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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Geez!! My DVR did not record Survivor last night!! What's up with that!?? I must not have a season pass set up. I was gone to beading ladies' place until going on 5 pm. Then Earl was sitting outside with the neighbors when I got home, so I joined them and had a glass of wine. I guess when we came in it was nearly 6pm and I usually record it on hte east coast feed at 5 pm. I did check to see that everything I wanted to watch was set to record, but apparently overlooked my 8pm opportunity, too! So.... don't erase! Maybe I'll watch it at your house! We had pork chops, too, last night. I did eat a whole one, and some peas, and Earl made instant mashed potatoes!! They are harmless, trust me!! He won't buy milk, so he makes them with water and a little butter or margerine... sort of like Elmer's glue! And then he gives me a very small portion! So, think I was okay. Had Adkins drink in the morning, 1/2 grilled ham and cheese for lunch... very small , very thin slices of bread. Too busy beading all afternoon for snacks, though I had a few corn chips with the wine when we were outside. No snacks last night either as I was beading again... put a clasp on a finished bracelet and then made matching earrings. So... my snack was a cup of tea which stood on my little side table getting cold! Ortho appt is this morning, so I won't be doing water aerobics today, but I managed to do the whole hour yesterday, but very carefully and didn't do the jumping and whimpy jogging in the water. Anxious to find out what is going on with the knee and get advice as to how much I can abuse it!! LOL Heard from our former Japanese exchange student on FB during the night and she and her family are fine. Our former Sky Valley neighbors, Bret and Trixie are now living in Gold Beach OR and have taken to higher ground until the Tsunami danger passes. Horrible, horrible tragedy for Japan. We had many other exchange students, but only ones we keep in touch with are Yukie in Japan and Mikael in Sweden.... you've probably seen his posts on my FB page. Surprisingly, his political views are very similar to ours so he and Earl enjoy exchanging thoughts!! and OPINIONS!! HAHAHA!! Mikael was with us for a year. Yukie, only about 2 months, but then she came to WA and went to school, so we saw her off and on then, and she visited us in OK when we were living there, and then went on to visit my sis in AZ. She's a sweetie.... Yukie, not my sis!! HAHAHA!! I love my sister MLZ, but wouldn't describe any of my sisters as "sweeties"!!! LOL
  2. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Did I sound mad about the smoking last night??? I really wasn't. I laughed when John came by with the keys and gave him a really good ribbing in front of all those people!! I was pretty "happy" by then, so I got a lot of mileage out of it! We had such a good time over there. But I did drink a lot of wine, and then the hostess took all the wine glasses away and came out with champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne. So us girls finished off the bottle of champagne... don't think she offered it to the guys who were all sitting together at the other end of the patio.... and then she went in and got another bottle of champagne. We went over there at 4pm and didn't come home until after 8 pm. Not much too eat, and a lot to drink, so.... I "watched" Idol, but remember very little because I kept dozing off! I'm so bad! I like Scotty, too, and I'm not a country fan either. And I like the black guy a LOT. I think I slept through most of the girls. Congrats on the weight! I was SO happy this morning... down 1 1/2 lb on the TOPS scale after worrying all week about all the "food events"! Glad you are holding your own! And so good to hear from you again! I am going to make note of that surgeon in Seattle as I may want a consult one of these days! My weight loss is stalled right now... but want to lose another 50 lb. Figured you'd give me a bad time about that!! Mindless entertainment, Tracy says! She watches it too! No more beading classes here at the park, but me and another gal went to beading teachers park today and she helped us through another heart pendant. And I spent $$$ on more beads for a few more projects cuz I don't have enough unfinished things yet!! LOL!! Half the couch is covered with zip log bags of beads and unfinished projects... that's just the ones I've been sorting out... more in my beading bag.
  3. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    YIPPEE!! After my worrying about all the "food events" of the past week, I was down 1 1/2 lb this morning!!
