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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Experimenting! This is a TEST!
  2. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks, Kelly!! Wow!! It's cold here!! Had a great birthday and Thanksgiving! Hope you all had a GREAT day, too. We are not liking this new format, are we???!! I'm not getting all my thread notifications, and I'm sure it's no longer taking me to the last post I read! GRRRR!!
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So.... you leave for vacay tomorrow, right... and will be gone a week. Are we ever going to get used to this new format?? I can't figure out if we have "subscribed threads" anymore??? Jacki is doing okay, but the chemo wipes her out. They didn't get home from SF until almost 7pm Wed. We had dinner ready, so that was good. We stopped at Costco on the way in and got 2 rotisserie chickens, mashed potatoes, salad mix and garlic bread. Everyone pitched in yesterday.. I made the stuffing, Earl did his green bean casserole, Stan did the turkey, and I think he did the sweet potatoes. I helped Jacki make a jello salad that was really good. Jello, package of fresh cranberries, 1 orange, chopped walnuts and a can of crushed pineapple. She had me put the cranberries and orange... skin and all, in to the food processor and blend it good. Then it all went in to the hot jello. They ordered pies from a local bakery, but we didn't know that so we got one of those huge pumpkin pies from Costco. So far, it hasn't even been cut yet! Anyway, Jacki is still sleeping... almost 11 a.m. And I think she is planning on going in the pool when she gets up. They're keeping it heated to about 90 because she says it helps the chemo to circulate through her body when she swims. But it's only about 40 degrees outside, so, not sure I'll join her! I think her sister is going in with her. But she went back to bed after having a couple of cups of coffee with me and she's not up yet either. The other two guys went pheasant hunting bright and early this morning and aren't back yet. Saw your quilt on FB, Candice. Beautfiul! Karla, surgery is Monday, right?? Will be keeping you in my prayers! Well, think I might get out my jewelry stuff for a while. Later, Chicks!
  4. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Just a quick post.... busy, busy day! Great birthay...appreciate all the birthday wishes....Could barely read them all on FB!! Zoey had a wonderful day with our friends' daughter's dog... little dachsie mix, temprament very much like hers. They playwd so hard all day that Zoey has barely been able to keep her eyes open all evening!
  5. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I am disappointed in you for not buying that leather jacket NO... we don't have a choice!! WE HAVE TO ADAPT. I'm trying to master all the new changes! A significant challenge! Kindle... that is great! I hope you will enjoy it. I've been reading books on my iTouch. Small screen, but I like it because it's so light weight. I use it a lot to read in bed.
  6. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Yeah... beginning to figure things out! I will try enabling the rich text format and see if that works. I wish I could figure out if there is still a "subscribed threads" feature. And I don't think I'm getting emails from my subscribed threads anymore. So I don't know how I'm going to see the new posts on my threads! Yeah, Chris.... you'll wonder why you worried about it! My doc usually says liquids the rest of the day, soft the next and then back to normal. But I usually so straight to Panera Bread for a bowl of soup! Black bean usually. CONGRATS!!! Glad you're feeling well!
  7. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Have you found the "subscribed threads"???? I have looked and looked and can't find it, or a way to permanently change your font. I am going to try posting pictures. Nope...can't do it. Wants smaller files.
  8. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    WHY??? WHY??? WHY??? I was perfectly happy the way it was!!
  9. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    I can't even FIND control panel!! Where is it???? UGH!! This is too hard!
  10. phyllser

    New 60+ Thread

    Boy!! Site was down for a LONG time... and now not sure I like the new setup. Can't find my "subscribed threads", for one thing. Didn't have any soreness. But couldn't eat any hard Protein without losing it. PBing, bad reflux at night, throwing up all the time for several days. After a couple of sleepless nights, I called and made an appt! Turned out my esophagus was dilated. So they took everything out and let me "rest" for 30 days, then put 1/2 back in, then another 30 days and added a little more. So.. restriction is not back to what it was, but.. dealing with it. Haven't lost anything this past year but holding my own. Gained a little the past two weeks, but blaming that on some medication changes and hoping to get back on track now!
  11. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    OH NO!! What have they done!! We have to figure this all out again!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, APPLES!!
  12. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    You ALL are SOOOO PATHETIC!! Glad you won, Laura k!! I am going to try to remember that as I REALLY need it!! HAHAHAH!! You WON!! Hmmmm..... why does that look SO familiar???? Oh, yeah.... that's where we're going in a few days!! Nice pics!
