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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KayCTheNewMe

  1. Had surgery 04/23 and as of yesterday I lost 20.2 lbs it feels great!
  2. KayCTheNewMe


    My doctor told me that your body will do what it wants to do. I stalled at 3 weeks and even gained 3 lbs but literally the next week I dropped that and 4 more pounds. He told me of a person that stalled at 6 months for 2 months then dropped a bunch more. I noticed making sure I get my fluids keeps things rolling!
  3. So this is a little bit of a longer story but it's a 2 part question. So the other night I ended up going to the ER 2 nights in a row for severe stomach pain. The first night I went was from 3 days of feeling like I had done crunches all day. The pain went all across my stomach and on the left side of my back. The doctors took 9 hours to not really find anything. They refilled my pain meds and set me an appointment to check to see if I had an ulcer if the pain persisted. The next night I had such a sharp pain that I actually fell to the floor and had the wind knocked out of me. Went to the ER again and within a short time they said that I was "backed up." They prescribed me Miralax which has helped quite a bit. Unfortunately my doctor stood me up today (waited over an hour in the room before just leaving) so I wasn't able to check for the ulcer but I am still having a very hard time drinking and eating because of the nausea. The pain is bearable so I don't want to push another doctors appointment until mine next week. So my questions are 1) What are some signs of ulcers and 2) What are some good foods to eat to not have this backed up problem again? My doctor told me to watch out for fibrous foods because of what it can do to your stomach/bowels so I'm not sure of some other options that may work. I am not at the point I can drink coffee again since I am only 5 weeks out so I cannot do that one at least for another month. THANKS!
  4. KayCTheNewMe

    Day 4 post Op

    I do also apologize for not responding sooner. I am still learning to navigate this site and didn't see these posts
  5. KayCTheNewMe

    Day 4 post Op

    From the album: Weight Loss Journey

    Redressed the wounds with some mickey bandaids. 4 stapled, 1 open. BTW the tube they put in your body to drain fluid SUCKS. I think that was among the worst things to deal with was the removal and constant cleaning of it.
  6. KayCTheNewMe

    Day 4 post Op

    I had the tube in for 2 days. It actually did hurt to get it "stripped." That is where they pull it to clean it out. Taking it out hurt so bad but it only lasted a few seconds. I was in the hospital for 2 nights and 3 days and I did not have to take the tube home! I was so happy about that. I have to say that was probably the worst part of the stay
  7. KayCTheNewMe


