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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Someone posted this on one of the recipe threads. Sounds really good. I am making white chicken chili today, but, as it turned out, it's really kinda hot today for chili!! 80+ outside, 87 inside!! Roast Sticky Chicken-Rotisserie Style Rated: Submitted By: Sue Rogers Photo By: chibi chef Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Hours Ready In: 9 Hours 10 Minutes Servings: 8 "Ever wish you could get that restaurant style rotisserie chicken at home? Well, with minimal preparation and about 5 hours cooking time (great for the weekends!) you can! These chickens are rubbed with a spice mixture, and slow roasted in the oven for 5 hours." Ingredients: 4 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon white pepper 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 2 onions, quartered 2 (4 pound) whole chickens Directions: 1. In a small bowl, mix together salt, paprika, onion powder, thyme, white pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. Remove and discard giblets from chicken. Rinse chicken cavity, and pat dry with paper towel. Rub each chicken inside and out with spice mixture. Place 1 onion into the cavity of each chicken. Place chickens in a resealable bag or double wrap with plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight, or at least 4 to 6 hours. 2. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). 3. Place chickens in a roasting pan. Bake uncovered for 5 hours, to a minimum internal temperature of 180 degrees F (85 degrees C). Let the chickens stand for 10 minutes before carving. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2010 Allrecipes.com Printed from Allrecipes.com 11/14/2
  2. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    This was posted on one of the recipe threads. Roast Sticky Chicken-Rotisserie Style Rated: Submitted By: Sue Rogers Photo By: chibi chef Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Hours Ready In: 9 Hours 10 Minutes Servings: 8 "Ever wish you could get that restaurant style rotisserie chicken at home? Well, with minimal preparation and about 5 hours cooking time (great for the weekends!) you can! These chickens are rubbed with a spice mixture, and slow roasted in the oven for 5 hours." Ingredients: 4 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoon white pepper 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 2 onions, quartered 2 (4 pound) whole chickens Directions: 1. In a small bowl, mix together salt, paprika, onion powder, thyme, white pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. Remove and discard giblets from chicken. Rinse chicken cavity, and pat dry with paper towel. Rub each chicken inside and out with spice mixture. Place 1 onion into the cavity of each chicken. Place chickens in a resealable bag or double wrap with plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight, or at least 4 to 6 hours. 2. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). 3. Place chickens in a roasting pan. Bake uncovered for 5 hours, to a minimum internal temperature of 180 degrees F (85 degrees C). Let the chickens stand for 10 minutes before carving. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2010 Allrecipes.com Printed from Allrecipes.com 11/14/2
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Nice to have your girls home for a visit. Sounds like you accomplished a lot! Can't really say that the cream is working. Pain isn't constant, comes and goes and increases w/walking or standing. Hoping they call me soon about the epidural because I think that will be much more effective. So sorry about your lemon/garlic marinade. Where did you buy it?? Sounds like a busy weekend for you!! I had a pretty busy day yesterday, but today just church, so now watching football and catching up on posts. Went over and chatted with Wanda a bit and showed her bracelet we made last week. She bought the beads, etc., but doesn't have the pattern. I'll probably lend her mine... if she wants to work on it before Tuesday. We're making another bracelet on Tuesday and I still didn't finish the one from 2 weeks ago. I think I'll make the earrings today and then maybe finish the first one!! Sorry about your knees. You should probably go see an ortho dr. You don't have one do you? My friend, Jacki (Three Rivers) is being called "Wonder Woman" by a number of her friends. Earl says she's running on adrenalin. She had her 9th or 10th chemo treatment in SF on Thurs, then 4 hr + drive home, out to BF w/friends on Friday, then Red Hat lunch, etc... Then drives to L.A. yesterday to do a 3 mile walk/run for ovarian cancer!! Thought about driving over to cheer her on, but donated some $$$ instead! Only 8 of us in the choir... I HAD to show up!! But she is pretty amazing. Lost all her hair so she was wearing a bright purple wig for the walk!! After 12 chemo sessions she gets a couple of weeks off before starting the 5 day a week radiation. She'll have to stay in SF all week for those and just come home on the weekends. Keep her in your prayers because I am really worried. When the cancer came back, it morphed in to a more virulent type. Most good writers are typically NOT good speakers! May have to get that book! Dog trainer lady down the street taught me to yank pretty hard on the leash when the dog is pulling like that, and keep telling her "HEEL". Then when she does it right, say "GOOD, HEEL". She told me to change the tone of my voice from very stern when she is doing something wrong to soft and sweet when she's doing good. She's been much better at walking on the leash since then, but we're still working on it, too. That does sound good! I'd probably try cream of chicken soup, a can of rotel tomatoes, sauteed onions, chopped up chicken, some cheese and some tortilla chips! I'm going to make white chicken chili this afternoon to have for dinner. We have some rotisserie chicken that needs to be used. I'm going to saute onions, celery and garlic, then put in the crock pot w/a couple of cans of white beans, mushrooms and chicken broth. Later will throw in the chopped up chicken. And then some fresh cilantro!
