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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Indigo1991

  1. Think what the posts here show is that for some, weighing too often is unhealthy as it is a form of addiction that controls them. But for others, it is just another tool that helps them manage this journey. All I can say is that we are all on our own journeys running on parallel lines. What works for me won't necessarily work for anyone else. But what the responses show is that you are never alone, there's always someone who's having a similar journey and just hearing that helps. There's no right way of doing any of this...
  2. Indigo1991


    SueJH is right, there's nothing you can do to stop the hair loss but the Biotin, Protein etc ensures that new hair comes thru quickly and in good condition. My hair loss started around 3 months and continues 6 weeks later. As we are always told, there's no such thing as a free lunch - so I always thank my hair for its sacrifice as it swirls down the plug... Due to my improved diet, what I have has never looked shinier or healthier. Stay calm, stress doesn't help :-) I got Toppik online which is Keratin fibres (what ur hair is made of) that match ur hair colour. U puff it into the roots and it creates the impression that u have more hair than u do. Doesn't blow away and washes out, no one can see it. I am pretty pleased with the result, feel I can get thru with this :-)))
  3. What might help is dense Protein - chicken, tuna are two that are high in protein and difficult to eat a lot of cos they fill you. And that makes it hard to get too many carbs in. Protein and Water are what will get you losing weight .... and moving about. :-)))) You sound a bit defeated and maybe a bit scared? Bet you are not the worst post-op person and please don't say you are failing, you just need some help. If you do speak to your doc, he or she can't tell your mom (unless you are younger than I think you are) and I think you need to share your feelings with them. Would telling your mom get you more support? Are you getting a therapist soon? Don't think you are alone or that you are messing up. This is a tough surgery, it messes with your hormones and your head. In the circumstances, you are doing the best you can - but you need to speak up and get more help to get you through this time. Let us know how things go in the next few days...
  4. GG, irrespective of weight loss, you are already a major success - you have raised a son who's thoughtful, bright and sensitive! Having spent a lifetime stressing about everything weight related (but rarely saying anything out loud so I always felt like a pressure cooker about to explode), losing weight steadily seems to have brought more of a calm. Four months out and I can actually forget to weigh myself. It's a great feeling of relief and release :-)))) We need to put down the sticks many of us use to beat ourselves with - whether it's the tyranny of the scale, the need to compare our weight loss/food intake/exercise habits with others or just because the voice in our head says "are you sure you can really do this?". You're doing great, stick with it.
  5. Indigo1991

    Stay home.

    As ever, everyone's body is different. It may be a day or two, it may be longer depending on how your body reacts to surgery etc. I was looking after myself fine during the day when I got home but having someone around was nice, especially on day 4 when I got hormonal and weepy. If he takes more days and you don't need him, can he go back to work? Better that than sitting alone needing help or support :-)
  6. Indigo1991

    New Ghrelin Research

    Arts, agree re eating without any relationship to hunger. However, what the sleeve has done for me is allow me, at 52, to learn what empty and full feels like! And that is probably more useful to me in knowing when to eat and how much to eat. At the moment, "hungry" feels like a redundant term for me - but that may change in time :-)
  7. Indigo1991

    Big changes

    Lol, congratulations on your weight loss and your new view of being full :-) We are all conditioned In different ways to food and our behaviour around it. It is so ingrained, we can't always see it. If we are lucky, there's a "eureka" moment and suddenly we understand that x,y or z was a problem after all. The sleeve can be that moment. I ate too much, not because I needed it, but because I was filling a hole in me that food was never going to fill. Getting a grip of my eating and learning to eat for fuel, rather than comfort, has let me look at why I ate the way I did and deal with those issues. Good luck in keeping saying "no"!!! I now happily throw food out with no sense of guilt - it makes me feel good that the hold has gone, lol
  8. Indigo1991

    Kinda disappointed:(

    What's a girl to do? Get the checklist out and see where you are - are you drinking enough Water? Are you getting enough Protein? Are you moving enough? It is also entirely possible it's a stall... Don't let the PA's attitude get to you. I know in the past I was guilty of allowing other people get me down with their behaviour. But you have done a great thing for yourself in getting sleeved. It is very early days, be kind to yourself, don't beat yourself up and keep your eyes on the prize - stick with the program, which is hard when you are on purée but this will pass. This is all about you and no-one else - and you can do it. Keep plugging on and show them when you go to your 3 month check that you've got this.... Good luck! :-)
  9. Indigo1991

    Divorce Post Op?

    There is definitely hope! I had my first date in 33 years six weeks ago and survived - everything is possible, lol!
  10. Indigo1991

    Divorce Post Op?

