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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Christian bandsters

    Amen, girls! Glad to see a little activity here!! I think we're in the minority!! i've been in Cabo for 10 days or so.... so just catching up on posts and saw yours. God Bless! Where are you in your WL journey??
  2. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    I use my iPad in class all the time. I take attendance on it. Keep grades on it. Do lots of keynote presentations with embedded video, music, text and photos. I can show YouTube and things on the Internet as well. It hooks right up to an LCD projector. My student love all the things I do with it and so do my admins. I haven't had my iPad2 for very long so I'm still learning how to use it. I'd probably be further along in that if I'd quit playing "Angry Birds" every time I turn it on!! LOL! I know it has a lot of potential and may eventually be using it more than my laptop!! I waited in line here in Palm Springs for many days trying to buy one when my DH finally got up very early in the morning, got to the Apple Store by 6 a.m. and they just happened to have a large shipment of exactly what I wanted that day... ATT, 64 mg (well, the 64 was actually his idea... I was going to settle for 32!) Appreciate your sharing all that you use yours for! And... welcome to our site! Don't think I've seen you post before. You are to be commended for your success on the cruise!! I'm afraid to get on the scale this week after our 8 days in Cabo!!! I'm still catching up on all the posts from when I was gone so it took me until today to finally find your cruise pictures and the picture of Sandy and her daughter that everyone was referring to. AND, I'm so glad you shared those directions as to how to post photos. I have a lot on FB, so I'll try that! Thanks. Your cruise pics are OUTSTANdING! What a beautiful lady and a handsome husband and son... lovely family! I remember years ago when I got down to 118 lb, I'd go shopping for a uniform (I'm also an RN), and I was always looking at sizes that were too big. And had similar experiences with seeing my reflection. The hospital where I worked had this long passageway that was glass on both sides and I'd walk through there and see my reflection and wonder who that was!! Beautiful photo, Sandy! Glad I finally found it!!
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Yes, Earl is running around like the proverbial chicken!! He's really made a lot of progress already, so I think we'll make it by Sunday. He is, as always, driving me nuts with his nit picking over $$$. This weeks rant is because I let the local paper here debit our checking account whenever our subscription is running out. Unfortunately, for me, that has happened twice just as we're about to leave for the season. I suspend the paper until we return, so it's not like we're paying for papers we're not getting!!! It just means we don't pay again for about 2 years!! But he is insisting that I call and take the automatic renewal off our account. He won't shut up until I do it, so I guess I'll take care of it today!! Park is beginning to look like a ghost town!! Very quiet. But, surprisingly, still 15 of us at water aerobics yesterday morning. We do a count off each day at the end of our session and I am the designated starter.... "ONE, PHYL, WASHINGTON!" But someone has to monitor whether or not people leave early and how many so I know where to start!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5????? LOL And, with that, I better think about going back to get ready. Have a GREAT day, my friends, and CBL!!
  4. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning, All! Cheri, hugs for you and your DD. Good to hear the tumor is shrinking! Linda, so sorry to hear about you DB. That is so sad! More hugs to you, too! And hugs to you, Apples, for all that is happening in your life right now. Happy Birthday to your DH! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EVA!!! Utopian: Reluctantly packing things up and getting ready to head north! Reluctantly because folks are scraping ice off their windshields this morning at home, and DD says it was 36 degrees when she went to work this morning. I am sitting in the RV with the door and all the windows open at 8 a.m.!!
  5. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I booked through Travelocity for resort, air and round trip shuttle between the airport and the resort and the total for the two of us was just under $2900. BUT.... the desk staff told my daughter to call them directly next time for cheaper rates. Then you'd have to book the air and transfers separately. But think I'd still plan on $1500 for one. Then you need a whole lot of one dollar bills for tips. The Halibut sounds good. Did you maybe cook it too long? I like Old Bay seasoning on fish.
