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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Flutterby

  1. I got an appointment with a new clinic for next Tuesday. Big sigh... restarting. There's a reason... maybe I needed to be even more determined. It worked.
  2. I'm definitely looking at other clinics and other options now. I know dealing with insurance companies must be horrendous. Our country's problems with health care makes that obvious. It sure has hit home with me today. I may just try to get financed and go self-pay. I just have to do it fast if I want to keep my surgery date of June 4th. Fingers crossed we can do it!!! That voice in my head that wants me to give up keeps bombarding my thoughts. It makes me feel more able to shush it with all this support!! Thank you everyone!!!
  3. Thank you Laura. I somewhat understand the clinic's side of this. Even though I want to be so mad at them, I can't. We have just tried so hard to cover all bases and make sure it was approved. While we've spoken to several insurance reps both in HR at my husband's job and directly with BCBS who have assured us over and over it's approved, the clinic is under the assumption it's going to be "unpaid" eventually because we have a "pre-existing" clause on our policy. They'll cover it in October (a year into our insurance coverage). The financial counselor told me today that it's a way for insurance companies to get out of paying, even after they've "pre-approved" a claim. If I've been weighed in at ANY doctor's office in the past and they wrote anywhere in my medical history that I'm overweight...then it can be used as a pre-exisiting. So they won't go through our insurance because of the possibility of not being reimbursed even though the insurance rep told them OVER and OVER that being overweight doesn't fall into the "pre-existing" exclusions of our policy. I've never been seen for WLS before EVER. We haven't decided if we'll try to get it financed and self-pay before then, or just wait. Even more assurances from the insurance company won't make the clinic change their policy. If there is any hint of a "pre-existing condition" policy on anyone's coverage, their decision will be to refuse to go through insurance because they think it won't pay. I guess they've been burned by insurance companies in the past that have "pre-approved". Sucks so bad. But I know that insurance companies deny claims a lot. I want to trust our insurance reps and believe it would be covered. But I don't blame the clinic for having the policy they do.
  4. Your post is very "close to home" and I totally identify and empathize with you! Your reasoning and commitment are echoed in my heart and soul. Welcome to the healthy sleevers club! I wish you many many happy smiles into the eyes of your family as you put yourself first so you can be what you long to be for them!
  5. You are such an encouraging and positive person and your posts always make me feel even more motivated and excited about my new sleeved life. Thank you so much. I appreciate you! I will definitely take your advice on the camera and monthly pictures. I believe it will be transformational and I want proof (all puns intended...lol)!!
  6. I'm Texan born and raised!!! I'm from a small town between Abilene and Ft Worth . I'm getting sleeved in Decatur on June 4th! I'm so excited and I have butterflies that have taken up residence in my tummy. I told them they have to move out, cuz I'm downsizing. LOL.
  7. Flutterby

    New here

    I am still learning how to navigate efficiently here, and l think there are several ways to access blogs. But if you'll click on my profile, it's a link on the left. Also when someone posts a new blog entry they show up on the main forum page midway down on the right side. Hopefully that's helpful.
  8. Flutterby

    June 2013 Sleevers! "The List"

    Add me, add me!! June 4th! Let's Do This!
  9. Flutterby

    New here

    Hi Domini! Welcome from a fellow newbie. My surgery will be June 4th and I'm SO EXCITED. I am thoroughly enjoying this forum and support group. You're gonna love it! Tell us more about you! My blog has a lot of my story in it. Again, Welcome!!
  10. Flutterby

    I committed ADULTERY...