  4. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Lori, I would strongly recommend you see an ophthalmologist. Walmart/Costco eye docs are not MDs. Your medical insurance should cover that. I supposed you might need a referral from your primary care, but I think you should get it checked out. So how much snow did you get?? Morning news reports look like Mpls really got dumped on!!! Don't have much time this morning... need to get in the shower in a few minutes and get over to chapel by a little after 9 a.m. for a few more minutes of choir practice before 9:30 a.m. service because we're singing this morning. Extremely windy here today.... won't be doing any cruising around the park on my scooter unless it dies down. Jodi.... anxiously awaiting more details on your LF possibilities!! :biggrin::crying: Okay.... gotta eat my Breakfast... no more time for chatting! Love you all!
  5. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Further north than Wasaga Beach???? Where is that??? Alaska, Northwest Territory??? HAHA!! Sorry... my geography is not so good! So how are you amusing yourself tonight home all by yourself??? Terrible food choices for a WLS symposium!! What were they thinking!???? Fun day! Walmart, Starbucks, Costco, Red Hats meeting, scooter ride w/my Zoey, wine & cheese, fish soup for dinner! Great time was had by all! Volunteered to take photos at Red Hat Christmas party... about 200 ladies will be there. I've committed to taking photos of half the room... need to take a picture of EACH table in my half of the room, and must make sure the table # shows up in the picture for photo album purposes!! Queen is very specific about her requirements. I just hope one more person volunteers because I don't think I can do the whole room... something like 27 tables!! If I had another camera I'd have Earl do the other half. I've already recruited him to help with decorations the day before. So many people stop to talk to Zoey when we go through Walmart, Starbucks & Costco! She is so good! Everyone loves her. Finally got to wear my purple "birthday month" hat to Red Hats today. Missed the last outing because of my neck problems. Hip is still acting up, but apparently Red Hat "Queen" is worse off than me w/very similar problem.. sciatic pain. She's taking Vicodin, 500 mg every few hours per dr's orders! And she was rather touchy today, which is not at all like her. Definitely seems to be in more pain than me. She had an MRI yesterday. Neighbors all go back from Mexico today. They were gone a week. I guess they had a good time, but disappointed that so many places they were familiar with at Rocky Point had closed down... restaurants, etc. And very few people down there. I think people are afraid to go down there because of the drug cartels. And Earl said he read on the internet that the Rocky Point area is notorious for kidnapping tourists.
