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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Karla, He is fine most of the time.... really! It's just these outrageous flareups that are troublesome. He is out in the desert now flying one of his airplanes. He has been doing a lot of that lately because it hasn't been windy except fr that one day this week. Was hoping to do some beading today... but so busy!! Just when I thought I had some time, I had a phone call reminding me of some work I needed to do on making arrangements for TWO WA state pot lucks for Sky Valley folks. We usually have one in WA in the summer but last summer, right after we agreed to take over running it, they decided they wanted to have one here at the park in the winter and one in WA in the summer!! So guess who is in charge of BOTH now??!! Not what I signed on for. I guess my biggest worry right now is that I have to set up some kind of entertainment. Maybe I'll get our son-in-law to come and sing a few songs, and maybe his sister, too. Both have beautiful voices. Jim hasn't been singing at church at all in several years, but I could probably twist his arm to do this for us! Gotta go.. maybe I can work on my bracelet for a few minutes before I go to choir practice!! AND... still waiting for the dog groomer.... heard she showed up after dark last night!! We went out for dinner. Earl asked me what I wanted for dinner and I said spaghetti, since it was a weigh in day... a little treat... thinking he'd make it with tomatoes and have it on green beans, or maybe 2 oz of angel hair. But he wanted to go out instead. So... ordered a "Lite Eaters" spaghetti and meatballs... well.... meatball! But still could only eat half. Bummer was.... wine was $2 a glass, but only 10 minutes until happy hour was over. So I told Earl to order 2 glasses....even though he wasn't going to drink any, figuring for $2 I was going to get a dinky glass of wine!! Well... it was anything but dinky!! Surprised I didn't sleep all the way home. But, he did drink maybe half of a glass. And we sat there about 90 minutes just enjoying and relaxing. Janet, I would love to help you spend your money picking out a computer!! HAHAHA!
  2. phyllser

    Phyl's Photos

    Progress photos starting 2 mos Pre-Op, start of Pre-Op Diet, to present
  3. phyllser

    Winter 2006

    From the album: Phyl's Photos

  4. phyllser

    May 2007-Start of Pre-Op Diet

    From the album: Phyl's Photos

    327 lb
  5. phyllser

    New 60+ Thread

    First bite syndrome: You feel "full", or like you're getting "stuck" with the first few bites. But if you take a break... rest a few minutes, it goes away. Surprised that hot liquid is not helping you.
  6. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh... this wasn't one of those 2-3 day rants.. short lived, and then he apologized, but have tried to explain to him that this is not acceptable behavior... to go off on me for something that is not my fault. Approached the subject as you suggested yesterday... rejected. He says, "well, I just won't get mad at you anymore then." GRRRR! It's not a new thing, just getting worse as he's getting older. Gotta go... Sorry! Started this and then had to go take care of some "business", and now it's time to go to the pool. Later, Chicks!!
  7. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning, Friends! TGIF!! Looks like a beautiful day here again today. Watching the Today Show, looks like most of you are having some interesting January weather!! Stay warm and safe! Waited all afternoon for mobile groomer to show up... she said between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. By 4:30 p.m. she hadn't shown, so we went out to eat. Hadn't done that in a LONG time, and it was weigh in day, so we decided we'd have a "date night". So, of course, message on our phone when we got back stating she'd been here and "missed us"! But phone # on her business card is useless... she doesn't answer and I keep getting a message that her mail box is full! But, I think she said she was coming back today. Very frustrating. First time we're using her. We've heard she does a good job, is reasonably priced, and she comes right to the RV and does it.. she pulls a trailer w/facilities inside to bathe and cut, etc. Anyway, inconsequential compared to things others of you are experiencing!! Linda, hope you get those legal arrangements for Aylah straightened out SOON!! Apples.... Yeah, you should name that bugger!! So glad that is over again!! I had a little trip to town by myself yesterday. Short, but very therapeutic just to go alone, shop a little, have some "me" time. Just picked up a few groceries and a Starbucks, but enjoyed it. DH stayed here to wait for the dog groomer! Want to put cabbage, onion, carrots and turkey kielbasa in the crock pot today and didn't have any cabbage. Almost time to get ready to go to Water aerobics. Oh... down 1 1/2 lb this week. Not much, but at least progress in the right direction.
  8. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I told him a couple of weeks ago that I think he would benefit from anti-depressant/anti-anxiety Rx. It didn't go over well. Not using the scooter much except when shopping with Zoey. And.... be happy to share it with Linda. There is a 2pm Matinee on Thursdays, so that would be perfect... see the musical, go to dinner, then street fair.
  9. phyllser