    Oh, my.... good analogy! Since I knew the insurance was gonna cover it (two weeks ago), I went off (a little at a time ... I flirted first) my 3 year lo carb, high Protein, no processed food, as-healthy-as-I-can diet. I've been in a full on LAST FLING AFFAIR with many the "bad foods" I'm saying goodbye to in quantity and may only wink at in the future!!! After my surgery I will be faithful and adhere to my new sleeve diet religiously... only after 6 to 8 months I plan to allow myself an occasional flirt with my favorites and indulge on rare (super rare) occasions ... dark chocolate, a slice of bacon, a bite or two of birthday cake or fresh made bread. I know very well if I say "I'll never eat that again" it will make me obsess about it anyway. Knowing I can eventually have it in a small amount helps me accept the lifestyle and claim it wholeheartedly. A girl's gotta flirt! Especially when I'll be looking so HOT! (lol...)
  11. Flutterby

    I just exercised :p

    This is so very close to my life and my vision for the future. My husband is tentative (major surgery and all the risks) but has become my biggest fan in this area of my life too, as he's been in every other. Heart palpitations and out of breath - very real and very eye opening (literally). I applaud your success. You encourage me!
  12. Flutterby

    June sleevers?

    I just got my date a couple days ago - June 4th!!! I'm so excited. I just have one week pre-op diet of 2 to 3 Protein shakes / Meal Replacements a day and one lean protein and vegetable meal. I'll start that Sunday the 26th, then day before surgery is all Clear liquids. I've had a few food funerals and thought to myself "that's the last time I'll eat that much" and realize more and more how my body reacts to big meals and hi carb meals and processed foods. I think I may start my pre-op diet early!! I'm having my surgery in the Dallas, TX area with Dr. Stowers. GO JUNE SLEEVERS GO!!!!
  13. Flutterby

    I just exercised :p

    I just got goosebumps thinking about being able to do something like that!!! Not too far in the future for me too! High Five!!! Way to go!
  14. Flutterby

    coffee drinkers?

    Has anyone been able to have/tolerate regular coffee espresso shots after surgery? Is it not allowed by most surgeons? My doctor just says not to have it the week before and three weeks after, then as tolerated.
  15. Flutterby