  6. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Yeah, good to know exactly what is going on and have a plan of attack. Youngest sister, 12 yrs younger, has exact same diagnosis and has responded well to the epidural injections. Waiting anxiously for them to call me to schedule an appt.! Hip pain acting up again this week. Took 3 Ibuprofen, cup of strong coffee.. instant Starbucks, and NSAID ointment Rx Dr. gave me yesterday to get through choir practice!! Figured the caffeine in the coffee would augment the Ibuprofen and Rx! It was okay! When are you going to AZ??? It's just a hop, skip and a jump to Palm Springs from there!!! LOL! You can probably get a library card from other areas and check out audio books online. I can get them from my library in WA or here in CA.... except it's not too easy to figure out the format and how to get it on my iPod! But, if you can have someone help you figure it out, it's a great way to have access to a larger inventory of books. My DH has just gone to the pool. I enjoy that time in the evening when he's gone so, I'm BAD, too!! LOL! Except the dog won't leave me alone! First she wanted treats, now she wants me to play. I should say, first she wanted to get on my lap and give me lots of kisses. I had my ears and nose cleaned quite thoroughly. Then I thought she was just kind of enjoying snuggling on my shoulder when in reality, she'd found a kleenex on my little armchair table and was busily shredding it and eating it! Fished some out of her mouth and cleaned up the rest off my shoulder, etc! Turkey! Now she's attacking her little squeaky football. The longer she amuses herself and doesn't make me throw it the happier I'll be! Not in me to play much tonight! Have I shared the saga of the Red Hat Doll??? That was yesterday morning's adventure. Photos on FB. Let's just say, my Red Hat doll is now missing half of her purple boa and there was a purple feather explosion all over the front of the Rv. Sounds like you had a great time with your friend. Completely enjoyed my time with Janet on Monday. Found a few bargains, and even had one store ask me if it was my birthday month which gave me an extra 20% discount!! DH thinks he wants to go to Vegas for a few days. Ever since he realized that it's not that long of a drive from here, he wants to go. He though Dec., but I think Dec. is too busy, so maybe Jan. I'll be needing a "lift me up" after DD & SIL leave.. they are coming for 10 days over Christmas and I am SO excited about that! LOVE YOU ALL, TOO!!! LOL! I remember the first time I could cross my legs. Happened at book club last winter! Shocked me that I was sitting there with my legs crossed. Add photo by clicking on the little paper clip thingy above your post when you're finished typing. A box will pop up. Click on "browse", find your photo, click on it and then click on the "upload" button. You can add up to 5 pictures at a time. When you're done and they are all uploaded, you just close the box, then click on "submit" button at the bottom of your post and they will appear like magic!! You people with your Christmas shopping all done are really ticking me off!!! LOL! Shame on your friend for ditching you today! Uncalled for!~! Things are still playing havoc with my emotions. Don't know if it's med change or what! I am physically full but thinking about what else I can have to eat tonight!! SICK!! DH fixed pork chop, spinach and small container of no sugar added applesauce for dinner. I am FULL! But thinking about how soon I can have one of my 70 calorie puddings!! Don't know what is going on. Cravings and wanting to eat so accelerated last 10 days or so. I think I need to play some computer games. They keep me distracted!! So if you see all these Cube game notifications on my FB profile, that's why!!!
  7. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Janet... you sure have a busy couple of weeks between now and the time you leave!!! You'll be running to keep up with all of that. Probably did overdo it a little Monday. Didn't feel like it at the time, but hip did start acting up a little the next day. Today is the worse. I had to curtail my exercise at water aerobics this morning but kept moving for at least 45 minutes one way or the other. Just not necessarily keeping up with the tape. Skip the exercises that make the leg hurt. Pain was going down in to my knee with a lot of tingling. Pain clinic still has not called to schedule an appt for me. Used the ointment before choir practice, and took 3 Ibuprofen and a strong cup of instant Starbucks just before I went so I could sit w/o pain for 90 minutes! Was telling my youngest sister, Shirley about the diagnosis on the MRI... exactly the same as what she has. Only she's 12 yrs younger. She's had several of those injections and they always help her. In fact, she said last one was 6 mos ago and she's still pain free... in her back, at least!! She's having an awful time with her knee. Karla... enchilada casserole sounds good! Glad you are getting your quilting room organized. Earl is making us pork chops and spinach. Had my usual omelet for breakfast, salad for lunch, pretzels and dip for snack, and one of the delicious chocolate skinny cows Janet brought me!!! THANKS!! Earl wanted to go to Vegas for a few days in early Dec., but I think Dec. is too busy! So maybe January. Linda, Candice, where are you???? Weekend looks boring.... Red Hats tomorrow....maybe. I should call the "Queen" tonight and see if she's feeling better. I want to go to Costco in the morning. This time I WILL remember to look for battery operated wine cork remover and I want to get a package of Starbucks instant coffees. Much cheaper than at Costco. I really like them and I'm not picky about which ones as long as it's not decaf. I'm getting in the habit of fixing myself a cup in the early afternoon after lunch.
