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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KayCTheNewMe

  1. KayCTheNewMe

    I'm not proud of this....but....

    Dunkin Donuts coffee/vanilla bean coolata. I was getting so tired of iced tea. Suddenly it tastes amazing again after trying to drink that sugar filled mess :/
  2. KayCTheNewMe


    Phenagran makes you sleepy. Thats why I take it at night because the nausea keeps me awake,l. Zofran is not sleep enducing. Im not sure what other ones are out there.
  3. KayCTheNewMe

    Bowel movment

    Having some green veggies or a small thing of fruit always helps me. I have fruit, mostly pluns, with breakfast every morning and it always helps
  4. KayCTheNewMe


    I have zofran during the day and phenagren at night as needed. Are you taking acud reducers? Nexium with zantac really helps to keep the acid in check which helps the nausea a lot. Once I had stopped taking the acid reducers the nause became unbearable
  5. KayCTheNewMe

    Your monthly vs. post operation!

    I stall during tom but it goes away quick. Just make sure to hydrate and do vitamins. If I dont take my vitamins I get so weak I cant stand up. Each one gets a little better tho. Less hormones, more normal. Tho I can say I do miss my pamprin
  6. I have 9lbs until onederland and I want to reach it before moving home the last week of october. Any ideas how to help it along, like any specific work out or food that can keep the loss going? I just had my gallbladder out so im not cleared yet to go back to the gym but I plan on going at least 4 days a week
  7. KayCTheNewMe


    Im 4 months out as well and I am going crazy with the hair loss! Im trying to take all the vitamins as well amd even have a biotin shampoo and its just bad. My husband is ready to ban me from the shower or brushing my hair in the house. Cutting it all off sounds like a plan.
  8. My surgeon said 0 to 3 months is the why did I do this phasr, 3 to 6 months is the getting better but tough phase and 6+ months is the I love it. Im at 4 months and im finally happy after getting my galbladder out and starting am exercise routine
  9. I have a pill stuck in my throat and it has been for 1.5 hrs now. Ivr thrown up 2x, and ive only thrown up 2x in the past 4 months since Ive haf the surgery. I cant get it down with food, water or hot tea. Any ideas?? I dont want to keep throwing up and it hurts like hell
  10. Thanks for the advice all my friend had me try something wierd that actually worked. I laid on the bed with my legs on the bed and my body laying off of it bending backwards of the bed so that I stretched my esophagus out. I stayed line that for a few minutes and it must have moved cuz this morning I could eat and drink fine. It was the stupidest thing I think "injury" wise that's ever happened to me lol
  11. Ive eaten bread, drank cold tea, hot tea and tried a piece of meat. It hasnt gotten better. If I would have swallowed it completely it would have come up when I puked. Ive had pills get stuck before but never like this. Im still trying to drink but im just torchuring myself. I just dont want to go to the er for something this stupid. Im going to try a heating pad and see if making it warmer will expand my throat enough.
  12. KayCTheNewMe

    starting to get worried

    I had exactly the same problem. Ny doctor told me to screw the protien at furst and ti stat hydrated. I was obly drinking 2 cupa a day for the first week but then my sleeve finally expanded enough I could drink more and it became easier to eat things in the puree and soft stages. My doc told me as long as youre getting at least 2 cups a day (not long term of course) that it was ok. After 3 or 4 weeks it finally became much easier
  13. I recently had my galbladder removed, (I am 4 months post vsg) and my doc said to go thru stages again but I wouldn't have to stay in each stage as long. Well, I failed following that and this is one of the few times I feel like some of that old me is trying to comd back and say :it doesn't matter. Its one piece of chocolate" or " I think im hungry but not really but since my favorite chips are in my faxe im going to eat them" lols still can't exrrcise so its hard to ficus the cravings elsewhere. Any fun and yummy simple iseas ir recipes to help make better choices?
  14. KayCTheNewMe

