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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So sorry you are STILL waiting for answers! Whatever is wrong, sounds like they'll be taking care of it quickly. Karla, so sorry about Elyse. Kinda like when we found out Christmas Eve that our grandson, Kurtis, who had turned 18 the day before, was going to be a daddy! Then a month later, found out his girlfriend was just turning 15 the first week of Feb!! Your heart sinks when you see young people making bad decisions, especially when they effect our grandchildren (and great-grandchildren). Your first grandchild, our first great! The babies will be blessings, despite the situations they are being born in to! Hugs! Janet, glad you are getting that new computer figured out. I am going to get a small settlement from insurance.... about what you originally suggested..... so then I will get a new laptop. I wanted to get a new one for each of us, but Earl says he will be happy with mine. His sound doesn't work among other things. I might buy an iPad, too, and save the rest. Candice... are you getting another storm??? Tracy & Jim got back home late Monday night and the next morning it snowed!! In fact, sounds like it's been snowing there off and on since!! Jodie had on FB that it was snowing hard at their place this afternoon... she is about 50 miles south. We got back here a little before 7 pm. Two long boring days, but not really any time to relax! I thought, oh, well.... a whole day in Redlands to do nothing. But, it's not like we could stay in the RV while they were working on it. So we had to be up and out before 8 a.m. and they didn't finish until about 5 p.m. So we drove around looking for a mall to go hang out at. Never found one. Driving through parking lots, over speed bumps, with a headache! Had a temp this morning, too. Still not over the damn flu! Hit two different Starbucks... one this morning, then just hung out at one for over an hour this afternoon. Then Zoey and I went for a walk, found a Thrift Store in a big warehouse and she loved dragging me through there! No one said a word!! Gal at Starbucks said, "Mam', you can't have that dog in here!" So I showed my "Support Dog" tags and she apologized and left us alone!! LOL! Zoey was in the red bag most of the time we were in there. I took her out to take her for a walk and when we got back she was sitting on my lap. They didn't even know I had her in there until then! Tomorrow morning... TOPS... means up and out EARLY again!!! If I wake up feeling crappy again I'm going to blow it off!! I want a whole day to sit still and do NOTHING but rest and recuperate!! Maybe I'll do that tomorrow!
  2. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Okay.....Sunday the 27th, 6 a.m. is my pick. Was feeling better, then had a bad day today... headache came back, starting to cough, and sinus drainage. Hope we're not starting a new phase. Then I had to drive the car 60 miles to RV maintenance facility because DH did not want to tow it. Didn't feel well enough but had to do it. And I suppose that means I have to drive back tomorrow. It's not that far, but hate dealing with the traffic, and don't like driving when I'm not feeling good... especially that headache! Had good visit with DD & SIL but sure wish I'd been feeling better! Want a cup of tea but can't use micro here. Plugged in to 110. Glad to have TV (antenna), and complementary WiFi (RV facility guest account). Cell works here, too.
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Morning, Chicks! Tracy & Jim's last day here. They fly out this evening. Nice visit, but too short and sure wish I'd been feeling better! Of course, I kept going and going so not giving my body time to rest. Next two days will be good. We have to drive RV over to Redlands... 60 miles, for maintenance and will be gone two days. So... think I will sit in the RV and veg... do some beading. Probably won't have internet access. Wow! Computer or site taking forever to catch up with my typing! Weird! I guess I'm going to setle with Loomis' insurance on last sumer's accident. Will get enough to buy me a new laptop and put a little away in my "mad money" account, but will be pretty small $$$ compared to what I hoped for. But, that's okay. Medicare probably would have taken a big chunck and I'd be left with what I'm getting anyway if we got them involved. If Earl doesn't yell too loud, I might buy an iPad, too! I don't have enough techy toys yet!! LOL Rosy cheeks indicate I'm still running a low grade fever. I can always tell by how my face feels, anyway. Going to go to beading long enough to get today's bracelet pattern and maybe make sure I know how to do it, and pick out beads. I think Tracy is going with me. Have to leave for Redlands by 1pm tomorrow, so I can't stay long tomorrow eighter. I will be having beading withdrawls!! Have to make some more of those "bugle bead" bracelets I made a few weeks ago. I only have one of the five left! Gave one to Tracy yesterday. Hmmmm.... just had a thought. Earl says I have to drive the car over there tomorrow because he doesn't want to tow it and we will need transportation over there. So.... why do I have to leave at 1 pm??? I can leave whenever I want to!!