  4. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Tired and need to go to bed!! Knee appt is Friday. Janet.... you have to DVR "Bachelor" for me... Monday night finale. I know, really STUPID show, but I watch it and... gotta see which girl he picks Monday night!! Idol is tough..... they're ALL so good this time!! There are at least three guys that I really like and a several of the girls are SO good, too! Not much to eat today, but too much wine tonight!! Happy Hour party at German people's patio started around 4pm and didn't get back home until well after 8 pm... a few glasses of red wine and then they brought out a couple of bottles of champagne! Finger food.... veggies and dip, some had a couple of crackers w/crab spread, and not much else. we had such a good time! Much teasing between Americans and Canadians tomorrow. Funny.... Earl said he had to take the dog for a walk. He was gone a long time and not long after he fnally came back, guy who rolls cigarettes for him stopped by the party on his golf cart to bring Earl's keys back.... he left them on his porch. What a jerk! He was over there sneaking smokes again. He thinks I'm too stupid to figure out where he is when he disappears! Give me a break!
  5. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    I agree!! Wonderful "Happy Hour" at German friends' patio tonight. Fun! Not participating.... but BIG American vs. Canadian golf tournament tomorrow between many of our friends! Almost wants me to be a golfer!! HAHAHA!! BUT.... no real food today except for small eggbeater omelet this morning!
  6. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    If this problem had come up earlier in the winter I probably would have the surgery done down here. But, we go to Cabo on April 1st for 9 days and when we get back we'll be getting ready to head home. Ah, YES!! That's it!! I knew her first name started with a "K", but couldn't remember it.
  7. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    UGH!! Can't remember.....I believe it was co-authored w/Muhammad Ali's daughter and I can't remember her name. His contributions made it worth the read. Her part was a lot of family stuff, that was interesting to a point, and she did share quite a lot about her LapBand journey that was informative. Yes, Red Hat luncheon was very nice. Had to drive through a blinding sand storm to get back home, though!! Wind was awful all day, but especially over one stretch of the road we had to take. Happy Hour party postponed this afternoon because of it. It's been blowing like crazy for more than a day and a half now! Lori.... elevated bilirubin in newborns is fairly common, especially in breast babies. Don't worry Grandma!! It will pass quickly. Arlene.... this is partial that needs to be converted to total. Why did DH's have to be redone?? How long after his initial surgery? You may have said, but, as always, I'm having no luck with multiquote, so don't remember all of what you said! Knee is not bothering me too much today. Tempting to go to Water aerobics tomorrow if it's not feeling too bad, but a little afraid that will aggravate it again!!
  8. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning!! A quick note before I'm off and running for the day.... Red Hat luncheon at noon, happy hour party at German friends' later in the day. It's March.... everyone is realizing the snowbird season is wrapping up. People are already starting to leave. Our next door neighbors are leaving in the morning. We will miss them. Gena is one of my beading buddies! So... parties are going to be happening all month. People who have permanent places here need to empty their freezers and get rid of stuff!! So they throw farewell parites!! Hope all goes well, Julie. We'll be waiting for an update! Love the baby pics, Lori! She's a beauty! Brain dead now..... CBL!!
