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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Candice, so sorry to hear about Twig!! Tracy will be sad, too. We had a good time with both dogs when we were up at your place. Dr. appt was pretty routine. I liked the guy. First time in a long time I went to a docotr who is OLDER than me!! LOL. He said he could give me Rx but really can't tell what's going on without an MRI. SO I go tomorrow afternoon for more x=rays and MRI of lower spine and neck. Neck is BAD again today. Had a horrible night. Couldn't sleep. Too much pain. Temp went up over 100 again this afternoon when we got back. Took 3 Ibuprofen and it went back donw. I'm going to take a couple more in a minute and go to bed and hopefully that will get me some sleep. Or maybe I"ll take a pain pill. Neighbor across the street, Max, died yesterday. Totally unexpected, but Joy said he's been falling for the past week or so. Said they had to take him by ambulance 7 times in the last 2 weeks... broken rib, old Fx in his neck, stitches in his head. So... something was going on. They found him on the bathroom floor at 3 a.m. and he died a few minutes later. Too sad. He was 88. Joy will be so lonely. Couldn't exercise today, and I don't htink I will tomorrow either. Don't want to aggravate the neck! My sister keeps bugging me to go to Dr. But I DID go today and he didn't say much about the neck and fever. She thinks I have strep or Viral meningitis. UGH. I just want to get a good sleep tonight and I'll deal with it tomorrow.
  2. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    WTG!! You are doing GREAT!! Feeling better today. Temp went to 100.5, but no temp this morning and I can turn my head without too much pain! Pretty sure it was a virus. Chatted online w/friend last night who is here in the park and had same symptoms last week. We had stop put on CC once too. Very aggravating, though I appreciate their diligence! We were traveling OK to WA in our RV. Got to RV park in WY one night, tired and ready to call it a day, and CC was denied! We had no clue why. And we'd been on the road for several days, so why then?? Got it straightened out... but the next day, as I remember. Think we had to pay cash that night. Feeling much better today, thanks! Good to get your description of your job. So, you put cottage cheese in your omelet?? That sounds like a good idea. Earl makes me one every morning but I am always telling him.... "too much cheese"! I think I'll buy some cottage cheese and tell him to use that instead! Hope your visit with surgeon goes well! Seeing the horrible weather news for your area on TV this morning! Hope you make it to your dental appts! Earl is doing well. Had uncomfortable follow-up appt yesterday and goes back in 2 weeks. He says doc poked around a lot and it hurt bad. Its causing him to have a bit of a headache today. He had to go help with pancake breakfast very early this morning, so he's taking a nap now. While he was at doc, Zoey and I went shopping and to Starbucks!! Certainly glad to hear things look like they're turning around with your shoulder!! Love your minute to minute updates!! Waiting for the next one and trusting everything went well! DITTO!! :laugh::party::biggrin: Mmmmmm!! That sounds good! Think I will email that one to Earl! Maybe he'll fix some for me.
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yes, Karla, Go to Idaho, leave your CC home!! LOL I emailed Chx recipe to Earl! Sounds good. Yes, back appt tomorrow. Neck feels better this morning, but didn't go to water aerobics. Couldn't move it when I first got up. Now just a little sore, no temp. Have to fill out tons of paperwork for tomorrow's appt plus I forgot I have TOPS program tomorrow morning, so have to prepare for that today, too! Hope nothing too serious with Twig! Keep us posted.
  4. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry, Gals, I can't post much. I can barely move my head. Bad neck pain down the left side of my neck to my shoulder. Earl thinks it's a virus because he had the same thing. And he's probably right because now I feel like I may have a fever. Went to water aerobics, took dog for a ride, got dropped off at Costco, went to Starbucks, then Walmart. By then Earl was back from his dr appt and met me at Walmart. Got some groceries, stuff to make another vest for Zoey and didn't get home until 4pm. Can't stand the pain. Took 2 muscle relaxants. Later, chicks! and Chris!