  13. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I restarted the Evista today... w/o dr's blessing. Will see if that helps. Doubled my antidepressant today, too. Still feeling depressed, and mad at Earl over the whole awning, etc. next door thing. He won't budge and his logic makes no sense to me. I HATE filing, too!! Avoided it like the plague when I was working for insurance companies. Clouds building, wind picking up so I guess big weekend storm front must be moving in. Water main break a little way down Dillon rd so we've had no water all day. They say it will be back on around 1-2 pm but can still see the trucks up there working just off Dillon going towards DHS. So I am sitting here thinking that is a good excuse to drive in to DHS just to get a Starbucks!! I can't make myself a cup of coffee here with no water! Choir practice at 2:30 pm, so if I'm going to do it it has to be soon!
  14. phyllser

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi, All! Haven't been around in a while. I had a complete unfill back in the spring, also, for similar reasons. Now have a little less than I did at that time... but seem to be able to eat too much. Probably need another fill.Struggling to try to lose last 50 lb.
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Probably a combination of "events" plus going off that one med.. the Evista, I think.I decided to start taking it again, even though the doc didn't comment when I discussed that Rx with her yesterday. And, it does come and go. And when I'm around other people.. usually better. Although last beading class, this one friend who always seems to know when I'm down..said something about it. I was having a bad day that day. But after I'd been around the beading ladies a while... it kind of lifted. Hope your last day before vacation is not to stressful!! Keep thinking about tomorrow.... first day of your nice long vacation and Mexico trip!
  16. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yep... bad weather this weekend both here and in Seattle. Tracy is NOT looking forward to the prospect of snow. I guess they already got it in the mountains today. I like it just he way it's been this week... PERFECT!! I have "Emotional Support" dog tags for Zoey so I take her EVERYWHERE. Very seldom questioned, but when I am, I show the tags and say she's a "service dog"... and they just let me go!! Trader Joe's is the only place they told me I had to leave... but I had her in a grocery cart wihtout her little red bag. Otherwise it would have been fine. Fur can not touch any part of their grocery carts. Gyn appt... she said I can do the stupid vag cream every other day instead of every day. She told me I need to find someone to make love to me!! LOL!! Wonder if Earl would mind!??? HAHAHA!! He's not all that motivated any more. Gave me okay to double my anti depressants... SO depressed last 2 weeks!! But did not give me any definitive answer regarding the Evista... which I think I need to keep taking. I have to go back in a month. Some of my favorite TV shows,too! Mmmmmmmmmmm... yeah!! Tipsy!! Couldn't believe you went to all the trouble to fix that big Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings and didn't eat!! Just drank!! LOL!! Maybe I'll try that tomorrow!! Love you, too!! Good News on the Valentine's gig!!! ROCK ON!! Nope... we're stickin' together!! EXCELLENT post!!... Yes, I agree w/Karla... you should write a book. I'll help you!!! I can correct your spelling... and do all the proof reading!! What a GREAT idea!!! I think I'll get some for me this weekend!!
  17. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Hugs, Lori!! FAMILY.. our biggest challenge! YEP!! Sounds like what I had to do last colonoscopy... several pills every 15 mins. with water. It worked fine. OH... I bet that was quite a letter!!! LOL. Something similar to the phone call I made this week, to the people handling our motor vehicle accident from this past summer. They have been bugging me to return this medical information release form they sent me. It took me a couple of months to tackle ti because the first question was to list ALL the doctors I've seen in the last 10 years. GIVE ME A BREAK.... we lived some of that time in OK, then moved to WA and spend winters in CA. I had urologist, gyn drs., ortho in WA & OK, primary care, cardio, S#####!! So every time I looked at that form... that's what I saw... every doctor you saw in the last 10 years. So... it took me a while. And I spent HOURS on it... making sure I had up to date contact info for each dr. And indicating each one's specialty so they could see which ones were relevant. So.. a couple of days ago I had this really RUDE message on my answering machine/voice mail.... saying NO WAY were they going to order medical info for 20 doctors!! Implied that I was trying to pull a "fast one" on them, and the accident was not that significant, and she was VERY CONCERNED!! So... I called and gave her a BIG piece of my mind on Monday!! GRRRRRR!! HAHAHA!! GREAT NSV, Chris!!! Congrats! You're doing so well! GREAT post, Linda!! Very encouraging. Think I need to do the 5 day again!! Not having a good week! Weight up again for 2nd week. Very depressed. Things not going so well. Went back to gyn Dr today to discuss med changes she made 2 weeks ago and impact they've had on me. Made a few subtle changes. And will double my anti depressant. Have to go back in a month and see if things have improved... or have the option of calling her if the depression continues to be a problem and she will give me Pristique samples. Miserable w/aches and pains, too. Neck, shoulder, back!! UGH!! Appt w/pain clinic and probable epidural injection on Dec. 1st. Next two weeks will be GREAT... hope you have a wonderful vacation!