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi, All! Hasn't been much activity on this thread in a long time, so I guess I was neglecting following it. We are in CA for the winter, but back home to WA state for the holidays so we missed most of the cold here in CA, but made up for it at home! Even had some snow. Hi, Karen!! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Glad you're doing well. I gained a little over the holidays. Working on getting it back off! None of us like the redesign of the LBT site!! Postings coming to my email inbox are WAY down. People are just not wanting to deal with it.. posts disappearing, difficult to figure out how to add photos, etc. Some have sent emails to Alex complaining about it. My weight loss is stalled too!! Having a hard time.... have been maintaining, but then gained a little over the holidays. I think your doc is being a little unrealistic about your goal weight!! Remind him of your age!! Hahaha!! I'm hoping to get down to 150! I'd be quite happy with that. Hot liquid should help in the morning. Sorry it's not working for you. Sounds a little like "first bite syndrome". Can't help with the photos, etc. Site is totally screwed up since they revamped it. Did you try clicking on the "insert image" icon above? You can add things to your "signature" on the CP User page... if you can figure out how to get there!! Congrats on your weight loss!! Shopping addiction is okay!! LOL
  10. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Hi, All! Been super busy this week. Beading Mon & Tues afternoon, and been doing some of it here in the RV, too, instead of on the computer all the time! Helps keep my hands busy too, and my mind off of snacking! Today we spent the day going to the Marine base for Rx refills and shopping.... just relaxing tonight. Might work on bracelet I started yesterday for a little while later. Jewel.... hope nothing is broken. Sounds like a painful injury! Linda... what's the latest on DSD? LauraK... love the new pic! Great avatar! Waiting to hear if Janet got a new computer today! Keep telling her she should get a laptop! Julie... hope you get some effective tx for that pain from the new doc! Eva... Apples... you're having too much fun! LOL Weather has been so wonderful, but got extremely windy in the last couple of hours! Will not be pleasant to go to the pool tomorrow morning if it continues. It wasn't supposed to start until after midnight, and until about 2pm tomorrow. So.. since it arrived early, should leave early, too, right???!!! Lori... as much as I envy your jaunts here and there, I don't think I'd enjoy flying that much. It just seems to be such a hassle lately. At least, when you go for the day, no need to be bothered with lugage! LOL Okay... brain just quit working! Hugs to ALL of you!! And welcome to Kim!
  11. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Anxious to hear if you found a new computer. I looked at laptops at the base today. I need a new one! This one has too many things that don't work and the hard drive is not big enough to hold my pictures! And maybe they sell Wally Lamb books on QVC??!! LOL Long day today... Marine base for Rx refills, bx shopping, commissary... grocery shopping. Earl was a jerk. Everything was fine until he panicked coming out of the commissary because he left his wallet in there! Like on our way out the door! So.... of course, it was right where he left it. But he came out in a very bad mood and jumped all over me when I asked him where it was, how did it happen. I wasn't being offensive at all, just asked a couple of innocent questions and he got nasty. It went downhill from there. Don't know what gets in to him some times. He did apologize after a while, but not before trying to justify his meanness by saying he was upset because he thought his wallet was stolen... so upset he was SHAKING!! HUH???? Don't know why he thought that was an excuse to be a jerk anyways, since it was back in his hand at the time he started being a jerk. He even threw the dog in to the back seat! That really ticked me off. Beginning to wonder if he needs to go get a good physical. Flies off the handle for no reason way too easy. Don't get it. Very defensive all the time. Hey... mentioned to Janet it might be fun to go see "Menopause the Musical" when you and Linda are here. What do you think?? I saw it when they were here (in Palm Springs) last year and it was hilarious! Would love to see it again.