  5. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sorry, Gals, I can't post much. I can barely move my head. Bad neck pain down the left side of my neck to my shoulder. Earl thinks it's a virus because he had the same thing. And he's probably right because now I feel like I may have a fever. Went to water aerobics, took dog for a ride, got dropped off at Costco, went to Starbucks, then Walmart. By then Earl was back from his dr appt and met me at Walmart. Got some groceries, stuff to make another vest for Zoey and didn't get home until 4pm. Can't stand the pain. Took 2 muscle relaxants. Later, chicks!
  6. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    YAY!!! Wonder how she does that!!?? I know but she says that has to change! The only time she barks is when she wants something and she is VERY insistent. If she wants to play, she stands next to where I am sitting with one of her toys and barks at me until I throw it! If she wants a treat, she's right there doing her tricks.... sit, down (Candice taught her those), shake and then if I don't respond with something fast enough, she barks. If I don't offer the treat she wants, she literally shakes her head "NO", refuses to take it and waits for me to offer something else. This is just WRONG!! LOL! First things I'm supposed to work on are "heel", "sit"... like when we're walking and I stop to talk to someone. Geez... she taught her that really quick and she just sat at her heel waiting patiently while we talked and it was a LONG time! She wouldn't move towards me, just sat where she was told to sit and waited for permission. We need that!! I don't have that problem because by the time I get back to the RV it's time for lunch. First take Zoey for a scooter ride, then I have lunch.
  7. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Apples is busy, so I'm trying to help by "junking up the thread" for her!!
  8. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    I forgot one thing, Sandy! I go to TOPS on Thursday mornings, so I'll use that as my weigh in day, okay? Hmmmmm..... maybe the camera lens needs to be cleaned??? Or else something is wrong with the focus or the settings, or the focus settings??!! I have a Halloween costume for Zoey, too! Guess I should let her wear it this week! Welcome, Ka'Ron! Glad to have you join us. Sorry about your struggles with the liquid diet! It's tough but you can do it! Afraid it just takes sheer will power! But we're here for you and will give you all the support and encouragement we have! We've all been there!! What kinds of liquids can you have??? You made it through! Good for you!! Never heard of a magnetic mattress! Interesting! This wind we have is supposed to be remnants of typhoon Megi! It can stop blowing any time now!
  9. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Grrrr!! LOL! I HATE counting calories. But, I'll report what I ate. So far today I had a small eggbeaters omelet w/smoked salmon, onions and a little mozzarella cheese and 2 cups of black coffee. Now I'm hungry for lunch and trying to decide between a salad and healthy choice soup. .... Dilemma is decided. DH says there is no lettuce but he wanted to make me a salad anyways! I don't want a salad without lettuce so I'm going to have Healthy Choice soup. No exercise yet. I wimped out on water aerobics this morning because of the wind. But I will take a walk with the dog later. Neighbor of mine who used to train dogs just spent over 1/2 hr with me showing me how to make her "heel", etc. She is wonderful! And the dog picked up on it right away. So I will practice the things she taught us later this afternoon. She is willing to work with us some more to train Zoey as to who is in charge! She is TOO smart, sometimes!! LOL:biggrin::huh2::biggrin: Every day when I get back from water aerobics & pool... which is about 11 a.m., I take her for a scooter ride. So today when I DIDN'T go to the pool, she wanted to go outside about 10:30 a.m. That's the time Earl always puts her outside to wait for me. Then at 11 a.m., she starts barking! Time for my ride!! And I DID it!! So... she has US trained right now!! HAHAHA!
  10. phyllser

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    It really is a personal preference, but I'm someone who just sort of lets it all hang out... so I told anyone who wanted to listen!! And probably some who didn't!! I think it provides an extra measure of accountability, so if you can handle people "watching" you for progress and asking, "So, how are you doing??" when you KNOW what they're asking, go for it! That didn't bother me at all. So... now we're back in the desert for the winter and as others are returning they're saying, "Wow! You look great! So how much more have you lost??" And I'm being very honest with my answers.... "I haven't lost anything this year. I'm just maintaining.. But I intend to lose another 50 lb!"