  18. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, last year we had friends from OR staying here in their time share condo and they invited us for Thanksgiving with other friends and family. It was sweet because we were there to see them meet their new DIL and baby grandson for the first time. But then we missed the experience of cooking our own turkey so we did that a few days later. And we won't do it again because the leftover turkey was in the freezer... well, I think Earl cooked the last of it last week!!! LOL! I don't like the white meat, and don't tolerate it well. Wouldn't eat it when he cooked it last week. I had some of my leftover fish soup instead!! But, this year we are driving up to Three Rivers (330 miles) to friends' Jacki & Stan. Several times have asked... are you sure??? because her 10th chemo in SF on Wed. I don't know how she does all that she does! She designed her kitchen so it's easy for several to be working in there at the same time, so she'll have lots of help. We'll drive up on Wed. and home on Sat. or Sunday... Probably Sunday. Jacki will probably be dragging me around to 2nd hand stores Fri or Sat. Sounds like you will have a quiet Thanksgiving, but great vacation a few days later. Hasn't the weather been great this week! I guess it may cool down this weekend, but sure enjoying it now. Called and made appt w/that gyn dr... going tomorrow. Told them new Rx is making me too uncomfortable. Don't remember if I told you... appt w/pain clinic Dec. 1st and they will probably do epidural injection that day. Hip bothering me a little this week, but not too bad. Able to do water aerobics w/o too much discomfort.
  19. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    I did, but pretty pricey and no guarantee it would work for me. Then... we always have to think about... where is it going to be stored, and one review said it weighed 60 lb!! And I'd have to use it outside, so there would be a lot of winter days that I couldn't use it, and I'd feel conspicuous hanging upside down out on my patio!! But, I appreciate you thinking of solutions!! I do have a pain clinic appt now... Dec. 1st, and they will probably do an epidural block/injection, that day. Unless they can prove that you knew about it and didn't disclose it, I think they're up a creek without a paddle! I agree... they're blowing smoke! We had people try to put the screws to us twice. First time they just made us hire someone to service the furnace because they didn't think it was working right. There was NOTHING wrong with it. That was our fault for letting them move in w/a rental agreement before closing. Then they started nit-picking! The second threat was when we sold the next house. That time we DID disclose that one of two ovens was not working and they threatened to sue us over that and a dishwasher they insisted was faulty when it was only a few months old! We ignored the threats of lawsuits and nothing ever materialized. Scallops sound wonderful. Earl hasn't bought any in a long time. I may have to bug him about getting some! I said he fixed salmon last night, but I forgot it was grilled steelhead. Looks just like salmon. I think it was even better than salmon. He fixed spinach and balsmetti rice with it. I know I spelled that wrong! Can't remember how to spell it. Beading teacher sick today so no beading class. But we did bead on Wanda's porch for a few hours yesterday. I thought we were going to do that again today, but no one is over there so I'm vegging w/my computer and watching TV! TMI coming: That stuff I told you about that the gyn dr prescribed for me is really making my "lady parts" sore so I am going back to see her on Thursday. I haven't used it since Sunday and it still hurts to sit! That's just not right. It has some testosterone in it and I think that's the problem. And just as I suspected, tender nipples from dropping the Evista. Ointment for my back from the neuro guy doesn't really seem to help. But... I'm coping with all these things!! LOL! Zoey and I going up to the beauty shop in a little while so Pat can cut my hair.
  20. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    That was a BUSY Sunday!! What prompted you to go to church after all those years?? Definitely need to get to the doc! I may be behind here as I started this post yesterday morning!! Maybe you've already been. But... sounds like my problems of last spring and a 30 day rest w/no fill did the trick for me. HUGS!! I know you are looking forward to that Vegas trip. You will enjoy the warmth!! And of course, HAYWIRE!! Any more dating updates?? Any luck with "Office" yet?? I was taking chewable Omega-3 for a while and then couldn't find it again! So I asked about it at costco and had a clerk recommend this liquid stuff to me. You take 2 tsp a day and it tastes like lemon meringue. I like it. Put it on top of my low cal puddings. Hope you are feeling better SOON!! WOW!! I was going to say... gee, that means we could be still motor homing 20 years from now!! But I may need to rethink that!!! LOL! You should send him our way and we could watch over him for the winter! Did you try it??? Looked good but haven't actually tried it yet. Waiting to hear more about this new opportunity for you! Glad you liked the recipe. Love the Holiday tips! AH... you DID go!! Very good!! I was so tired last night I went to bed at 9pm!! About 3 hrs early for me!! Yeah, Apples.... terrible decision on the colonoscopy prep. I bet they don't do it!! I had to take little pills last time.... 4 at a time every few hours the day before, and it worked great. I can NOT stomach that golightly stuff!! You are doing so well!!! Keep up the good work! 80 degrees is great for a first PT appt! UH OH!!! Suspect we'll be hearing more on this later today!! We are going away for Thanksgiving, so no leftovers here either! Well, gang, I am 10 minutes late for getting ready for water aerobics so I better run!!! Hope everyone has a GREAT day!
