This is my first post here. I just sent my deposit for May 27th. I'm getting sleeved in TJ Mexico by Dr Quinones.
It would cost me more and take more time to get the surgery at home and thats if they (insurance) even OK'd me. From all my research I really prefer the way it is handled in Mexico and I could not afford to do it locally.
So, the countdown begins! I am 54 and I have been obese since I was a small child. Its sad that I have to take such drastic measures and that was my biggest hangup in deciding this- getting over feeling like I was a failure to "give up" on doing it alone. I will use this as a fresh start and learn to eat properly and eat healthy. I will even exercise. There are no more excuses, I have to take care of this while I am still healthy.
I've been researching this since last Sept when Lisa Lampanelli (American Comedienne) was telling about her surgery and weightloss. That was the first I ever heard of the Gastric Sleeve procedure. I always knew I could not have my Intestines re-routed and I did not want a band squeezing my stomach and left inside me. I was sure my husband would not approve of this and he did not even know I wanted it until last month when HE saw Lisa Lampanelli and it brought up the subject and I went on and on telling him about it and what they do and dont do and about going to Mexico. I was seriously shocked when he said that if I was sure that I was doing the right thing then his only stipulation was that he had to go with me. I already had my vacation set for the last week in May and I thought he would say that was too soon so I didnt even bring up the date for a week or two and he surprised me again by being ok with that. Its amazing when your husband of 30 years can surprise you, it doesn't happen often.
So who's with me for the 27th?? That's Memorial Day here in the US so probably not too many fellow Americans.