  11. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Sure... spoil my fun! Yeah, too many sauces, but SEAFOOD!! LOL! Scallops and oysters were wonderful. And there was lots of spinach in the sauce!! :huh2: Did I mention the croissants? Yeah.. tell me about windy!! Scooter cover blew off twice before we even went to bed. And Earl had to go find my water exercise thingies....And we had neighbors' noodles all over the place. It's died down a little now so I probably shouldn't have skipped the pool. Yes... it not only gets boring, but, you're right.. it is downright embarrassing!! Don't know what we'll do. I love the costume part of it, but not sure I can sit through the talent show!! And we do have some wonderful talent here, but then there are the others!! HAHAHA!! Glad you had a good weekend!!! Isn't today Linda's birthday?? SO SORRY!! Singing your little heart out yesterday probably did not help either!! I know you were looking forward to working at the election. That's sure frustrating and annoying. Hope you are feeling better soon!!
  12. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good plan! I love exercising in the pool. But...skipping this morning as it is extremely windy. Hugs for hanging in there with that job. So sorry about your back! Hope it is feeling better soon. You're a trooper for going to the pool anyway! But it does help, doesn't it. It would be so easy to stay home! Good for you! Now I feel guilty because I'm skipping just because of the clouds and strong wind! Yeah, Zoey has a lot of new playmates and admirers! Lots of neighbors arrived last week... Canadians across the street and they now have a little dog. It's a Pom/ShihTzu mix who doesn't like ANYONE, human or otherwise! She'd be a good pal for our cat! HAHAHA!! Neighbors behind us pulled in Friday night with their two puggles. There was a little animosity at first, but now they're all friends.... Zoey, Andy, Charlie! Just on our block I think about 6 couples arrived from WA and B.C. Good to have everyone coming back. But, yes, she gets very excited when she sees that it's time to take the garbage to the dump, or when I get back from the pool and she knows she's going to get a scooter ride, etc! Or if she sees signs that we're going somewhere in the car. Sounds like you had a fairly quiet weekend. Don't know if you got my email, but place we went to was Melvyn's Restaurant at the Ingleside Inn in Palm Springs. It's on Ramon, way at the end, up against the mountain. Very nice place. Good food and they kept filling up our champagne glasses!! Have a GREAT Monday! Yeah... has anyone heard from Julie?? I checked her FB page. No new posts there either. Hope she's okay and just resting! I love consignment/2nd hand stores, too. One of these days I will go off by myself and explore some in this area. My neighbor had a bag full of stuff she got from someone. She couldn't wear most of it so she gave me some things to try on. I found one blouse that I liked. There were 3 pairs of pants, all size 18, that she gave me to try on. One pair was too big, one pair was too small, but one pair was just right!! :huh2: Thanks for the kudos on the photos. I guess I'll post one here. I think I already said this... we went to high school with that couple. They live up in the mountains above Palm Desert. We usually get together a couple of times when we're down here. They picked the restaurant.. we'd never heard of it. But i was really nice and we had an enjoyable visit. Yes, Earl is doing great. Ear is still hurting, but he sees the doc tomorrow so we'll see if there's anything he can do about that. Right now I'm mad at him because he threw away the morning paper before I even had a chance to read it. Don't work too hard today!! HAHA!! I saw all that snow on the news this morning and thought of you. I think they were showing the snow in the mountains, though. Enjoy Hawaii AGAIN!!!! :eek::huh2::cool::biggrin: :plane: You and me both, Sandy!! I've been hanging out right around 200 lb this whole year and I want to lose another 50!! I'm maintaining, and I want to go down. I know what I need to do... just need to DO IT!!! So, I'M with you, too!!
