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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    GRRR!! This multiquote thing is NOT working for me. I hit Multiquote on all posts and then reply on the last but all I get is the last post I clicked on! Janet... is it working for you???? Steph... great work on the weight loss! Keep up the good work... both of you!! I hope the Seahawks who show up to play the Packs are the same ones that showed up to play the Saints!!! LOL! They were playing much better than they have most of the season!! Janet... there's still lots of chili left and that's probably what I'm having for dinner again tonight!! You're welcome anytime! Walk was good last night.. but knee, hips were glad when we got back to the RV!! Zoey would have made a few more rounds, but I wasn't up to it! 48 degrees and almost time to go to water aerobics!!! BRRRRRR!!! Karla.. so glad you're doing better. The wicca/witch thing is pretty scary. I wouldn't allow that stuff in my house either. Definitely demonic! Don't open the door to the enemy! Booked trip to Cabo w/Tracy and Jim last night... .April 1-9, at an all inclusive place. Cautiously excited! Mexico, too much availability of food and drink, etc. I will have to keep my guard up!
  2. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OKAY... I walked the dog around the block!
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OH... I ALWAYS watch the games recorded.... First one started at 10a.m. and I didn't even start watching until abut 1pm. It was probably over by then. And I FF when it gets boring... or if one team is way ahead. Don't let it control my life, honest! Watching the 2nd game and getting caught up on LBT. And helped make a big crock pot of chili which we'll have for dinner. But I don't know if I can make myself go out and walk in this wind!! But glad we're not home! Lots of snow there today. See Tracy's photos on FB!! If you really want me to walk, you could always come out and have some chili with us and MAKE me walk with you!! HAHAHA!! I stay really busy all week, so don't feel too guilty about vegging today. And did some stuff yesterday before football..... TOPS at the bazaar, Red Hats.... no walking, but on the move and busy. Coming week will be very busy. Water aerobics every day. Beading Monday afterward, Christian Women's luncheon on Tuesday, TOPS Thursday, may go to the Navy base one day... need Rx refills so need to go soon. Want to go to Mexico this month, too, and to Quartzsite for the big RV show, which I think is the 3rd week. Hey.. what day of the week does your birthday fall on this month?? Guess I need to look at the calendar. Actually... whole rest of the winter looks busy!! Feb. Tracy & Jim coming for a long weekend among other things. Then we have Linda and Candace coming down in March, going to Cabo w/Tracy & Jim first week of April. Doing better with food since we're home. Back to small omelets for breakfast. Was doing an egg, a 45 cal toast at home and once or twice a slice of bacon, but out to eat w/Tracy & Jim too many times, and way too much bad food around. So, had my omelet for BF today, salad for lunch and the chili for dinner. Snacking now on a little smoked salmon and cheese and wine.
  4. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    WTG on the weight loss!! 50 lb is GREAT!!!! But you're making me feel guilty!! You're walking at 39 degrees and I'm whining about 61!! UGH!! Oh, well.... you're a young chick and I'm an OLD broad!! LOL! Don't remember if I posted this morning or not, but my Mom is MUCH better! Talked to her this morning before I went to church and she'd been down to Breakfast and ate pretty good. Very encouraging.
  5. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Don't feel bad... she told me to go take the dog for a walk, which I interpreted as get off your butt and quit watching football! LOL! I can give her a smack for you next time I see her if you want! HAHAHA!! Watching the Ravens/Chief... delayed, so it's probably already over but I'm just at half time. Started recording it while we were at church. Now that it's January and the "snowbirds" are here in full force, we've gone to two services. Being in the choir, I have to be there for the early service... then we stay until right after we sing and then we all sneak out. I got in big trouble because when I got home, the dog was waiting outside for me so I took her and went to get the mail. Didn't get it yesterday. I didn't tell Earl I was taking her off the chain because I figured he would hear the back up beeper on the golf cart, and I would only be gone a few minutes anyway. Well... he's pretty deaf and he didn't hear me. And when I went past a mobile where a friend of ours lives, I saw lights on in her place. Haven't seen her at all this season. She came late because of back surgery, then was only here 4 days and left for the holidays. So, I stopped in to say "Hi"! She is 82 yrs old and quite lonely since her husband died a few years ago.. In fact, that's how we got acquainted. We knew them slightly, so when he took ill, we were helping chaplain staff visit sick/elderly so we volunteered to keep in touch with them while Dick was sick. So we visited him numerous times in hospital and nursing home over several months. Sorry... I'm rambling again!! Anyway, she TALKS and TALKS!! She was trying to persuade me to let her make me a sandwich so I got out of it by sayiing I'd have a cup of coffee. She was