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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KayCTheNewMe

  1. KayCTheNewMe

    Drinking wine

    Your stomach may not be ready. I tried at 6 weeks and it didn't work but I had a shot. .. mind you very slowly. .. at 3 months and it was Ok. My doctor told me just wheneve I feel ready but keep in mind they are empty calories so id wait until youve gotten a good weight loss going. You dont want to feed ur body things that it doesn't need yet.
  2. KayCTheNewMe


    The surgery really does help on its own change some habbits, like I didnt want veggies and fruit before and now I do. I would choose a carb over protien any da6 and I canr even thibk about it now. I work as an office assistant and I keep peanut butter and low fat graham crackers at my desk, and will bring in some fruit when I have it, or string cheese. I also make sure at a minimum I drink 4 cups of water in my 4 to 6 hour shift. It helps fight the hunger. I will have iced tea or sugar free chai . Lots of good options
  3. KayCTheNewMe

    Another stall!

    I feel you. I am 3.5 months out and have only lost 2 lbs this month. Ive been pushing hard at the gym and focusing on calories but this disappointment is so much that it brings up all those old feelings from pre op of failure and wanting to give up. It sounds wierd but when its at the worst I look at the scars and remember the months of post op pain and how I never want to go thru that again and it kind of refocuses me and helps me remeber what I need to do...fluid, protien, calorie intake. It will pass as long as youre diligent
  4. The last month or so I have been craving any sort of veggie I can get my hands on but I know too much makes it very uncomfortable. What seems like a good amount to eat and which are easier than others?
  5. I am going to try steaming more. We do get the steam veggie bags with no sauce but they are mostly still firm. Otherwise its saute or raw. I can eat almost any veggie but I don't do corn or hominy still. I just dont want to stop eating them because I actually like them now! Lol
  6. Has anyone had problems with their gallbladder only post op? My doctor thinks I may have gallstones. He said 30 percent of pwople will get them post op and the solution is to just remove it, but I was curious how common it may be from someone not a statistic lol
  7. KayCTheNewMe

    Weight Loss Journey

    Miscellaneous pictures I take after surgery
  8. KayCTheNewMe

    down about 33-35 lbs.

    From the album: Weight Loss Journey

  9. KayCTheNewMe

    My seacret girls

    From the album: Weight Loss Journey

  10. KayCTheNewMe

    Seacret Girls

    From the album: Weight Loss Journey

    I'm on the far right
  11. KayCTheNewMe

    Down 20lbs I think

    From the album: Weight Loss Journey

  12. KayCTheNewMe

    220 Lbs

    From the album: Weight Loss Journey

    Having a girls day with my Seacret girls
  13. We all are doing this because of the wonders it can do with our body and life, and hopefully most of our bodies crave the better choices, but it isnt always so. So for thr sake of being human let's post what our new good for you wants and cravings and our bad ones. My favorite new good food that I crave are salads, but with romaine lettuce. Lots of tomatoes and black olives and cucumbers with light ranch on the side. Since surgery I love veggies and was so afraid I wouldnt be able to eat them but thankfully I can for the most part. And its always best super fresh! My bad craving tho generally is salt,and its the salty kettle chips. Its only 1 brand I will eat (its a brown and black bag of sea salt and ground pepper) but if I have access to these its a total beware situation because before you know it half of thr bag is gone! Whay about you?
  14. KayCTheNewMe

    Newbie insomnia?

    Oh, and generally with the sleep it could just be your body. With ir beinf sore and uncomfortable it makes it very hard. I pretty much made me a balloon cloud
  15. KayCTheNewMe

    Newbie insomnia?

    The roxicet will make u sleeepy but keep u up. I have been on it off and on for 3 months. Im on it now too. I was off of it for over a month and still ended getting on ambian because of the lack of sleep I had for almoat a month.your body goes through so many hormonal changes the sleep can be where you see it most. Once you get off roxicet too you will have a hard time sleeping still because ur body will crave it. Just be careful. Once you get off it you get moody ansd mean and hormones go nuts. It will also make you constipated, which makes someone unhappy just because lol
  16. KayCTheNewMe


    I should have just had it removed when I had my stomach removed lol
  17. KayCTheNewMe

    Has anyone had this problem?