  6. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yes we did have a marvelous time!! We vacation well with Tracy and Jim. Tracy and I like to shop. Jim and Earl like to grumble about us shopping. Jim is right between our age and Tracy's age and he & Earl both worked at Boeing for a lot of years, so they have a lot in common. They were out in the ocean just about every day.... watch the video on FB that Tracy posted. I put it on my profile page. Found the SF margarita mix by accident at Walmart when I was looking to see what flavors of Crystal lite and Walmart's brand of same was there. And there it was... Great Value, SF Lime Margarita mix. It would be a GREAT place for our 7 reunion!! You can get rooms with 2 beds. Ours had a king, but then there was a little sitting room by the sliding glass door that had a table and chairs and a pull out sofa bed. Food was good.... BF buffet every morning.... lots of fruit, yogurt, cereal, custom omelets, scrambled eggs, beans... but not refried... more like bean soup that we make and I loved it so I had a little every morning with my eggs. Lunch time they have another buffet, but we always ate outside at this little cabana type place where they would make you a hamburger/cheeseburger, fish sandwich, chicken sandwich, tacos or quesadillas.... fish, beef or chicken, and they had salads available. I was a little leary of eating the lettuce, but everyone else did and no one got sick. But I loved the chicken and fish tacos/quesadillas and I had those every day. Okay.... I had some onion rings, too!! My bad! Dinner time there was always a buffet again, but there was also one restaurant that was sit down w/reservations every night and that's what we did. You had to go early each morning to make your reservations. The dinners were fabulous! I had filet twice and I'd say it was the best I ever had. Cooked perfectly, served with some kind of veggies, no carbs with them. Had great baked fish one night... little scoop of rice came with that and black beans... I love black beans and had those with my meal a couple of times. So... food would have been okay if I hadn't indulged in dessert every night! And I drank too much. Everything is included, but it is nice to tip a few bucks at meals, at the bar, and I left a couple of dollars for the maid every day. Earl complained a lot about that and threw a fit when I wanted to leave $20 for the pool barmaid before we left. Little does he know I also tipped the gal who always served us lunch at the cabana another $20!! Day before we were leaving we had a bit of a confrontation because I wanted $20 for the tip and $50 to buy 2 purses I'd bargained for... one for the lady who watched Zoey (he paid her $100 before we left, too). So, when he finally agrees.... he takes away all my cash and gave me $70... so then I would have no money again! So I went to the cash machine in the lobby and took $600 pesos out of my Wells Fargo account. Foolishly, later when I'd had a couple of drinks and he asked me if I had any money left, I told him what I did. I should have just said, no... you took it all away! So then he told me I was stupid for taking out more pesos when we were trying to get rid of all our pesos before we left! He did apologize for the "stupid" comment later. But I never did tell him exactly what I took out and that I'd used $200 pesos to tip the gal at the cabana!! LOL!! So we get to the airport and he gives me all the rest of his pesos to "go shopping"! Funny... I'd already bought a Cabo sunvisor and hid it in my purse!!! So I took off with his money, went and bought him a Cabo t-shirt... for his birthday, which was that day, and took the sun visor back out of my purse! So when I got back he told me what a good job I did with just that many pesos!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! So... there ya go, Karla.... another Earl story to spice up your life!! LOL Still catching up on posts, but did see that you apparently went to ER about your vertigo. Sounds like it's improved... that's good!! Wonder what triggered it!? Sure a puzzle! Candice... forgot... where are you going this time??? RV trip?? Did you see pics on FB of rig DD & SIL bought?? Jodie & Al... took it on their "maiden voyage" this past weekend and had a great time even though the weather is still quite cold. They bought a used Ford crewcab truck and a "bunkhouse" 5th wheel. They're quite thrilled with it. Al's grandparents were RVers with a very nice 5th wheel so he's always been very enthusiastic about camping with the kids. Weather was fantastic... not too hot, breezy at times, cooled off at night, perfect really. When we left Saturday they were expecting a cool down.. probably the weather you had up here while we were gone!! Tracy was very sad to go back to the cold and said they had rain mixed with snow this morning!! She LOVES the sunny, hot weather and HATES the cold and rain! Don't have an ortho appt yet but have talked to them and surgery scheduler assured me they could get me in quick as soon as I get clearance from my primary care doctor. So that will be my first order of business. We are dragging our heels about getting out of here. Knowing what the weather is at home, I want to be home, but I don't want to be cold!!! We'll probably head out next Sunday. Not sure about stopping at 3Rivers because Jacki and Stan... are now in Seattle and when they get home they are going to Temecula for the weekend and won't be home until Monday the 18th. DIL wants us to be in bay area by the 20th to go to Justin's Lacrosse game, but he has another on the 22nd. She said the 20th would be a better game. But... one more day would be nice to have. Have to be there on the 21st because our nephew with the baby twins is coming to Chris & Kellie's for dinner that night. My sister will kill me if I don't show up. So... Earl started getting things ready to hit the road today... went through the storage compartments under the kitchen benches and repacked and reorganized them. Then he put the table down because we travel with that down and a lot of stuff piled on top of it. so... that much is done. And I started sorting through my stuff, too. Have appt at pain clinic on Thurs about the back thing... maybe I'll get an injection in my back. and Zoey has a grooming appt at Petsmart on Wed. I really should see the gyn lady, but don't know how I'll fit it in this week! Do like the med changes she made and will need a refill on one, so will probably try to get an appt. And Earl has to get the oil changed at the Honda place. Lots to do. Zoey did great with Ruth! And today I took her to visit her "grandma and grandpa". Saw them before we left and want to see them twice this week. Mary has been very ill again... lung issues, on oxygen off and on and has to go to hosp for I.V. every day. Bud is dying of cancer and he won't be here when we get back in the fall. He just LOVES Zoey and gets down on the floor to play with her every time we come over. Zoey loves them both and they love to see her. I keep the visits short so I don't tire them out too much.