drinking one, so I figured that was a good idea. But, it wasn't because then she decided to make another pot. My phone was getting a signal over there, so I finally used her land line to call Earl and tell him where I was. WELL, I was in BIG troube. He didn't hear me take the dog, didn't think I'd come home yet and had been driving around the park looking for Zoey! So.... how did I get from football to that big long story???? Anyway, yes, Lori... would be fun if Seahawks played GB next week!! That was a fantastic game and I don't know if the Seahawks have another one like that in them or not!! Keep forgetting that you and I have some of the same "toys".... Android phone and iTouch! I have the "Seasons", too. I go back and forth between the two. And I have finished all levels on the phone on the non-seasons game. I played a little on my DIL's iPad when we were there. Funner on the bigger screen, I must say! But I better not think about buying an iPad just so I can play Angry Birds better!! HAHAHA!! It's just an overgrown iTouch! Well, I suppose it has a few extra features. Now there is also a Samsung Galaxy touch pad type device that is a grown up version of my phone and runs on the Android system. I looked at them the other day and don't remember prices, but I'm sure it's much cheaper than an iPad. I already have too many techy toys and what I really need/want (!) is a new laptop. Multi-quote is just not working for me at all... I think I am doing all the right things because I've used it before since the "CHANGE" happened, but it sure won't work for me the last few times I tried! So then I can't remember what all I wanted to respond to! But I'm sure I wanted to make some smart-a$$ comment to our dear Janet!! LOL We are making chili this afternoon. I say "WE" because I will let DH put it together but he is NOT allowed to season! So, I peeled garlic and added the seasoning. It tastes GREAT but he will tell me it's too spicy. And I will tell him it's his fault because he wanted to put in a can of Rotel tomatoes!! I won't tell him what I put in!! HAHAHA! I think it's perfect. How am I doing filling in for Apples?? I love Costco samples, too! But I'm glad Janet doesn't come to "my" Costco! LOL! I'd be looking over my shoulder to see if she's there watching what I'm sampling! I do exercise restraint! And I usually have Zoey in my basket (and my service dog tags), and I share things with her! You can't put something in your mouth with those sad eyes looking at you without sharing!! I do like Trader Joe's, too. We go every couple of weeks because DH likes to buy wine there... "Two Buck Chuck"! And I like their white balsamic vinegar. We passed a Trader Joe's in SF last week that had a line of cars out in the street waiting to get in to the parking lot! Friend we were with said it is always that way at that Trader Joe's and they have a traffic director working in the parking lot all the time! Oh... now I remember what I wanted to say to Janet.... YES, DH is CHEAP!! It gets so annoying sometimes. I told him last night that I AM going to pick out FROZEN veggies next time we go shopping. I want smaller bags so I can have some variety. And the canned ones he's been buying lately have TOO MUCH sodium!! There are NO veggies in the freezer right now, so last night we had canned peas! I had a small filet mignon with that. And some onions and mushrooms... and I got in trouble for putting in probably not even 1/2 oz of wine!! He doesn't know what else I put in there!! HAHAHA!! That's the only hting I admitted to and he was mad because he already put some wine in. I'm not letting him rule MY kitchen with an Iron fist anymore!! LOL! Can't wait 'til he tastes the chili!! He's going to say it's too spicy and I'll tell him it's the Rotel tomatoes!!! We have made it 46 1/2 yrs. Do you think we'll make it to 50??!! LOL! Okay... I better quit "junking". I think it's time to FF through the rest of this game.. seems the Ravens have it.. so I can go on to the next one. No walk yet, Janet... are you sure I HAVE to??? It's too cold and windy. I could barely stand the golf cart ride! My fingers were freezing! It's 61 degrees, but that wind makes it feel a lot colder.
  6. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Have a GREAT day in the snow, Steph! So..... Janet, you're saying I need to get off my butt???? I will take Zoey for a stroller walk later, but I have more football to watch. I don't think I can watch on my Android phone. And how do I watch TV and walk at the same time without tripping over my feet???!! LOL Just talked to my Mom and she is SO much better today!! After sleeping most of the day yesterday after her fall, not eating and too sick to talk on the phone, she went down to breakfast this morning and ate pretty heartily for her!! She sounds much improved!! Have to get in the shower. Need to be at chapel by 9:10 a.m. for brief choir rehearsal before first service. Two services today. Have to stay until after we sing at the 2nd service. TTYL!!
  7. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    GET OUT OF THE HOUSE???? WHEN THE SEAHAWKS ARE PLAYING IN THE PLAYOFFS!??? NO WAY!! And they won big time. I worked through the head hunger.... It was hard because Earl was napping! So I played games and held Zoey on my lap. Anyway, too cold and windy out here in the boonies! Neighbor brought a little Chihuahua over that is lost and wandered up on her porch and the poor little thing was shivering! It's cold out.