  9. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    This is the right knee... had partial replacement on it a couple of years before my lapband surgery. But, in 2008, when I first saw the ortho doc in WA, he said the hardware was loosening and collapsing because of the weight loss. So he's been "watching" it ever since but reluctant to convert it to a total because it really wasn't bothering me much at all. But, this pain hit suddenly, last Sunday and I've been pretty uncomfortable ever since. So, I guess it's time to take care of it. Wish he hadn't made me wait this long. I just wanted to do it and have it over with! Pinky problem sounds like my knee.... no reason for the new pain. Don't know what to tell you. Does sound like arthritis, but could be something else, too. Look up swollen knuckle on WebMD. Afternoon hor d'erves was interesting. Wind was howling, but we persisted for 2 1/2 hrs out on Jim & Barb's patio!! He is a retired butcher, and one of the original 40 owners of WinCo stores! So.. he makes all his own sausage. And he's quite an outdoorsman. He goes to Alaska for a LONG time every summer and they both fish for salmon, get crab, etc. And he hunts for elk and deer... just came back from 2 months at home doing that. So he travels back and forth with several small freezers and brings all kinds of stuff down here to share with us. He gave us some elk sausage and smoked salmon last week when he got back. So yesterday they served us Elk Kielbasa, Deer Wienies, Deer Chorizo and COUGAR Brats!! It was all GOOD! Very lean. Very tasty. And Jim had little toothpick labels on each platter so we knew what we were eating. It was an ADVENTURE!! Oh, yeah... and Pinot Noir from Italy! Today's Happy Hour adventure is at the trailer of a German couple, so that should be interesting, too! That's after my Red Hat lunch at Melvyn's!!! OMG!! I better be very careful! I have Melvyn's menu on my computer, so I will pull it up and see what will be a good thing to order for lunch. Thinking of a spinach/oyster appetizer that I know they have for my lunch. But will see what else there is on the menu before I leave. I can't find that email but I remember reading it. I told Earl I might spend more than one night and he was a little disgruntled, but will approach it again in a day or two!! LOL! OH, and Temecula wine tour might involve too much walking for Linda. And gas keeps going up and up. We might want to stay here in the valley!! But I'm game for whatever. I kind of think Earl wants to do the wine tour, so maybe we should go with that other couple. At least to South Coast. If the gals want to do some wineries, there are lots in that area.
  10. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Fielding co-wrote a book that I read... very good. i liked his philosophy. Didn't follow any of the links in that person's post, but sounded like someone very bitter. Julie said her hemoglobin was down to about 6. Sounds like bleeding somewhere to me, wouldn't you say?? Multiquote never works for me no matter what I do!! But.... Arlene... was it you that mentioned a friend having partial knee converted to total?? I think it was you... post didn't copy for me! GRRR!! Anyway, I'm not at all worried about it... been telling the doc for the last couple of years... JUST DO IT! I wanted him to do both knees at once but he wouldn't. Soon as I get some advice from this new doc down here, I'm calling my WA doc.... might even ask this guy to do it, or at least write him a letter... and then, yes, I will see if they will get me on the schedule for May! I want it done NOW! Can't stand not being able to walk. Church/choir this morning was so uncomfortable! And I will probably take another Aleve before I go to bed so I can get a good nights sleep! So fed up with mobility issues!!
  11. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Can't find any emails from you that I didn't answer so hope I didn't accidentally erase one. Sometimes I get doubles of everyone's emails, so I delete the dups. Only thing I can think of that I maybe didn't answer was what day to come over here for dinner. If you pick me up on Monday and I spend the night, then you'll have to bring me back, so maybe Tuesday would be a good day to spend some time over here. I'll have my weatherman check the forecast for next week and see if that's a good day!! Wind is howling out here!! Neighbor behind us opened his shed door to get something out... one of those snap together plastic sheds... and the door flew off, then the roof fell off!! So they had to put the thing back together again. And we're supposed to be over on the street behind us for hor d'erves in 15 minutes! His neighbor in OR shot a cougar over the winter and Jim made it in to sausage... so we're all supposed to try it!! Might be too windy. He brought us smoked salmon that he caught last week, and some elk sausage. This is NOT going to be a good food week. We went to church potluck today because we've only been about once all winter and Earl had this green bean casserole stuff stacked up on the floor all week that he got for something last week... the WA state thing, I think, and then we got a birthday cake for someone instead. So he's been wanting to make those beans all week, so we went. Tomorrow... Red Hat luncheon at Melvyn's, Happy Hour party at another neighbor's at 4 pm! Tuesday Christian women's luncheon... might not go but it's the last one of the season! Been whining about my knee all day and took 2 Aleve at noon time. Had a hard time standing up at church and struggled up and down the steps to the platform to get to the choir loft! GRRRR!! As soon as I see that doc on Friday and find out what new thing is going on, I'm calling my doctor in WA to see if they will get me on surgery schedule for May or early June!
