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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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NewSetOfCurves last won the day on August 8 2014

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About NewSetOfCurves

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    Bariatric Hero

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  1. NewSetOfCurves

    Muscle Gain.

    @@jenn1, I LOOOOVE that meme! LMAO!!! I LOVE a great leg day...usually takes me two hours to get through my leg workout, and I know it was good when I can barely walk out of that gym! I got back into weight lifting two years ago. I lift 5-6 days a week, breaking up my workouts in various ways. Legs days are always stand alone, the other muscle groups are usually paired with a push and pull exercise, combining bi's and tri's, or chest and bi's, back and shoulders, etc. If I am targeting a specific muscle for growth, I will do stand alone workouts for that muscle as well, working it twice a week/or every 3-4 days. Like some of the others, I do not care about weight gain, as long as it is muscle mass that is packing on. I have actually added about 15 pounds of mass since hitting my lowest post surgery weight. I still wear the same size despite the added weight, I am just a lot leaner and packing extra mass. I have also added a lot of strength since starting this venture. When I first started, I couldn't even squat 95 pounds! Last leg day I got in 6 reps 205 (I haven't maxed out in a while, but after that session I know its increased)! I love lifting, I consider myself an officially addicted bonafide gym rat!!! It just sucks that is so much harder for females to add mass . It's taken me these two years to finally get to point that you can tell I'm packing some mass without having to lift the weight or flex. Anyway, loved the topic...thanks for posting!
  2. NewSetOfCurves


    That is a GREAT plan. I could not agree more. I wish you the best of luck with your new sleevie!!!
  3. NewSetOfCurves

    I'm torn..

    I went with the sleeve because I am not one to take pills on a daily basis--which is required for the malabsorption issues that accompany the bypass. I have four kids for a reason, people! Regardless of what you choose, just like @@her1981 stated, your long term success comes with how and if you retrain yourself in that one year grace period that follows any weight loss surgery. You need to develop good eating habits and exercise habits. There is no way around it. The sleeve and bypass are just tools to help you control QUANTITY. You have to choose the QUALITY.
  4. NewSetOfCurves

    high protein ice cream...recipes?

    Most unflavored Proteins have the flavor of whey Protein. They are not tasteless, there is just no added flavor. I have tried many varieties and in my humble opinion, it is just acquiring the taste for it--like beer or wine.
  5. NewSetOfCurves

    10 months and 20 days ... GOAL !

    AMAZING @@MrsKarenC2008!!! I hope and wish you continued success!!!
  6. NewSetOfCurves

    By request - BigViffer Workout Routine

    @@BigViffer, I can only imagine how long it took you to write the main post on this thread. I believe 100% in weight lifting and the benefits that come from the discipline. It is awesome that you shared your knowledge with everyone on this forum. Keep it up. You look awesome.
  7. NewSetOfCurves

    Should i exercise

    I started off walking. First a mile at a slow pace, then I added another, and another; slowly increasing my pace. I constantly pushed myself. Eventually, I was running the strait-a-ways and walking the curves at the track, and then one day I did not need to walk the curves. Then one day I decided to walk up the bleachers, then one day I was running them. By the end of the first year I was running the track, bleachers, and added some crossfit in between. One day, after a year, I decided to go to a gym and I hit the weights. I started off with two days, then three, and now--two years after taking to lifting weights--I lift 5-6 day a week. My fitness level did not happen over night. It was a progression and a determination to get fit, to never face obesity again, and to adapt a new, healthy way of life. Good luck to you!
  8. @@smallbird, I do not mind at all! I am sorry, I have not logged onto this site in a while, but to answer your questions, I received a lower body lift, spiral thigh lift and breast augmentation. If you are planning to have kids, I would definitely wait. The pregnancy would definitely ruin your results. I have four kids and a lot of that stomach flappyness came from each one of those pregnancies. Good luck to you!
  9. NewSetOfCurves

    Workout regimen-What's yours?