  8. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Yes, pretty quiet today!! Wonder where everyone is!?? Joyce was here, and you and me! I had one of those little cheese rounds... 30 calories and 2 30 calorie Wheat Flat Bread crackers. But, alas, probably too much wine. Just sipping, but.... several hours of sipping adds up! Earl is about to broil us some steaks. I have made a strong statement regarding vegetables! He is SO thrifty that he insists on buying huge bags of frozen vegetables. Our RV freezer is so small that means we can only have ONE vegetable in the freezer at a time. So..... that means, we eat the same vegetable for about a month before we can go on to something else. OR.. we eat canned vegetables, some of which I don't mind, but please... I prefer vegetables. I have suggested that perhpas I could be in charge of shopping for vegetables!!!???? I like VARIETY, and I prefer frozen... so... it would be my choice to buy small bags of several different vegetables, even though the price might be a little higher per lb!! GRRRR! Next time we go shopping, I'm buying vegetables. Yesterday I was assigned the task of going to costco while he went to Walmart. I was to get mushrooms, Sesame salad dressing, chicken thighs and bread. Well, don't you know I bought the WRONG chicken!!???? Who decides that it was WRONG????? I bought boneless, skinless chicken thighs. I was told that the ones with bones and skin are $1 a pound cheaper!! Do I care???? NO!! LOL! I was on my scooter because it's easier to mange groceries and the dog if I am on my scooter. So first thing I did was go and get a tall, skinny cardboard box that I could put behind my legs. Then I carefully packed it with all the things he wanted plus 2 bottles of wine and a bag of pita chips. And then I had to ride the scooter across the highway to Walmart...stopping at the bank to deposit some checks and at Starbucks on the way. On and off the scooter several times, very carefully so as not to knock off the big box of groceries. And when I got to Walmart I caught flack from buying the WRONG chicken, and for the pita chips because he bought corn chips! I remember when I was in charge of shopping and cooking, etc!! I need to assert my RIGHTS!!!! LOL BUT.... WOO HOO.... Seattle Seahawks beat the Super Bowl champs today!! WOW!! SHOCKING! Well-played game by both teams, but I'm glad the Seahawks won!! Watching the ABC news reports on the shootings. Just so terribly upsetting! I hope she recovers!! Seems like a wonderful woman and legislator... and, as I'm sure you know, I am a Republican. This supersedes all politics! Democrat/Republican has nothing to do with this terrible act of violence. They say she is a fighter! Hoping she has the fortitude to fight her way back from this. Glad you are making progress on your projects, Eva! Thinking of you today as I know this shooting is hitting you especially hard being right there in the Tucson area. HUGS to you!
  9. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So glad to see you posting again, Steph!! We missed you!! Sorry about your neck pain and headache! Wish we could get Karri and Linda back! I think I may call Linda. It's been a LONG time since we've heard anything from her! HELP!! I am wanting to MUNCH!! Watching Seahawks game. Just had a very small bowl of pita chips w/hummus and salsa. Feeling FULL but still wanting to graze!! Good thing there are no cookies or chocolate available!! I will sip my wine and put the munching out of my mind! I can't hear the voices!!! LA LA LA LA LA LA!!! Mom not doing so well. Every time she gets a cold it hits her very hard. And this one started with a couple of days of vomiting/diarrhea, so she was already weakened. The antibiotics are doing NOTHING, so a virus, no doubt. Worries me that she fell, and that she doesn't remember it, or why she was going in the living room in the middle of the night. Uncle doesn't know how long she was on the floor. He woke up and noticed she wasn't in bed and went looking for her. Red Hat meeting today and we covered everything that usually takes 2 hours in 1/2 hr!! Queen is away! Love her to pieces, but she rambles on in all directions! So sad, but she is in WA for her husband's funeral. Did find out that my suspicions were correct.... more than just a stroke. After the assumed "stroke", they found a golf ball size tumor in his brain that was inoperable. That's why they moved him to a hospice facility. And he was gone 10 days later. She didn't leave until a couple of days ago and she'll be back ASAP. She says this is her "home" now. I am still having trouble dealing with the fact that he is gone. Not that we all were close friends. I just keep thinking... 