  4. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It's just the FLU! Honest!! Haven't vomited at all... just pain in the gut, right around my belly button, and nausea and headache and body aches. It's getting better. Actually woke up HUNGRY this morning and want to go to breakfast wth Tracy and Jim. Waiting for Tracy to wake up. They are in a rental on the other side of the park. Took my vitamins for the first time in three days and drinking coffee much more enthusiastically than I have in DAYS!! I'm going to live! It's OKAY! Still a little nausea and slight headache so I need to not get to frisky today. Tracy wants to go shopping. So glad for the good news, Karla and Karri! Janet, congrats on the new computer. I'm sure it won't take you long to master it! You should consider an external drive for back up and to store your photos. Think we got about an inch of rain yesterday! It's finally stopped but still dark grey skies! Earl says this is going to be the warmest day of the weekend. I'm not impressed. He says another storm is coming tomorrow! Haven't eaten much all week. Wonder what the scale will say.
  5. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Just a quick update. DD & SIL flew in yesterday morning. Tried to do too much because they were here. Now feeling really sick again and can't stay out of the bathroom. DH will have to do something with them today without me. If it would warm up a little they'd be quite happy to go sit by the pool, but we're supposed to get a big storm later today. Maybe they can get some sunshine before it gets here. It was snowing when they left Seattle yesterday morning.
  6. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Don't know what happend. I posted butit's gone. Still sick... camped out in the bathroom most of the morning, stomach hurt all night. Bummer!
  7. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    UGH! Did too much with Tracy and Jim yesterday... well, mostly just sat outside and visited with them. And Earl wanted to go to our cafe for lunch.. so we did that... I ordered grilled cheese sandwich and vegetable soup. Couldn't eat the soup... too salty, to acidy or something.... did eat most of the grilled cheese and that was okay. Came back to RV... sat outside..... later decided to go to street fair. Felt okay... ate a little dinner... chopped steak. But.. by the time we got back in the car I was aching all over.. back especially, and just not feeling well at all. Stomach hurt all night long.... and have the runs really bad thi smorning. Sipping on my coffee for about an hour and a half now, Earl put an omelet in the micro for me... but, can't eat it. Can't even face my pills again this morning and stomach still hurting. Earl will have to do something with Tracy & Jim without me today, I think. Have to try and get some liquids in or I'm going to get dehydrated. Yuck!!
  8. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah, feeling a little better... no temp today. Ate a part of my omelet and sipping at my coffee. Couldn't even look at it yesterday. Had a small cup of chicken soup last night, but other than sips of tea and latte Earl brought me late in the afternoon, that was all I had all day yesterday. Still having waves of pain in my gut every now and then, but not really nausea and never really vomited.... just dry heaves a couple of times, but very painful. No energy today. Should get dressed... Tracy & Jim land in less than an hour. They're renting a car at the airport and driving out here. Ache all over! Hoping to feel well enough to go to street fair tonight, but that's looking pretty iffy right now. It's cold, but at least wind has died down and it's sunny. Yeah, sounds like bypass best for you, Karri! Hope your check shows up soon. I know when we have our mail forwarded down here it's very sporadic. But if a friend mailed it, you'd think it would come quicker. No more energy, gang! Hope you all have a great day.
  9. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So is the revision to sleeve what you are aiming for.... I forgot! Scared me today when I had the dry heaves because every time I started wretching the pain in my upper left chest was excruciating. I thought I was having a heart attack. But then when I thought about it, wondered if it was my port. Had about 3-4 episodes of that today and broke out in a sweat.... drenched by the time it was over. First couple of times, I had nothing in my stomach because couldn't even bring myself to sip on water. But later Earl made me some iced tea so I decided I should try to take at least my Rx meds... BP, etc, but NO vitamins, etc. Well, BAD idea!! That was the wrse! Earl was just getting ready to go to Walmart for groceries that we HAD to have with Tracy & Jim coming in the morning.... and I almost told him to stay home when he asked me if I was going to be okay. Cuz sure didn't feel like it then. I guess I'm feeling better because I'm typing, and sipping on the latte he brought me~! Keep us posted, Karri! We love you , and WE CARE!!!