    My Story - A deeper look

    I'm Tammy (or Flutterby - the original name for a butterfly... ) I'm 45 yrs old, 5'8" tall. I weigh 295 lbs. My BMI is at 44.8. My first goal is 170 lbs. Ultimate goal is 137 lbs. I've struggled with my weight since my second child was born about 23 years ago. I tend to gain weight all over. Well, except my bust area (strange). However, in the last several years I have gained more in my belly. I look like I'm about eight months pregnant... Uggghh! Now, don’t get me wrong, I loved being pregnant and I adore being a mother, but I’m not having any more children and I’m ready to be able to lose all MY baby fat. The baby fat may have stayed with me, but I added a whole person’s weight to it. I need to lose half of my weight – a whole person’s worth. Only those who have been here understand how much that realization can hurt and disgust me. I have tried to lose weight by diet, exercise, supplements and programs just like so many others here. From Slim Fast, Cabbage Soup Diet, Herbal Life, fasting up to two weeks at a time,, Atkins, Low Calorie, Juicing Diets, Wheat Belly Diet, Gluten Free Diet, Gaps Diet, Hallelujah Diet, Mediterranean diet, Paleo Diet, HydroxiCut, Green Tea, many herbal supplements, OTC aids, a short span on prescription diet meds and thyroid medication and using vinegar as a diet aid. As I think about it, losing weight been a driving desire/force in my life since I turned 23. The endless weight loss/exercise and health-related books and internet ideas and “snake oil” type cures, well I’ve researched and attempted many of those as well. I've tried exercise alone, or in combination with diet plans. I've used 10 to 12 different exercise videos both aerobic and weight lifting combined with aerobics, walking, swimming, biking, stationary machines, free weights, machines like elliptical, treadmill, stationary bikes, etc. My results were sporadic and frustrating. I could stay with a weight loss or "get healthy" plan for months, sometimes even three years at a time but when I failed to lose weight at all or stalled with 10 or 15 pounds loss with hard work and high cost to sustain, I would slowly go back to eating my "normal diet". “Going back to my old ways” basically meant 70% healthy choices and still incorporating something new I learned, but I would stop resisting the dessert, the chips and dip, the popcorn with butter. I think the "extras" and "snacks" are one of my biggest weaknesses. I’ve also noticed in the last few months that I really do eat big portions especially when alone. I keep cooking for a big family and it’s only me and my teenage daughter at home to eat right now. No matter what, my weight has continued to climb the last 23 years. I get so sick of my failure to be able to control it or change it. Several times I have resigned myself to being fat. But as I got bigger and older, other things started happening to my health and I realized how much it affected my family and my ability to actually live life like I longed to. I kept thinking there had to be a "key" or a certain combination of things that would magically get my health back under control and I'd start losing weight. I had a sleep study done and found out I had severe obstructive sleep apnea. I was full of hope that using a CPAP would solve my problems because obviously I wasn't sleeping well with meant I wasn't getting proper rest. This in turn, I thought, surely meant it affected my metabolism and maybe perpetuated the problems with my weight. I considered that since I started gaining excess weight when my first marriage got emotionally and mentally and sexually abusive I might have been trying to be less desirable to protect myself from my husband at the time. I just wanted to be safe. I could write out that long story here, but suffice to say I got out of the marriage finally, after 16 years. What is frustrating is that even the strength and self esteem and “new lease on life” I gained by getting out of that marriage didn’t translate into the weight loss I should have or wanted to have and continued to try to have. So, was my weight gain or inability to lose it initially due to the stress of the bad marriage that involved sexual abuses? Maybe, maybe not. More likely it was also genetics and environmental (how I was raised nutritionally). Both my parents are obese and have struggled most of their adult lives trying to lose weight and now dealing with health problems related to being overweight. However I got here, I’m here. And I am so thankful and grateful that things have worked out for me to have this surgery. It’s such an answer to prayer and a dream come true. Honestly, I want this personally, but doing it for my family is a super-close second! One thing I am appreciative of is that I’ve probably learned enough about nutrition, vitamins, food, feeding a body, metabolism, weight gain concepts, healthy living and very interesting discoveries about foods like kefir, kombucha, barley green, apple cider vinegar, good water, food supplements, and the benefits of grass fed beef, range fed chickens & their eggs, and home grown vegetables to write my own book. However, since I’m having weight loss surgery – I doubt it would be deemed worthy of contributing to my health. It’s sad, but true. True because all these things didn’t “work” to help me lose weight. However, I do believe with all my heart that all I have learned will continue to be super valuable to feed my body right after I’m sleeved! My mantra has been, “If I don’t put myself first for once and lose the weight and get healthy, how can I be what my family needs me to be?” How can I truly give and serve and support and enjoy in my marriage and our children’s lives unless I first take care of me? Initially weight loss surgery can seem selfish and irresponsible. Only initially! In all truth, it is smart and right for me because it is what lines up with my vision of my future.
  16. Flutterby

    best green superfood powder?

    I have thoroughly enjoyed this forum topic! I have used BarleyGreen in the past and intended to look for it, or a better green food powder. I usually just whisked in Water everyday and downed it in one shot. It's funny with my last child, I was using it and began letting her have some and she would suck it down out of a dropper like it was candy at 7 months old!!! I certainly identify with the alfalfa hay flavor as Barleygreen was very much like that. I have also mixed it in smoothies and my "usual" was banana, strawberry, spinach and barleygreen powder. Anyway, I am still pre-op, but I was sincerely hoping I would be able to incorporate some green powder into my sleeve diet because I really believe it will help me to meet my body's vegetable-based nutritional needs. Thank you all for the discussion. Here's a link to Dr. Day's review of BarleyGreen. If anyone is interested I'd love an opinion about it. http://www.drday.com/barleygreen/
  17. Flutterby

    coffee drinkers?

    Oh I hope there are some good options for us after being sleeved. I have surgery on June 4th. I know I'll have to wait a while. I've loved coffee forever! My favorite job ever was working at Starbucks and getting to learn all about it and make all the different variations of coffee, espresso, lattes, cappuccinos, and most of all inventing our own combinations! We got all the coffee we wanted and got a free pound every week too. It was HEAVEN. My favorite is fresh ground organic Columbian or Guatemalan coffee espresso shots with steamed, whipped half-n-half. I'm sure the half-n-half is no longer a good choice. I've heard using coconut oil for creamer is an option, and it is a healthy fat, but not sure if it would work. I've tried coconut cream and it is yummy, but not quite the same either. I look forward to hearing what others might suggest!
  18. Flutterby

    Down 75!

