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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    People who will rent by the day usually charge $50/night. This gal said $300 for a week and $25 for extra nights! So she is really reasonable. A month is $1100.
  2. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    DGS is tough and pretty determined that he'll be fit and ready to play by the time spring Lacrosse starts! That's his next favorite sport. In fact, after talking to our son about it, I think DGS is hoping to play Lacrosse in college and not football, so I was wrong about that. Still can't believe his surgery was at 11:30 a.m., came out of recovery a little before 2pm and went to his football team end of season dinner at 5 pm. Granted it was just around the corner from the house, but.... gimmee a break!!! Graceland.... You were going to say "little OLD lady", weren't you!! LOL!!
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Oh, my!! WTG on the workout but so sorry you hurt your knee!! And what's up with this GF???? Is she on drugs???? Or maybe a little Alzheimer's???? GEEZ!!! Did she hear anything you said??? I found a really nice park model to rent for Tracy & Jim when they come down for Christmas. Newer model park model w/full add-on and nice front porch. Small fenced yard on the side if they want to let Gigi out. I think they will like it.
  4. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    LOL! Yes... our way of thinking does change, doesn't it!! Where's the air show??? Not that we have any time to go! Will have a few hours in the morning for shopping before Max's memorial service. Sunday, we're going up to our friends' in Anza for their daughter's birthday party... 30th, I think. That sounds like a good beginning! Yes... keep us posted! That sounds like such a fun trip! That is kind of pricey, but it's something you only do once. I'd probably grin and bear it. But then I DID grow up during the Elvis phase! I think I was about 12-13 when he began his rise to fame! I was down 1 lb at TOPS weigh in yesterday. Nothing to write home about, but at least I was down. And it was somewhat of an accomplishment since I couldn't exercise last week. Can't yet update my ticker, though. Almost! But, last time it was updated was last time I managed to slide under 200, which I hope to do again next week. It's tough to realize that's exactly where I was a year ago. Depressing! Sorry gang.... I know I'm ignoring a lot of your posts. Don't mean to. I've been keeping up with them, but feeling kind of down and just not wanting to post. Grandson's surgery went well yesterday. They put in a plate and 6 screws to hold his shoulder together! He's tough! DIL hosted dinner for the whole football team at their community center on base at 5 pm and Justin went for an hour!!!
  5. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good afternoon! Sorry, gals... I've been keeping up with your posts. Don't know what's the matter with me.... Just don't feel like posting! Janet... Dr's name is Bahreini. I think you'd like her. Very sharp chick. 760-773-9750. They do all kinds of facial stuff at that clinic too. It's sort of w omen's health/spa combined. They do dermabrasions, etc. Kind of weird that the ob/gyn dr has her office there though, huh?! First time you see her you have to check in around the corner at Internal Medicine. Max's memorial service is tomorrow. Some of Joy's relatives arrived last night. I had a few of those pictures from our visit a few weeks ago printed at Costco and took them over yesterday afternoon. She cried. He was so happy that day, though. Karla... glad you decided to go to ID. Glad you're feeling better Candice! Linda... hope you're not running yourself ragged. I was down 1 lb at TOPS yesterday. Food has been okay this week. Exercise much better than last week.