  7. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    that is clear as MUD, but maybe I'll send it to my DIL. She likes to make quilts. She's the one who made a breast cancer one for one of Steph's fund raisers.
  8. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay.... lost my damn post when I ws almost done! So... yes... we got the gate code..... everyone here goes to bed so early, but I knew of one lady who stays up late like me but I didn't have her phone number in my phone. So I posted on FB and within a few minutes she responded. She thought we were already at the gate and came to let us in. When I realized she was doing that, I texted her back but she was gone to the gate! I had messaged her with my cell number, so she then called me and I was still within cell range so she gave me the code! So.... ate too much, drank too much, all swollen up.... feet, ankles, legs. Left foot somewhat more than the right... and the left is the one that is numb. Back issues still a problem, but only severe for a couple of days when we were down there and I think I only took Alleve twice. We hung out at the adult pool most of the week, which was just a few steps outside our door. We had a nice patio with table & chairs and a hamock. Earl and Tracy both said it'd be a GREAT place for an LBT reunion!! And Tracy said, oh, my gosh, you and your sisters would have a GREAT time down here, too!! Oh.... and we had an outdoor bar right off our patio, too... my own special barmaid, Alma took care of my sugar free Margarita mix and kept it in her fridge and used it to mix drinks for me and I shared it with anyone who wanted some. We went to Cabo twice.... once for shopping, once for sunset dinner cruise, and we went to San Jose twice for shopping... took a cab and "walked" back... of course, not me! Damn back and knee kept me captive a lot, but I have my 1 hr water aerobics on my itouch and I did the whole routine a couple of times. We had a regular little "family" there by the "adult" pool..... also called the "quiet" pool, so by the 2nd time I did it, I had lots of folks cheering me on and making comments like, are you STILL not done???? One lady started doing it with me, but she lasted less than 5 minutes. When I told her there were 3 20 minute segments she said, "I'M NOT DOING THIS FOR AN HOUR!!!" and she quit!! Turns out she should have because a day or so later she was hammered and took a bad fall in her room and ended up in emergency and her shoulder is out of commission! She can't lift her arm away from her side AT ALL and has to wear a sling for 6-8 weeks. Her husband has to bathe her which he is somewhat enjoying and telling EVERYONE... I've been trying to get Michelle to take showers with me for YEARS!! He was a real character.... big BSer.... one night, AFTER her accident... he takes the late night shuttle to Cabo and doesn't come back until 5 in the morning. He was all over the resort telling people about his escapades. The story kept getting better and better and by noon time, he'd spent from1 a.m. until 4 a.m. with Nick Nolte and his "old lady"!! Yeah, right!! LOL.... Marashall from CANADA.... B.C. Everyone at the resort knew him within a day or two of his arrival.