  12. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Post that I think might have taken down LBT was last night after Kellie and Kristi's posts. It was extremely negative and sounded quite bitter. It's gone... so I still suspect that's what caused the problem! Lori... congrats on the grandbaby!! Saw her beautiful photo on FB!! Julie... concerned about you putting off hospitalization until Monday if your Hgb is that low! Should be like 12-15! Alzheimer's walk today.... disappointed because I walked almost the whole 2 miles last year and had to ride my scooter this year... knee problem. Seeing an ortho on Friday. Frustrated that my ortho at home has been telling me for almost 3 years that partial needed to be replaced with a total... said hardware was loosening/collapsing because of weight loss. But every time I told him.. then , lets do it, he told me he wanted to watch it "a little longer". Well, it's never given me much pain until this week and now it's difficult to walk. We won't be home until bout the first of May So then he's going to want me to go to my primary care doctor for screening to make sure I'm healthy enough for surgery. With the other knee he wouldn't put me on the schedule until that was done. And then they were booking about 2 months out. Our 50th high school reunion is 2nd weekend in August. So... if I need this knee done THIS year, want to get it done as soon as possible after we get home so I have plenty of rehab time before our cross country trip! So if I can't get it done by early June, it will have to be late August which will mean staying up north longer than we want to in the fall!! We are NOT going to miss our 50th reunion!! Well, better go to bed. Getting late and have to be at church early for last minute choir practice.
  13. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Ooops...... what am I supposed to get back to you about??? I forgot and can't find an unanswered email. You asked about C.O.D. on Sunday..... that would be okay. There are lots less vendors on Thursday nights than at C.O.D. and I think everything on Thurs night is supposed to be "crafty" or handmade. I'm open to whatever.... but, Earl is kind of bugging me about the Temecula wine thing because if I don't go with you guys, we were going to go tour South Coast with another couple. Gas at Costco was $3.64 when we filled up this morning around 9:30 a.m. and when we went back to get groceries later, after the Alzheimer's walk, it was $3.78!! So.... might want to reconsider taking any LONG drives!! $50+ to fill up our little Honda tank!! So... site seems to be up and running just fine now. Wonder if my theory is correct??! Couldn't walk the "walk" today, so rode the scooter. Knee giving me fits so I made an appt with an ortho doc for next week. Soonest they could get me in was Friday! This is the pits!! Concerned that maybe there is a problem with the hardware in that knee since that's the one my WA dr keeps telling me needs to be converted to a total. So I keep telling him, then LETS DO IT, and he says.... we'll watch it a little while longer. But it's never given me much pain until this week, and then all of a sudden. So wonder if I did something to screw it up. All I did the day before the pain started was walk around Costco, Walmart and the movie theater.