    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on getting your sleeve and deciding to make the choice to be proactive with your weight loss journey!!! The first year was cardio intensive for me as well, but I wish I had started with the weight training sooner. Your body has to work harder to maintain muscle. So, the more muscle you have, the harder your body works--the better your metabolism, the more calories you burn . If you are committed to exercising 6 days a week, then I recommend that you focus on your strength training first, followed by your cardio (since cardio exhausts your muscles of oxygen). I also recommend that you go heavy with your strength training. Heavy for you will mean whatever exercises you do, you should meet failure with the 10th or 12th rep. Women are not like men. It is very hard to bulk up or acquire mass, but going heavy will definitely give you that toned look you desire. A basic 6 day program can look like this: Day 1: Upper Body, followed by cardio activity (30 minute minimum) Day 2: Lower Body, followed by cardio activity (30 minute minimum) Day 3: Abdominal Strength Training, followed by Cardio Intensive Activity with Resistance* (aim for 45-60 minutes) Day 4: Upper Body, followed by cardio activity (30 minute minimum) Day 5: Lower Body, followed by cardio activity (30 minute minimum) Day 6: Abdominal Strength Training, followed by Cardio Intensive Activity with Resistance (aim for 45-60 minutes) *If you are at a gym you can add resistance on an elliptical or bike, or you can incline the treadmill to add resistance. As you progress, you can break down each day to specific body parts. For example, I will work my biceps and triceps on Monday, shoulders on Tuesday, legs on Wednesday, chest on Thursday, back on Friday...and so forth. I am constantly changing up my routine to shock my muscles. However, in the beginning I suggest you choose 5-6 exercises that vary and will work all the muscles in the area you are concentrating on. So, for an upper body day, you could do 3-4 sets (each set should consist of 10-12 reps, failing on your last rep) of bicep curls, triceps kickback, shoulder presses, flat bench flies, and standing or seated rows. There are many resources online to help you find the right exercises for you. All body parts can be targeted with simple dumbbells, machines, or pulley systems. I hope this helps. Good luck to you!
  10. Change takes time and it takes consistency. It is okay to stumble, trip, or fall as long as you get right back up, wipe your knees, and continue on your course.

  11. NewSetOfCurves

    28 grams of Protein in 4 oz!

    @@bethypoo2, I just put it up in my blender bottle too, so I do not have any problems. In fact because of this thread and comments, I paid more attention to it this morning and I noticed there was no foam immediately after (I mix it with almond milk...not sure if that makes a difference). Love it.
  12. NewSetOfCurves

    28 grams of Protein in 4 oz!

    @@pr_pitbullgrl, unfortunately they do not have it in RTD form. However, this product does not really foam. In fact, when I mix it and let it stand in the fridge for about 5 minutes, there is no foam at all.
  13. NewSetOfCurves

    28 grams of Protein in 4 oz!

    @@determinedtolive, that is awesome! What is the product name?
  14. NewSetOfCurves

    Looking For Pre-Workouts

    When I first got into supplements, I used NO-XPOLDE by BSN Sports as a pre-workout, I took BCAA's during, and Cell Mass (also by BSN Sports) as a post-workout. For best results in the weight lifting department, I recommend that you do the following: 1) consume Protein about an hour/ or an hour-and-a-half before your session; 2) pre-workout 15-30 minutes prior to your session; 3) BCAA's during your session; 4) complex carb/simple sugar intake 15 minutes after your session (causes insulin spike which will increase protein synthesis); 5) consume post workout 30 minutes after your workout; and 6) consume your protein 45 minutes after your workout (get that protein in before the hour!). Good luck to you. And let me just say, do not give up on weight lifting. Muscle development and maturity takes time and consistency. I have been lifting consistently 4-6 day a week for almost 2 years, and my body is still transforming. You have to look weight training and fitness like a job. Sometime you do not want to go, but you do anyway because it pays the bills. Well, fitness is the same. Sometimes we are tired or we are just not in the mood, but you suck it up and get to that gym because that is the only way you will receive that paycheck of better health, a better body, and a better you!

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