    going backwards to go forwards

    Fake is supposed to be snack lol
  15. So they finally found gallstones at the er ..after 3 months of pain...on tuesday. I wont have surgery until this coming tuesday IF my surgeon finds them when he reviews the film. I have had straight pain since Sunday. I am curious how long people had to wait after finding the gallstones to get their gallbladder removed, and also what is recovery like? Ive literally not heard from my surgeon if hes reviewed the ultrasound, or if im even definitely on the schedule for surgery and im supposed to do pre op monday...ahh!! I hate not knowing anything for sure
  16. You may actually gain a little from the swelling. I know I gained like 3lbs lol but inknow its not true weight. Just stick with diet and walking. Also taking some miralax will help with the problems the pain meds will cause going to the bathroom. I had mine tuesday and today is friday and I already feel so much better but its key to keep moving. I hope u feel better soon!
  17. Same problem. It passed today finally for the most part. I keep.a heating pad on the shoulder, especially thru the night. It almost takes the pain fully away for me. The first night I made sure to take my meds, thru the night even, every 4 hours. It helps to relieve the pain, then the next morning I had cream of wheat with a half cap of miralax to pass the gas and back up from taking pain meds that constipate you. It didnt take effect yesterday but it did today and I feel so much better. Make sure to walk around a bit too, but dont over due it. Thats what messed me up. Ended up riding the scooter thru the store today lol
  18. Just got it taken out on tuesday. I already feel better unfortunately my body isnt getting used to me going backwards on my diet so much. My surgeon said to do the same sort of post vsg diet (clear liquid to regular) and I hate liquid diet so I just went back to soft foods. I feel fine now tho minus nausea. Going back to work tomorrow regardless. But even surgery recovery feels better than having the damn thing in there lol
  19. I've read of so many comments about people who how the surgery from friends, families and even doctors. I am just really curious as to why? My surgeon told me of a fellow army wife who had the surgery while her husband was deployed and has never tolld him and they're trying to get pregnant. It just seems like it will cause more problems than help to hide it. This isn't a diss!!! I am just really curious about why one's reasons to hide something so big in your life.
  20. KayCTheNewMe

    Out more than 6 weeks

    I went back after 2 and did fine
  21. Ive had 8 times that I can actually remember pain from "ow that really hurts" to like the last 2 big attacks being "you already gave me morphine 2×? You couldnt have!" It finally came back as having gallstones. They started 1 month post op and in 2 days I will be 4 months. I was told a month ago after 2 cat scans that I probably meeded an ultasound just to make sure but thanks to military cut backs I needed to be dying in orfer to have one. Waited 3 hours at another hospital to get one because waitng till monday after 3 weeks of already waiting wasnt going to happen. Lesson learned that you always need to be your own advocate! If they make you go in sircles, and no matter if at the moment of relief you feel like you wasted your time, remember it can probably happen again and "might be" is not answer.
  22. *going in circles...I promise I can spell lol
  23. KayCTheNewMe

    why do people hide it?

    There is definitely a trade off in people knowing and not knowing. My recovery nurse even asked why I had it done on the way to the upper gi! She told me she had a breast reduction so I asked her why shed do that lol and she had access to my chart lol Its a pain in the ass when a friend or someone u havent talked to in a while ask the same questions youve answered a million times. And with the army wife, I have no idea how she will keep it a secret. I dont plan on getting pregnant for a while but I can only assume once she goes to so many visits without him, or the doctor tells her she needs a special diet/vitamins or is in labor that hes going to be pissed she kept it a secret. My biggeat concern really is being with someone who doesnt know about the surgery and something serious happens (car accident, etc) has to take u to the hospital and cant tell them your proper medical concerns and the docs do or give you something that hurts you instead of helps. I had to let my upper gi nurse know I can't do the bubbles that expand your stomach. She had to ask the doctor if it was ok not to do it...
  24. KayCTheNewMe

    why do people hide it?

    Wow I am really suprised at all the feedback! And I can relate to a lot of it. My family is full of "fat and happy" people but their health is horrible and they really are miserable but won't imagine chaning their life. When I first started going thru tue idea about what I wanted to do I only cared for 2 opinions...my husband and my grandmother. They both knew me the best and knew how long I had tried and failed at losing weight. It also mattered because they had to care for my little boy while I was incapable of it. Ive had to learn with my family to say this is what im doing so deal with it for so many other things in my life this was the same thing, but no one was happy about it. I had them and friends say "you don't need it. You just need to try harder" or "youre tall so u hide it well" and as we know that doesnt always work (my surgeon actually said only 5 percent of people who reach obese and super obese will lose the weight on their own). Im just curious what feedback I would have gotten if I had not said anything and just showed up thinner. Ive lost 46 lbs but im only 10lbs lighter from when I left home so they wouldnt have noticed by time I go home in 2 months. Sometimes its easier to explain things but others its not. Like every time I go to the hospital and have to explain to the doctors what a sleeve is or what I think may be going on cuz they don't know what problems may be associated with the sleeve until they call the surgeon. My friends i am sure think im faking or lying about things but thankfully none of them have treated me bad or offered things they know I cant have. In the end I only need to focus on myself and the people I live with support me I did it for myself, my son, and in a way my husband (tho he never treated me bad or unsexy, I always wish hed look at me as he did when we met 13 years ago. Id love to show up one day and look and feel sexy...who can deny that it makes a marriage better when you love how you feel too?)
  25. April 23rd and down 40lbs today, 46 from my heaviest think I finally beat my stall!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