    "I'm so happy right now, it's obnoxious!" I LOVE THAT!!! And congratulations!! I too have a number that taunts with it's little voice me and I can't wait to bust through 180 lbs.
  19. Flutterby

    my sleeve 2morrow

    Oh, that's one of my concerns about surgery day too! I have a super heavy mensus (one of the things I'm praying weight loss will correct eventually too)... so if I am on my period when they operate, they may think someone dropped a scapel... LOL .. not! (TMI?)
  20. It's such an exciting, hope-generating, forwardly optimistic time, isn't it? I got my date yesterday - June 4th! I was ecstatic! Still am!
  21. Flutterby

    june 4th!

    Hi SexyMama, I got my date today! I'm getting my sleeve the same day as you are! WOOHOO!!! I'm so excited!
  22. I'm so excited now!!! I was waiting for this call today from my scheduler. I got all the way through the day and thought, "Oh well, maybe she got too busy and will call tomorrow." I went home as usual and was working on just being positive and keep to my routine. Then, 5:14 pm my phone was ringing!!! YES!!! It's all set. I'll go in for pre-op on June 3rd, have my sugery on the 4th, then if the swallow test goes well Wednesday morning, I'll come home a sleeved woman!!! WOO HOO!!! Just 20 days... Oh my!
  23. Flutterby

    operation cancelled again

    That must be so very frustrating.... I think I would sit down and scream and cry awhile, then, as you seem to have done already, reassure myself that it's still going to happen. You can do this! I pray you'll have peace and a double measure of grace as you wait.
  24. Flutterby

    Holy Crap! I Better Get Moving!

    Just wanted to say I really like your planning and listing out what you need to get done. I'm a big list maker too. It's so freeing to get all the "to-dos" out of my head and on paper to relieve a little stress and then start crossing them off one-by-one. Of course, one of my weaknesses is writing it down, then I forget to look at the list until I've missed something. So, I know what you mean about needing an assistant to make sure I keep the schedules or follow my to-do list. Best wishes to you! With all the things to do, the next three weeks will zoom by I'm sure!
  25. Flutterby

    Call Me Maybe -- NOW!

    Yesterday (5-14-13) they finally called and told me the insurance approved my WLS. WOO HOO! We had to go back and forth with the clinic personnel and the insurance company reps over and over to get everyone on the same page. Unfortunately we were dealing with an insurance coordinator at the bariatric clinic that was inexperienced. We discovered she had entered and submitted the wrong code twice. Because of that and other mistakes they kept concluding the insurance wouldn't cover the surgery due to being a pre-existing condition. Talk about confusing! I would call, or my husband would and feel like we got everything straight and our insurance company rep kept reassuring us it was covered and all was well. Then we wait again. I guess the people who were to follow up wouldn't read the complete file and were thinking I would have a long waiting period to be covered. They would just go silent until I got worried and called again and again and find out they are still thinking it's not covered. This has happened three times now. Someone didn't read their notes very well. So after many frustrating phone calls with confusing conclusions, my wonderful husband would take them to task and got things done! Three conference calls with the insurance and clinic and my husband all together and now we got the right codes, the right person to understand and things are moving forward. He's my hero! Now, I was supposed to get a call yesterday or today about the WHEN! and.... Oh good grief. I keep getting butterflies in my big 'ole tummy and waiting on the scheduling lady to call me and let me know the date. I'm nervous and happy and worried she won't call and I'll wonder why. Please let it all get done fast and let me get on the final stretch of the waiting race. I want to get to the next phase of my journey to health. On Mother's Day we went out to eat with my folks and two of our seven kids (daughters 23 and 13), and I decided I would have my husband take a picture of us (Me, Mom and my girls) after our meal. Mind you, I normally would NEVER suggest a picture to include me. Part of me wishes I hadn't this time because it literally HURTS to look at what I've let happen. But, I know it's a "Before" picture and I need this to motivate me and reassure me of this path toward a wonderful future I am on. Come on scheduling lady, CALL ME MAYBE? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!

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