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Posts posted by jacquelynn.mclean

  1. I hit a stall for weeks. I was meticulous about measuring and tracking my food and with what I was eating, there was no way I could maintain my weight. Then I started working out, and the scare started moving.

    So start moving, you'll get there. And 12 lbs in 2 weeks is incredible.

  2. First: Stop weighing yourself daily. Weigh yourself only once a week. It's probably just Water weight, but it's not doing anything for your self esteem and motivation. It's tempting to want to see progress constantly but it's not always helpful. Use your clothes as your measurement of success. If they start falling off, you're losing or shifting things despite whatever the scale says.

  3. Hey everyone so I'm going to be 5 months out on the 27th and I'm starting to struggle with my diet and exercise I have been sooooo good going to the gym everyday And eating what I'm supposed to and weighing Everything out and lately (maybe 2 weeks or so) I haven't felt like going to the gym all I want to do is binge on bad foods and ill eat my weighed out portion of food and then get up and snack on candy ( m&ms and Ice cream, crackers with Nutella on it ect) and I feel like I haven't been loosing as much as I was I'm scared I won't be able to kick this and become motivated again please help I'm at a loss!

    Your question is my biggest fear. I wish there was something that I could say to encourage you. But I am going to keep checking back to see if someone might be able to give you some advice that I could use too!!

  4. Well we need the experts to weigh in. I just want to say that your mind is playing tricks on you. 32# in 6 weeks is over 5# a week! WOW! Try picking up 6 5# bags of suger!!!

    Please don't you dare give up! And don't let your mind trick you towards "the easy way out".

    Hang in there, friend!

    What ^^ he said. Just keep trying. My doctor said that sometimes exercise is easier if you break it up. So walk for ten minutes three times a day. Even if you have to work up to walking that long, any walking is better than no walking. It'll also help with the gas you're feeling. And not having the weight just fall off of you gives your skin time to get used to your new shape. The slower you lose, the less extra skin you'll have to worry about. Keep in contact with your doctor's office. Maybe they can hook you up to a bag of IV fluids...or two...to help you get to feeling better. Being dehydrated can definitely make you feel week and nauseated. Also try eating sugar free Popsicles. It's not like drinking Water, but it's considered a hydrating Fluid (at my doctor's office it is). In the beginning when I was having issues getting my Water in, I was eating a box of popsicles a day. Maybe not the best thing, but it was helping me to get fluids in and made me think I was eating something. I wish there was something I could say to make things easier...just keep trucking. You'll get there.

  5. But you stopped it at 8 pounds!! Good for you for getting back on track!

    One of the things that I learned in Weight Watchers (not sure which of the 12 years it was..) is that in order to keep these things from happening, we should PLAN to have Cookies, cakes, pies, candy...whatever it is that we love. Planning for it means that we work it into our calorie intake and work around it. Maybe work out a little more during that week or whatever. I know that when I was doing it, I would plan for a Butterfinger. I had one twice a month or so. I didn't ever want to feel deprived, but knew that if I did it more often I would be courting trouble.

    Depending on how things are with you, that may or may not work. But the idea of NEVER having anything sweet scares me.

  6. I'll feel hungry every once in a great while. I'm two weeks out today (starting week 3 today).

    Its like a light rumbling in my stomach and I think to myself, okay...it's time to eat. Even if I wait an hour or so because I'm doing something else, i don't get to the point of starving. I tested this the other day just to see how far I could go. Still didn't feel starving, but it got more uncomfortable as time went on.

    I've also heard that sometimes it's not hunger but acid reflux that makes you feel "hungry." So if you ARE super hungry, ask your doctor about acid reducers, taking more, or taking them at a different time of the day.

    Hope that helps!!

  7. I love refried Beans. And today I had a little bit of pork and Beans (my kids had beanie weanies...I just had no weanies)

    But there are these Protein shots that you can buy. They have these tubes that have 45g of Protein in them. I don't know how they taste, but my doctor's office nutritionist told me about them. As a quick way to get protein in.

    AND there are these little cans of tuna that you can get. They're about one serving and I think those have about 18g of protein in one. The nutritionist said that I could mix in fat free mayo with the tuna and BAM 18g of protein.

    And milk. Milk has protein too.

    There are other ways, you just have to look for them. But good luck. I know it's hard.

  8. I got a Withings scale. I got it from the Apple Store. It was about $150 (eek!!) but from that scale, it uploads my weight, fat percentage, heart rate and other things to my iphone and to their website which also shares information with other apps I use...I know SparkPeople can get that information and I'm trying to figure out how to get it to upload to MyFitnessPal (which I like better than SparkPeople).

    The price was steep, but I love what it can do.

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