I came from the Lapband community but ended up having complications with my Lapband. First my port broke 3 year ago then at the end of Feb even though my lapband had not been working for years it decided to slip and totally cut off all solids and liquids. Needless to say I went in for emergency surgery and while I under the knife my insurance company covered most the cost of a sleeve. With the lapband my weight got down to a little under 200 lbs but I just didn't feel all that healthy * I know weirdo* When my lapband broke I ballooned back up to almost 340. I was being very lazy and at the end of a bad relationship (feeling sorry for myself). Before I was sleeved in march I had lost about 30 lbs myself. Being sleeved now kind of gives me that kick in the butt that I needed and some motivation.
So starts my new journey once again on a road to who knows where but i'm hoping to be healthier, happier, and Hunkier. (sorry couldn't think of a good 3rd H word)