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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Indigo1991

  1. Just back from getting weighed and, after no weight loss since the second week in July, have dropped another 6lbs. Woohoo..... am doing the happy dance round the room!!!! 49lbs off (plus 16 lbs I lost in the weeks to pre-op making a total of 65lbs), 18 to go. Am soooo excited... and I just bought a pair of jeans in an US8 / UK12. Need to calm down now as I am off to a meditation session involving Tibetan singing bowls. Need a few more laps of the room before I go or I will be vibrating more than the bowls.... :-)))))))
  2. Glad I made you smile - and thanks for all the likes :-) At the start of this year, I was 223lbs but got to surgery at the end of April weighing 207. I was told surgery would help me lose 3st 10lbs and the rest would be up to me. I am now only 3lbs off that first target but in the real world I have 18 lbs to go - who would have thought it after 22 years of being fat... 83lbs seemed impossible. To complicate things, am having a breast reduction and the surgeon wants me to leave him with 7lbs to work with as he thinks that's what I will lose with the reduction. So, all things taken into account, I have about 11 lbs to go... The singing bowls worked their magic and have calmed me - but in my head, the happy dance carries on. Hope everyone else moves on towards their goals too :-)))
  3. Indigo1991

    Giving yourself permission...

    Lol, let me tell you, it is very do-able and very therapeutic :-)))))
  4. Indigo1991

    Giving yourself permission...

    TwinsMama, thank you! My mindset has changed so much since the start of the year. I have always been "glass half full" person but my health issues, my weight and my life in general were turning me into someone I didn't recognise, including heading for clinical depression. Taking charge of my life by recognising that I am the sum total of the decisions and choices I make - if there is a bad situation its no one else's fault how that turns put for me, irrespective of what others might say or do, it's how I respond that matters - was the turning point. I matter, I am worthy of a good life and happiness, something I had never truly believed. On the back of that, I cut my ex out of my life (after 32 years), signed up for the surgery, decided to sell my 15 year old business, stopped doing all the things I did out of duty and started doing things that gave me joy and pleasure - and I have never been so calm, content and happy. Yes, I still have bumps in the road but I deal with them and move on. My health is transformed and I am in charge of my life for the first time in years - and for 51, I look pretty amazing, even though I say it myself!!!! Still got a way to go, but my insecurities are waning as I begin to respect myself again - and like myself. That's why I am so positive.... Thanks for noticing :-))))
  5. Indigo1991


    You don't want loose stools, you want them soft. Whatever you do, stop the laxatives while at this early stage of your sleeve - all they do is slow your body and then you need to take more laxatives to get the same results. Check with your doc, but most don't like us to take laxatives at all. You need to drink all your Water cos thats what softens stools and add something like Benefiber to make sure you do go even while on liquids and purees. But above all, go get the haemorrhoids fixed. That's the real problem and if it is that painful, go to the doc. But laxatives are not the answer....
  6. Indigo1991

    Struggling...4 days post-op

    Kimmy1813, I promise u it will pass, life will get better... I felt exactly the way u r describing but from that low point, I started heading back up. Am almost 4 months out and wouldn't change a minute of what I've gone through. No regrets - but once u get through the first two weeks, it does get better :-)))))
  7. Indigo1991

    Leave My Food ALONE!

    My latest trick with my son is to give him what I am eating ... and he's loving it! So am I, less waste and easier to make one bigger meal than two different ones. No biscuits or cookies for him, he gets a protein bar. They aren't cheap but I'm not spending money on the usual stuff he would choose to eat. So it's working for us, no more conversations about where my crackers and low fat cheese went ...
  8. Indigo1991

    Is this a sign of overtraining?

    I only had nausea when I wasn't fuelled up enough to train. Trainer said my blood sugar was dropping too low, so I was drinking glucose drink prior to training to raise it before working out and Protein shake immediately after. Not sure how this will work with the sleeve.... 5-6 days a week training over 6 months takes a toll on your body unless you are alternating between cardio and weights. I was only allowed to train on alternate days to help my body get time to rest and recuperate. Might be time to ease back on daily training for a while, shake up your body but allow it time to gather itself.
  9. Indigo1991

