I had surgery on April 17, 2013. I won't lie the first week I was sure I was dying! I had a lg hiatel hernia fixed at the same time, and I literally had trouble forcing water down. The pain, weakness, cravings with no hunger were horrible. I even told my best friend and also my father, who were considering surgery, not too.
I have within the last week or so gotten to where I can keep fluids easier, and even some baby food.
I don't know if I was just one in a million with problems like this. I have only lost 20 pds since surgery, and that is mostly water weight. Having this surgery has actually made my depression worse (I can no longer use comfort food) and I can barely get around without being completely exhausted. I am taking all my supplements and am able to intake around 60 grams of protein/ 40 or so h2o but it isn't helping.
I could really use positive words to keep me going right now.