    For me the first 2-3 weeks was horrible, but now on week 4 its so much easier. I was in a lot of pain, hard time eating and drinking and temptation for my favorite foods was horrible. But now the pain is gone, I can take my vitamins, and walk around without as much exhaustion. I spoke to my doctor and he told me that the 1st month is full of regret and by 3 months you feel its the best thing you've ever done. I can certainly see that in my future
  8. Hello again. So two days ago I pulled a bad mommy and picked up my 2 year old son (those darn baby eyes). The rest of the day I was fine, but the next day I woke up and layed on my left side and Had a very sharp pain under the left side of my ribs. It hurt whenever I moved, ate, and especially when I would breathe in deep. Today it wasn't as bad, but I can't turn certain ways and it definitely hurts when I breathe in deep, but it does feel better. I am afraid I may have pulled something, but my biggest fear is a hernia. I called the surgery clinic and they said if it hurts bad go to the emergency room, but on a scale of 1-10 I am probably a 3 or 4 steadily, so it doesn't seem like an emergency to me. So my question really is does it sound like something any one of you may have had? If so what was it?
  9. Hello everyone! My name is Kaila and I am brand new to this forum (actually any forum) and I am definitely looking for some help with this journey. I will start a little about myself. I grew up the majority of my life in New Hampshire, am currently a proud army wife and mom of an almost 3 year old boy. I work as an office assistant and also as a home sales consultant with Seacret. I've spent the majority of my life taking care of others that it wasn't hard to forget about myself, leading to my unhealthy diet and with stress and anxiety, an addiction to food. After moving to Colorado I gained a lot more weight in a short period of time because trying to breathe in this elevation was so difficult it took away my physical activity that I had in our other home. Within 3 months I became prediabetic, hypertensive, and had high cholesterol. I had my surgery and all my preop appointments at Evans Community Hospital at Fort Carson. My doctor was Dr. Mayfield. He was amazing. Very personable and straight forward. He didn't sugar coat anything, but definitely made you comfortable to talk to. I had a month of pre op appointments including mutliple nutrition appointments, wellness (metabolism testing), bariatric surgery group counseling and psychological evaluations. Going through the appointmetns were really important and informative. My doctor was very lenient on the pre op diet. I ate reasonably and cut my calories down by half, but I still enjoyed my cravings occasionally. The day before surgery I ate up to 1:30 pm (only 2 very small meals concidering my Vitamins definitely helped minimize my diet, so I definitely reccomend takin them before surgery for at least 2 weeks) and they provided me a magnesium drink that cleans out your system. At that point I could not have anymore solid food. Day of surgery was a bit tough phsycailly. I just remember waking up and all I could say was pain and shake my head. I spent 2 nights and 3 days admitted. They try to make you walk right away, but I didn't walk until the 2nd day. I was very much under the anestisia for a lot longer than I wanted to be. In order for me to go home I needed to drink 4 - 5 oz of clear Fluid within 1 hour. The first time I tried to drink it I became really sick. Eventually I was able to drink 8 oz. within 3 hours, so they let me go home. My problem right now is that I am on the full liquid diet, but I cannot injest more than 35 oz a day, and only clear fluids. Its painful to drink still ( 5 days post op) and I can't really drink any full fluids yet The first day I tried I ended up in the hospital again dehydrated. Has anyone else had such a hard time drinking after surgery? All I keep hearing is that the 1st week is the worst, but people I've read their information or seen youtube are drinking full liquids like champs the first week, so it makes me feel a little broken. Im also having a really hard time with commercials. If I see Little Caesars pizza one more time I may snap. I have also had such a heightened sense of smell. I could smell my grandmothers plain toast while she was upstairs. It seems like it's making it more difficult. Also, walking is increditbly difficult. There's always a sharp or dull (it changes) spot under my left breast where my stomach would be, but when I walk it becomes more painful. Should you push through it or take it easier? Any advice would be wonderful. I am definitely open to anything that would make my life a lot more comfortable right now!
  10. Tomorrow is 2 weeks post op for me and I am feeling more depressed than I was before I had surgery about food. I have broke down every night these past few days and now it's becoming almost a mealy thing. I am so addicted to food before hand and with me having a hard time eating anything right now makes it so hard to see that this is better for me than how I was before. How were you able to overcome the cravings, the ridiculous amounts of commercials and food places you see, and fighting the temptation to eat things you shouldn't?
  11. I am 2 weeks post op and am very drained and sore come the evening. I figured it was because you're using your back to make up for what you can't use with your stomach muscles and that causes general pain. I also haven't been able to take my vitamins (every one I take I am hovering over the toilet about 2 minutes later) which will also make it more difficult to get some energy. Just have to keep pushing through! The more you're able to do the better you will feel.
  12. KayCTheNewMe

    Akward chest pain

    thanks. it's so hard sometimes lol after 2 days the pain did go away thankfully. I returned to work today and was able to make it the whole shift without any pain. still can't eat much, but it's not pain that does that. it's nausea.
  13. KayCTheNewMe


    Congrats! Just had mine a week before you Hydration is the most important thing, but don't force anything. I had a hard time drinking and was able to get nausea meds which makes the world of difference. Don't push too much physically too. If it hurts, just relax, take it easy and try again. Good luck with your recovery!
  14. Hello again! Something else I was curious about. I have had a very rough time with find a comfortable position to sleep. So far I found if I steal 3 of the pillows, put one behind my back, one for my head and one to use like a body pillow and lay on my left side while slightly tilted towards my back is probably the best, though complicated. I always wake up after a few hours in a lot of pain. Any other suggestions to make it through the night?
  15. KayCTheNewMe