3 weeks after we were decorating at the hotel for our Christmas party, and out to lunch afterward, he was dead. I was wearing my Elvis shirt that day... that we all bought when we were in Canada for our LBT 7's reunion in 2009. And he kept pointing at it and telling me... "January 8th"! Elvis' birthday... which is today., so Roger has been especially on my mind today, and I smile when I think of him saying that over and over, "January 8th"! I guess Roger was an Elvis fan. R.I.P. Roger, AND Elvis!! Well, I think I will play "Angry Birds" for a while to keep my hands busy!! LOL! Can't eat if you're pushing buttons! It is a highly addictive game.... rather ridiculous, I suppose.... The "pigs" have stolen the birds eggs, so you have to dive the birds at them to kill them and get the eggs back!! At least, I've been told that is the object! Unfortunately I have it on both my Android phone and my iTouch, so when one battery goes dead, I can start charging it and play on the other device!! Hate to admit this, but I spent most of the 8 hours in the car coming home on Thursday playing ANGRY BIRDS!! It was a beautiful day and I saw very little of the scenery! Seahawks are holding their own. Maybe I should pay closer attention. I assumed they would lose. I have a Fantasy team in my DIL's league on NFL.com. She advised me not to pick any Seattle players for my team because they would undoubtedly lose! So I picked several New Orleans players and NO Seattle players. The ones I would have picked have already scored!!! GRRRRR! I should've remained loyal to my team! I won't listen to Kellie when I pick my team for next week!! HAHAHA!! Just called her... apparently I have to stick with my picks. I thought I change players each week. OH.... how about this??!!! Now... I know I have a way to go on my weight loss yet, but this lady at Red Hats wanted to take a photo of all of us who showed up to show our Queen that we're holding it together while she's gone. So we're getting lined up to pose for the picture and the lady with the camera points to me and tells me, "you LITTLE ones need to get in front"!! LITTLE???? I probably haven't been called that since I was about 3 yrs old!! Short maybe, but not little!! And I'm NOT little, but it was nice that SHE thought so!! LOL! So I was DEFINITELY smiling for the picture!! WOO HOO!! Seahawks ahead!! And I put Zoey on my lap... can't eat when she is there or she wants me to share! Better than Angry Birds! What did I ever do without my Zoey!!
  10. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    So glad to hear that those preliminary reports of her death were incorrect. Now they are saying the neurosurgeon is very optimistic about her chance of recovery. So sad about the others who died, especially the 9 yr old girl! Wonder what possessed this young man to do such a thing! reprehensible!! And yes, VERY disturbing! HELP!! I am wanting to MUNCH!! Watching Seahawks game. Just had a very small bowl of pita chips w/hummus and salsa. Feeling FULL but still wanting to graze!! Good thing there are no Cookies or chocolate available!! I will sip my wine and put the munching out of my mind! I can't hear the voices!!! LA LA LA LA LA LA!!! I told you all this morning that my Mom is still sick... someone wanted to know how old she is... 88 1/2 yrs old. Every time she gets a cold it hits her very hard. And this one started with a couple of days of vomiting/diarrhea, so she was already weakened. The antibiotics are doing NOTHING, so a virus, no doubt. Worries me that she fell, and that she doesn't remember it, or why she was going in the living room in the middle of the night. Uncle doesn't know how long she was on the floor. He woke up and noticed she wasn't in bed and went looking for her. Don't ask.... well, you can if you want. No big deal.... they've been together about 13-14 years now... my Dad's youngest brother. They fell in love after my Dad died. Financially detrimental to get married. So.... whatever! It is Biblical for a man to take care of his brother's widow! He and I get along about as well as he got along with my Dad, and that's not good!! HAHAHA!! Apples isn't here to junk up the thread so I will try to do my part to fill in, as per her wishes!! So.... Red Hat meeting today and we covered everything that usually takes 2 hours in 1/2 hr!! Queen is away! Love her to pieces, but she rambles on in all directions! So sad, but she is in WA for her husband's funeral. Did find out that my suspicions were correct.... more than just a stroke. After the assumed "stroke", they found a golf ball size tumor in his brain that was inoperable. That's why they moved him to a hospice facility. And he was gone 10 days later. She didn't leave until a couple of days ago and she'll be back ASAP. She says this is her "home" now. I am still having trouble dealing with the fact that he is gone. Not that we all were close friends. I just keep thinking... 3 weeks after we were decorating at the hotel for our Christmas party, and out to lunch afterward, he was dead. I was wearing my Elvis shirt that day... that we all bought when we were in Canada for our LBT 7's reunion in 2009. And he kept pointing at it and telling me... "January 8th"! Elvis' birthday... which is today., so Roger has been especially on my mind today, and I smile when I think of him saying that over and over, "January 8th"! I guess Roger was an Elvis fan. R.I.P. Roger, AND Elvis!! Well, I think I will play "Angry Birds" for a while to keep my hands busy!! LOL! Can't eat if you're pushing buttons! It is a highly addictive game.... rather ridiculous, I suppose.... The "pigs" have stolen the birds eggs, so you have to dive the birds at them to kill them and get the eggs back!! At least, I've been told that is the object! Unfortunately I have it on both my Android phone and my iTouch, so when one battery goes dead, I can start charging it and play on the other