  10. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    tHANKS, Karri! Went back to bed again. Temp was up whenn I got up.... over 101 now. Earl brought me a latte. Hope I can get it down. He is insisting on heatin itup and I just wanted it the way it was. So glad about your friend's sister. Jacki is all done with her radiation, etc and is on a road trip to Seattle. Her birthday is coming up. Had Earl get her a Starbucks card.
  11. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    I am SO sick! Temp 100.6, hurt everywhere, bad headache. Stmach hurt all night long. Got up at 7 a.m., I think.. went back to bed until 1 p.m. Can't do anything..back hurts bad,too. Dry heaves that are so painful... hurts on my left side s bad think I'm having a heart attack, butcould be my port. Don't know... just want it to be over. DD & SIL flying in from Seattle in the morning! I CAN'T be sick. They're only here aobut r days.
  12. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I am SO sick! Trying to get some iced tea down. Couldn't face my coffee this morning, or anything else. Stomach hurts so bad I'm afraid to take my pils. Temp almost 101. Everything hurts.
  13. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    They're just her until Monday night... Thursday morning until Monday evening. Weather isn't supposed to get better until Sunday or Monday I think Earl said. I'm feeling awful tonight, too. Was fine this morning, did Water aerobics, came home and worked on some beading, went to food Drive Tea Party.. had a fun time, took a lot of pictures. Took my neighbor with me on the golf cart. Then we went and picked up our mail. As soon as I got back to the RV, I all of a sudden started sneezing, instant headache, and pretty soon, scratchy throat. I must have picked up a bug somewhere! Maybe you did, too! So sorry about band problems you and Karri are having, Steph... and Karla! I sometimes think I need a little bit of a fill, but I remember what it was like when I had those problems last spring and I don't want to go there again. I DO have restriction, and I think I need to leave well enough alone.
  14. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Sounds like everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. We didn't have any plans, then decided to go out to dinner, went next dor to chat with neighbors for a sec before we left, and ended up going with them and 4 other couples... so 12 of us altogether. We had a fun time. Went to a little tavern that we all like that has good food and NO crowd! Only one other table besides us! I ordered rack of ribs, but brought more than half home and Earl had a couple of ribs, too... so not too bad! I did eat a cupcake that another neighbor gave us after that! How do you cook your okra??? I like it, too, but don't know how to cook it. Learned to love it fried when we lived in OK, but no more fried now! And I never did learn to cook it. I like it in soup, too! TT issues on my mind, too, but need to lose some more weight! Cloudy here this morning and the jet stream is sinking south! Not good! Weather is suposed to stink for the rest of the week. So don't you know DD & SIL coming down Thursday to get away from the cod, rainy NW!! DD is already bummed about the weather report! She was so looking forward to some sun and warm weather! Well, gotta get ready for Water aerobics! Busy day again today... after that, may go to beading for an hour or so, even though I was there 4 1/2 hrs yesterday!! Then a Food Drive Tea Party complete with hats (if they don't blow away in the wind), this afternoon!
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep, busy weekend!! Trying to recoup today! But... Water aerobics, then beading. Then went out to dinner w/10 of the neighbors... Valentine's dinner. Had a GREAT time! Tomorrow... more of the same... water aerobics, may go to beading for a little while, but food drive fund raiser... Tea party w/hats here at Sky Valley. Was a lot of fun last year, So will leave beading early to go there. Back hurting bad tonight... I guess sitting too long in the straight chairs at beading class. Too much pain tonight. Took some Ibuprofen and hoping it gives me some relief soon!! Earl slept well last night and not complaining too much today except of slightly queasy stomach earlier today. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, too!! Glad your gig went well! Sounds like you're having fun! Hope you both have good outcomes with your scopes this week!! Our weather is supposed to turn to crap about the time our daughter, Tracy & son-in-law, Jim show up here Thursday morning. Apparently they have contracted with the airlines to drag the jet stream down here with them on Thursday which will result in several days of really crappy weather!! Hope all goes well with you and Karla this week!! Hugs to both of you!