  6. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Bittersweet visit w/your sis. I'm glad it went well, but that would be SO hard, thinking you may not see her again! Some times I could choke my sisters, but I love every one of them and I would hate having to face losing one of them. I can't imagine what you must be going through. I worry about Shirley... she's the youngest... your age... And she's smoked since she was about 15, too heavy and carries it all in her belly, borderline diabetic and does NOT eat healthy. She was dieting for a long while and lost 25 lb but, I think she put it all back on now. She has a lot of trouble with her back and her knees and may be facing a knee replacement soon. She's really the one I'm closest to. I must have missed the part about you falling last Friday. How did that happen?? Tail bone any better today. That can be very painful and not much they can do about it even if you break it. I guess I've been on maintenance, too, for the last year! Cuz I'm sure spinning my wheels! I was down last week. Lets hope the scale goes down again this week. Tomorrow is weigh in. Doc I saw was gyn at Eisenhower on Country Club. She looked over my list of meds. Wanted to know if I'd ever been on hormone replacement.... I said, yes, for 10 years and then they switched me to Evista. She says I don't need it. And she wants to get me off the Detrol LA that I take for bladder control.... leaky teaky. And she wants me to quit these vag suppositories I've been on for years. She has some kind of cream she wants me to use instead which she says will also treat the bladder problem. I loved tossing the Evista in the garbage this morning! She said "Why are you taking that??" I didn't have an answer!! Because they told me to???! She said she sees no reason to continue it. I think one time when I ran out of it for a few days, I had very tender nipples so hope that doesn't happen again since I'm quitting it. Okay... now you know all my intimate secrets. Well, almost all! LOL Okay... here's a blurb on Evista. The only thing that concerns me is that my Mom had breast cancer.. the type that likes to feed on estrogen and this drug is an estrogen blocker. The downside is that there is an increased risk of developing blood clots and that's why this doctor wants me off of it. Raloxifene is used to prevent and treat osteoporosis (condition in which the bones become thin and weak and break easily) in women who have undergone menopause (change of life; end of menstrual periods). Raloxifene is also used to decrease the risk of developing invasive breast cancer (breast cancer that has spread outside of the milk ducts or lobules into the surrounding breast tissue) in women who are at high risk of developing this type of cancer or who have osteoporosis. Raloxifene cannot be used to treat invasive breast cancer or to prevent invasive breast cancer from coming back in women who have already had the condition. Raloxifene also cannot be used to decrease the risk of developing non-invasive breast cancer. Raloxifene is in a class of medications called selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). Raloxifene prevents and treats osteoporosis by mimicking the effects of estrogen (a female hormone produced by the body) to increase the density (thickness) of bone. Raloxifene decreases the risk of developing invasive breast cancer by blocking the effects of estrogen on breast tissue. This may stop the development of tumors that need estrogen to grow. Maybe you need another dog!?? Yes, went to water aerobics last two days. Worked very hard today, too! Think I have my strength back and neck is just a little tender now. Then I took Zoey for her ride. Went up to the office... finally the winery in NY sent me the bottle of wine they owed me for the bad one they sold me!! We were still on our way here when she promised me she was mailing one. I think they had to wait for another batch because the whole batch was bad. My sister had one too. It was "sparkling" like champagne, and i wasn't supposed to be! Now we're sitting inside with the a/c on because it was 97 degrees inside with all the windows and door open. Zoey and Candy were in the back by our bed trying to stay cool. But I guess Zoey got a little too close for comfort because I heard a "disturbance" back there and then Candy came strolling up here and got in the front window. YES!! And I need to get to work on that bracelet I didn't finish yesterday!!
  7. phyllser

    Any one in NW WA

    Where in Mexico? LapBand? What doctor? I had my surgery at Virginia Mason but know people who went to Mexico
  8. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    WOW!! That's a big step!! It will be good for you! Sorry about the bed, though. Kind of dangerous to smoke in the bedroom, I think! WA state votes by mail so we mailed our ballots last week. Very anxious to see the results, but that takes a while in WA!! Not happy about what I see in NY state so far!! Saw new GYN doc today and she is changing some of my meds. She is from Iran. I really like her. Beading classes started but I could only stay 90 minutes because of the dr appt, so I have a long way to go to finish my bracelet!!
  9. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Sounds like exactly what I had. Must be a virus going around! Neck is still a little sore, especially on the left side. Temp has been normal the past two days. Watching Biggest Loser while DH is at the pool because then I'll have to watch election results until he goes to bed! Had GYN appt today.... no PAP smear in about 5 years, so I was overdue. Was happy to find out that she is a specialist in hormone replacement therapy. Not necessarily and advocate, though. She is revamping some of my meds and I couldn't be happier. She's from Iran, and probably in her 50's. I really like her. Bad rash on my stomach today... about 5 " in diameter... where an old appendectomy scar is... skin folds there because of weight loss and it's a mess right now. I hope she documented it! Julie.... LOVE the photos!! Yours, too, Arlene!! Beading classes started today. I didn't come close to finishing my bracelet because I had to leave for Dr. appt so only stayed an hour and a half. And for some reason I had trouble understanding the directions.... even though they were step by step printed out! I had to keep taking beads back off because I put the wrong ones on the needle! I think I have it in my head now, so hopefully will be smooth sailing when I get back at it!
  10. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    No fever last night. At least none that I can remember! LOL When I got back I took a glass of wine next door.. ladies were sitting outside visiting and having some wine. Earl thought that was the best medicine, so he brought me the rest of the bottle!! Men soon joined us and we were there a couple of hours! Came home, had dinner and I fell asleep until 9:30 p.m.! Neck is still a little sore, back has been fine the last two weeks. We'll see what the spine doc has to say when I go back to see him next week, but MRI shows nothing glaring. A little nerve impingement on one side, which is undoubtedly causing the sciatic pain when it comes. Glad you had a good vacation! DGS is in a soft cast or brace or something. I think he sees the ortho guy again next week. They haven't yet decided if surgery is needed, but if you got a look at the x-ray I posted, it sure doesn't look to me like it will heal right without surgery. Uh oh... it's past 8:30 a.m. and I decided I'm going back to water aerobics today so I better run. Have to get back to this later!