  12. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Looks like another lovely day here in the desert. We are going to the Marine base today to pick up Rx refills and shop at the commissary. So.... skipping water aerobics. Earl went up to swim laps, but if I go to water aerobics we won't be out of here until about 11 a.m. It takes over an hour to get there (unless Janet is driving!! LOL!! Just kidding GF!!) So... if we leave that late we'll be coming home in the dark. I like to spend at least an hour in the BX before we do the grocery shopping. Must NOT buy more clothes even if I find a GREAT bargain! Ooops.... He's back... a$$hole is doing the pool prep this morning and won't let him in! He's mad. He says we're going NOW so I better sign off.
  13. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    AH... there you are!! We were posting at the same time! Looking forward to this wekend. Yes, another wonderful day! Going to the pool in 1/2 hr. Hope Earl stops whining about it being too hot!! Sorry about all your accounting difficulties. What a pain!! Have a GREAT day!!
  14. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Where is everyone?? Another gorgeous morning here! It was 89 yesterday and supposed to be almost that warm again today. I thougt today was the day it was going to cool down about 10 degrees. Paper says it'll be back in the high 60's-70's in the next few days. I love it. Earl does nothing but complain that it's too hot. He was acting like a spoiled brat yesterday afternoon because he was hot and sweating! I went to beading after the pool/hot tub, and didn't come home until about 3pm. It was COLD there because the air conditioning was turned so low. So when I got back to the RV I was more than happy to sit outside where it was nice and warm and do some more beading.... Made earrings while I sat on the patio.. to match bracelet I made yesterday. Finally finishing some projects! Finished another earring before I went to bed last night. Classes are Monday and Tuesday now, so I think I'll go up today too, after the pool, and work on some more unfinished projects. If she gets me started on one bracelet I didn't really get going on yet, I'll come home and sit outside to work on in don't want to spend 4 hours in there with that air conditioning again today!! I HATE air conditioning!! Trying hard to stay on the bandwagon with my food! Eggbeaters omelet last two mornings. Time to tell Earl again.... SMALLER! Then I had the most deicious protein drink for lunch... Adkins.... 160 calories.... Cafe Carmel Coffee shake I think it is! SOOO good! Think I'll have one again today for lunch. Had Muscle Milk light... Vanilla Cream, I think, a couple of days ago and NOT impressed with that. Earl made a big crock pot of ham and beans on Sunday... ham was VERY lean. Had another mug for dinner last night. Just about NO fat to skim off even though it'd been in the fridge overnight. Hope everyone is having a GREAT day! WHERE IS JANET??? WHERE IS KARLA, LINDA, STEPH???? HELLO??????
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    What about the other two??? Do they have a bad daughter/son score sheet, too??? You are NOT available... per dr's orders, if necessary!! Yeah... back to crazy routine! Leave RV at 8:45 a.m. and not back until after 3 pm!! Beading... 4 hrs of it! I will probably go back tomorrow and work on unfinished projects. Made earrings when I got home today... outside on the patio, to match the bracelet I made today. Spiral pattern. Very nice I HATE cancer!! Lost 4 cousins at an early age to breast cancer, and, as you know, our dear friend Jacki is battling her 2nd round. Yes, lots of bad stuff going on! just heard this weekend of another of my Primetimers friends from WA died a week ago. She was only 58!! No answers as to why right now! She was diabetic, but... dr had just done a bunch of tests and told her everything was fine! Yeah, right!!
  16. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning, Gang! Sorry I've been MIA! I have been pretty much keeping up with posts, as best I can! Weekend was consumed with Red Hats luncheon, football games, visiting with neighbors and a Saturday night "happening".... which occurs when first one couple, then another and another end up at the same RV site and soon the Snacks start appearing, etc., etc. This one included a warm toasty campfire and was great fun... 7 couples by the time it was over!! Including a German couple.. This was funny... There was a pkg of hot dogs, and buns on the table. So Peter goes over, takes out a hot dog, puts it on the bun and is about to put some mustard on top when I said, "NO! Peter... you're supposed to cook it!" So DH proceeded to put it on a poker for him and show him where to put it... over the hot coals, to cook it! I guess he liked it... he roasted two more after that. And then we taught him all about marshmallows!! He ended up with sticky fingers! It was a hoot! Anyway.... it's time to go to the pool.... 82 degrees today. Eva.... Karen...... Jodi is arriving this weekend. Janet and I plan to spend time with her Saturday after sunset.