  13. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry to hear your back is bothering you. It is so strange.... you wake up some mornings and it is killing you and then the next it can be fine. Mine had me in agony again for about 10 days. Then about last Monday, it started feeling better. I do agree that weather has something to do with it, too! Hope you're feeling better soon! Can't believe you are working again already!!! You sure didn't take a very long rest!! We had a very enjoyable Sunday.... Went to church, then to Palm Springs to meet a couple we went to high school with for brunch. Very nice place.... good food, enjoyable visit. Then came home and had to take my puppy for a scooter ride. Then watched some football and other TV, and played fetch w/Zoey!! She went crazy for a while.... racing back and forth the full length of the RV attacking one of her squeaky balls. Now she's passed out! She wore herself out. I need to go hit some of the local re-sale shops. Enjoy doing that and haven't had a chance in months! Sounds like some good finds for you! Sure glad you find time to check in with us every now and then. Enjoy your updates. You're doing so well! And obviously enjoying it! That's great! Good job on the fund raiser! Our DIL is so good at things like that. Which reminds me.... grandson, Sr. in high school, made a great 33 yd catch the other night but landed on his right shoulder and broke his collar bone. I think I posted that the other day. He is in a lot of pain and can't really move his arm... And, of course, his high school football career is over! I did find out that he really wasn't counting on a football scholarship. He'd rather play lacrosse in college. And DS wants him to go to U of WA. Anyway.... DIL posted a short video of the catch and the take down on FB so I put it on my profile page. I had to chuckle... winced when I saw how hard he hit the ground, but he bounces right back up holding the ball in the air!! WOW!! So glad you had a good visit with your parents!! That's wonderful! So where are you off to now, world traveler??!!! We're having some terrific wind tonight. I put the cover back on the scooter when I took the dog out a couple of hours ago. Earl just went out and it's completely blown off again. He better tie it on or it'll be out in the desert somewhere by morning! Excited for you, Chris!! You're brave to have both those surgeries at the same time. Although, I have to admit, when I had my knee replacement last year, I can't tell you how many times I asked the surgeon if he could just do both knees at once, so I can understand wanting to get it over with all at once.
  14. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I had Larry make my margaritas blended and w/o salt. Brunch today was out of this world... shared some oysters baked in spinach and... I think it was Bearnaise sauce. Oh, my! Then had scallops, also baked in some kind of sauce w/onions and tomatoes, served w/broccoli, sliced turnips and sliced potatoes... I'd say less than 1/4 cup of each of those. BUT... it was a champagne brunch and every time your glass went down an ounce or two the waiter was filling it up! Afterward Earl took me to Starbucks to get my fix, and then we went to the hospital to visit a lady who is in our water aerobics. The people who watched Zoey last week when we were at the surgery center. She came down w/a fever a few days later and she has a massive bladder and intestinal infection. So she is on I.V. antibiotics and mega steroids. She has a number of health issues. We found her walking in the hall w/her I.V. pole! But we didn't stay long because she said she is supposed to be in isolation! So not sure why they let her wander the halls!! Earl is doing GREAT. Doesn't totally ave his energy back, but he's sleeping much better. Still complaining of sinus drainage, but at least it's draining and not blocking up and causing him headaches. He still has an ear ache, too. He wants to go to the pool in the morning but I told him he better not. Especially since we have high winds tonight and it's supposed to be worse tomorrow. Congrats on the successful gig complete w/re-booking!! Karla... we have Oktoberfest this Friday night... supposed to wear costumes, and they are including a "Sky Valley has Talent" show after pot luck dinner. We haven't gone to one here in a long time because they can get pretty grim!! LOL.... Long and boring. And they let anyone do anything they want... within reason, of course! But some people who THINK they have talent really don't!!! HAHAHA!!!