    Struggling...4 days post-op

    You are not whining, so don't beat yourself up. And you're not alone, we are all here listening and sympathising. Many of us have been where you are... Day 4 post op and I cried all day. Hormones all over the place, tired because I wasn't getting enough food or Water in and experiencing buyers remorse - what the hell had I done to myself??? Woke up on day 5 feeling more rested and just generally better and the corner was turned. Who knows why but you have just been through a major surgery so strange things happen. It's an emotional time - but all of this will pass, you will start to feel better, healthier and you will lose weight. Keeping up with your kids will get easier :-)))) So chin up, it's very early days, focus on doing what you can with your liquids and remember - u r most definitely not alone! Good luck, keep us updated....
  10. Indigo1991

    This is what success looks like

    Ha ha ha ha! Love it - could apply it to everything else in my life too
  11. Indigo1991

    I know its a compliment but still

    Cheri, love ur rant and ur posts on this - couldn't agree more! I am exactly the same person I was before. Just because some people now actually see me doesn't mean I will do cartwheels of joy amd gratitude in response to any crumb of "praise". (I mean in response to backhanded compliments rather than the genuine comments from friends) Instead, I am more likely to stand back and reappraise the person who says the dumb thing... Couple of particular favourites in last two weeks friend's partner said to her: "I never noticed before but Jacqui's an attractive girl - was she always like that???" and my friend passed this on! Then another " friend" who said to me: "you have such a pretty face, maybe you shouldn't lose any more weight in case it gets too thin". And ur point caller is????? Too thin for what???? So which is it? I was ugly and invisible when fat or am I going to be ugly and thin? Lol, you couldn't make it up! But you know what, whilst I am the same person I always was, I now exercise my right to say feck 'em., their opinions are of no value or consequence to me any more. Might be I have changed a bit after all ha ha ha!!!!
  12. Indigo1991

    No Friend Of Mine

    2x4no more, lots of good advice so I will chip in with a thought - is it time to stop setting urself up to fail? I did it and, to some extent, we all do it by giving ourselves arbitrary targets, even if they only exist in our heads. Then if we don't hit them - we have failed. No we haven't, we just didn't match our expectation.... Huge difference. For me, I now look at every pound lost as one I won't see again - ever. I have no expectations of myself other than if I follow the protein/water/exercise instructions I will lose either weight or inches. And both matter, one isn't more important than the other. Being sleeved is different from anything u have done in the past because your body - most of time, lol - is on ur side and will join in. Yes there are stalls, I have had one for the last month but have gone down a whole size in clothes. And I know that will eventually appear on my scale. But I also know not to stress any more and that also helps my body take care of its business. It isnt easy but you have done a great thing for you and your body in getting sleeved - go with it, it gets better!!!! Good luck :-)
  13. As Lia M says, ask your doc. Everyone's different, mine says no alcohol for a year then only in limited quantities thereafter. From what I have heard from other sleevers, one drink can get you wasted with our tiny stomachs! My sympathies are with you as a former champagne drinker myself - but i know the fizz would be agony in my new tummy (think about it feels with a bit of trapped air when you are drinking/eating) so even if I was allowed to drink, I wouldn't have any of that :-((( Happy 21st when it comes x
  14. Me too BethinPA! Have just had a couple of dates with a nice guy with the Buddha belly and have been wondering if that's me making a backwards choice because he's within my comfort zone... or rather he's in my old comfort zone. Have now been invited out for lunch (!) with another guy, who's whatever the male equivalent of a gym bunny is - and he races motorbikes. So he's toned and athletic and fit! But although I look pretty reasonable, my friend describes me as "she looks like a yogurt but she wobbles like a jelly". Think you all get the picture :-)))) Still have a bit of toning to do!!! Good thread, has made me think of what lies behind my decisions to have dates with both guys. Mmmmm.....
  15. Ps you sound like you have a good support system in your family - use them, once I started letting people help, life got easier. And great news re going to school....
  16. Wow such a lot on your plate and still you made a good choice! Sending you a big pat on the back for that - and a hug for the rest of your problems. Next week, life will change - I believe it will get better for you including the emotional eating. I separated from my husband after 30 years three years ago and although I was an emotional eater before that, I got way worse after. When I was sleeved 4 months ago I felt at rock bottom, although I hadn't shared that with anyone. I kept eating until it dawned on me there was nothing in the world that I ate that made me feel better, about me or my life. Nothing tasted so good that it made me feel better... Since I have been sleeved, I have had a new lease of life. My confidence is back, I am healthy and well and, according to others, I am looking amazing :-)))) What I haven't done in a long time is eat unthinkingly or because of how I feel. Yes, I still have pressures and worries but nothing I can't deal with, whereas in the past, I would have headed for the fridge. I feel I now really have something to lose if I make bad food choices - and if you had said that to me four months ago, I wouldn't have believed you. So well done, hang in there and the very best of luck with the surgery - let us know how you're doing....
  17. Indigo1991