  16. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Evening!! Fairly quiet day today.... church, took Zoey for a golf cart ride, visited with the neighbors, sorted out my beading stuff AGAIN and made some earrings to match a bracelet I finished a month or so ago. May start another bracelet tonight or work on one that isn't yet finished. Karla, hope your problems will be resolved soon!! So sorry for all you've been through lately! Another beautiful day, weather wise! Warm and sunny! Unfortunately, Thursday... the day Tracy & Jim get here, there is supposed to be a drastic change... 60 degrees, cloudy, chance of rain, high winds! And that is supposed to go on for several days. And they will only be here until Monday evening. It's been SO nice! It's extremely frustrating!! Earl had a terrible night... sinus headache and spent most of the night trying to sleep in his recliner. So he took a nap this afternoon... but not for very long and he has felt dragged out all day. Good time with the gals this weekend. I flaked out on them yesterday morning... was supposed to go to the street fair with them. But our son & daughter-in-law started texting me while we were at Janet's Friday night about flying down here to have lunch with us on Saturday! The plane has a brand new paint job... he's been flying it "ugly" for over 2 years because paint job cost $8500! But he finally bit the bullet and had it done. Looks fantastic! It took them a little over 2 hrs to fly down from San Jose area. We went to Palm Springs and had lunch, shopped a little and took them back to the airport. He's been wanting to fly down here for the past two winters but this is the first time it worked out. Weather had to be good, etc. So.... we got back to the RV around 4pm I think, and Janet, Eva & Karen got here about 1/2 hr or so later. Earl grilled salmon on the grill, fixed us salad, baked potatoes and veggies. I drank TOO much wine! We sat out on the patio, had dinner out there, etc.
  17. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Looking forward to seeing you.... and to the asparagus~! Glad you found some! I don't remember if he decided on another veggie or not. He did get some potatoes and FF sour cream. I'm not having a very good day! Just annoying and frustrating things going on. And Earl fretting over the motor home maintenance. We have to go to Redlands because the chassis is a WorkHorse, and the recall on the braes has to be done by an authorized WorkHorse maintenance facility. That work is covered under warranty, but then they recommended a brake job, and then we need a couple of new tires.... rig is 7+ years old.... so now we're up to about $4K!!! On a FREE recall repair!! So.... he's fretting about having to move money from an untaxed account because then we'll have to pay significant taxes on it next year. He's dealing with it better today, but was very grumpy last night. And then he was mad at me this morning because I was 20 minutes late for water aerobics. WHY does that make him mad??? I don't get it! He says because he likes us to do water aerobics TOGETHER! HUH??? I'm at one end of the pool and he's at the exact opposite end. The only time we send together is a very few minutes n the hot tub and he usually gets out and goes to the showers as soon as I get in. I had a good reason for being late.... It's a TMI issue... but, having bowel problems is all I care to say about that right now! Glad you are doing better. Hopefully, when the swelling goes down you'll be able to eat again!! Hugs to you, Chick!!