  9. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Great photos, Laura! What's your secret for posting them??? Just so much harder since they made the changes. Back from Cabo around midnight last night. Neighbor, Ruthie, who had Zoey, said she stood up on the bed when she heard our car pull in.. we're only two spaces away.... and then she ran to the door. When Ruthie didn't respond, she wouldn't go back to bed with her but pouted in a corner until Earl went to get her some time around 6 a.m. Today she is sticking to us like glue! sleeping on the couch right up against my leg now.... she missed some sleep last night! And she wants to make sure we don't go anywhere without her! We had a great time with DD & SIL. Would gladly go to that resort again.. all-inclusive in Cabo San Jose.... 30 minute drive from Cabo San Lucas. We went twice... once for shopping and once for sunset dinner cruise. And we went to San Jose for shopping twice.... took a cab there and then walked back... well, I had to use my scooter.... back problems flared up before we left, and right knee is now begging to be replaced. No pain until a month or so ago, but the doc has been telling me for 3 years that the hardware was failing. He said loosening up because of the weight loss, he thought. So.... hope to get that taken care of ASAP so as not to mess up our summer plans!! We will head north in about a week if we can get ready that fast.... it's a lot of work. Ate and drank too much in Cabo... afraid to get on the scale! And my feet, legs and ankles.... especially left leg, are swollen up like balloons! Not enough "up" time and too much sodium, I'm sure! Did do a fair amount of sitting in a chaise around the "adult" pool all week... it was right outside our room, but so was one of their little bars!! I'll post a photo later of our very own barmaid.... Alma!! I did keep her supplied with sugar free margarita mix for me and anyone else who wanted it. I found that at Walmart before I left, near the Crystal Lite. Janet.... listen up..... my phone was OFF for 8 1/2 days!! And I only went to the lobby to the "business" area to use their computer like maybe three times for no more than 10-15 minutes, if that. Just had to keep checking to see if my sister welcomed her new grandbaby yet! Kid is now 10 days late! Spent a lot of time lounging around the pool and even did my Water aerobics twice, but very hard getting out of the pool... very BIG steps, so someone had to help me out, which was humiliating, and the second time... think I messed up my back a bit because next day I could barely walk... was doing the shuffle with my cane to the BR, etc.... baby steps. It loosened up a little as the day went on, but hurting pretty bad, and my knee, too, so I backed off a little so as not to spoil ALL my fun!! I had a pretty good strain the same day getting on and off that catamaran for the dinner cruise. I guess not so bad except when they decided we all had to go back for our food just as the boat was turning to go back towards the marina. Fair amount of wave action and very windy and very scary for me to walk along this narrow walkway even with one of the crew holding on to me and staying with me every step of the way. So I blame that balancing act partly, too, for my back issues the next couple of days. Really HAD to take some Alleve, against my better judgement.
  10. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Off to Cabo in the early a.m. folks! won't be back until late on the 9th. May or may not be able to get online while down there. SIL is bringing his laptop, but @ $15 a day for wi fi, not sure how much we'll be online!! Will be thinking of all of you while we're away!! Reallly!! While I'm soaking up the sun and sipping Margaritas!! Well... one of my problems is I'm a gulper not a sipper, but I'll try to restrain myself... and I bought a can of Walmart brand Crystal Lite powder..... Lime Margarita mix.... I think it said enough for 12 quarts!! DD & I will see if we can get the bartender to use it! LOL! 5 cals a serving.... w/o the tequila, that is! HAHAHA!! OH.... I was down 5.2 lb at TOPS today!! WOO HOO!! Shot down that big gain I had last week! Hugs, Gang!
  11. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay... my post just went away! I am having trouble adjusting to this new computer. And it's VERY slow on the internet... sluggish would be a compliment! Don't know what's wrong, but this is just not acceptable and my new Outlook program won't send/recieve mail. Very annoying! May have to take it in to Best Buy when we get back and see if they can help me get this thing working right. My old computer is MuCH faster! Fly out of P.S. @ 7 a.m. Neighbor, Ruthie is taking us to the airport, keeping Zoey and caring for Candy. Earl has been taking Zoey over every day to try to make the adjustment easier. She loves Ruthie, but we'll see how she gets along with her three cats!!! Will miss you all while I'm gone! Jim is bringing his laptop, so maybe we'll share internet time... $15 a day. Back late in the evening on the 9th, Earl's birthday!
  12. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KARLA!! Hope you have a GREAT day!! :party: :party: :grouphug: :party: :party:
  13. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Hi, Cheri, et al! Been away for awhile!! 7's reunion, etc., and now my excuse is... trying to set up new laptop. As for iPad2... still learning all the things I can do, but I am going to see if I can do my calendar and contacts on there.... at least until I can get a new copy of Outlook for the new laptop. SIL works for Microsoft, so I think he's going to get me a copy of that and the new Office. Abbreviated version is on the new computer, but haven't tried using it yet. I know there's no Outlook... I think it's only Word and Excel. I use Word a fair amount, but never have really mastered Excel. I do like the iPad for games, and think I might take it to Mexico when we go because I can read books... have several on there, and maybe listen to music. Don't know about documents, but I bet there's a way to download them. Using the old laptop right now because I'm syncing my documents and settings to the new one right now. Says another 20 minutes. Hope I'm not transferring too many pictures.... but can always delete later. First will double check and make sure they're all on my external drive now. Been keeping up with most of your posts. Glad you're back, Julie and things going a little better after the altercation with your DD!! Apples... prayers for FIL. Hope he's doing better today. Trying to hit the highlights here but it's kind of like that shower game they always make you play... look at this tray of "stuff" for a minute and then when they take it away... try to remember what was there and write it all down!! LOL!! I know exactly what I want to say until I start typing. Then I can't remember anything. CRS syndrome! Let me try some more!! Great.... reminiscing over times gone by! That's tough. I remember a period of about 3 months when I couldn't walk down the long hallway in the house we were living in at the time without crying because our oldest daughter was turning 18 and I had the walls literally covered with photos of all four kids from infant on up! Now it's our grandchildren who are moving in to adulthood!! At least the older ones! We still have a few that are not yet in to the teen years. But two more turning 21 in just a few short weeks. But each of the phases of our lives have their own blessings... so it helps the pining over the past! Hugs! I know what you mean about finding a new hair person. Glad you found someone you like. I have my beautician here at the park, but when we go home... haven't really settled on anyone yet. Last time I went to DGS's girlfriend, but she's in this high class place that charges an arm and a leg and I'm not going to pay those kind of prices! Plus I don't like the way she's been treating our grandson!! Eva... wish I could light a fire under DH about getting a shed set up for us here on our RV lot! Then we could leave some lawn chairs and other things here when we leave!! Charlene... good finds at Kohl's. I can never find any good bargains there, but DIL is great at finding deals!! I'd love to get DH some new Hawaiian shirts... but he always says he doesn't need anything.. and if I buy him clothes, they often hang in the closet and don't get used. Linda, Jodi, Laura, etc.... forgive me... I'm out of steam and I think my new computer is finished transferring, so better tend to that. Need to get back to ONE laptop!! This is a hassle!