  11. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah~! Miss them! We will miss you!! Here's a hot topic! Went to outpt clinic today. They found usual arthritic changes for my age on MRI report (online after Frid tests), urine clear, no obvious infx, everything A- ok... probably viral thing going on. So.. came home annd drank wine with the neighbors all afternoon. About 9:30 p..m., became "alert" again and asked about dinner. Earl said I had hamburger patty and peas. Okay. Whatever! If that's what's in the fridge.. it was more like a salt burger! I definitely had too much wine tonight. Depressed because RN/NP says nothing wrong and I still feel like crap, so Rx was bottle of Merlot! I'm bad! If I don't feel better in the morning, ???? I will go to water aerobics, whatever is going on, then beading classes starting tomorrow at 11 a.m., then appt at women's clinic for PAP smear at 1:30 p.m., then while I am over there at clinic again, need to get x-rays neuro dr. ordered taken care of before appt. next week. At which time he is going to tell me, usual changes for my age w/some nerve impingement on one side.. which is causing sciatic type pain/tingling in the left foot! SHIT!! I want to run away. Casino trip?? Shopping?? Need a distraction! Janet.... where are you???
  12. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    WTG on the1 lb! Good luck with the pouch test! DH worked so hard on the hot water heater all afternoon, and my temp went up again... so...no one felt like cooking. I think he found some leftovers and he heated up a small TV dinner for me... Not "Healthy Choice" but something similar. 290calories, turkey meat loaf. It was good. TRICK OR TREAT!! MONEY OR EATS!!
  13. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    That sounds good! We need recipe!!
  14. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Glad you went to the party. Good to get out even if it was a little uncomfortable! Make yourself do these things! You just might meet someone special at one of these get-togethers. You never know! Max was a sweetheart! We never witnessed one of his rampages, however! I know he made things tough for Joy and this is the 2nd husband she's had w/Alzheimer's! So, sad for her loss, and she will be lonely, but.... he is at peace, and he WAS 88 yrs old, so he lived a good life. I just wish his kids were a little nicer to Joy. She should be home tomorrow. Funeral was in San Diego today. I am really annoyed because my temp went up again this afternoon. I am feeling so much better and don't understand this temp. I guess I will have to go to urgent care. Wanted to go to outing w/Red Hats tomorrow and lunch at Elephant Bar. Don't know what to say about your Mom. That is so mean!! She must have some serious self-esteem issues... and guilt about her parenting, to have to say such awful things to her kids!! Was listening to Dr. Laura talk to someone on the radio the other day about their "difficult" mother. Wish I could remember her advice... but it was mostly, ignore it and smother her with love!! That's hard when someone is being so nasty! So glad your visit is going so well! Ouch on the chair w/wheels!!! Hope your butt recovers soon! LOL Now that Andrew is in DHS, you'll be going there more often!! We can meet at Starbucks!!! LOL Glad Deb was able to fill in for you and help him move. Dye/MRI was last 15 minutes... somehow helps visualize whatever it is they're trying to see! This was lower spine, and neck since I was having all that neck pain last week. It took SOOOO long!! And no earphones and piped in music. All they gave me was valium and earplugs to help me through it!! And they screwed up the I.V. big time. My arm was wrapped up in red bandages in three different places when I left!! I thought jello wouldn't jell if you put pineapple in it?? Such a beautiful day here!! Awful storm we were supposed to get this weekend never materialized. Just a little wind yesterday and it blew all the clouds away. It's nie and warm and sunny today!