  8. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning! You can do this, Arlene! New start TODAY!! For me, too! TOPS weigh in was NOT good yesterday... up like 3 1/2 lb. I'm blaming it on med change and depression last week, but honestly.... think there is some Water weight, too because I just don't feel like I over-indulged. Definitely too much wine on Sunday and Monday, and birthday party Sunday, but I was very careful what I ate. Too many carbs that day, but didn't go crazy. Like 1/2 bagel, some casserole that was eggs, asparagus, cheese, chicken. 3 shrimp w/cocktail sauce, couple of bites of kielbasa and onions, and a small piece of cake w/ice cream. That was the only day I really blew it. OH, well... like I said... new start today. Spine doc went over MRI with me explaining pictures, etc. Severe disk disease at lumbar region, moderate in neck. I could have a 12 hr surgery that would involve multi-level screws and leave my spine unstable. I don't think so and he didn't recommend it! Pain is just not that bad and it's intermittent. Walked a LOT with Janet on Monday, but not able to walk too far the rest of this week. So, waiting for a call from pain clinic for epidural injection... nerve block, basically. And I have NSAID ointment to apply topically twice a day. Overall, I was not really upset over the diagnosis or the treatment plan. Did opt out of PT because to much of a nuisance to go in for that several times a week and I think the water aerobics is sufficient. I can change my mind later. Have to go back and see doc in a few weeks. No big plans for the weekend. Red Hats tomorrow, but "Queen" is sick and "Vice-Queen" taking a LOA so don't know if the meeting will go on with no one to lead it. Have to work in Activities for 2 hrs this afternoon... but last week when I went there was a sign on the door saying the office was closed for meetings. So... I'll show up and see! Then choir practice after that. Okay.... been keeping up with posts, but don't have any more time for further responses right now. Love you all. Have to get ready to go to the pool for water aerobics. Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
  9. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning. Busy day today.... I think.... Scheduled to work in Activities noon-2pm. Then choir practice 2:30-4pm. Don't know how this morning will go. Water is being shut off on our side from 9:30-11:30 a.m. which will screw up our showers after water aerobics. Used the NSAID ointment before I went to bed last night. But my pain is not usually at night, so that was probably a dumb time to use it. I can't see using it in the morning because then I'm going in the pool! Maybe after the pool is the best time. I can use it twice a day. Have to wait for pain clinic to call and set up appointment for epidural injection. I think I told you I declined PT. It would be a nuisance having to drive to Palm Desert or somewhere for that a few times a week. I think water aerobics is sufficient. So what are everyone's plans for the weekend?? I have Red Hats tomorrow afternoon. But that's probably up in the air because I had a call yesterday that the "Queen" is sick and so she didn't go to the Vets Day parade yesterday. And the "Vice-Queen" is taking a leave of absence, so don't know who will run the meeting if she's still sick. She sounded awful on the answering machine! We had fierce winds yesterday!! So glad to see it's calm today but the weatherman on L.A. tv station last night said the winds are coming back... today I think.
  10. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I don't think she actually swallowed any... cuz there were several wet, gooey feathers on the floor. Think she was chewing on them and spitting them out! I hope! But will watch her!