  14. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Lots of "stuff" going on.... much of it in my head, maybe! Trying to adapt to new laptop and get vital stuff transferred over and not making much progress with that. Quite frustrated that I don't have Outlook on this computer. Need to talk to SIL and see if he is going to snail mail me a copy or should I download it from MS site or what, but I HAVE to have it to get this computer set up the way I want it. Right now don't even have my contact list... address book can't transfer without Outlook unless I put it on Excel and that won't do everything I want it to do.... calendar, email, contacts. UGh! Taxes done, but not yet etransferred to the IRS. May have to do that on old computer too. Yesterday... gone most of the day to Marine base to get Rx refills. Went on a day when the commissary was closed... which we knew, but still frustrating. Wanted to get a big bag of puppy treats, etc. Then got in a stupid fight over whether or not the Exchange annex sold them. Then when we got home, guess who got on the Amex account to check the charges and asked me what I spent $62 on when I'd already told him in the car what I bought.... makeup, anti bacterial soap... on sale 4 for $12... Bath & Body Works stuff, new mouse because my old one died, etc! Why do I have to do this!!????? Especially when I'd already told him what I bought! So now I'm really pissed again. Okay... it was a "polite" question, so maybe he was afraid I'd been overcharged or something. It WAS a lot of money for a little bag of stuff, but that's the way things are now! Polite or not, I shouldn't have to repeatedly explain my purchases! I guess I'm in a bad mood today! Have to remember... a week ago he went to the Apple store very early in the morning and bought me an iPad2!! There are just days I want to be my own boss and live in a nice house like Janet's all by myself!! Feeling pressure... have to get ready for Cabo, worried about leaving the dog with neighbor, falling behind on helping with 50th hs reunion stuff, not communicating with my Mom how I should, half finished beading projects sitting in front of me on the couch.... just want to run away!
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    [center/] Sorry to hear about your Sis & BIL. Hope things start looking up there soon. And kind of concerned that you are still having issues with the dizziness. Since this is a new thing for you, think you should get it checked out. No, don't think I over did it THAT much.... 6 lb. But.... the next day I peed all day long so maybe some water retention, too. Definitely too much drinking. Doing much better now. Wind kept the patio parties down... had to cancel big farewell on Friday. Out to eat after church yesterday but had taco salad with no dressing... only salsa. I don' t like dressing on my taco salad anyway... just salsa. Doing a lot of beading the past week.. made two more hearts and started on a new bracelet last night that Wanda taught me... real easy pattern. But biggest problem... can't exercise much because of hip and knee pain. Hip pain back with a vengeance and down my left leg and foot... all numb and tingly. I did go to water aerobics Thurs & Fri last week and did most of the exercises as vigorously as I could. But today skipping because as soon as Earl gets back from swimming laps we're going up to 29 Palms to pick up a bunch of Rx refills. Hate to go on Mondays because commissary is closed, but it's sucha busy week and leave for Cabo early Friday morning. Another distraction... trying to get this new laptop set up. It comes with abbreviated version of Office 2010, but no Outlook so having to do my gmail online and I hate that. Waiting for my son-in-law... the Microsfot guy, to send me new version of each.... full version of Office and new Outlook so I can get my email, calendar, contacts all set up on this computer. Took about 8 hours yesterday for my external drive to back up everything I wanted to save on the old computer. [/center] Glad you are seeing an end to your "projects"!! And congrats on the 2 year bandiversary! You've done so well! Exciting to see the ultrasound, I'm sure!! You don't know boy or girl yet, do you? Or did I miss that?? Our impending great-grandchild, due in July, is a girl. Grandson's GF broke up with him because he was being a jerk. So our son, Steve booked him a bus ticket and he should be arriving in New Orleans today to spend some time with Steve and work with him and hopefully get his head together. He needs to get his high school diploma so he can get on with his life in a more meaningful way. He has always watned to go in the Marines and you can't do that with a G.E.D. Well, gotta finish getting ready to leave because Earl will be back from the pool any time now. Have a gREAT day!