    Ps as I have lost weight, I am now comfortable doing different types of social activity - my friends and I are going dancing in two weeks. That was something I never thought I would ever do again. So life doesn't need to revolve round food!
  18. Indigo1991


    We are all with you, as cindymg says we wouldn't be here if we weren't all coming from the same place as you :-) It's hard to believe now but surgery will change your life in so many ways that you can't even foresee just now. It seems scary but it will be all good! My social life used to revolve round food. I still join in with all of that four months out. But now my focus isn't on the food itself, it's on enjoying the time with friends and family. And they all get what I have done and why. Took a bit of time, but they accept what is now my new "normal" in terms of what I eat and how much. They are so happy for me, having watched me be so miserable over the years, and I am sure your family will feel the same. At the moment, I know it's hard to be positive or to see just how life changing this surgery will be. It is a huge step to take, it won't always be easy as you will see from posts on this site. But it put me on the road to being healthy and fit - and I have never been happier despite my initial fears and concerns. As for failing, if you do what you are meant to do in relation to Water and Protein, your sleeve pays you back by doing what it's there to do - help you lose weight. It's all pretty simple Keep asking questions and stay strong. This decision is about you, no-one else walks in your shoes. So whatever you choose to do, do it for you, what the rest of the world thinks really doesn't matter, this your life....
  19. Four months out and i can say with certainty I prefer savoury flavours to sweet, huge change. My biggest disappointment is that I struggle with the taste and texture of bananas - previously my favourite fruit :-( Upside is anything remotely sweet and one taste is enough... like Cheri I can taste artificial sweeteners in one tiny bite so I avoid at all costs. Probably better for me anyway. Like Kathp, I think carefully before I put something in my mouth and consider if I really want it and whether it is worth eating. Funny place to be as it's not really a conscious practice but as I fill up pretty quickly, I want to make my food count rather than eat some cr*p and regret it until my next meal...
  20. Indigo1991

    Giving yourself permission...

    My son had knee surgery last week so is staying with me (for another 8 weeks!!!) until he recovers enough to look after himself again. Tonight, his dad, my ex, came to see him for dinner. I did the whole steak, potatoes, veg, followed by apple pie and a cream custard. Not only didn't I eat a mouthful of what they were having, I didn't eat anything - because I didn't feel ready to eat. No-one commented, we all sat together and chatted, then both said thanks for a great dinner. Two hours later, I am having something to eat as i now want to and I will enjoy it. That's a huge change in my mindset and I hope it's the beginning of the end of food ruling me rather than the other way around. Globetrotter, I get the whole permission not to eat thing too. Choosing when to eat (or not) and not being dictated to by food (or people) is such a freeing experience. Long may this continue :-)
  21. Sorry to tell everyone but the hair loss is a side effect of the surgery, your body's response to major surgery. So shampoos, Protein, vits improve the quality of ur hair and help with re growth but nothing stops the hair loss. If there was a way to avoid it, we would all be given the cure! And there would be a lot less guys with shaved heads :-)))) Am currently losing mine but as I said in another post, once it stops and re grows, I will still be healthy and looking great - it's a small price to pay for such a huge change in my life.
  22. Indigo1991

    Back in the hospital...

    Thinking of you and wishing for a speedy recovery - you are in the best place! x
  23. Indigo1991

    May 13.JPG

    From the album: Indigo1991

  24. Yup me too, in to the office, looked at my scars, weighed me, asked if all was well, then out the door - painless! As for the inches rather than scale movement, I am always in awe of how the sleeve works. I have been stalled for 4 weeks in terms of my weight. Although I am being patient, I have upped my Protein and fluids to give my body a bit of a kick. scales haven't moved but yesterday I tried on a top I bought a month ago that was too small when I bought it but I loved it (I looked as if I had been stuffed in it, lol) and knew I would fit it eventually. Well "eventually" came yesterday - the scales read the same but I have gone down almost a whole size in the last month and I look great in the top, with room to spare!!!! So inches or llbs, it's all working for me - hope it keeps working for you, the scales will move but inches matter just as much :-))))

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