's on my plate then stop for a few minutes to see how that feels. If that's ok, I eat half of what's left on the plate - then stop again for a few minutes. If I can eat more, I eat half of what is still on my plate, then stop again.... You get the idea. Depending on heat I am eating, sometimes I clear my plate, sometimes I leave some but I don't get the stuffed feeling. Lots of good ideas in the answers, hope they help.
  8. Indigo1991

    14 days post surgery

    Please don't be discouraged. I am five weeks out and have lost 23lbs over that time and I am really pleased! If you are feeling like this, what were your expectations? The speed you lose at depends on how much you have to lose but it is early days. Keep the liquids and Proteins going. Are you losing inches/changing body shape cos thats what has happened to me, i am down 3 sizes already. Don't give up at this stage - just look at it as 22lbs that u won't see again :-) Best of luck, you are not alone xx
  9. This is an investment in you, probably for the first time in your life - and you are worth it. From your pic you look you still have many years ahead of you. Spending this money now will give you a better quality of life and health. If you still have 50 years to go, that's a cost if $125 dollars every year for the rest of your life based on the surgery fee. Now does that seem an unreasonable spend on yourself? If you are healthy, you have more chance of working and earning the money to deal with your debts. Just a thought... I am way older than you and have spent $15,000 on this surgery (I am in the UK). I have never spent this amount of money on anything other than my home and certainly not on me. But almost five weeks after surgery, I have no regrets. My diabetes has gone, my arthritis has improved beyond belief after 30 years and I am losing weight. I couldn't be happier with my life. My sister said to me at the weekend that I was so different, not just in looks but in attitude, more relaxed and happier :-) This is not an easy surgery or, as you know, an inexpensive option. But you know why you have gone to all the trouble of saving hard to do this - don't be distracted now, focus on what you want from the surgery and think of the difference it will make to you. I hope you go ahead and wish you lots of luck xx
  10. Indigo1991

    Constipation uk

    Ps Benefiber goes into any liquid and dissolves leaving no taste. x
  11. Indigo1991

    Constipation uk

    As my nurse explained - little going v in, little coming out! She recommended Benefiber, which u can order thru Amazon as Boots no longer stock it. I also upped my fluids a lot and the problem sorted itself before the Benefiber arrived. My nurse said no laxatives or stool softeners. I am now over 4 weeks out on soft food and haven't use anything as eating solids has meant body back to normal processing. Hope this helps and u feel better soon :-)
  12. Indigo1991

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

    I am in the UK and I haven't drunk a single Protein shake to supplement my diet. Couldn't stomach them from day 1 so I used fortified milk, drank it and added it to my Soups etc. It's helped me not to rely on shakes. Now just over a month out from surgery, I am on soft foods and getting in most of my protein from eating. But I know that's not possible for everyone... Hope you find something you can drink - and good luck :-)
  13. Indigo1991

    Is this normal? Help!

    Yup and yup! I had sore throat/roof of mouth ( there was a tube down throat whilst I was asleep) but it passed after around 10days. I couldn't lie down until I was 14 days post op. Some people have no problems lying down straight away but the rest of us do - perhaps you need to sleep propped up or in a recliner until the discomfort passes? I slept propped on sofa, then in bed with pillows so that I was almost upright and I did get to sleep. Even when I could lie down, it was only on one side for a week before I could move around and sleep on other side. Poor you, it won't help to hear it will pass - but it does. However, as with all pain, if you are unsure that it is getting any better, speak to your doc. Good luck x
  14. Indigo1991

    Found love after your sleeve?

    That's amazing, both the weight loss and the way your feelings have changed. I know that for someone to love me, I have to love myself - and I am starting to be believe I am worthy of that. Thanks for sharing, hope the coffee date is the first of many - or maybe the start of something special :-)))))) Keep in touch, will let you know how things go at this end!
  15. Indigo1991

    Dating, cultural acceptance, opportunity, OH MY

    Meredit, I am with you (although I am probably old enough to be your mother!), it is a strange new world when you lose weight. I completely get the whole fighting for attention thing and a friend sent me these words that might help: "if he wants you in his life, he'll put you there. You shouldn't have to fight for a spot..." I am now trying to follow this myself (30 year relationship ended 3 years ago and I have managed to hide from men since) and remember my own worth in the face of increased attention, some welcome, some less so, at this early stage of my weight loss. There is man out there who will like you for you, just relax, you have time to make good choices. Good luck x
  16. Indigo1991

    Need Your Book Ideas!