  16. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi, Well... taxes are done and we don't have to pay too much. Well, Earl thinks so, but I'm happy with the bottom line! That is a big load off my mind! Used H & R Block software and it really wasn't that hard. Went to neighbor's today (Judy) and she walked me through 2 more hearts.... one from scratch, the other, the gold one I made 2 weeks ago and then had to take 40% of it apart because I found a broken bead down in the center.. I think I can do one on my own now. Swavarski crystals are expensive and it takes 74 of them to make a heart, but, they are so pretty. Want to make one for each sister and my Mom and two daughters and daughter-in-law. Don't know if the granddaughters would really appreciate it. But, I went over there about 11:30 a.m. and by 12:45 I had one done! Next one is going to be an iridescent capri blue! Linda.... wasn't concerned about the beads, just need my "stackers" back. I think I'm going to put in an order to FireMountain for some more beads. But I really need to get at the rests of my unfinished projects, too!! iPad and new laptop were purchased with some of my insurance money from the accident. Will save the rest for our next vacation. Haven't yet played with the new laptop. And maybe not tonight because we're going to a performance at the clubhouse tonight. http://www.freddiepelletier.com/index.html We've heard them before but not for a few years. Very talented, and funny! I think we're going early for ice cream! Not a good idea! I had a big weight gain at TOPS yesterday. Back on track w/exercise and food. But they usually have skinny cows or low cal option. One week from today we will be in Cabo! Leave next Friday morning at 7a.m.
  17. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Okay... screwed up the multiquote again! Guess I always hit the wrong reply button! Quick post!! BUSY trying to get back to my regular routine. First time back to the pool this morning..... early morning trips to APPLE, wind and cold have kept me away. Knee still hurting and sciatic pain back with a vengeance!! Down the back of my left leg & tingling all the way to my toes. Also got my hair cut and highlighted today. Earl hasn't noticed the color difference!! He'll notice the check when it hits the bank, though!! HAHAHAHA!! Then I promised I'd work on taxes today... so got the software updated and started the return. Actually.. it's about done. Just have to find the paperwork that shows how much sales tax we paid on the new car this year. Hoping that will make a difference in how much we have to pay cuz he won't be happy with the figure I have now!! So... tomorrow is going to be a ME day.... I will go to the pool in the morning.... I think..... temp is in the low 50's right now, so it'll be in the 40's by morning and the wind is howling!! So.... if it's too miserable I won't go. But going down to neighbors around 11 a.m. and we're going to work on another heart. I am determined to master that pattern!! Very pretty made with Swavarski crystals and once you get he hang of it, should be able to make one in under 2 hours. This is how busy I've been today...... we've been trying to get this new laptop for about 2 weeks.... Costco was out of the one I wanted. Then we found it at Best Buy but they were out of stock too. Finally today BB said they had some in so Earl went and picked one up for me. I had him take it out of the box late in the afternoon, but I still haven't even touched it let alone plugged it in!!! I will finish the taxes on this computer and then start transitioning to the new one. I have to reorganize my photos... try to get most of them transferred to my external drive. Having fun playing with the new iPad, but not too much today. I played Angry Birds while watching Idol, but mainly working on taxes today. Janet... what's with the vertigo??? Ever had that before??? Going to the doctor????!! Need to find out why! Gotta go to bed!! Later, Chicks!