  18. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    You gals are showing your age!! If you're going to keep up with the youngsters... you have to learn to text!! LOL I do it all the time.... but I have one daughter who is like you and she WON'T... but then she's a penny pincher like her father and she won't spend the extra money for texting. That would be Jodie, not Tracy. RV is more or less clean, but very cluttered, as always, and now I have little zip lock bags of beading stuff all over the couch!! Will have to make places for people to sit by Saturday!! Earl has the menu planned and I told him today... it looks like what Janet served last time we were there... he wants to grill salmon outside. And he wanted to make asparagus, but couldn't find any today after stopping at three stores. So still have to figure out veggies, but he wants to do small baked potatoes, so he bought FF sour cream today. We were out ALL afternoon. Had to go to Redlands for dry run to RV place where we have to go for servicing in 2 weeks. Earl got to talk to the maintenance guy and figure out a place for us to park the night before. So we'll be sleeping in their parking lot the night before the appt. What we will do that evening and probably most of the next day I do not know! We'll take the car.. which he wants me to drive instead of towing it, so we don't have to hang out there that whole entire time. Wii said I was up little less than 3/4 lb this morning, but the TOPS scale went crazy. Was all over the place.. Earl said it did that with him, too. Weighed okay for most people but several of us.. it was bouncing all over the place! We finally agreed on chalking up a 1 lb gain for me. It wavered about 12 lb.... up and down and up and down. It was nuts. Karla, glad you went and got deflated a little!!! Candice.... warming up there at all???? I want a new computer badly. If I get any settlement from the insurance company over this accident, that is what I will buy... a new laptop. And have SIL get me some of the new software from Microsoft. Uncle Ed is acting up. I think he's got Alzheimer's from what my sister is telling me. I mean, he has ALWAYS been a stubborn, belligerent man, but... today the social worker from the assisted living place called my sister, Barb and said we have to do something about our "father". She straightened her out on that issue... so she is going to call one of HIS daughters (he has three), but.. she said they went on a lunch outing to a restaurant this week and Uncle Ed was extremely rude to the waitress and this is the second time he's done that. Demanding that his coffee cup be filed and waving his empty cup in the air... I've seen him do that before. And they also had to move a lady off their table in their dining room because he was so rude to her. She also wanted to know if we are concerned about our mother's safety because of his volatility! I vote YES! Barbara tried to have a discussion with him today and he was very obnoxious. She finally said, "Uncle Ed, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning???" My Mom said, "YEAH! A MONTH ago!" So I guess he's being a real jerk. My Mom told Shirley he was giving her "SHIT" yesterday, and she rarely uses that word! He keeps expressing extreme animosity towards my sister Shirley about something that happened almost a year ago. She called the police on him because he was out of control, throwing things across the room, pushed my mom down on the couch.... So, Barb says, "You're still mad about that stuff that happened along time ago????" And he says "well not really mad... I just want to KILL her!" Good grief!! The facility is going to have their doctor evaluate him and I"m hoping they will put him on some Rx for Alzheimer's that will settle him down.
  19. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Oh... when our first grandchild was born, Adam, my fireman grandson, now 22, I was at my sister's in AZ. He was EARLY!! And I didn't get home until he was several days old. I cried when I heard his cry over the phone!! And again when I finally got to hold him. Then when we started our "2nd round" of grandchildren in 2001, she was early, too. We were living in OK so I'd booked a trip to Seattle in what I thought would be the right time frame, but babies just don't follow our schedules or submit to our "plans"!! LOL~ ! I hope yours isn't born while you are in Hawaii!!! Hope you get your car back SOON!! Before I was banded.... we'd switched to Fat Free, sugar free, etc. several years prior when I was having problems with cholesterol and BP, but both of us were eating way too much, especially me. I have always loved my carbs.... rice, potatoes, Pasta. My clothes were 3X minimum, up to 5X in certain things and had to buy most everything online. I would have "daytime" nightmares about how many big strong pall bearers it would take to carry me to my grave, if a casket could be found to fit me! I hated going to restaurants that had chairs with side arms because occasionally I would have to ask for another chair. I always opted for a booth if possible, and then sometimes I wouldn't fit between the booth and the table. I hated flying because I knew any seatmates would hate sitting next to me and I always had to ask for a seat belt extender. Once, a stewardess had pity on my seatmate and moved me to an empty seat in first class to give me "more room". Having severe knee problems in addition to weighing 300+ lb, I had to ask for a wheelchair to transport to/from the gates, and they would invariably send a skinny little girl with an equally skinny wheelchair to pick me up and I either wouldn't fit or the wheels would be rubbing against my hips. I am not at goal and have been stalled for over a year. I want to lose another 50 lb. BUT... I no longer need a seat belt extender... or a wheelchair. Restaurant chairs and booths are not a problem. I'm wearing between a 16/18 and an XL, though I still have a few 1X and 2X (mostly made in China-LOL-they run small) in my closet. Some of them favorites I'm not yet ready to give up. Strength of my 2 BP meds has been cut in half and one of my cholesterol meds discontinued. My last cholesterol reading, a year ago, was 158. My husband gets annoyed because I slide the car seat al the way up when I drive and usually forget to move it back. I used to have to keep it all the way back and I am so short that I don't know how I ever reached the pedals with it like that! That's about all that I can think of right now, but.... definitely many positive changes in my life! So sorry that you are not getting adequate support from your healthcare professionals. That is pathetic!! Hope things get better for you soon! And hope your winter is over SOON, too!! You are sure getting hit hard this year. We lived in OKC for over 15 years, and I am amazed at the weather they've been getting!! Unreal!! Never saw that kind of weather be so persistent the whole time we lived there!