  14. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Feeling a little better this morning. And no headache! Don't know about water aerobics, though.... I'm going, apparently, because Earl has loaded all my stuff on the golf cart. But, can't be aggravating my knee by jumping around in te pool. Tomorrow is Alzheimer's walk that we signed up for. I walked most of the 2 mile route last year, but, I know I can't do it tomorrow with this knee hurting as much as it is. Will go and ride the scooter probably. Food was good yesterday.... Adkins protein drink in the morning, went out for lunch with our elderly friends from Ok. One of the specials was 1/2 meat loaf sandwich and soup. I didn't want the bread and not necessarily the soup, but they brought me the 1/2 slice of meat load with some grilled onions and a little potatoes, so that wasn't too bad. Dinner... Earl made spaghetti.. but, he uses tomato puree for sauce, had a couple of the small Costco meatballs and 2oz angel hair. 1oz cheese in the afternoon w/6 oz wine. And a 70 calorie pudding in the evening w/a cup of tea. Today, 1 egg w/ a teeny potato patty and coffee. I will probably have a salad for lunch. But, bad news is... "Cowboy BBQ" next door this afternoon.... hot dogs, beans, potato salad. I will keep my portions very small, but have to have a taste of the homemade potato salad! Choir practice this afternoon, and maybe I'll do some beading! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Add me to the tired list! Was so sleepy last night I went to bed about 10:30 p.m. Way early for me! I did play Angry Birds on my iTouch, under the covers, until about 11:30 a.m. but that was still an early go to sleep for me. Tired again already and it's only a little after 9 p.m.!! Then... I always wake up at just about exactly 7 a.m. and I didn't wake up until 7:30 a.m. and was supposed to be at TOPS before 8a.m.! I was a few minutes late. And I gained a pound! I am spinning my wheels. I was sick the past two weeks and hardly ate anything one of those weeks. And still gained a pound. Trying to get back on track. Hope I'm not starting a 2nd round of this crap.... so tired, and headache last two days. Earl still trying to fight his way out of it too. Exercised 40 minutes yesterday, but didn't do but a few minutes of exercise in the hot tub this morning. Knee hurting too much and back bothering me this morning too! I'm a whiner tonight! Spent 8 - 10 hrs beading this week including 4 hrs yesterday with 4 of the neighbors trying to make this stupid heart pendant! It's so hard! One lady said she'd teach us because she's made several of them. But she kept leading us astray, so after 4 hours, it was maybe halfway done! And now I'm waiting for a copy of the pattern so I can try and finish it myslef. The SBX barista was finally at work today so I gave her the orange bracelet I made her. She really liked it. Karla, hang in there!! Hope it's not TWINS!! Candice.... is your fan club actually going to let you go on vacation for a week??? LOL Janet, sorry about your fight with Andrew! He thinks he still has squatting rights there!
  16. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Add me to the tired list! Was so sleepy last night I went to bed about 10:30 p.m. Way early for me! I did play Angry Birds on my iTouch, under the covers, until about 11:30 a.m. but that was still an early go to sleep for me. Tired again already and it's only a little after 9 p.m.!! Then... I always wake up at just about exactly 7 a.m. and I didn't wake up until 7:30 a.m. and was supposed to be at TOPS before 8a.m.! I was a few minutes late. And I gained a pound! I am spinning my wheels. I was sick the past two weeks and hardly ate anything one of those weeks. And still gained a pound. Trying to get back on track. Hope I'm not starting a 2nd round of this crap.... so tired, and headache last two days. Earl still trying to fight his way out of it too. Exercised 40 minutes yesterday, but didn't do but a few minutes of exercise in the hot tub this morning. Knee hurting too much and back bothering me this morning too! I'm a whiner tonight! Spent 8 - 10 hrs beading this week including 4 hrs yesterday with 4 of the neighbors trying to make this stupid heart pendant! It's so hard! One lady said she'd teach us because she's made several of them. But she kept leading us astray, so after 4 hours, it was maybe halfway done! And now I'm waiting for a copy of the pattern so I can try and finish it myslef. The SBX barista was finally at work today so I gave her the orange bracelet I made her. She really liked it. Karla, hang in there!! Hope it's not TWINS!! Candice.... is your fan club actually going to let you go on vacation for a week??? LOL Janet, sorry about your fight with Andrew! He thinks he still has squatting rights there!