  11. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    My Poppy is right over my head in the RV. I should have thought to wear it today. I saw one of the Canadians wearing one today or yesterday. Neighbors across the street, behind us and next to us.. 3 couples, went to Puerto Penasco this week. Earl looked it up on the internet and it said that was one of the prime kidnap areas for the drug cartels! WHY?? My feelings were kind of hurt because we didn't get invited, but Earl would've said "NO" anyways. He's really paranoid about going to MX, but I think he's okay about going to Algodones. In fact, I think he wants me to have some dental work done there this winter. Dentist here screwed up two teeth really bad and now insurance won't pay to work on those teeth until it's been 5 years... 2014!! One is a crown he didn't "install" correctly so it's not properly sealed. The other is an inlay he did when he should have done a crown. So my dentist in WA says they both need new crowns! If insurance doesn't help pay, it will cost big bucks. So will probably get them done in Algodones. Thanks... I was pleased with how those colors look together. I really like it. Haven't made the matching earrings yet. NO time yet! You gals tell me your wrist sizes. If I ever get caught up on my unfinished projects!!! LOL!! Definitely need to make one for Jacki before we go to Three Rivers. Today was her 9th chemo treatment in SF. About a 4 hr drive for them... each way! Three more and she gets a break. Then radiation EVERY DAY for 6 weeks except for weekends. UGH! She's lost all her hair now. She is a trooper. Chemo today.. 3 mile walk/run in L.A. on Sunday for Ovarian Cancer!! Spine doc was not real encouraging! Neck area... moderate degenerative disk disease... normal wear and tear for my age w/no nerve impingement. Lower back... scoliosis, severe degenerative disk in three lumbar disks, moderate at other levels, nerve impingement, etc. He said I was "lucky" I only had pain on one side!! Sweet! He could do surgery, but didn't recommend it because it would be a 12 hr surgery and they'd have to put in several screws! And my spine would still be "unstable"! No thanks! So.. options are NSAIDS: either topical or oral.. I opted for topical so I have a gel to apply twice a day to where it hurts. And... nerve block. So he is referring me to the pain clinic for that. He explained the MRI in great detail and showed me all the pictures. In fact, he gave them to me to take to the pain doc. Very interesting. I can see where the narrowing is, which is causing pressure on the nerves and responsible for the pain in my left butt and down my left leg. Was tingling a lot the past two days, and difficult to stand or walk for more than a few minutes. Day to day thing... walked for probably 3 hrs on Monday, huh Janet?! Did you see my Red Hat doll pictures on FB??? We had an "incident" this morning while I was brushing my teeth and my Red Hat doll now is missing half of her purple boa - see photo below. I fear some of it will be discovered tomorrow when Zoey poops! She was in big trouble. There was a purple feather explosion all over my living room! And the doll had been dragged down to the floor. I missed a chance to take pictures of the guilty party with purple feather dangling from her mouth! She was trying to eat more as fast as I could pick them up. And she tried to look so innocent.. but not convincing with those feathers hanging from her chin!
  12. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    TOPS this morning, then water aerobics, then to spine dr for follow up on MRI. Don't want to go to TOPS. Wii board says I'm up 3.5 lb!! WHAT????? No way!! But that's what it said. Damn med change hasn't helped, and fighting depression, but.... there's no way! Supposed to go to Vets Day parade in Palm Springs with Red Hats, but I won't be done at dr's in time to do that.
  13. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Eva, Okay! Now I get the Chloe thing now! Got your beautiful card today! Thank you so much... and for the magnet. Did you do the drawing on the front of the card?? Very pretty! Earl is so pathetic!! He wanted some puppy kisses and Zoey wouldn't come over to him so he did the fake cry thing again!! It worked! She has a tender heart. She hears a baby crying when we're out shopping and she starts looking very anxious... like she needs to go fix it!
  14. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    It's a great airport. Are you off the whole week?? I think I asked you that the other day but don't remember what you said. We can help with transportation.
  15. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Love your last paragraph, especially! Good thoughts for the day!! That dress looks really nice on you. You'll have to have someone take a photo of you wearing that... with your boots, etc.! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Lobster dinner sounds like a wonderful evening! Hope your rain doesn't last long! ood luck with that! Yep... have to plan "ME" time! And... I can relate to what you said a couple of days ago about needing to get away from the farm every few days. I Need to get out of the RV park every few days. If for nothing else than a latte!! LOL! Starbucks!! But, yes, a big part of that is getting away from DH for a little while, bless his pea-pickin' heart! Janet is right.... too much togetherness is NOT a good thing! :thumbup::scared2: My winter situation is a little different because there really is a lot to do here in the park. But... my distractions from eating are things like going for a ride on my scooter (handicap scooter), especially now that I have the dog because she LOVES that. And then I usually walk her at least once a day. Not today because hip is bothering me. Leg just went numb just standing long enough to make some seafood Soup. And then I have my beading... I just spent an hour or so sorting through my beading toolbox and seeing what projects I have to finish and sorting beads by color and planning new projects in my head! Then there is playing with my puppy.. throwing her toys down the hall over and over until she gets tired of bringing them back. Now DH is teaching her how to pick them up and put them back in her big bowl of toys. She's much better at taking them out than she is at putting them back!! Working on it! And, last but not least, I play computer games! They are addictive!! I may have missed something... just wondering if you've had another date with that last guy yet?? LOVED THE PICTURES!! Handsome couple, beatuiful boys!! Hmmmm..... I don't even know if I get food ads because I pretty much ignore those ads on the right margin! LOL I'm old... I already forgot that you called Zoey Chloe!! LOL I love getting my stuff organized! Unfortunately, I'm not often motivated to do so, and it never stays that way for long! My beading box will pretty much stay organized, though. It has to stay that way or else it doesn't all fit! I love making cards. I think I told you we do that once a month at "Primetimers" when we're home. I'm always surprised at how few of the ladies participate when we do it, and only an occasional man. But I always make as many as I have time to make. Yes, this group stays pretty busy here on LBT!! I don't do boot either. I can't wear the heels anymore, and my calfs are too big, too. Yes, we appreciate Janet, don't we! I'm feeling much better today. Thanks for asking. Having a little hip pain today and yesterday. But able to do water aerobics just fine. Couldn't get too far walking the dog yesterday, though. May try again this evening, but the wind has just kicked up to fierce level!! Neither of us likes walking in the wind!