  20. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah, Karla.... you shouldn't have left!! Naughty, naughty! Don't know what I'd do if I couldn't drink coffee. In fact, haven't had a latte since Saturday and seriously thinking Zoey and I need to take a ride to DHS for some contrived reason!! I have choir practice at 2:30 pm. Sometimes he lets the ladies go at 3:30pm if he wants to rehears the mens' chorus, but never know if we're going to be there until then or 4 pm. I can always leave early, too. Usually practice what we are going to sing Sunday at the beginning and then again at the end. So.... 4-4:30pm is about right. Then Saturday we're doing C.O.D. and then over here, right?? Anything else? Red Hat Valentine thing on Saturday, but I don't have to go. Drives me nuts that they plan so many things in the middle of Saturday afternoon. That's usually our day to be out and about. Anyways, they're having pizza!! So, what can I bring on Friday?? We don't have a plan for Saturday except that Earl is hoping it's warm and not windy so we can be outside and he can do something on the grill.... open to suggestions. You're doing great on your wgt!! I don't even want to get on the scale tomorrow morning! Too many social functions this week and too much food in my face! I think my 1 lb loss last week will be back on this week, and I'll be happy if it's only 1! Plus, missed too many water aerobics sessions because of all the stuff going on, and then the wind was so nasty and cold yesterday we didn't go to the pool at all. Earl didn't even go up last night! But, at least all my beading has kept my hands busy at night and I haven't been snacking hardly at all. I'm really feeling like a failure for the lack of progress!! I know what I need to do, but....... not doing it!
  21. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Isn't this fun!! Multiquote works SO well!! NOT!! GRRRRR! So.... I'll do my best.... (Ch)Arlene..... hugs on your mom's issues. Ouch!! Fx vertebrae not a good thing! Saw on FB that Chris got clearance to go back to work. I'm sure he's glad about that! Looking forward to seeing Eva and Karen this weekend! Will be fun. DH is planning to cook something on the grill for us Saturday evening if the weather cooperates. Wind has been howling all day, so... hope that isn't the case this weekend. Too nasty to go to the pool this morning, in fact. Still nursing my beading obsession. Had a luncheon today, but dropped in to beading class THREE TIMES stuffing things in my pocket! Last & 3rd time, I put it all in a baggie and asked the teacher... how much for all this stuff??? $5!I had a bunch of odds and ends to make more earrings... this weeks addiction! LOL! I do have to switch to a different bracelet pattern!!! I think I've made six of this current one, and I have beads for at least 4 more. None sold at the craft sale last weekend. Had four on the teacher's table. She said so many of us are making jewelry now that they come in and look at stuff on the table and say, "oh, _________ will make that for me!" Julie... so sorry to hear about your fall. Hope things start to turn around for you soon. Feel bad for those having "PB" issues! Had a little trouble myself today... had 1/4 sandwich at the luncheon. Should have known better. Had to make a quick trip to the rest room... but, issue had resolved by the time I got there. Okay... forgot who was talking about the chicken dance and why, but made me chuckle. Our choir sang a song Sunday .... three of us ladies sing with the tenors, and we had a repeating "solo" line that went, "I'm wingin' my way back home". Choir director always tells us to SMILE while we're singing... That's hard to do!! But when our line came up, he made like a chicken.. so there were a lot of big grins! It was a fun song to sing. Well, we're about to eat dinner, and I can't remember who else I was going to respond to, so signing off for now!!
