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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MsSarena

  1. MsSarena


    From the album: Before and in progress

  2. MsSarena

    Before and in progress

  3. MsSarena

    Before 2

    From the album: Before and in progress

  4. MsSarena

    Before and in progress

    From the album: Before and in progress

    So far so good... 3 months after and I'm almost 60 lbs down
  5. Has anyone else tried using any diet pills or other weight loss supplements like raspberry ketone or HCG in conjunction with your new way of eating post surgery? I have though about it since my diet is so much better and I am more active than before could it hurt to add in a supplement that was designed to work best with a balanced diet and increased exercise? Obviously I don't want to do anything dangerous so I'm just curious to see if anyone else has considered this or looked into it with their doctor.
  6. MsSarena

    3 month post oper's

    I can eat pretty much anything but I have to chew really well. Its a bit frustrating sometimes because I occasionally forget and swallow a bite that makes me cramp up and then I don't want to finish eating. Also if I eat to fast I regret it then too. I just hope that eventually I will be able to eat more than 6 bites of anything.
  7. On a side note... I can't deal with caffeine or ephedrine based stuff because I don't like the jitters but there are many things out there that supposedly help with metabolism. I have read about products that help to digest protein or products that are used to block fat absorption. If I am taking care of my diet and doing everything else I wonder if my body could benefit from a little added help.
  8. MsSarena

    Gross fuzzy tongue?

    Is that thrush? I think I seen someone else on here talking about that once but I did not experience this myself so I don't have any answers. Maybe look it up though to see if the symptoms are similar. Good luck!
  9. I was sleeved on 4-23 started at 226.8 and am down 40#s today (186.4). I worry about hitting a stall but I also finally have the energy back to do a full work out without needing a nap afterwards so hopefully things keep on keeping on!
  10. I am about 6 weeks out and would like to start taking biotin as well as some other supplements that do not come in a small pill form. I would also like to be able to use aspirin or Excedrin occasionally. I have no problems eating but I chew very well so I'm not sure how my stomach will handle a big tablet in it. When did you start taking larger pills and how did your stomach treat you afterwards? I'd rather not vomit for the first time because of a supplement I took!
  11. MsSarena

    Upset stomach

    I had diet pepsi today, I just opened it and let it go flat in the fridge first. Ahhhhhh so refreshing!
  12. MsSarena

    I want pizza!

    When I was in liquid only phase I chewed a big bite of pizza and spit it out and I felt horrible afterwards. Not my stomach but emotionally. I cried and felt like I failed myself. So, no more chewing for me unless its something I am going to swallow! On that note I did chew and swallow a few bites of pizza today I am almost 6 weeks out and so like 3 bites will do it! Obviously I had to get my protein in this morning to make up for my "not so good for me but oh so delicious dinner" but its not all about deprivation as it is proper balance and making better choices everyday. Oh and change the channel when the commercials come on cause they can be torture!
  13. MsSarena

    Post op pain

    It took me a little over a week before I could roll over without the pain. I think a lot of the pain was due to the gas from the surgery which takes some time to subside. Good job getting in your liquids in and take it easy! I know that once I started feeling more mobile it was easy to over do it in which case I felt like crud all over again. Good luck
  14. MsSarena

    I miss my vodka!

    Personally I wouldn't want to find out how alcohol was going to affect me while I was trying to enjoy a grad party. Some people get violently ill with very little booze post surgery. One month after is pretty soon to try getting drunk. The real risk is possibly spending the night in/on the toilet.
  15. MsSarena

    Crazy Hungry n not feeling full...? Anyone?