  21. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    HEY!! Whassup??? I'm here! Just came inside. Beautiful evening! Took Zoey to the dog park and when I came back Earl had candlelight dinner set up on the patio. He cooked some salmon on the grill ! it was So good! I DID NOT sit inside on the computer all afternoon. Went next door and was beading with the neighbors all afternoon instead. Made a bracelet to take to my friend Jacki next week. Supposed to have class tomorrow, but teacher is sick, so may be next door at Wanda's again instead. I still have a bracelet from two weeks ago to finish. So maybe I'll work on that. Hip was really hurting hen I went to water aerobics this morning. But I kept on exercising and in about 10 minutes the pain quit and didn't come back until I sat over at Wanda's beading for a couple of hours. Pain clinic finally called and my appt is Dec. 1st. They will probably do a spinal block that day.
  22. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah, that pheasant is history by now because it was over the weekend that he flew back! The whole reason he and his sons were in SD was to hunt pheasant. Most of what he brought back was in his carry on. Sometimes chicken bothers me. But not lately. I cut it up in very small bite size pieces for the chili. I keep my jug of crystal lite next to me ALL the time. Take it to the pool, even take it to church. It's 16 oz and I empty it AT least twice a day, usually more. Good luck with the paper! My ortho is a surgeon and he is very conservative when it comes to doing surgery. So, don't assume they're going to cut just because they're surgeons. Same with my new spine doctor. He is a neurosurgeon. Uh... about Earl and his wine. He opened a new bottle of white zinfandel yesterday. He poured us each a glass... yes, it was our usual little glasses. But, I got involved in whatever I was doing and was just taking a sip every now and then. And I was watching football. So by the time my glass was empty, he was in the back taking a nap. So... first I put the chili together.. and once it was done and in the crock pot, then I poured a second glass. And when I did ..... there was VERY LITTLE left! So... he definitely had more than 2 glasses... probably 3. And as soon as he heard me opening cans, he was up and in my way and harassing me. He loves to pretend like I don't know what i'm doing in the kitchen and especially if he's had too much wine! Oh, my! I just got up about 1/2 hr ago and just started watching the Today show so didn't hear anything about that hotel blowing up!! Not much going on today but the rest of the week is busy.
  23. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    WHY didn't you call to get the results of the MRI??? Weren't you supposed to make an appt for a follow up after the MRI?? Very strange! Jacki will be 62 in Feb. She's pretty amazing. She finished the walk with sore feet. Chemo is causing some pain in her feet from peripheral neuropathy. We get the rotisserie chickens at Costco and Walmart, too. And when we're at home, I get them at Albertson's every now and then. I like the way they season theirs. Today I made white chicken chili with the last of a Costco chicken we got last week. Had to fight Earl to stay out of the kitchen. After two glasses of wine he was being very silly and deliberately trying to piss me off by threatening to add things to the crock pot. He thought he was being cute but it was just obnoxious. The chili turned out really good in spite of him!! I will have to try Pollo Chicken some time. You've mentioned it before. Luggage nightmare report: neighbor just got back from hunting trip to SD w/his sons. Got stuck in Mnpls on the flights home because of the blizzard. Two pieces of his luggage were still lost at last report and one suitcase had several pheasant breasts in it!!!
  24. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Okay... just one spot, but is he sure it is a hemorrhage?? Did he dilate your eyes to get a good look?? I just wouldn't want to take any chances with eyes! And, not to scare you, but our son, Chris... opted out of having his eyes dilated one year because he had to get to a meeting and was in a hurry. The next year when it was time for his exam... dr dilated his eyes and he had a tumor on the back of his left eye. Turned out to be choroidal melanoma and he lost the eye to a 2nd tumor the next year. May have had a better outcome if he'd taken the time to let the doc complete his exam the year before. Tumor was probably there then but much smaller. So... want to err on the side of caution, as the saying goes, when it comes to eyes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