  16. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I'm here!! Just quickly read all the posts I've missed!! Busy day yesterday. Then I got started playing this stupid cube game on FB last night... and got tired WAY earlier than my usual bed time, so... didn't post! My bad!! Made a bracelet that i LOVE yesterday. Teacher tried to talk me out of the pattern I planned... I wanted my butterflies two colors she suggested alternate colors... one pink,next one blue. I did it MY way!! LOL! After I had first two patterns done she sat down and said, "WOW"... or something like that!! HAHA! She said she was so glad she didn't talk me out of what I wanted to do. She has asked me several times if I was an artist (yeah! Right!) because she likes the way I put my colors together. Enough bragging! I have to get ready or water aerobics! I"m 5 minutes behind my schedule!! more later!! I love you all!!
  17. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    You do need a new challenge... maybe the Canadian provinces next??! Our son has a friend who is a baseball enthusiast, so he and his wife decided they would go to a game at every major baseball stadium in the country. Baseball was even their wedding theme! You like football... you could do football stadiums! Go to a Bills game in the dead of winter!! I'll go with you!! Mmmmmm.... maybe not!! I remember going to one with family one winter a long time ago.... blankets, thermos bottles full of hot coffee, etc.! Earl has the heater on when I get up most mornings lately! I don't think it's cold enough for that! He seems to get cold easier than I do these days! Didn't know tomorrow is going to be even colder! And I DO NOT like going off DST!! I'd been taking Zoey to the dog park right after dinner every night. Now it's already dark by then! I walked her when I got home from beading today, but don't think we'll be going to the dog park later! Yes, it was very good to get out for the day with Janet. I think I need to plan one afternoon a week out by myself or with a friend. Too much togetherness here!! LOL Certainly understand your frustration having to wait for people who don't show up when they say they will!! So sorry for all the funerals/deaths touching your life this year. That has to be hard. Laura, sounds like exactly what I was experiencing last spring when they took all my fill out. They didn't give me a choice, even though I panicked like you did! My esophagus was stretched, and, yes, probably from eating too much at dinner. They made me "rest" for a month, then put back half, then a little more the following month. Everything was fine after that... no further problems. But, I'm not sure I"m tight enough now!
  18. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So sorry to hear about the trouble you're having again. I agree with the others.... if I had to lose my band I'd convert to the vertical sleeve. Take care of yourself!! You can't get TOO BUSY to do that!! School... grandkids, etc... not as important as your health! So sorry to hear about your friend's Mom! Sounds awful! I pray my friend Jacki's chemo is working this time! She has three more sessions and then a few weeks off before 6 weeks of radiation... every day, 5 days a week... in SF.. 4 hours away, so she'll only be going home on weekends. You're doing great on your calories and exercise!! Spending the day with Janet was very therapeutic!! Had a great time, found a few good bargains. Feeling much better. Definitely needed some "girl time", as you said! Appreciate your concern!! Hugs welcomed and back at you!! Tomorrow will be a good day, too.... beading class!! We're doing another bracelet. Should be light attendance as two neighbors are gone to Mexico. So, maybe I'll actually finish a bracelet with less people there. Quicker to pick my beads, colors, etc., quicker for her to get our supplies doled out to each of us, and she'll have more personal time to spend. Every new pattern is a different challenge. Always takes me a little while to "get it"!!