  17. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Beautiful morning and it's supposed to be 82 today. Off to the pool in an hour! Sounds like you're pretty glad to be home!! LOL! But sorry the rash is back. You could always bring Peter with you!
  18. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hope you have all that tax stuff, etc., figured out by now! I hate having to do stuff like that, and it sounds really complicated! Sorry you didn't make it to the baby shower. Didn't do too much today.... church, stupid Seahawks game, rode up and down every single street in the park looking for rentals...need a place for Tracy and Jim for 5 days next month. No one wants to rent for less than a week or a month in Feb. Neighbor came over to visit after that.. sat outside with her for quite a while. Then watched a little of the Jets game and now I'm trying to make some earrings to match the bracelet I made last week. So sorry about your Mom's fall, Karla! You just had surgery! You can't go!! Your brother and sister need to step up to the plate!! Hope you've got it figured out by now!
  19. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So good to hear from you again! Welcome back to NORTH AMERICA!!! Trip sounds great! But.... yeah, too long away from home and hubby! Good to have Steph AND Linda posting!! We miss you when you stay away!!! Funny you said that about coming to your place because I was thinking that yesterday... We're coming to Buffalo 2nd week of August for our 50th high school reunion and I was thinking it would be so nice just to come to your place for our get-together again, and then just ONE trip this summer, and we had such a good time there just sitting around visiting. I loved it! I've been thinking of things we can do in March.... winery tour in Temecula??? Champagne brunch Sunday in Palm Springs?? Definitely street fair at C.O.D. on the weekend, too. OH... and have you gals seen "Menopause the Musical"??? It's going to be here through April 10. That would be a fun thing to go see. I went with a group last year and it was hilarious!! And I'm sure Janet has lots of ideas, too! HUGS! HUGS! HUGS! I've been very worried about you!! Tried to call your home phone and was the wrong number.... not even the area code was right! So I called your cell. Then I found the right number on the internet white pages, but was busy when I called and then I forgot!! Saw no posts on FB for MONTHS!! Call me when you have some "down time".... if you feel like it! Will be sitting here watching football tomorrow afternoon (with Janet telling me to go for a walk!! LOL) So sorry for all that is going on with Mindy, etc!! Prayers for her and this unhealthy relationship! So much looking forward to seeing you in March!! But.... don't stay away!! You need support when you are plowing through this crap!! We LOVE you!!
  20. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I thought of one more name. There is a lady here who is about my age, maybe a little younger, who has been fighting breast cancer for the past few years... both breasts, and two different types of cancer. Her name is Carolyn Smith. I hear ya. I'm working on cutting down everything. But when I have salad for lunch with very little protein, I am really hungry by mid afternoon. It's a small amount of cheese. This smoked salmon I got at Costco last weekend is extremely oily. It will be a good thing when it's gone. Hope you got your snoozing in today. And that the pain did NOT kick in! I'm doing okay... but definitely not myself. Aches and pains bugging me today, and just generally feeling "out of sorts" for no apparent reason! Took one of my "as necessary" meds tonight just in case it might be a bladder infection trying to get the best of me. Chronic issue with me, so doc gives me an ongoing Rx of macrodantin to take if I feel one coming on. But,I do need a down day! When can I sit on the couch and watch football?? Too busy this week. Choir practice this afternoon. I'm afraid I almost bit Earl's head off when I got home and he asked if I wanted to go for a golf cart ride with him!! Told