  17. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    One of these days I'll get the multi-quote to work for me!!! Glad you had a good day in Denver, Lori! Your grandma is amazing!! Arlene... yes, feeling much better! Problem with my knee, but that I can deal with! DH is pretty sick, however! He thinks he's going to make pancakes at the pancake Breakfast tomorrow morning!! Keep telling him, NOT a good idea!! Very busy most of yesterday on WA state potluck... we're in charge.. this was our first one to officiate. It went well and we were amazed that 80 people showed up!! OR potluck the day before there were less than 30, so I was concerned that it was going to be a flop. Beading today... no new project, just work on unfinished ones, and last session here this season. Teacher started in Nov, so she is tired and running out of beads and "steam"! She said we can go to her park model if we want to do some more beading with her. She has to haul all her stuff over to our park for these classes and it gets to be a drag after 3 months of that... twice a week for the last two months. Anyway, didn't stay up there too long, but went next door and beaded with the neighbors when I got home. Finished two bracelets I'd been working on today but need to put clasps on both of them, which I will do tonight. Watching Idol. I like the red headed guy, and James, but have just heard a few so far. Watching east coast feed... an advantage of living in an RV!! Cheri.... continuing to pray for your DD and following her FB page. HUGS!! Okay.... TV is distracting me... guess I'll sign off for now!
  18. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! You ARE lookin' good! And doing great on holding your weight where you want it! Yesterday was very busy. We are now in charge of Sky Valley WA state get-togethers and yesterday we had our first ever here in the park. They usually just do a pot luck in the summer, but with people scattered all over the state, last summer they asked if we could have one here, too. So I set it up for yesteday at noon.... at the club house. So that pretty much kept me busy from 9 a.m. until after 2 p.m. Guys set up the tables...but, up ther early organizing... coffee, cups, sugar, etc...... planning... who is going to say what, do what, etc. Earl is so sick, and then lost his voice, so had to last minute recruit another guy to help me moderate at the mike... I was pretty nervous about how it was going to go.... especially after I heard that OR state potluck the day before less than 30 people showed up. We personally delivered 65 flyers all over the park, everywhere we saw WA state license plates!! So... Earl set up 8 tables of 8.... 64 chairs. But a little before noon we were scrambling to set up two more tables, more chairs, table cloths, etc.! We had 80 people show up!! It was amazing!! I had a couple of ladies sing some songs, had a birthday cake for one of them.... 74 yesterday, and celebrating 11th wedding anniversary, too. So... we had a good time and it went very well. I was tickled pink! Groomer was out in front for a while, but Zoey just got done about 10 days ago, so she wasn't on the agenda. Molly, across the street, was getting a new "do" and Zoey was watching the process out the window! And Earl took her out to say "hello" to the groomers. Earl still quite sick, coughing a lot. I'm a lot better. For some reason.... right knee now a problem! I know it needs surgery, but pain has not previously been this bad, and pain doesn't seem tobe in the right place. This is the 3rd day I am limping so don't know what is going on. Didn't do aything to aggravate it.. just walking around Costco and Walmart and the theater on Saturday. Not really enough to aggravate it for three days! Going to the pool today for the first time in about 2 weeks I think! We'll see if I can exercise. Zoey and Candy both have been helping Earl type! And helping me bead!! Beads went flying everywhere two days ago when Zoey suddenly jumped from Earl's lap over to me on the couch! I made Earl help me pick up the mess because it was his fault!! He was getting annoyed with her so he told her "Go see mommy!" And she did! Sorry Elyse is having such a bad time. Hope she goes to the doc soon. Uh oh.... 8:30 a.m. and Earl keeps looking at the clock. He's not going to the pool, but apparently he is concerned about me being "late"!! Gotta go get ready. Hope you all have a GREAT day! CBL!!
  19. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay.... just lost my entire post... so here's the short version since I'm not going to type it all again! I'm better. Earl's sick. We're not going to church. I will go to DHS to get sheet cake for potluck tomorrow since it's birthday/anniversary of the lady who is going to sing for us. "King's Speech" was great! Hope it wins lots of awards tonight. Very worth seeing... you won't fall asleep Janet! And people applauded in the theater when it was over.. it was THAT good! And lots of people there seeing it yesterday because of the stupid weather report!! I want to go to El Paseo and try on those bras. Hard to find front closure bras these days.... especially GOOD ones. Price is cheaper than Nordstrom's and they didn't have front closure last time I shopped there.