  19. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    No offense whatsoever! I totally agree. Talked to Janet about my meds today and decided maybe I need to double my anti-depressant for the time being. I know it would be okay with my doc because she had me on that strength for a while until I suggested we cut it because I thought it might be causing me some insomnia. Completely enjoyed my day with Janet today and our retail therapy!! We both found some good bargains, but not at Coach. Nothing there really called our names. Yes, our dogs would probably have a GREAT time. Zoey played hard with our friends' big basset yesterday and was thoroughly exhausted by the time we left. She seems to be more comfortable playing with big dogs than playing with dogs more her size. When we are at home in WA, we go to "Primetimers" at the church we used to go to. Once a month a lady who does stamping brings all her stuff and we make cards. She always has a certain design for us to do. It's great fun and I really enjoy it, but probably wouldn't invest the money in all that stuff to make my own at home. I'm content to do it once a month! WELCOME, Kelly!! I know EXACTLY where you live!! We have very good friends in Three Rivers that we usually visit twice a year.. .on our way south for the winter and again in the spring when we're headed back home to WA state. In fact, we'll be there for Thanksgiving in a few weeks. Jacki loves to drag me around to all the 2nd hand stores in your area. Have you ever been to "Grandpa's"??? She LOVES that place and I've been there with her several times. She carries "wet ones" in her car so we can clean our hands before we get back in the car when we go there!! LOL! Angelica Huston lives across the street from her and she's been told that "Grandpa's" is HER favorite place to shop, too!! The last couple of years we've timed our trip north so that we can spend the weekend of Jazzaffair in Three Rivers. We really enjoy going to that and buy weekend passes for both of us. It's great fun. And I LOVE jazz!! I have a birthday coming up in a few weeks... I think I'll adopt your strategy and start going backwards, too!! Thank you for not saying anything about "little old ladies"!! LOL Janet and I saw some "little old lady" shoes today that I told her I didn't think even little old ladies would wear!! We both found a few bargains! She told you about hers. I found a cotton pull-over sweater, royal blue, little collar and partial zipper at the neckline. Had $39.99 price tag and I got it for $12. Then I found a memory foam neck pillow and the Hanes-Bali store, and a pair of heather grey capris... just sit around the house type. As i was checking out cashier asked if it was my birthday month and when I said "yes", she said if I showed her m I.D. she could give me another 20% off! So my total w/tax was $15~~!! One of our last stops is always the Le Gourmet kitchen store. They have lots of pretzel and dip samples. She likes their dipping oil and my favorite is raspberry wasaba mustard. I bought a bag of the big dipping pretzels and a jar of that mustard plus a jar of bloomin' onion dip. Then we went to Starbucks and one or two more stores before we headed back to the RV. I did a LOT of walking w/very little discomfort, plus took the dog for a pretty long walk before Janet came to pick me up.
  20. phyllser

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    As you well know, I HATE to journal, weigh and measure my food!! However, as you also know, I am BLESSED to have a husband who understands the importance of portion control. HE weighs and measures my food.... not necessarilly veggies, but ALWAYS pasta, on those rare occassions when I eat it (I LOVE spaghetti, but I'm content to have the sauce & meat on french style green beans). I can't tell you how much time he spends rewrapping meat/fish when we go shopping because that's when he weighs my portions. So pretty much everything is in the freezer in appropriate portion size, especially for me. He will have a larger piece of steak for himself... sometimes, but often has the same portion size as I do. As much as he sometimes frustrates me in other ways :biggrin::thumbup: (because part of that is he is a "control freak"), he has been instrumental in my success thus far!!
  21. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Got your email. I'll be ready at 10 a.m. And Earl will fix us dinner. Glad you had a good time..... sorry about the dogs! I'm glad you got away. Better make other arrangements for dogs next time! Max was a character, to say the least!! Like last year when he lost his pants in Costco! (That's when I got him the suspenders for his birthday!! LOL) And EVERYONE who shared talked about how he used to hit them with his cane! Yeah, he loved to do that! And finagle his way to be first in line at our pot lucks!! Yeah, I may be PMSing because of dropping the Evista. UGH! I've been really down! And now I'm so frustrated because the next door neighbors are moving to a park model two streets over and they offered us their spot... beautiful free-standing awning, extended patio, etc. for $5000 and Earl says NO! GRRRR!! Sounds like a really fun weekend!