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Karla... HUGS! Hope you accomplish everything on your list today. Linda.... Hope you have a great birthday celebration with the little ones! Cora sounds like an absolute delight! REST on your little mini-vacation. Sounds like way too much stress in your life! I know you can't wait until RETIREMENT!!! Enough is enough! Candice.. how is the weather up there??? Just read a weather advisory for this area.... strong gusty winds coming tonight, apparently.... remnants of typhoon Megi! Possible rain, too. Enjoyed the sisters picture. New photos from the wedding in August are still surfacing.. that's where my new FB profile pic came from. And I think this guy got the best picture of us smooching Mom. Where are you Janet? We had our first "Margarita Party" of the season next door last night! So no dinner... party food was pretty good though... antipasto salad, broccoli/cauliflower salad, BBQ meatballs, homemade chili rellenos.... first time for me, and some cheese and sausage. I didn't blow it with food, but had 3 margaritas over 4 hours!! And now we're meeting our former hs classmates who live up in the mountains, for brunch at some fancy dancy place in Palm Springs. But I checked out the menu online and they have some healthy choices. I will probably pick some seafood.
  16. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Glad you are able to fly up and see her! If you need anything, let us know. Can Debby handle all three dogs?? Beautiful picture, really!! But I don't miss the snow!! :tt1::thumbup:Earl is doing so well, but I can tell not up to par yet. He went to the pool tonight, but drove the car up, and then ended up just taking a shower. He's too worn out yet. Karla... you have more patience than I do! I would've kicked DD's butt out the door a long time ago. Grandson, Justin landed on his shoulder catching a 33 yd pass tonight... senior in high school. Broke his collar bone clear through. He's done with high school football! I know he had scouts looking at him a couple of years ago. Don't know if this will effect his chances of getting a football scholarship or not.
  17. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Hope everything goes well tomorrow!! Thinking of you! What is this PB2 you are all talking about?? I must have missed something! Cute pic!! And love all of yours, Eva!!! Yikes!! DH is watching my charges... didn't see anything out of the ordinary so far. I think I only used cc at Hooters and South Point. Grandson, Sr. in HS, landed on his shoulder catching a 33 yd pass tonight. Collar bone broken clear through and he's out for the season. Kind of a shame, being its his Sr. year and he's been doing so well! I know scouts were watching him several years ago and I think he was hoping for a football scholarship somewhere. Don't know if this will effect that or not. He sees ortho doc on Monday.
  18. phyllser

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Good to see some new folks posting here!! WELCOME~~!! Glad to have you join us!
  19. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep! Just finished talking to my sister, Shirley. She said they had no snow there but I guess a light dusting in the "south towns", so maybe the other sister got some. Uncle Ed still bitching about being told he can't go across the road!! My mother told him to "shut up"!! GO, MOM!!! She never used to stand up to him like that! LOL! My sister said Mom is in "Hog Heaven" in that facility!! She is very social! She has made friends with a lot of people already. She is missing her church, though. I know their pastor would arrange for someone to pick them up but Uncle Ed keeps insisting they are "all done with going to church!" They have services there at the facility, but he won't go there either!! I know Mom is not happy about that and think I will talk to her about it this weekend!
  20. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Let me know about the dogs. Neighbor wanted me to go on this bus tour to Nordstrom's on the 5th but I don't know if she actually signed us up yet or not. But, we can work around it if Debby isn't available. Linda's DIL probably just trying to help distinguish between the one day care and the other. Did you find your truck keys??? Earl is doing GREAT. I am really impressed. Still a little tired out, but got him to take a long walk today. Thought I had to work in Activiites office for 2 hrs but they didn't need me. But I rode he scooter up and Earl was going to walk her back. So when I didn't have to stay we went over to visit the couple that had Zoey on Wed. They fell in love with her so I thought they would enjoy a short visit. Husband got down on the floor to play ball with her! Then when we got back, Zoey and I took a walk... since she was riding in the scooter before that and needed some more exercise. I made it all the way around the block this time. Will keep trying to increase the distance. Makes my back hurt, but I think it will get stronger if I keep doing it. See the doc on Thursday. Did my water aerobics again today after skipping for two days. OH, MY!!! Wonder if it snowed in Buffalo???? Haven't heard any whining from my sisters yet!!