  20. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Didn't cough all night long.... only when I woke up long enough to go to BR or turn over!! And slept in until 8:30 a.m.! That felt GOOD!! Up and dressed now! Had over easy egg for BF instead of my usual omelet. That was a nice change! Enjoyed it! Having my 2nd cup of coffee now and in a little while... some Healthy Choice soup for lunch. Earl has cold now, too. Can you hear him whining??? LOL! Actually, he was outside replacing our electric plug for 1/2 hr or so and now he went to do the laundry. Have a feeling when that's done he's going to be chilling the rest of the day! He took Zoey with him.... she is getting obnoxious because she's been holed up inside with me too long! She and I are used to being out and about... riding around in the golf cart, going for a walk, shopping with me in her stroller or in the scooter. She's BORED!! I'm with Candice on the nursery job!! All that lifting and heavy physical activity there is NOT good for your "delicate" condition!! Yes, Karri.... can't believe you have to wait a MONTH for your surgery!! Hope dr's office can get the insurance approval pushed through more quickly. So, won't they do the surgery until they have the approval??? If it's a slam dunk, you'd think they would do it and get the approval retro! Trying to stay warm... but I don't like it when it gets too hot in here so I turned off the electric heater. Might put it back on "low", though, because I'm getting chilly. It's very windy over here, and I know the weather is supposed to be horrid for the next two days. I want to go to a movie tomorrow. I'll be ready to get out of here by then!! Not going to choir today... sure they don't want me there hacking my head off.... though I have to say, not too much coughing today once I got over the initial morning stuff!! Head feels better. Think I had a slight temp when I woke up, but feels like it's gone now. Hand sanitizer.... I have it everywhere.... one in my purse, one hanging from scooter handle bars, in car, etc. When I got sick in Dec. it was because Jacki & Stan's daughter came to Thanksgiving dinner sick!! And the day after Jacki finished her chemo... and then asking her mom to wait on her as she lounged on the couch while the rest of us were working on dinner preparation!! GRRRR! Still makes me mad when I think about it. But... that was my other bout with sickness this winter. I did slip away to the bathroom and wash my hands when I had to hold her hand while we prayed before we ate! We were standing in a big circle, so it wasn't too obvious when I disappeared! But... bottom line... I am very aware of germs and I'm pretty careful. In public places, always try to use a paper towel to touch door knobs.. or use the cuffs of my sleeves if none available! Don't know where I picked up this crud, but Earl didn't get sick until I started coughing!
  21. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Hugs on moving your Mom back home! Will it be easier to watch over her there?? I imagine you have a lot of concerns about that! Assisted Living is a wonderful thing!! Is she willing to explore that option?? Challenges... taking care of elderly parents! Social Worker called one of my sisters last week about my uncle... Seems he's causing problems at their assisted living place. My sister went to have a talk with him... she said, "uncle Ed, did you get out on the wrong side of the bed today??" Cuz he was being mean to her, too... So my Mom answered for him, sarcastically.... "Yeah!! A MONTH ago!" I think he's got Alzheimer's. He's always been obstinate, but he's starting to be nasty... telling my Mom she should go live with one of her daughters when he's always been so "lovey dovey" to her! For those who don't know the story... he's my Dad's youngest brother. Anyway.... will keep you in my prayers, too! Prayers.... my way of communicating with my Lord and Savior, all my concerns, my "Thanksgivings", my praise for all He does in my life. Cheri, will be praying your all you are going through right now, too! Hugs for you and your daughter. So sorry to hear this latest news. No haven't gone to the doctor... just the flu, I'm sure. Doesn't feel like a sinus infection. Just with company here, never had a chance to rest and recover from the first round before second one hit! Temp is low grade. Actually, usually a sign that you're almost through it when the coughing starts!! LOL! Didn't even get dressed yesterday.... and myabe I won't today!! Just changed from pajamas to nightgown!! HAHAHA! Weather is not nice anyways.... good day to stay in again! It's chilly and very windy, but sunny. DH has a cold now, too. But he's out there with maintenance working on our electrical hook up. When we went to Redlands for maintenance the other day, he discovered that our plug was partially melted... so park's electrical hook up needs to be replaced. So maintenance man is doing that and DH is replacing our melted plug with a new one. And I can't continue to watcy my recorded Today Show until their done... or make my 2nd cup of coffee!! But my laptop is on battery so I'm okay there... just can't send it until the network is turned back on!! Kristi, You are doing GREAT!! Eating out is always a challenge. Sometimes a baked potato or Soup is a good option when you are needing to stick to "mushies". We are sort of "neighbors".... when I'm home, that is (right now I'm Janet's neighbor!).... Lake Stevens WA... just east of Everett. We're thinking of going to a movie tomorrow.... if I'm not coughing my head off.... but we're debating about the dog! Leave her home... put her in her little red bag and take her with us and hope the sound isn't too loud..... she can't deal with loud noises. I want to see "King's Speech" before the Oscars!