  22. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    You're a trooper!! Can't believe what you've been through with your mouth!! That stinks!! GEEZ!! Hope you can find a better job SOON!!! CONGRATS~~~!!!!! Sounds like you're having a GREAT time and making GREAT choices!! ENJOY!! Your Christmas table was GORGEOUS!!! Loved it! So sorry to hear you are still dealing with the aches and pain!! And so sorry to hear about your friend's DH! So young! So sad! You could never bore us with your farming stories!! It's so different from anything I've ever experienced. I find it all quite fascinating, really! I would have found a way to eat that shrimp even if I had to put it in the blender!!! LOL! I LOVE my seafood. Jodi... sounds like a good decision on the job offer!! Laura... sweet of you to give the toys to your cleaning lady. Her little ones will enjoy! Julie.... hope you're doing okay with the shoulder pain, etc. That's all I can remember gang!! Friend's memorial service was yesterday.. very nicely done. Wife asked me to take photos so some of you may have seen them on FB. Really fighting a bad case of depression this week. Maybe the med changes are taking their toll, I don't know. But I'm ready for it to be over!!
  23. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Memorial service for Max was very nicely done. HAHAHA!! Zoey is toooo smart!! She knows Earl always sits on the floor and plays with her every night about this time so she just dumped her whole bowl of toys on the floor and started barking at him! She has NEVER dumped her toys out like that before. She might pull out one or two, but she has never dumped the entire bowl! But he hasn't been to the pool yet so she has to wait until he gets back!
  24. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Cabazon sounds fun. Yes, retail therapy would be good. I can be ready by 10. Just will skip water aerobics. When will you know about work? Can you hang out when we get back?? Maybe an early dinner. I know you like to eat late. But love to have you stay if you like. So... today he didn't buy any tortilla chips for the salsa, and I was going to go grab some and forgot!! He only bought potato chips for his onion dip!! :eek::tt2::thumbup: AND... I couldn't get my Skinny Cow ice cream bars because he said we had to go to Costco LAST because he wanted to buy chicken and fish! Costco doesn't sell them.. have to get them at Walmart. I've seen them at Von's but I"m too cheap to pay their price. I think they're over a dollar cheaper at Walmart. So... maybe next week. But no more Hagen Daaz!! So only thing I have if I have another sweet tooth attack is pudding and I won't eat more than one. So last night I started on the Papaya tablets and that is NOT good. I finally had to put them away because I start eating them like candy. Hopefully, that craving has passed because Joy is having cookies and cake after the memorial service!! May have something to do with me quitting that Evista. I'll have to think that through, but a possibility.
  25. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I must not have tried that dip this summer. I don't remember it. Last night I was really craving something sweet and I wanted ice cream. I miss my Skinny Cows and it's always too hot to buy and bring home. Maybe today. Because I sent Earl over to our Cafe/store and he brought me a Hagen Daaz ice cream bar. Way too many calories. It was the depression craving something sweet! UGH! I have to shake this crap! I can't stand it. Bawling cuz the dog won't sit on my lap, etc. And now... today is Max's memorial service. I still can't believe he's gone. Okay... he was old.. 88. But maybe that's part of it... same age as my Mom. OH... and Earl was really grumpy Thurs. and was so nasty to me all day. His FB account was compromised so he started chewing me out as soon as my feet hit the floor that morning because for some reason it was my fault! Then he GAINED a pound and I lost, so he was mad about that. And THEN, he got so mad at me in the afternoon because he was getting some salsa and chips for a snack and I asked if I could have a little bit. WTH!! He slammed it at me. That was the last straw. I didn't speak to him for the rest of the day. Yep, Tracy & Jim will be here for Christmas. Hope you can get together with us while they're here. I have to meet lady this a.m. to give her a deposit. Not using the same place as last year because the lady didn't want dogs and they're bringing Gigi.

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