    I hope when you look back, it will be because you want to remember the time your life really changed for the better - and that the reasons won't matter any more :-) Hold your head up, it's not easy now but it does get better. My ex husband and I split 3 years ago after 30 years. Last Sept, we got back together secretly to see if we could make it work but he suddenly dumped me the month before my surgery in March this year, no explanation. Or reasons. So I went through surgery alone but I haven't looked back. I realised the strength I have and have been so grateful for my friends, who have stood by me through it all. Good luck to you, you are not alone... There are a few of us on the road with you x
  11. Indigo1991

    Reaction From The Men In Your Life

    My then 21 year old son's reaction blew me away - he told me that only I knew the difference wls would make to me and if I had decided it was what I needed, then that was good enough for him (He then looked after me first two weeks post op with maturity far beyond his years, still get emotional thinking about it) Only told ex the night before so that son had support in case there was a problem. Was underwhelmed by his reaction which was along the lines of "well if u think it will work but...." That's why he is an ex, lol!!!!.
  12. Ha ha ha! I like that the answer is cute undies not smaller pants ????
  13. Indigo1991

    Giving Up

    Suzanne, ur OP was 4 months ago - how have you done since then?
  14. Indigo1991

    Minor victories

    Congratulations! This is just the start of many victories, I bet. It's not always the big things that hit home, small things like weighing less than your husband can mean as much. For me, crossing my legs gives me endless entertainment nowadays, lol.
  15. Indigo1991

    Don't lose too much - aaaargh!

    nmck, great phrase, which I will steal if you don't mind :-) And GamerGirl, won't be long before you are being told the same!!! While I have had a rant, I am so happy to be here rather than where I was. I have also started to get the once over from guys and, trust me, I ain't offended, lol.
  16. Indigo1991

    Hey everyone!

    Hooray - congratulations, another big step forward :-))))
  17. Indigo1991

    Don't lose too much - aaaargh!

    I like the idea of giggling, seems like a great response! Congratulations on getting to 139, bet you look fab. As far as your mum goes, I have one like that at home.... why say a good thing if she can say something that makes you feel bad? But you have the right attitude towards her. All too often, we let others behaviour impact on us when they don't deserve to have that power. And you are right, haven't been this happy in years, with my health, my life and how I look. Its all good and I won't let any naysayers bring me down :-))))
  18. Indigo1991

    I just lied!

    I intended to tell no one but when anyone asks I tell them I had surgery on my stomach to help my health. I explain I have all but lost the two comorbidities that affected my health, which is a huge relief to me, and have lost weight too. At that point, people rarely ask any more.
  19. Indigo1991

    PLEASE tell me my boobs will shrink

    Started out as 40G, now a 32 HHH! So band sizes has dropped dramatically but boobs are effectively the same volume. But now heading towards my knees lol! So I will be having a lift and reduction if only to balance my top and bottom half out. I look like Jessica Rabbit's mum ... Not a good look, trust me :-) Seriously, it means buying clothes is still a pain. I need a size 8 for the bottom and a 10/12 for the top - not much difference but enough that I still can't go buy a nice dress that fits. But I will ask my surgeon for boobs that won't poke people's eyes out :-)))))) Might be too much at 52...
  20. Indigo1991

    warning:TMI - constipation

    Zenandnow, sit on the toilet, knees apart and lean forward as far as u can comfortably. Give it time but that is the best position to get movement going as it lines up ur internals to work to best advantage. Alternatively, prop ur feet up on a box while still keep them flat, so that it brings ur knees up - creates same scenario. Don't rush when sitting in either position, it will take ur body a few mins to recognise what's happening - but should help !
  21. Indigo1991


    Hope you feel better tomorrow, sure it's just a bump in the road. Just remember that thin people have down days too :-)))) And on the days when you don't feel good about life, be kind to yourself. Don't let your inner critical voice beat you up or pull you down - do something nice like have a long soak in a bubble bath, buy a glossy magazine, paint your nails or do whatever makes you feel good. Then remind yourself that this too shall pass.... Hang in there.....
  22. Indigo1991

    Hating everything in my life

    Gamergirl, thanks!!! For too many years, I put myself last and allowed my emotions and actions to be influenced by others. But I also held myself back, probably out of fear of confronting what I knew I had to do. Doing this exercise showed me I was right to be worried about some things and wrong to be wasting time on other stuff. It put things in perspective and reminded me that everything is possible - and that sometimes you have to have faith in yourself, even if others don't because this is your life, no/one else should live it for you. My life is now my own, I am happy and, with my better health, I intend to make the most of it :-))))
  23. Indigo1991

    Hating everything in my life

    At the start of this year, I wrote down everything I hated about my life and was shocked to find 13 things, large and small, my weight being only one of them. But all were bringing me down in different ways. Next to each one I wrote down what the answer was to make the problem go away - and every issue had a solution.... So I have spent the last eight months dealing with each in turn, while also undergoing VSG, and my life is transforming. Nothing has been exempt - I am working on a major career change, have eased people out of my life who were toxic and have significantly improved my health through the surgery. I have 4 matters still not fully resolved but I have made a start on each. I feel as if I am back in control of my life for the first time in years and I am not at the mercy of my weight, other people or my own negative thoughts. What I am trying to say to you is that sometimes weight is a catalyst for making changes in life but once you start down that road, you can better see there's more work needed on other things than you realised. But it is all do-able. Good luck, hope adjusting your meds again gives you space to stand back and appraise things in a more positive way. And to reflect on the amazing weight loss you have achieved to date - hang in there!!!
  24. Hope all is well!!!

  25. Just saw ur latest post. - sucking on them????What I said stands - u will increasingly feel the restriction so stick to the amounts u r being asked to eat, purée and liquids. Trust me, as u move on to solids u won't be looking at m & ms lol!

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