  22. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Wish it WAS gone, but seem to have just started a new and different phase!! Coughed all night long. Low grade temp this morning. Earl gave me something to dry me up so coughing has subsided some, but temp still there. Declared a "SICK DAY" and I'm staying on the couch in my jammies. Starting to feel like a hypochondriac!!
  23. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning! Keeping up with all your busy posts! Still not feeling great so I have declared a "sick day" today. I might not even get dressed. I've been sick for over a week, but life keeps keepin' on and I haven't been able to just CHILL! So that's what I'm doing today. Still running low grade temp and now I'm coughing! Kept me awake a lot last night. Think I will stay on the couch and maybe do a little beading. Hope you all have a GREAT day! It's windy and chilly here today, but better than snow and ice... which is what they have back home today!
  24. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good to hear from you, Chim!! Congrats on having your band replaced. Keep us posted!
  25. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    OH.... don't say it's "ruined". Your little one will be a BLESSING no matter what the circumstances. My grandson and his GF are so excited about their baby, it's hard to be down about it even though I am shaking my head and thinking..... HUH???? Don't know about his mother, but my other DIL is getting in to it.... she was excited to find a bunch of baby clothes on sale at Kohl's or somewhere the other day. She even sent me a picture on my phone of all the stuff she bought all layed out in a "display". She LOVES to welcome the new babies in the family... even my niece's and nephew's kids... she usually makes a quilt for every new baby. So... yeah, we think they're nuts, but we are going to welcome this new little one enthusiastically. She's a little girl and she already has a name even though she doesn't get here until July.... "Layla". Yes, I've been taking vitamins EVERY day for many years. And I DID get my flu shot!! So I don't deserve this!!! LOL! I coughed all night long and feel like maybe I have a low grade temp again this morning. So, I skipped TOPS and I am curled up on the couch with my blankie and I'm going NOWHERE today!! Maybe I won't even get dressed. And I bought lots of new beading stuff... beads, etc., at Joanne Fabric yesterday and I think 'll play with my new toys later! In fact, remember the flaky chick who screwed up my Starbucks card in December??? Well, she still waits on me every now and then and last week she was admiring the bracelet I had on... so we got to chatting and she said if I made her one she'd pay me for it. Then she said if I had any orange beads she'd like that, too because that's the color of melanoma... ya know, like pink for breast cancer.... and she says she has stage 4 melanoma!! I was shocked. She is SO young, and stage 4 is NOT good! So I felt bad for all the thoughts I had about her being a dingbat and I bought orange beads yesterday to make her a bracelet! They are areal different shape, so I'm going to have to make up my own pattern... or adapt one that I have for these oval beads. It should be pretty. They are like a frosted orange... real pretty. not a bright orange, orange! So sorry for all this misery and delay!! Hope your doctor calls SOON!! That sounds pretty miserable! HUGS!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