him I just wanted to sit and do nothing for a while, watch Judge Judy and have a glass of wine! One more thing on my plate... I was reminded today that we agreed to take over WA state reunion potluck for this summer and I need to call the facility we use to reserve the date! I forgot I have to do all that, and that the group decided they wanted a get together here at Sky Valley this winter, too. So that is set up now, but have to get Earl to resurrect the envelope of info the lady who used to do it gave me last summer. He stowed it somewhere in the RV and I need the phone numbers ASAP!! I am going to give him until Monday to unearth it! Then I have to call and get the date set. UGH!! I did send out an email today about the event I set up for here at the park, and I already got one response from an 80 yr old lady offering to help!! So... stressed, out of sorts, but.... nothing specific going on in my life! Probably screwed up hormones or something! Well, after reading all that, I have NO reason to feel stressed!! Hugs, GF!! LOL!! I have met him and he IS a sweetheart!!
  21. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Quick check in... Very busy week! And the weather has warmed up again... so out enjoying it in the daytime! Keep up with the posts by reading them on my phone! I don't know about the Chicago trip in June.... we have to go back to NY in August for our 50th high school reunion, so don't know if I can do two trips that close together. Mom is much better... hard hit by the flu and had a hard time getting over it even w/antibiotics. But they watch her very closely at the assisted living facility, so nurses checking on her a few times a day, doctor there saw her, and he ordered x-ray... which they came in to do so she didn't even have to go out.. very cold and snowy there! Will be looking forward to seeing you next weekend, Jodi!
  22. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    DAMN!! Did exactly what you said, Janet, and Multiquote will NOT work for me! Very frustrating!! So... Steph... think you did exactly the right thing with Michael! No guilt! Tough love is hard, but necessary sometimes! Karla... glad you're home and everything went okay. Can't believe they waited until you were awake to take the tube out of your throat!! Now chill and give yourself some time to recover!! Stop thinking about school! They will survive without you and you'll be back before you know it! Janet... I agree... all-inclusive in Mexico is a great idea! Never been to one, but Tracy & JIm think it's great. Looking forward to going in April! Yes... very busy week, but probably a little hiding out, too... for no particular reason... I have pretty much been keeping up on posts. But never got on the computer at all today until about 4pm! Playing too many computer games, too, and Angry Birds on my phone and iTouch!! Terribly addicting, stupid game! LOL! TOPS weigh in NOT GOOD. I gained too much over the holidays! I need to get back on track big time before I get in to deep trouble. So I bought protein drinks today at Walmart-Lite muscle milk and one 4 pack of Adkins. Both are 15-16 gm protein. The Adkins is 11 oz and I usually can only drink a half of one... 150 calories if you drink the whole thing. The Muscle Milk is 8.5 oz and 100 calories. And I picked out the veggies today... 3 small bags instead of one huge one! I got spinach, petite peas and petite whole green beans. I like broccoli, too, but the boss said there was only room in the freezer for 3 bags. He always buys the Walmart brand but I did NOT. The last bag of broccoli we had... which we just finished, was nothing but stems!! Bought a cabbage last week and was going to use it for soup, but Earl put it all in the blender today while I was gone getting the mail, because it was in his way!! So I made cole slaw. I think my best ever... put in some Fat Free Miracle Whip, white balsamic vinegar, a little sesame dressing, ground pepper and celery seed. But so much for my soup! HE is going to make bean soup he says. He bought a spiral cut ham last week and cut it all off the bone and put the bone in the freezer... and most of the ham, I think. A little of it shows up in my salad or omelet now and then, so I am assuming the rest is in the freezer. PB'd on chicken last night... had just one small chicken thigh.. skinless, boneless, with some spinach and a little macaroni. So kind of tight today. Had a granola bar for breakfast, a few samples at Costco for lunch. Snack... ONE small glass of wine (one of my problems... too much wine), a little