  18. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi!! It's been a busy and fun week! Hope you had a good week, Karla!! Cloudy and gloomy and very cool here today... 64 degrees at 1pm. Think Candice and Janet are off to the street fair at College of the Desert today, but unable to reach them by phone...... AGAIN!! Janet's cell phone just always says her voice mail isn't set up. So, listened to that recording for the umpteenth time and left a message on her home phone. That's been the routine for the last four days! I can't seem to keep up with their comings and goings. Oh, well! I tried! Went to a bar to hear Candice sing karaoke Friday night. Fun!! She has such a beautiful voice. But we had to listen to two rounds of frogs to hear her sing twice!! It was going on 11 pm by then so we headed home after her 2nd song rather than wait through another round. There was only one other person, a guy, who had a voice worth listening to IMHO!! And some of the other singers were 3 sheets to the wind by then, too. Linda left yesterday morning.... hope you had a good trip home, if you're here!! Smooth and uneventful! Candice, same for you tomorrow night! That's my story for now.
  19. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Quick drive by! Been keeping up with your posts on my phone! We've been very busy shopping, etc. and showing Linda and Candace around the area. I'm taking a "time out" this afternoon to rest and regroup. We'll be meeting up sometime in the next couple of hours... downtown Palm Springs for Thurs. night street fair and dinner. Hope it's not too windy down there.. pretty windy here. Happy Belated Birthday, Joyce!! And Happy St. Pat's day to all!! I'm a little Irish... like about 50%. My Mom's maiden name: Riley, and her youngest brother was born on St. Pat's Day..... Patrick Arthur Riley! Happy Birthday, Uncle Pat! He's not too much older than me... probably not yet 75. Hugs to all.
  20. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    No... bunch of ladies going out to lunch... 14 plus us. One of the ladies who lives here year round has her 75th birthday this summer when most of us are gone home. So someone decided we should all go out to lunch to celebrate before we all leave. Earl says he's not coming for dinner tomorrow night. He's going to stay here and eat with the Germans and the rest of the neighbors. I can get him to come and pick me up later. Party tonight was fairly mellow. We were home by 7:30 p.m.
  21. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    No... bunch of ladies going out to lunch... 14 plus us. One of the ladies who lives here year round has her 75th birthday this summer when most of us are gone home. So someone decided we should all go out to lunch to celebrate before we all leave. Earl says he's not coming for dinner tomorrow night. He's going to stay here and eat with the Germans and the rest of the neighbors. I can get him to come and pick me up later. Party tonight was fairly mellow. We were home by 7:30 p.m.
  22. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It's really not Earl that gets on my nerves.... and that's not the phrase I am really looking for... it's just that it will be nice to get home to some open space! My recliner, big screen TV, different scenery out my nice big living room windows, etc. I am still struggling with the schedule! I have a dilemma tomorrow... really sweet German couple down the street is having a get-together tomorrow at 4pm. This is the only one they've had this winter, and I know they are leaving in a few days. I guess I can just send Earl. But then I either have to drive myself to the airport and then to your house, or have him (stay sober) and come and pick me up later. Or I could ask them if it would be okay if I brought you two with me. That way we could just "make an appearance" and then go on to your place. Monday plans sound good... I may drive to Melvyn's with someone else or have Earl drop me off. So far he is saying he isn't going to come over to dinner "with al those ladies"!! But maybe I can talk him in to doing that Monday. We'll see.... But that's as far as my processing of the week's schedule has gone. Candice... I keep forgetting to ask what is your preference in wine??? I think you drink red, right??? So far I have a bottle of cab and a couple of other reds. Nah... I'm not that excited about being away from Earl. As much as I complain about him.... sometimes.... he IS my comfort zone!! LOL Doesn't feel right to be away. That's why I've not yet decided how many nights I'll sleep over and how many I will come home! He won't want me using a lot of gas to go back and forth, though!!
  23. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, you know I love it here in the desert... but we DID leave home Aug. 14th!! That's already 7 months living in the RV... except for the Christmas trip home..... and we still have another month here. I have kind of known I'd have to have this other knee done when we get home, and I want it done ASAP because of the trip to NY in Aug. again for our 50th high school reunion! We got our Costco rebate, too.... $450. But... used about $50 on some groceries last week and then they give you the balance back in cash. May go back tomorrow... I think I've zeroed in on which laptop I want. They have one that has pretty much everything that I'm looking for for $699. Our menu tonight sounded like one of yours... fish, rice, veggies. But, as he so often does.... Earl way overcooked the fish. And it was some really nice halibut from Alaska that our neighbor Jim gave us. I should've made him let me cook it He did it on the George Foreman and I kept telling hm it was done and he wouldn't take it off because it was thick! GRRRR! Oh, well. I smothered it in zucchini relish so it didn't seem so dry.