device!! Hate to admit this, but I spent most of the 8 hours in the car coming home on Thursday playing ANGRY BIRDS!! It was a beautiful day and I saw very little of the scenery! Seahawks are holding their own. Maybe I should pay closer attention. I assumed they would lose. I have a Fantasy team in my DIL's league on NFL.com. She advised me not to pick any Seattle players for my team because they would undoubtedly lose! So I picked several New Orleans players and NO Seattle players. The ones I would have picked have already scored!!! GRRRRR! I should've remained loyal to my team! I won't listen to Kellie when I pick my team for next week!! HAHAHA!! OH.... how about this??!!! Now... I know I have a way to go on my weight loss yet, but this lady at Red Hats wanted to take a photo of all of us who showed up to show our Queen that we're holding it together while she's gone. So we're getting lined up to pose for the picture and the lady with the camera points to me and tells me, "you LITTLE ones need to get in front"!! LITTLE???? I probably haven't been called that since I was about 3 yrs old!! Short maybe, but not little!! And I'm NOT little, but it was nice that SHE thought so!! LOL! So I was DEFINITELY smiling for the picture!! WOO HOO!! Seahawks just tied the game. And I put Zoey on my lap... can't eat when she is there or she wants me to share! Better than Angry Birds! What did I ever do without my Zoey!! :rolleyes:
  11. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I just got off the phone with a friend in Minnesota who called to wish me a Happy New Year. He said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and is still falling. His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window. He says that if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in.
  12. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Arlene, hugs and prayers for your mom. Mine is not doing much better either. I was encouraged the day I talked to her and she said the x-ray was clear, and she was so talkative. But getting text messages from my youngest sister this morning and she is getting concerned. Says the antibiotics don't seem to be helping and she's still quite sick. She fell during the night, too. Doesn't remember falling and my uncle found her on the floor. She didn't get hurt, so thank God for that, but sure would appreciate prayers for her healing. So hard to be so far away. TOPS open house at our monthly bazaar this morning, so I need to get moving off the couch! Earl went up early to help set up, but our TOPS leader wasn't there yet so he came back. Apple fritters were calling to him and he didn't bring $$ with him!! LOL! Zoey was quite funny. She knows our morning routine. He always takes her to the garbage dump with him about that time in the morning. She heard him go out the door... had just finished eating her Breakfast. So first there was a quiet little "woof", then she went and stared at the door for a few seconds. You could almost hear her thinking, "surely he's coming back to get me!" Then she goes over by the sink like she's checking.... "Hmmm, the bag of garbage is still there!" Then over to his chair... "no, he's really not there"... then stood staring out the door and listening to the golf cart back up beeper. Then she decided if he was leaving without her then she deserved a treat! Came over to me begging for a treat. It's obvious when that's what she wants because she barks, then throws herself "DOWN' on the floor... .one of the things I usually make her do for treats.... "SIT", then "DOWN", then "SHAKE" (shake my hand), and sometimes "DANCE"! She will go through the routine without prompts and bark at me if she wants a treat. Spoiled dog!! Sent a funny email out today...especially thinking of all of you in "snow country"! If you didn't get it..... here it is again! I just got off the phone with a friend in Minnesota who called to wish me a Happy New Year. He said that since early this morning the snow has been nearly waist high and is still falling. His wife has done nothing but look through the kitchen window. He says that if it gets much worse, he may have to let her in. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.... hugs to Chris and others who are struggling with "STUFF"!! Love you all!
  13. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Quick post. Busy day... water aerobics, then had to go grocery shopping... nothing here. Then to choir practice as soon as we got back. Home less than an hour and went to chili cook-off! No chance of eating too much there... 12 crock pots of chili and 160 people showed up!! Tasted about four, one styrofoam bowl of my neighbors'. Just TV and playing games tonight. Tomorrow morning have to be at Galaxy hall early... TOPS open house table at our monthly bazaar. We'll be there probably 8-10 a.m. Then maybe we'll go somewhere. Fast shopping trip today. need to go to Trader joe's for wine.
  14. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Quick post. Not even time to read posts today. back to back busy... water aerobics to grocery shopping, then choir practice, then chili cook-off. By the time we got home tonight... just wanted to veg~~!! Read a few posts, but too many to read all. I am several pages behind. Love you all!! Happy Trails to Apples!!