cheese and a small piece of smoked salmon. Dinner.... grilled salmon, green beans and cole slaw. I might have a 70 calorie pudding later.... maybe. When does Candace get back??? She's been gone almost 2 weeks now. Talked to my Mom a couple of days ago and she was MUCH better and had gone down to the dining room for lunch that day. Niece who got beat up so bad by her boyfriend/baby's father last year.... he got sentenced to 9 months in jail today. Big deal! She neglected to renew the VPO, so as soon as it expired, he showed up at her door to see the baby. My sister had a big fight with her over that... because I think she let him in! Well, apologize for being MIA!! It really has been a busy week... BTW... lady that had that episode at the meeting the other day had a lead come off her pacemaker. As far as I know she is still in the hospital getting it fixed and getting stabilized again. But... she will be fine.
  23. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi, Gals! Very busy day. Water aerobics, came home & did makeup and jewelry, etc and back up for Christian Ladies' luncheon.... they have them once a month. Speaker was gospel/country singer... really good. But, elderly lady collapsed partway through the presentation/singing, so that was the end of that... chaos.... call 911, get our emergency response team there, etc. She was sitting up and talking to EMTs by the time we left but suspect she is in the hosp now. She has these TIAs from time to time. Spent time in the hospital last year, too. I am sure she is well over 80, maybe even 90, but she is usually at water aerobics. We have another lady who is 93 who is there EVERY day!! One lady in the class told me last week that her husband s realy disappointed because all the people he used to play tennis with every morning have either died or are too sick to play so now he has to play shuffleboard in the mornings! He's 75-80ish! I didn't go home after that... had my beading bag with me because I wanted to finish the bracelet I started yesterday. She's doing classes 2X a week now that the season is in full swing. So... finished bracelet and went home a little after 3:30pm. Zoey was waiting for me outside... shivering, I might add! It was chilly out! Just I was about to leave to take her with me to get the mail, Larry from next door came to our door and told us there was a "neighborhood mmeting" going on at his place if we wanted to come over!! You know what that means! So, it was after 7pm when we came home from that! So... bowl of zucchini soup that neighbor behind us made was dinner. Catching up on LBT posts tonight, Scrabble games, etc., and Angry Birds!! Now it's bedtime!! All-inclusive makes sense to me! Much better deal for the money than a cruise, etc. Whole package including air fare, travel insurance, transfer to/from airport-hotel, etc... under $3k for 8 days. Karla, glad you're going through with the surgery, and that you're connected with a band doctr. You need to take it easy on the coffee or now because of the ulcer, but you should be able to get back to it once that heals up. Good work, Steph!!
  24. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Presidente InterContinental , SAN JOSE DEL CABO Tracy & Jim have been there twice... once by themselves, and lasts spring they took JIm's 2 older kids and their families. They love the place, so I'm sure we'll have an enjoyable week. Just have to figure out housing for the cat and dog. Dog won't be a problem, but everyone here knows the cat is not warm and fuzzy like Zoey!! HAHAHA! She really is no problem.... feed her once a day and clean out her litter box every day and she's content. I think my neighbor, Joy, might take her. Stepped away to get ready for pool and lost my quotes!! Karla.... DO NOT postpone!! There is a reason your doctor said THIS CAN'T wait!! It's not only the pain, but this is called a "strangulated hernia"! And the next step is gangrene. You need to get that taken care of NOW!! Steph, I guess I better stop whining because it's only 44 degrees and time to go to the pool for water aerobics!!
  25. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Just a couple of minutes... so quick post!! Jodi... will be great to see you in Palm Springs! I can't get multiquote to work Every time I try it just includes the last post I clicked on. What's the secret??? I have to get ready to go to the pool.... water aerobics in 30 minutes... It's 48 degrees outside!! BRRRRR!!! I'm wearing my "swim sweater"!! Water Warm-ups!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