  24. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    You are SUCH a trouble maker!!! LOL!! I remember at one of the health insurance offices I worked at... always having to run off to copier and then FAX machine and actually RUNNING because they kept track of our time on the phone. I fell one time and they should have sent me right to the doctor.... light headed.. think I cracked a bone in my elbow... but all they could think about was the accident report... wanted to make sure they covered their asses!!! It wasn't too long before quitting time and, knowing I'd been complaining of being lightheaded... I hit my head on the floor, they just let me drive home. Makes me mad every time I think about it! But, yeah... saves time and energy to have what you need close at hand! Makes for a much more efficient work place! So... my opinion, you made a GOOD point! Doc just confirmed what I already knew.... need right knee surgery to convert partial to total knee replacement. He would do it if we were going to be here longer... and I would consider staying if it wasn't for the trip to Cabo. But don't want to have it done after trip to Cabo.. April 9 return date... because then we'd be here until about the first of June! I am ready to go home any time now! Except it is cold and rainy up there!! I will contact my WA state ortho doc next week and see what I need to do next to get me on the schedule as early as possible in the spring. You just couldn't resist that Sarah Palin comment, could you!!???? Picked out laptop I think I want at Costco today. Just need to check reviews on that one online before I make my final decision, but hoping to get it this weekend!! And would have bought an iPad2 today if they were selling them! Not until 5pm and I wasn't hanging around long enough for that!! Zoey is pretty funny... wants to get up as soon as she smells Earl cooking BF! So at 7:04 a.m., she nuzzles her nose under the covers... which I have pulled over my head, pulls the covers off my face, throws herself across my neck and starts pushing at the CPAP mask... get it off!! And then looking towards the machine... wanting me to turn it off because she knows that's the next step! If she really wanted to, she could just jump off the bed but she's kind of clumsy and a bit of a wimp, so she won't do it. I guess I should just be grateful that she sleeps all night! Earl just took her out to potty... she won't pee until he picks up the poop! She is quite a character. Had her at Trader Joe's today... I was riding my scooter and her in the basket. When we came out, she saw another dog and she stood up in the basket and then lost her balance and fell out!! Scared me because I was still moving. But lady next to me scooped her up and offered to carry her to the car for me, but I was going to Micheal's, so she put her back in the basket and we continued our shopping. I was miffed at Earl because I always tell him I NEED the leash on her when she's in the basket so I can hold on to her. But it's always in his pocket or in the car! GRRRR! She could've gotten really hurt! Scared me! End of "snowbird" season parties are running rampant!! Everyone is realizing it's almost time to go home. Kind of funny!
  25. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Jewel.... you are doing GREAT! Congrats on the run tomorrow!! And on those excellent grades! Glad your hubby is okay!!! Great.... found this on Wikipedia: Carotidynia is a syndrome characterized by unilateral (one-sided) soreness of the carotid artery, near the bifurcation. It was first described in 1927 by Temple Fay[1]. The most common cause of carotidynia is migraine, and then it is usually self-correcting. Common migraine treatments may help alleviate the carotidynia symptoms. Carotid arteritis is a much less common cause of carotidynia, but has much more serious consequences. It is a form of giant cell arteritis, which is a condition that usually affects arteries in the head. Due to this serious condition possibly causing carotidynia, and the possibility that neck pain is related to some other non-carotidynia and serious condition, the case should be investigated by a medical doctor.[2] Because carotidynia can be caused by numerous causes, Biousse and Bousser in 1994 recommended the term not be used in the medical literature. Our oldest daughter had some jaundice when she was an infant and I was also told to put her in the sunshine for a few hours a day. We were stationed in Sacramento at the time and living on base in a small mobile home that we'd bought. It had big windows on both sides of the living room so I would put her on a blanket on the floor next to the window in just her diaper and let her soak up the rays! My Mom & aunt came to visit for a week or so and they would tease me because I would lie on the floor next to her, on my tummy and nuzzle her ears while she was sunbathing!! Janet... "PREACHY".... of course!! LOL!! But that's why we need you!! Saw ortho doc today and he confirmed what I already knew... hardware in rt knee is failing and I need to have it converted to total knee... Will contact WA doc's office on Monday and see how to proceed from here because I don't want to waste any time after I get home!! I have PLANS for the summer and do NOT want to spend it doing rehab!! Next door neighbor had cardio appt today... he will probably need stent... apparently has a blockage, but nothing very acute so they will continue tests on Monday. I expect by mid-week he'll be having a stent put in! Chest pain, shortness of breath and he's still out golfing, etc!!! YIKES! So sad about the Japanese tragedy!! Was happy to hear from a former Japanese exchange student of ours overnight.... on FB... that she and her family are okay. Much damage in a couple of west coast ports.... Santa Cruz, Crescent City... some people washed out to sea... some who were out there on their boats trying to get pictures!!!! HUH?????

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