  22. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I wasn't offended! No... haven't heard from Linda and somewhat concerned. I've left a couple of messages on her cell phone but she doesn't call back. Market seems to be getting better every day. There IS hope!! Maybe we can buy lottery tickets!?? Zoey ate the last one I bought before I could check the numbers! Appreciate your input about your Mom and the smoking... yes... my sentiments EXACTLY!! Went back to Barb's today but guess she wasn't back from the luncheon yet... I decided not to go. But the shed was open so Earl got the shop vac out and fixed the cord and tried to assess the water leak problem.. He thinks it needs a plumber. Beyond handyman stuff. Chill, Chick!! It's not THAT bad!! I was on 2 cholesterol meds before banding. Then within a few months, reduced strength, then eliminated one of them. Doc wants me to stay on one... Fenofibrate 134 mg is what I take. GYN took me off Detrol LA a couple of months ago. I forget why... some side effects she wasn't happy with. Can't say I've noticed much of a difference since I'm off of it. I leak a little bit on occasion. Ate too much yesterday at Super Bowl party. Surely WAY less than I would have before banding, but... did not make such good food choices. There was homemade Chili /Rellenos, Tacos, Guacomaole... I had a little of each. Then there was smoked salmon, marinated shrimp... none of those things were too bad.. but then there was potato salad, German potato salad....They started putting food out at 3 pm and it went on all afternoon! So, today was another small bit of my omelet from Saturday, protein drink for lunch, a little cheese for snack this afternoon with my wine. Then we had beans and left over pulled pork for dinner. I skipped the Red Hat luncheon today to avoid more food!!! Ladies' luncheon here tomorrow... still debating about that.
  23. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Happy Sunday, Gals!! Beautiful day here and the SuperBowl excitement is building!! Gals and guys outside, taking tables, chairs, etc. next door for our big SuperBowl "Tailgate" party! Larry has moved his new big screen TV out to the patio!! Earl cooked 12 1/2 lb of pork shoulder yesterday and now it's in the crock pot warming. I can't believe you don't know who is playing!! Green Bay vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Earl was born in Pittsburgh so I suppose I should root for them, but the Packers are my team and Aaron Rogers is my Fantasy Quarterback!! Yeah, he's back to normal. How many times a year do we go through this anyway!?? Tells me he quit... maybe he does for a few weeks, then he just pretends like he quit until I catch him smoking or someone lets it slip like the other day! What makes me mad is that if I ask him, "are you smoking again", he gives me a very indignant "NO!" (Not right this minute!) Or else, one of his favorite lines is, "I don't have any!" Which simply means I'm not holding any in my hand right now! Next time he tells me he quit, tell me it's bull shit, okay!!???? LOL My only regret.... that I was so mad I put it on FB and didn't delete it for a few hours. He doesn't know that. I don't know how many saw it, but at least one of our friends was SHOCKED! Since he's a sneak smoker, very few of our friends know that he smokes! And the one who saw it happened to be our friend who is fighting cancer! My beading is getting out of hand!! LOL! Staying up til midnight, 1 a.m. working on bracelets! I could have worse habits, and it gets me off the computer! Yeah, she's been married a couple of times... 18 years to Roger, but she commented yesterday that she never wanted to be a widow and that's one of the reasons she stayed single for 10 years. I think he was in his late 60's and in good health, so this was completely unexpected, and, yes, they did NOT plan ahead, except that they had prepaid their funerals right after they got married. She must have lost significant income due to his death, because I don't think they had any $$ problems with his income. I think he was retired military, and then had a 2nd career, but if they've only been married 18 years, she undoubtedly does not get any of his military pension. If Earl dies before me he selected an option when he retired from the AF that costs us a significant bite out of his monthly pension, but makes provision for me to get a large percentage of that after death. She probably just has social security now. She said RV payments were $800 a month so she had to let it go. And if they had no savings or back up, WA state property taxes are out of sight because there's no income tax, so I'm sure that's why she's saying she won't be able to afford to keep the house. So, she'll be living down here in her new park model full time. Yes, she did express some anger towards Roger yesterday.... why did you leave me this mess to clean up. It was really just a matter of hanging up some of his tools... most were hung up, and going through some shoe boxes, plastic containers, etc. full of "guy" junk like nuts and bolts and sorting out extra Christmas tree lights, etc. Then we moved a bunch