    Saw my surgeon (well his assistant who is also a surgeon) this morning. With the advice of the other bariatric surgeon who supervised my procedure they said that because it was non obstructed that it didnt look like it was the major concern. Even tho my discharge paperwork stated the problem, the radiologist didnt even write it up because they felt it was that unimportant. Since this has happened 4 or 5 times post op they think its gallstones. The ct scan won't show them hardly ever so we have an ultrasound being set up by next week. It makes sense considering every time it has happened that it has gotten worse and worse. This time it took 3 shots of morphine to dull the pain. I just hope this doesnt happen again soon. And thank you all for the well wishes
  18. Has anyone had somethibg called small bowel intussusception post op? Since surgery I had been in the er 4 times for what they thought was part of the spleene dying, gas or constipation but this past but this time was worse than any before and they axtually caught it on the cat scan. I have an appt with the surgeon tomorrow but I wasnt sure if this could even be related
  19. KayCTheNewMe

    Has anyone had this problem?

    Pretty much it is the small bowel moving backwards into irself like a telescope. I havent had anything done yet. I have an appointment wit my surgeon today since my pcm isnt available. The pain stopped that night but it has happened 3 or 4 times since surgery and never before
  20. KayCTheNewMe

    Post op hunger

    I am a tad over 2 months post op and I just started getting the hungry feeling a week or 2 ago. It's typically only at night after I get out work but it's endless. I noticed drinking some different things helps a lot (I'm in love with iced sugar free chai. you can get it at any grocery store in the tea/coffee aisle) and also changing my snacks and meals up to have less carbs and more fruit and veggies. cheese sticks help too. just beware of too much fiber. it may make you feel full, but it has some other side effects you don't want to deal with. I couldn't do protein shakes. I still can't. just like pre op it makes you so hungry and for me, incredibly nauseated.
  21. I have been stalled for about 2 weeks fluctuating between 30 and 32 lbs lost. I just started working out last week (walking, eliptacle, some leg toning exercises) and have been cutting down on my carbs again because even though eating them sucks sometimes I just can't get enough it seems. Any ideas on how to push through it?
  22. KayCTheNewMe

    Weightloss stall.. :(

    Agreed. I have been in a stall for 2 weeks but I noticed that the more I work out the better it gets. I actually waited to start working out once I stalled so it would pick back up faster. Just make sure to stick to your fluids, move at least a little, even if it's just a walk, and focus on those portions My worst part was snacks...I love chips or crackers for snacks but I switched to fruit or cheese sticks and they're comfortably filling.
  23. KayCTheNewMe

    Anyone have United Healthcare

    Is this the Tricare based United Health or regular insurance?
  24. I just wanted to say that I am finally feeling like a normal person again! I have lost 29 pounds in less than 2 months, am healthy enough to exercise, and can breathe and move again! It is really amazing how much your mind and body can change so quick. My surgeon said the first 2 weeks are the "I regret this" stage, the middle is the "I feel ok" stage and 6 months out is the "I am so happy I did this" stage. I am able to drink milk finally, which was my hardest thing to consume, and can eat regular meat and some carbs, but not enough that I feel guilty. Unfortunately processed meat is a no go (hot dogs, meatballs, fast food, etc) but I don't have the cravings for those things anymore. The only craving that makes me crazy is the craving for salt, which is a bit weird but something that is manageable most of the time. So in short this was all worth it; all the pain and all the mental battles is completely worth the result.
  25. KayCTheNewMe

    Blood pressure question

    I was taking propanalol before and metroprolol post op (I am quite allergic to lisinopril) and I had the same problem with my bp going low. I can't say do what I did, but I ended up going cold turkey without meds 4 weeks post op and tracked it for a week to see where my bp and heart rate was at. after that week I started running lower than 120/80 every time and I am still not taking it. when I spoke to my surgeon he looked at it and said it was something definitely not worth treating anymore. it really can get better that quick!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