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Glad to hear ulcer and not band problem!! Got home a little before 3pm... 8 hrs drive with just two short stops. I'm very tired! Need to go to bed. Mom is better.... x-ray was okay. Was vrey talkative when I talked to her, so must be feeling better!
  16. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Hi, Gang! Got back to the RV this afternoon. Had a stuffed mailbox!! Thanks for all the Christmas cards! Very nice to get them all. I didn't get my cards done!! I had good intentions, and did get some out, but never finished! Mom is doing better. X-ray was okay. Prety tired after 8 hr drive today.... kept up with your posts on my phone. Congrats on the scholarship Jewel!! Apples... I guess you are on the road by now, or maybe you said tomorrow morning. Have to try that cabbage recipe. I LOVE cabbage. Well.... bedtime.
  17. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Trying to keep up with all the posts on this thread and the other, on my phone. Good to hear from Candace!! Wxciting! She should be on board now and sailing! Got to DS & DIL yesterday afternoon. DS & DGS snowboarding at Tahoe, DGD not home from school, DIL not home from work yet, so we stopped by to see Earl's brother (lives about 5 miles away), and then stopped to get a bowl of chili. We will be here for a couple of days. Chris & Justin get home tonight & Earl's brother & SIL coming over for a visit tonight, too. Jacki is in the area all week. Started her radiation tx for her cancer recurrence yesterday. We are going with her today and then to lunch in SF. Earl will have to be patient with us because we're hitting some 2nd hand stores after that... Jacki's favorite thing to do!! Very concerned about Mom.....talked to my sister this morning. She had stomach flu X3 days. They had her quarantined because it is apparently going through the center. But they let her go down to lunch yesterday, but then she started feeling worse last night. Nurse called my sister this morning to tell her Mom had a very rough night... coughing and congested, so had the dr. see her... they have in house dr. He is getting a chest x-ray... they come in to do that, too. so she doesn't have to go out. But... she gets bronchitis real easy, so that is probably what is going on. Keep her in your prayers!
  18. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    I would think it would be Apples having Poosicles!! It's 18 below there!! :lol: Julie.... congrats on Mimi's adoption! Great news! Quick post.... DH is making me a scrambled egg. Still on the road but at our DS & DIL's now for a couple of days. Going to radiation tx appt w/my friend this morning & then we'll have lunch in SF before we hit a couple of thrift shops. Very concerned about my Mom.... had stomach flu for 3 days. Yesterday was feeling better and they let her go down to lunch. She is in assisted living. Last night started feeling worse again, coughing and congested and had a rough night. Doctor at the facility has ordered an x-ray. She gets bronchitis very easily. Hope you warm up soon, Apples!! Jessica.... I like the new cut, but have to say, I think I like the blonde hair better. But, like Janet said, that's what we're used to!
  19. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Happy New Year, All!! Not much computer time the past few days. Just finished reading all the posts and now DH is ready to go to DD's!! Just wanted to say sometime in August would work best for me.. like first or 3rd weekend.
  20. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah! And how about getting back in the car with him in three more days for a 1400 mile trip!?? Tracy is coming to pick me up. She and Jim went furniture shopping all day yesterday... to replace the stuff they just gave away to the kids. So Jim wants her to go back and decide on one of their several choices, and she wants to go check out Lazy Boy before she makes up her mind. So Jim called grumpy to see if he wanted to come over and help him with something. Last night they put together the table top patio heater we got them for Christmas. Don't know what he has in mind for today. But... listening to the conversation, I have a little more insight. He did tell me earlier that his email accounts were screwed up. Apparently someone hacked in to both his gmail and hotmail accounts so now he can't get any email, etc. I have a theory.... he gets very insulting with his political rants and raves on FB so yesterday he told Jim & Tracy at dinner that he'd gotten an email from FB threatening to terminate his account because someone reported one of his posts as being offensive. So he terminated it. I noticed I wasn't seeing anything from him so I'd asked him if he took me off his "friend" list and he told me he terminated his account but he didn't tell me why. So.... I think he pissed someone off so bad that they not only reported him but also hacked in to his email accounts so he can't do anything. You can't change your password if someone else has already changed it because you have to know your old password to change it. So he just told Jim he's been trying to fix it since 5:30 a.m. and he'll come over if he gets it fixed! So... I'm going shopping with Tracy and she's hoping to be back early enough for her and Jim to go see Tron. I think we are going to go with them.