    The best way to sleep

    Thanks a lot I actually have such a hard time sleeping on my back. It almost feels like everything is being dropped down to my spine. My stomach was actually removed through my belly button so I am lucky to have my sides available. It seems tho that it's the middle of the night that bothers the most. I ended up bringing my spare blankets in the room and folded them to create a cushion under my body and sleep kind of diagonal.
  16. KayCTheNewMe

    Brand new! Just had my surgery 04/23/13

    My friend laughed at me because I look like I have a hospital refrigerator with al the jello and pudding in there lol After getting nausea meds I have finally been able to drink a lot more and even eat some foods, though I know I technically I shouldn't have solids. Literally just tasting something makes me feel better. I have a huge problem with head hunger and seeing all the commercials all the time make me nuts. I don't even have to eat all of it (I had a bite of my husbands egg whites from his sub with literally a drop of cheese and it helped my cheese fix and it didn't react bad). I've been able to eat more protein, but not as much as I want yet. I've had a few crackers and it has settled very well.
  17. KayCTheNewMe

    The best way to sleep

    We were on the couch for a few days and it got pretty uncomfortable most of the time. We even have a recliner. I slept for the first time in bed last night but the bed is really firm and I hate it. . I think I'm going to take a big blanket and fold it so that I can lay on it and still do the pillow thing. It just seems sometimes that I can feel my insides. It hurts and grosses me out lol
  18. KayCTheNewMe

    Am I doomed? (Please say no!)

    Hello! My surgeon wasn't particuarly concerned with the pre op diet. As long as I wasn't binge eating he was ok with it. Nutrition gave me a diet for 2 weeks of 800-1000 calories a day, which was impossible for me ( I would easily pass out trying to do that ). The biggest concern is your liver. If it is too large they can cut it trying to get to your stomach. My doctor said he can get around it, but it's just going to hurt me more. I had a friend that ate at a endless meat brazilian grill the night before her surgery and still had her surgery the next day. So if anything, just try to cut down a little more every day. At least a little is better than nothing at all!
  19. KayCTheNewMe

    Brand new! Just had my surgery 04/23/13

    I definitely will ! BTW, get nausea meds lol Total life saver. I was able to drink today! And I tried popscicles finally. A great way to get your liquid.
  20. KayCTheNewMe

    Brand new! Just had my surgery 04/23/13

    I agree Tv with having so many people around eating.I tried time it so it wasn't around major holidays or my birthday (which was earlier this month). I wanted to be more adjusted before hand. I am working on a list of recipes right now for each stage of the diet, and what to swap/limit/do around holidays to make it easier, but it won't ever go away I think, especially if someone loves food so much. Today my doctor renwed my pain meds and gave me nausea meds becaues I almost vomited yesterday. It felt horrible. They said because I have been dehydrated that that is the reason I am having a hard time drinking because it makes me more sore. It's a viscious cycle. But I am determined today to get at least 30 oz.
  21. KayCTheNewMe

    Day 2 post Op

    From the album: Weight Loss Journey

    My family came to visit He wasn't supposed to be in the bed, but the best part was him snuggling with me. He is usually a grandma's boy and he just wanted his mommy lately
  22. KayCTheNewMe

    Day 1 Post Op

    From the album: Weight Loss Journey

    Still pretty much doped out with anestesia, but I tried to get a picture! Needed the oxygen because evreytime I fell asleep my oxygen would drop down between 75 and 88.
  23. KayCTheNewMe

    Best food in Germany

    From the album: Me and My Family

    This is why I gained 20 lbs before I even got pregnant...Doners! Either lamb, chicken or pork (these were pork) with goat cheese, a cucumber sauce, lettuce, tomato, onion, carrots and saurkraut. I would give everything to move back to Germany to get my hands on one of these!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