  15. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    So very well put, Cheri!! Thanks for the encouragement. There have just been so many challenges this year!! And today.... feeling so good, but just noticed my face feels hot. So took my temp.... 99.4, so it's going up again! And my "normal" temp is about 97! WTH!!! I may have to go to urgent care after all!! Was convinced the curd was gone! Congrats on the pant size!!! I've been in the same size for SO long I don't even want to think about it! Neighbor had some "hand me downs" that someone gave her. There were 3 size 18s in there.... one pair was too big, one pair was too small and one pair fit just right! Tops I usually wear an XL, but some that run small, I still need a Plus size. WTG on the walking, too!! Good for you, Chris!! You're doing GREAT!!! I'm with you on the Halloween thing, but I love to see the kids in their costumes. We have very few kids here in the park, and even one year when we stayed home until after Halloween, very few kids came to our door at the condo. There was an Oktoberfest pot luck/costumes and talent show here on Friday. We always go, but, too sick this year. TOO CUTE!!! I'm watching GB/NYJ right now. I'm sure it's over, but I recorded it so I can FF over the commercials and boring parts!! These two QBs are both on one of my two Fantasy teams, and I had a hard time deciding who to leave on the bench!! I've been using Aaron Rodgers every week and he's pretty much been disappointing me, so I put Mark Sanchez in and neither one is doing anything exciting!! Maybe I should fire BOTH of them and pick new ones!!! LOL So glad you are having a good visit with your sis!! WE MISS YOU!!! HUGS!! Steroids really make your face swell up bad. Just stopped to see a neighbor who is on them and she looks so puffy! And, they make you HUNGRY!! So understandable that she's put weight on. Uh oh, I missed a few things. Will try to remember now! Eva and Laura... loved the pics!! And, Apples... so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well today! Stay on the couch!! That's what I'm doing. Took Zoey for one short scooter ride because we didn't pick up the mail yesterday. Sorry... no picture of her in her witch dress yet. Maybe I'll put it back on tonight and take a few.
  16. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    So good to hear how well Merry is doing! I put a witch dress on Zoey yesterday. She didn't mind it a bit but it drove DH crazy! Hope those aches and pains aren't an indication that you are coming down with something! Finally talked DH in to getting his flu shot at Walmart the other day!! And I am feeling a little better today... still feel worn out, but neck is so much better and no fever last night. But we missed Oktoberfest pot luck/talent show/costume contest last night. MRI took longer than expected and it was just too late to go home and put casserole together. We were going to do green Beans. So we went out to eat instead. Then came home and changed in to my jammies. Good for you on the candy temptations. I didn't buy any. We have so few kids here in the park that I'm really not expecting any. Sounds like you're doing well! WTG on the weight loss. Love those pics!!! And waiting to see this year's! I can't believe you are finished with Christmas shopping!! I think most of my Christmas shopping will consist of ordering Amex gift cards online!! Thanks, Sandy. I am planning on resuming my exercise on Monday, so hopefully will lose again this week! And no more eating out this week! Thanks!! Those are the two oldest. We have 6 grandsons, 4 granddaughters, and then we have another 2 step-grandkids who are in their 30's, and 4 step-greatgrandkids!! That's a BUNCH!! And of course, they're all good lookin'!! MRI to see what is going on in my back. Saw spine specialist on Thursday and he ordered MRI and X-Rays of lower spine and neck. New job sounds like a challenge. Always good to learn new things. I did a short lesson at TOPS the other day on the difference between food allergies and food intolerance. But it was short and boring so I went on to discuss 4 nutrients many people are deficient in... Potassium, Vit. D, B-12 and Magnesium. I think I need a slight fill, too. But guess it will have to wait until spring, unless I decide to fly up to Seattle for a few days this winter. And I am probably taking meds that are impeding my progress, too... 2 BP meds are possibilities. Enjoy your Saturday. I am feeling better today but still so worn out I don't want to get off the couch! I think we will go to Walmart in a little while. Forgot what we need, but will be good to get out.
  17. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    You have to go back and look at my first post because I edited it and added some photos of Joy & Max.