  21. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning!! Chim, so good to see you back!! Congrats on getting your band back! You were doing great before! I'm sure you'll get the weight off! Karla.... hope you're feeling better this morning! Candace.... you're probably coming unglued with excitement!! Wish I was going with you!!! I need an escape!!! Linda...... WHERE ARE YOU?????? Mr. Butthead is still being a butthead!! I asked him very nicely this morning if he could please explain why he is so mad at me because I forgot!! He says he's not mad at me. So..... I guess he's just not speaking to me because. Tracy said she and Jim think that when he gets out of his comfort zone he gets nasty because he's lost too much control. They are probably right. The other day is a good example... When we were leaving the Children's museum.... he said he wanted to stop at Lowe's on the way back to Tracy & Jim's. I didn't want to go. So I told Tracy.... why don't I go with you to take the kids to McD's and Jim can go to Lowe's with Dad? She thought that was a good idea. So that's what we did. Then Tuesday when the guys.. Adam, Shane, etc, were doing the furniture shuffle... Tracy decided it'd be a good idea if Earl rode with Jim and she rode with me. Then... she wanted to drive (our car) because she sort of knew the way. But she really didn't. I think she's afraid to drive with me and they are both afraid to drive with Earl!! But..... Earl had nothing to say about it and he probably didn't like that! So.... no plans for today. Hope we don't just sit here staring at the walls all day like we did yesterday!! Went out to Chinese with them around 5pm and then over to their house for a few hours, but other than that.... pretty much home all day except for a quick trip to Surf Shack and Target.... as you know, right across the street pretty much!! We head south again on Sunday. My sister won't be back from visiting her twin grandbabies in SLC, so not stopping in OR to see them. But, Chris and Justin going somewhere Mon-Wed, so if we want to see them we have to stay until Thurs morning. Also, Jacki starting her radiation tx in SF on Monday, so she was asking if we're going to be in the area for a while. Will probably get together with her. She has to stay all week for 6 weeks because tx are EVERY day Mon-Fri. Only last about 30 minutes and don't think they make her feel too bad, so maybe we'll hit some of the local 2nd hand stores!
  22. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yes.... FREAKING' BUTTHEAD!! Just confronted him about why he is so angry this week... Raving at me just about EVERY day about some stupid thing or another. So he started yelling at m about the gift card again. Then told me he just won't talk to me then! So.... if he can't yell at me about stupid things, then he won't talk to me at all??!! Okay! Yeah.... appreciate being alive! But, don't enjoy putting up with this shit!
  23. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    My LB office uses two needles also.... one to deaden the skin before they use the big one. Lori... praying for your DD, DGD. Hope the contractions have stopped by now. Keep us posted. HUGS, Tina!! You CAN do this! Don't listen to the negative voices!! Snowing here today off and on and very cold.... both inside and out. DH in a very BAD mood all week. I am ready to run away.
  24. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    LOL! "BLUE" is Tracy & Jim's! The four of us took the kids to a place in Everett called Imagination Children's Museum. They had a GREAT time! And so did we. Roof top playground was TOO cold! But.... lots of hands on stuff inside.... airplane, bus, train, ferry.. water play. I'd been wanting to take them there for a long time! I'm getting carried away with that "Foursquare" checkin game!! Didn't get too pooped watching the kids because Tracy and Jim helped. In fact, we stayed at their house that night. Kids all did great. It was kind of funny. Tracy put Thomas down and then we were watching "Hook" with the other two. Johannah kept looking at the clock and telling us it was past their bedtime. "Don't you think we should go to bed pretty soon?" etc! Tracy told her several times that she thought it would be okay if they stayed up a little later since we were watching a movie. But, finally just tucked them in because they were so nervous about over staying their bedtime! Thomas has some "sensory integration" issue that I don't completely understand, but.. he can be a challenge. Doesn't seem to hear sometimes when you are talking to him... like if he is engrossed in something else you have to make him look at you or you may as well not even talk to him! Tracy recognized when he was approaching overload at the museum and we got out of there and took them to McD's. Earl needed to go to Lowe's for something so we sent Jim with him and we took the kids. Yeah! MEN!! I wish I was going on a vacation with one of my GFs!!! Hope you have a GREAT time!! Hope you are all well by now!! No fun to be sick! Zoey is actually exhausting herself with Gigi!! They are so enjoying seeing each other every day! They sometimes drive us nuts with their wrestling and playing, but it's so cute! Locked them up together in a big crate in the kitchen yesterday because we were leaving for a couple of hours. The guys.... Adam, Earl, Jim, Shane, ... were moving furniture. Adam's GF moved out after only 3 weeks and took all the furniture.. because she bought it. He says they're still "together" but she's out on her own for the first time so she wants to party and be crazy and Adam is ready to settle down, get married and have a family. So... she has her own place now. I did notice that both sides of the bed had been slept in recently though!! :o:o Anyway, Jim and