  21. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I guess we posted at the same time! Yes, I am thrilled that Earl is doing so well! And he said he slept so soundly last night... 5 hrs straight is a record for him. This doctor is really good! Neighbor referred us to him and so glad she did! Hope the spine doctor I see next year is that good! Health care is very good down here.... the best! There are so many celebrities down here contributing lots of $$$$, especially to Eisenhower Medical Center, that they have the latest and greatest in both technology and expertise. They can afford to pay the big bucks to get them!! Linda, hope you had a fruitful day. Sounds like you were going to be quite busy! Hope you enjoyed your time with the little ones!! Cora and Levi are so fortunate to have you close by, and you are so lucky to be able to spend so much time with them. Our youngest dgs, Thomas, turned 5 this week... Can't hardly believe it! He was so sad last week because a John Deere toy we bought him at the Indio County Fair a few years ago was steppd on by brother, Charly and broken. So I ordered some new ones from Amazon and he was quite excited about them!!
  22. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So glad you have a nice long weekend to relax!! Yeah, I'm tickled pink that Earl is doing so well! I figured today would be a bad day. He was a little too active earlier in the day, so he's been vegging in his chair all afternon which is exactly what he needs to do right now. Uncle Ed... well, he's Uncle Ed!! He just better not screw up what they have at their new digs!! I definitely think you needed those new pants if they make your butt look THAT good! Next we'll hear that you have to beat off the guys with a stick!!!
  23. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Here's the Uncle Ed story... the latest one, that is!!! LOL After only 2 weeks in assisted living center, Uncle Ed got in big trouble! There is LOTS of room to walk at the facility... walking trail all the way around the building, beautiful grounds, etc. But, he was seen crossing the road, with his walker, and a car had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting him. They are NOT allowed to cross the road unaccompanied. Limited visibility and cars going way too fast. He wanted to walk down the road to the store! No sidewalk on that side of the road, either! So he & my Mom & my sister, and I think his daughter were called in to the conference room after lunch today for a stern warning from the social worker, administrator, etc! They even threatened them with making them move out if he doesn't follow the rules! They told him if he wanted to go to the store, all he had to do was tell someone. They will either walk him over or send the bus to take him... they have little buses. They told him if you want to go somewhere, all you have to do is tell us in the morning and we will take you there! My sister said they were in there 45 minutes because he threw a fit at first and was arguing with them that he is perfectly safe!! Yeah, right!! OLD PEOPLE!! He is so damn stubborn!!
  24. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, at least I got the grilled chicken! But I did eat all the skin, too! Oh, my it tasted good! Yeah, I'd probably be cruising the thrift shops for Andrew's apartment! Jacki taught me that! You wouldn't believe the treasures she finds! We have a slew of wine glasses that she got us a thrift stores! There are a couple... I think over on Country Club, that I spotted one day... one is Angel View... they are all over the valley, and there is another one right next door to it. I've been wanting to go look around. Every time we stay in Gilroy, Earl loses me for hours while I go to Salvation Army!!! LOL Now I remember.... COPD! I forgot.. but you did tell me that before. But I didn't realize she was that seriously ill! How old is she??? Yes, I am simply amazed at how ell Earl is doing! No pain pills today at all! So I let him have a glass of wine. He says he still feels a little groggy, but it takes a long time to get al that anesthesia out of your system. He says he has no pain. He hates doing the irrigations, but he is doing the faithfully. Then he complains because he has water running back out again for a while!! TMI!! My youngest sister just had her hair color changed from blond to red! You've been talking about doing that for a while, haven't you? And here's a picture of Mom & Uncle Ed just before they were called in to a conference room so Ed could be counseled about breaking the rules!!!
  25. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    My sister said after his tirade, he settled down and commented that their enforcement of the rule not to cross the highway would probably save his life! My concern is that every time he is challenged about anything, he flips out. So if this type of behavior continues.... that could possibly get them kicked out! I'm not sure he's capable of self control at his age. He's always gotten away with these temper tantrums! Can you guess he was the youngest of seven???? My Dad always said he was "spoiled"! He and my Dad did not get along at all! Dad probably rolled over in his grave when he moved in with Mom!! LOL

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