    How about "Learning to listen to your body" ? This could look at hunger versus head hunger versus no hunger; understanding want full feels like; and reading the signals around your new stomach. It might also cover the topic of constipation....
  17. Indigo1991

    tired of horror stories

    Read this site! Yes, there are stories where people have had problems but it would be a surprise if everyone sailed through. But look at the stories of people further down the track and the majority are leading lives that are healthier and happier than before. I had a bad reaction to the anaesthetic - but that was more than weeks ago and all the good stuff that has happened since far outweighs a few bad days to start with. Keep yourself informed using the site so u have answers to all the negative naysayers and to any concerns u may have yourself. Alternatively smile at them, make all of sorts of noises that sound as if u r listening but tune them out while all the time thinking that this is your life to be lived as you see fit and that the only point of view that matters when making the decision is yours. Good luck!!! X
  18. I have a great support network of my son, sister and group of close friends. They have been rock solid behind me since my survey three and a half weeks ago. Next week I go back to work and will see colleagues who haven't seen me for over a month. And I look pretty different! I am down 2-3 clothes sizes since they saw me last (my ticker gets updated after next weigh in on June 5). I am torn between not wanting to discuss my sleeve and not wanting to lie. I will be on soft foods so that will also be noticed... How have you handled questions about your weight loss, whether from work colleagues or from acquaintances?
  19. Indigo1991

    Explaining your weight loss

    Thanks for all the posts, I appreciate every one of them because there's something for me to think about in each one. OTR, you are right, I value honesty and that's why I can't lie. But I am a pretty private person and therein lies my dilemma. Taradawn15, I am the boss, so my co-workers will all have opinions about what has been happening and there will be talk depending on what I say because I usually keep professional life separate from personal stuff. Am cool about that but I am not sure how much they need to know versus them being concerned that something awful has happened to me (as some will think as we have worked together for years). Kulita, like your thinking! Everyone knows I had diabetes and know that I have severe arthritis - the first has now gone and I have stopped the chemotherapy drug for my arthritis, just down to a weekly jab. So beyond weight, my health has altered beyond recognition. And maybe that's something I also need to factor in..... My mind is now turning over, so will re-read the posts and start to form what I am going to say. You are all stars for speaking up, thanks again x
  20. Indigo1991

    Explaining your weight loss

    Surgery not survey, lol!!!!!
  21. Benefiber is great. But not getting enough Water can be a big factor in constipation. Keeping moving, either walking or exercising, encourages your insides to keep moving too. Before sleeve, fruit juice did it for me - but not any more! Poor you, been there and don't want it to happen again either....
  22. Indigo1991

    Hard time

    Bedtime coming up where I am - and have just had some more mushed tuna so I don't wake up hungry !!!
  23. Indigo1991

    Hard time

    Me too! If I am not eating or drinking, I am planning how to fit it all in. But small price to pay :-)
  24. Indigo1991

    So much pain

    I am only 3 weeks out past Thursday and I remember sitting on the Saturday night crying and asking myself what had I done? I was sore, had had a bad reaction to the anaesthetic, couldn't lie down and couldn't get enough Water in. But here I am, only a short time later, and the memory of that awful weekend has faded a little every day as everything has healed, my emotions are more settled and eating/drinking/ moving has got easier. You are not alone and this will pass. You will get lots of support on this site, so keep posting - and hang in there. Jac x
  25. I was 3 weeks out a couple of days ago. Lost 18lbs up to two week weigh in, then nothing when weighed on Thursday this week. But my body shape is changing and yesterday I bought a dress 2 sizes smaller than before! As VSGKirk says, our bodies have had a bit of a trauma and are coming to terms with all sorts of new stuff. All we can do is not to panic, stick to what we should be doing and only stand on the scales once a week Oh and read all the posts on this site about the three week stall, then relax. Others who have been trhough this say it will pass.... Good luck!

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