Tracy want to replace their furniture... which I don't think is even a year old yet... so they gave him their leather couch (recliner at each end) and matching recliner and love seat with two recliners went to Alisha and Shane. So.. we did the furniture shuffle yesterday because both of the young guys had the day off and Jim and Earl were not about to ruin their backs!! So... puppies had to stay home. They did quite well together in the crate! No pee pee, blood or anything when we got back. Just two little smiling faces asking to be let out of jail! Last night they were so cute all snuggled up together sleeping on Tracy's tummy while she was stretched out on the couch... We were watching a movie.... Harry Conick Jr ... Hope Floats, I think. Yeah... something in the air alright!! I want a break, too! Got "HAMMERED" for a good 30 minutes yesterday because Jodie & Al's gift card has not come in the mail yet!! HUH??? I withheld details (like the date it was mailed by AMEX), I didn't seem to care, etc., etc., Oh, yeah... and I always screw up Jodie's Christmas present. HUH??? The only other time there was a problem was about 3 years ago when we bought and wrapped the presents before we left for the winter because he didn't want to pay postage. So we took them to them before we left and HE hid them in a closet but he wasn't sure WHICH closet so they never were found! They are either still buried somewhere in a closet or they accidentally got thrown away. At any rate, it was NOT MY screw up!! I was in tears and sobbing and begging him to "SHUT THE F UP" and he still wouldn't stop. He goes on and on and on when he gets on his high horse! Repeats himself over and over and over and over. So then... a couple of hours later... in front of everyone, he gives me a hug (very rare for him), and says he's sorry he was so mean. EXCUSE ME??? It was so insincere and so lame after what he did that I said, "it might be too late." So... some 8 hours later, I find out that now he is really pissed at me for not "accepting" his apology. That was last night. He's still not speaking to me. I'm about to take the car and go to RiteAid, Surf Shack and maybe Target! BY MYSELF!! Tracy and Jim are going furniture shopping since they gave away all their family room furniture, so we won't be going over there until much later! It's going to be a LONG, hard day! Yeah.. no time to post!! Keeping up with posts on my phone, though. Dark and cloudy here ever since we got here. A few brief glimpses of the sun is all we've had in over a week. It snowed a little at Tracy's this morning Jim said. They are 8 miles away. Well.... you've been there, I think. Can't remember if I took you gals over there or not last summer! Alan made a big pot of pea soup and brought us two containers when they droped off the kids Sunday so I had some for lunch yesterday. Craving some more today but keep forgetting to bring some home with us! Tracy has a ham bone and turkey carcass, though, so we need to make more soup!! Maybe later today. Sad news..... Red Hat Queen lady.. husband died yesterday. At first they said a minor stroke... about ten days ago. Then I got email that it was more serious than they thought. Then the next email said they moved him to hospice facility. Then yesterday.... he died at 9 a.m. Their home is up here in WA. Just bought a brand new, custom built park model in Desert Hot Springs about 5 miles down the road from where we are. He showed me all through the place a month or so ago.. He was so proud of it! And just three weeks ago today, we were at Miracle Springs Resort with them helping decorate for our party... and the we went out to lunch together. Can't believe he is gone. That makes three people we knew pretty well down there that have died in the last two months. But he is the youngest. The other two were my mother's age. I think he was close to our age Can't seem to get it off my mind since I found out yesterday.
  25. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Hi, Gang!! Very busy with family this week... not much time to post, but keeping up with all of you by reading the posts on my phone! Congrats, Jewel, on the "ONEDERLAND"!! That's GREAT news! Linda..... that is definitely cheating on "junking up the thread"!! LOL Told you gals my Red Hat Christmas party story... Queen who gave me too many jobs to do!! And then I think I told you that her husband had a stroke about 10 days ago. Not very old... I think about my age. Anyway, at first they said it was minor, then next thing I knew I was getting emails that he'd been transferred to a hospice facility! Well... sad news is that he passed away yesterday morning. "Snowbirds" like us, and also from WA. So I guess she has flown up here for services. So sad! Kind of sobering that three friends from our CA "home" have died in the last two months. And we were out to lunch with this couple just 3 weeks ago today! Other two were elderly.... like my mother's age, but not this guy. This couple had just settled in to a brand new park model. He was so proud showing me through it a month or so ago, and all the things they had customized when they ordered it. Oh, well... enough of that! Zoey is so much enjoying spending time w/daughter's dog, Gigi that I don't know how she is going to handle the separation when we leave! Every day when we go over there they play and play and play!! Yesterday we had to go out for a few hours and put them together in a big crate in the kitchen and they were great. Looked kind of cute... the two of them "locked up"! I took a picture... some of you might have seen it on Facebook! They were waiting patiently to get out when we got home. And last night were snuggled up together on DD's lap a good part of the evening!

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