    I'm only a month out but sometimes I can eat like 6-7ozs of something and then the next meal I am full to the brim after 3 ozs. I also notice that some days I am very aware of when my stomach is empty (what I call hungry) and other days I have to remind myself eat because I don't even notice my stomach. I think that the slower I eat the more I can consume and if I eat fast I fill up faster and stay full longer, although it is an uncomfortable full feeling. Anyway, I don't know why it is so day to day for all of us but I don't think you are alone!
  16. I have been a size 18 at 175lbs and at 220 lbs. so for me I am not expecting a new pant size for a while! Congrats on the 20 down though. Are you just a few weeks out? My belly was swollen for like 3 weeks so even though I lost 20 in the first 2 weeks my clothes fit even more tight than they did before surgery.
  17. MsSarena

    To Each His Own.....Actress Mo'Nique Loses 80 lbs

    She does look great but I too was a bit disappointed in her criticism. I believe that some people have to criticize others choices to feel good about their own decisions, even when they are doing well and have success. Clearly she has this issue as she used to talk down on skinny girls and now she has the issue with people just like her who desired to be healthy but have went about it differently. Oh well, being supportive and encouraging isn't in everyone I guess.
  18. MsSarena

    Not A Magic Cure--Am I Alone?

    I agree, we hear stories of 80#s in 4 months and think that must be the way it should be for anyone willing to go through such a big change. Nope. I am not a month out yet but can already tell that clothes wont be falling off me at any point soon. It really is about the journey more than the destination though, or at least that is what I am trying to convince myself of now. I try to remember how many years it took to pack on the weight which is a much easier task. Good luck embracing your journey!
  19. MsSarena

    Before pics

    Crazy to see hoe my weight had fluctuated over the years..
  20. MsSarena


    From the album: Before pics

    This is me and Josh a few months after we started dating. I was probably still 20 pounds lighter there than I am today.
  21. I worried about the same thing, I have elevated liver enzymes and was concerned they would get in me and feel it was too risky to touch my liver. Everything worked out fine but I did go to my GP and had blood work run before heading all the way there just to be turned away. My patient coordinator was really good about sending my questions and lab reports to my Dr. before we booked anything and they adjusted by pre-op requirements based on my specific circumstances. Talk with your coordinator to see what they suggest and relax because stress makes everything worse.
  22. MsSarena

    Pain again 3 weeks later...

    It does make me feel better. It must all be a part of healing, I mean it is a pretty big change internally! Every week is a new part of the healing process and overdoing it really does make a difference. No more carrying groceries for a while!
  23. So I was sleeved April 23rd and was not painful, but sore. If I tried to move certain ways I felt pain in my abdomen which was to be expected. About a week out that went away and I could move, roll over in bed, or bend over all without that uncomfortable feeling in my belly. Last night I carried in the groceries and afterwards I noticed the same type of pain I experienced right after surgery. I also had my first post op visit yesterday and was poked and prodded quite a bit which didn't seem to cause any discomfort at the time. I wonder if anyone has experienced something like this before and if so was it just a back step in healing or was this something more serious? The bariatric surgeons in my town refuse to see patients who had their surgery out of the country so I am limited to my GP who said yesterday that everything seemed great. I don't feel like this is worth an emergency room visit since everything else is fine. I am hoping this wont be another week of slow careful movements since I am back to work already and can't take more time off. Any thoughts?
  24. MsSarena

    Pain again 3 weeks later...

    That makes me feel better, I guess. If there was anything else wrong then I would go to the er but it doesn't feel concerning, just painful. Is it the left side or the right side for you? It's like a tight feeling under my left ribcage that I can feel in my back sometimes depending on how I move and the pain is worse if I take deep breaths.
  25. I will be 2 weeks post-op tomorrow too and proir to surgery I don't think I knew what it really felt like be hungry since I ate all the time for other reasons! Bored? Make something to eat. Mad about work? Eat something good. Sad or depressed? Eat something. I would eat for entertainment and pleasure even when there wasn't something wrong. I guess what I am getting at is that you need to recognize what triggers your cravings and why you choose food as your fix-all. There are support groups and sites available to help you develop ideas for how to change the role that food plays in your life. A big thing that helped me was to think of better ways of finding pleasure besides eating. Hobbies, or other things like treating yourself to a new book can become your new reward vs. food. Talk to your doctor too about support groups in your area, and good luck!

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