  18. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good for you! I had a glass of wine at Tony's last night... well aware that I'd had valium 3 hrs before!! It was VERY relaxing! They have a special deal now... $25 for dinner for two. You get one appetizer, two entrees and two deserts. So we had potato skins, I had shrimp scampi and we shared a key lime tart and an apple tart. That sounds healthy, huh??? Well, not so much! But I ate the whole thing... I think I need a fill. WE passed up the bread, so there was nothing to plug me up and I ate really slow and sipped on my wine as I ate and it all slid down so nicely!! You do really stupid things when you're feeling sick and deprived and sorry for yourself because of a week of misery! So what time tonight are you thinking of skyping??? I'm up for it. I can send Earl off to the pool so it doesn't annoy him!! LOL
  19. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    MRI went fine but took a LONG time. Over 90 minutes in that stupid tube. Fortunately, I asked for a sedative first so they gave me 10 mg. Valium. They did have trouble with my I.V. Got it in right away, but when they went to inject the dye the last 15 minutes, it hurt and I knew things weren't right. Not a sting, but hurt. So they called in the R.N. and yes, vein was blown. So she went to my left wrist. Put in a butterfly and blew another vein. Didn't drink much because I didn't want to have to pee while I was in there, so may have just collapsed. But she finally got a butterfly in the right wrist and injected the dye. So I came out of there with RED wraps in THREE places. Earl wanted to know WTH they did to me!! Getting up and down from that table hurt like heck... my neck! But they put extra padding under it and I was fairly comfortable. I was going to go to urgent care afterward, but it was so late and I was so worn out after that we just went out to eat and went home. We won't talk about dinner at Tony Roma's! I wasn't good. I guess I needed comfort food at that point. And I felt so "deprived" because we were obviously too late to go to pot luck at the park I'd been looking forward to. Yearly Oktoberfest when everyone dresses up in costumes. But... I was too sick to go anyway! But I am feeling SO much better this morning. No fever last night and neck is just a little sore on the left side. I think it WAS a virus and it's going away, finally! Funeral for our friend and neighbor, Max, is tomorrow afternoon in San Diego. We're not going to go because Joy is having a Memorial service here at the park next Saturday. Anyway, I'm not sure I could be civil to his family! Email from his daughter that Joy forwarded to me stated how stressed she and her brothers had been the last few months since Max started to deteriorate... not her exact words, but that was the jist of it, and how relieved they were that he is finally at peace with their mother. NO mention of Joy. They've been married 8 yrs, so he was 80 when they got married, but you didn't have to be around them very long to see how very much they loved each other. It's not like she married him for his money. He didn't have any! And he LOVED to go on cruises and they probably went on 6 or 8 of them during those years, all paid for my her. All he had was SS because he was self employed. She told Earl his income was $900 a month! And she lost that plus $1000 a month of her own money when his kids put him in the nursing home! We went out to lunch with 6 of them a couple of weeks ago when we took her over to Santa Ana to see him. They seemed nice enough, but I don't know how she can be so tolerant of how they treat her! She said his three kids chipped in and helped pay for his first wife's funeral but she was concerned that they might not help her pay for this one. Okay... done venting about that! I'm going to post a couple of pictures... our visit in Santa Ana a few weeks ago and last years' Oktoberfest. Joy always went out or her way with their costumes and Max won 1st place last three years in a row! Those "Grumpy" boxers he's wearing.. I bought him for his birthday a couple of years ago! Earl is doing okay but ears still bothering him and he is fed up with the constant sinus drainage! Headaches are pretty much gone, though!! :thumbup: So... Karla, I don't have any plans for the weekend either. Just you and I and Candice here. Janet up north, Linda should be getting back from MX, though. Hugs!
  20. phyllser

    Soups for after banding

    This isn't the recipe you're looking for, but a friend posted this a few days ago and she says it's great. Just have ONE dumpling. But not for right after surgery. She is a big advocate of making your own broth for right after surgery. This recipe you could probably skip the dumplings and puree for the "mushie" stage. chicken & Dumpling Soup David's Note: Chicken & Dumplings is a popular comfort food dish commonly found in the South. This recipe converts that dish into a hearty soup perfect for cold winter days. For a richer broth, remove the chicken from the bones as soon as it's tender and refrigerate. Add the bones back to the soup and continue simmering until desired strength is achieved. Strain and proceed. To be prepared in K28786 — Crock-Pot Designer Series 6-qt. slow cooker with stoneware vessel Ingredients: Chicken: 2 -1/2 — 3 lbs. of chicken pieces with the skin removed 4 cups of chicken broth 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1 can cream of chicken soup (Healthy Choice) 1 large yellow onion, chopped 3 stalks celery, chopped 3 medium carrots, chopped 1 cup of peas, frozen or fresh (Leaving out the peas :thumbup: 1 bay leaf 1-1/2 tsp. seasoned salt 1/2 tsp. pepper 1/2 tsp. rosemary 1/2 tsp. thyme Dumplings: 2 cups baking mix (Bisquick or similar) (Lite 80 cal for 1 dumpling 1/2 cup milk (using skim) Directions: In a large skillet, sauté chicken pieces in olive oil until brown on both sides, about 3 — 4 minutes on each side. Put all ingredients except the biscuits in a 6-qt. Crock-Pot or slow cooker and cover. Cook on high for 4 — 5 hours. While the chicken and vegetables are cooking, prepare the dumplings. Mix the baking mix and milk together and form into 1-inch balls. Remove chicken and bay leaf from pot. Take out all leftover bones and skin and discard. Cut the large pieces of chicken meat into bite-size pieces. Put chicken pieces back into the Crock-Pot and drop in the biscuit dough balls. Cover and cook on high for another 30 minutes. Serve in bowls with a biscuit or two for each person.