of containers so she could get at the back corner... where she thinks the leaky valve or pipe is. I guess Earl will go take a look at that.. probably tomorrow. Roger was a really friendly, outgoing guy, but Barbara was pretty much wrapped up in her Red Hat world! She needs to expand her horizons... Red Hats is about the only thing she has going in her life, I think. She tells me she doesn't know any of her neighbors. She showed me her bedroom and closet and cupboards a couple of months ago when she was showing me through her new park model. It was a Red Hat shrine!! All the bedroom walls were covered with hats, etc! Closets were all RED clothes, jewelry, etc! Roger told me his clothes were out in the shed!! LOL ... and they had to be because there was no room for any of his stuff in t!here!! I have just one comment in regards to that other "stuff" you all were discussing and that is "endometriosis"??? That could be causing the pain. And I'll withhold my views on your various suggestions for remedying the problem!!! LOL I was down a lb at TOPS last week, but I don't have a good feeling about this week!! We went out to Chinese food on Thursday.. that lasted two meals. Then yesterday we went to breakfast with friends... that will last one or two more mornings. Today.. SuperBowl party. Tomorrow... supposed to go to Red Hat luncheon. I was thinking of skipping it, but after I saw Barbara's vulnerability yesterday... I'm thinking maybe I better go. Want to see how she functions with the group, and... it is a comfort to her when there is a good turnout at these things. I'll go online and check the menu. Don't know this restaurant. Okay... so then Tuesday... Christian Women's "Tea Party" here... that means more food. Salad, etc., luncheon... I may skip that. and go to beading instead.
  24. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good evening!! Had to get over being pissed. Too much effort. He quit pouting. Out to breakfast/lunch with our elderly friends from OK this morning. Then we went to Von's for a few groceries for tomorrow's Super Bowl party. Earl did his pork shoulder roast thing...12 1/2 lb. Roasted it all day long. Then shredded it. We bought hamburger buns for it, and BBQ sauce. Went to craft fair at the clubhouse this morning... took four bracelets to put on my teacher's table... she sold nothing.. none of mine or hers! No one in a buying mood today! Sat and visited with her and others for an hour or so. Went down to beading teacher's park this afternoon to buy more beads. Then stopped by Red Hat Queen's park to drop off card w/check. Then came home, took Zozo for a golf cart ride to get mail and go visit her other "mom & dad". He is very sick... cancer throughout his body plus heart problems. He loves his visits from Zoey and gets down on the floor and plays ball with her.... she has her own ball over there that they bought for her. By the time we got home.... Barbara... Red Hat Queen... had called hysterical, distraught... telling Earl she couldn't accept check, had water leak problem in shed, was trying to go thorugh her husband's stuff, etc... largely incoherent and having a major melt down. So I got in the car and went back. She was calmed down by then and very embarrassed that she had cried over the phone! I spnet the next hour and a half helping her go through stuff on one side of the shed.. all Roger's tools, etc, plus boxes and boxes of stuff... Christmas decorations, clothes, etc. Left with a promise we'd come back in the next few days so Earl can do a few chores for her... repair shop vac cord, etc. So sad.. he died so suddenly and she is devasgtated. Has to turn RV back to finance company and will probably have to sell her house in WA as she says she can't afford the taxes. So she has a mess of stuff to sort through up there, too, and says she doesn't know how she can even face going back to the house let alone start sorting through all the stuff... too many memories. What set her off today.... a fly swatter that they bought in Branson!! Too many memories!! We're not that close, but I was the last one she saw before the melt down, and I told her... we're right down the road... if you need anything call me! So less than an hour later... ???!!!!
  25. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    CORN FLAKES BOX!!! LOL!! That's funnier than my shoe story!!! HAHAHA!! Serves me right... it's too cold to wear sandals now!!! Supposed to be back in the 70's by the weekend though. Money Bags is at the pool swimming laps because he's been eating bowls of my chili all afternoon and a few glasses of wine besides!! Weigh in tomorrow morning! HAHAHA!! But outsmarting them is so stimulating!! LOL Glad you got some good news about your taxes. I don't even want to start ours!! I HATE doing them! Did you see on FB that our SIL FORGOT to claim their three kids TWO YEARS in a row!! HAHAHA!! So now he's filed an amended return and they're getting a big refund! I hope WE get a refund!! And I'm hoping for a little bonus from the Loomis Armored Car companies' insurance from that accident last summer!!

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