  21. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I can do the chin test and I don't have a headache. Turning the head side to side is what hurts, but it's much better today. But just saw myself in the mirror and the cheeks are all rosy again. Afraid temp is trying to go up again. MRI/X-Rays at 2pm today. Earl thinks I should go to urgent care, too. We'll see. Missed two happy hour parties, impromptu ones, this week, and probably will miss Oktoberfest/pot luck & talent show tonight. You know I"m a party animal and this is getting frustrating. One of my best buddies, Jim, and his wife, Barb, came in from Oregon yesterday and all I could do was wave to him through the door! He has an immune deficiency disease so I don't dare get close until this is gone!
  22. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Forgot to tell my challenge buddies.... I did go to TOPS yesterday... probably wouldn't have if I didn't have to do the lesson... but I was down and weighed 201.6. Sorry I haven't been posting food/calories, but I've been doing pretty good with intake, but not so much with exercise! I think I only did water aerobics once or twice this week.
  23. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Our oldest grandson is a firefighter, too, AND he's a HUNK!! I told him he could be on one of those firefighter calendars! He actually has done a little modeling a few years ago for store he was working at. Slept well last night, woke up feeling so much better. But.... saw myself in the mirror a few minutes ago and cheeks are all rosy again.... feels like temp is going up again!! May go to urgent care after MRI today. Just not feeling THAT sick!! Still have a little neck pain but nothing like yesterday. This is so frustrating! Zoey is out on the steps in her Halloween dress!! HAHAHA!! She doesn't seem to mind it but DH will probably have a fit when he comes back from the pool and sees her in it!! Have just skimmed over last 3-4 pages of posts... sorry! Safe travels to Joyce, Janet.... and glad you're back home for a while, Lori!! Jewel.... any wedding pictures yet??? I love to see all the pics people post! And I'm going to see if I have some of our good lookin' grandson to post. Of course, we have more than ONE good lookin' grandson, but I mean the firefighter one. Did I tell you all that grandson, Justin, broke collar bone in his football game last Friday? He caught a 33 yd pass, landed on his right shoulder breaking the collar bone but transferred the ball to his left hand, popped up and threw it to the ref before he called for help. He says Tony Roma rolled on the ground like a girl when he broke his a few days later!! HAHA!! I put film clip of it happening on my FB page, as well as the x=ray which is pretty scary!! They have him in a soft brace for now and haven't decided yet if they will do surgery but looking at those bone ends... I don't see how it can heal without surgery. Bones aren't even lined up! Sad thing is that he's a senior and now he's out for the season. But he's pretty upbeat and now looking forward to getting in shape for the spring Lacrosse season!
  24. phyllser

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    The actual procedure is just mildly uncomfortable. They usually start by deadening the area. Then all you really feel is the pressure as they access the port. 6cc sounds like a lot, but they will undoubtedly not let you go until you drink a glass of water to make sure you're not too tight. Since you're 3 hrs away, I think I'd hang around a while and make sure everything is okay. Like maybe go somewhere for a bowl of soup....they'll probably want you on liquids only for at least the rest of that day. I'm sure she's forgiven you and understands your wanting to protect her. My Mom is a worrier, so I understand. I was pretty sensitive about my weight when I weighed 325!! But not anymore even though I am still not at a healthy weight. I'm pretty open about telling people I am hovering around 200 lb and want to lose another 50!!
  25. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry gals... It's late and Ijust can't catch up on 4 pages. Neck pain was bad all night and all day today and fever came back... over 100. Saw neuro dr today and told him all of that and my lower back history. He did good neuro exam and offered me Rx, but said he really needed to do an MRI and more x-rays to tell what's going on. So I go tomorrow for all of that, including the neck. If temp contiues, I guess I will go to urgent care because he didn't comment much on that. Sister keeps bugging me because she thinks I have strep. I don't think so. I supposed viral meningitis is a possibility, but no headache. Just bad neck pain and can't move myy head and fever that comes and goes. Frustrating! I missed two neighborhood happy hour parties this week!! LOL! Canadians, etc. coming in for the winter. Today some friends from Oregon. And I just have to wave through the door because I don't know if I"m contagious and these people are OLD!! HAHAHA!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
