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Everything posted by phyllser

  1. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Yeah, I'm usually up by 7 a.m. these days. No water aerobics, though. Earl went to pool, but I'm not going today. I think we decided we're leaving for WA early on the morning of the 19th. We'll drive to Chris' the first day, then my sister's the next (OR) and home the 3rd. So... barring any problems, we should be home the evening of the 21st. I think we're staying until a day or two after New Years. Will stay with Chris & Kellie a couple of days on the way back. It rained a little last night... around 11 p.m., I think, and maybe some more during the night. Earl said the wind came through, too, but was gone by the time I got up.
  2. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    So sorry you're having pain this morning. REST. Janet doesn't go back to work until tomorrow. Another day to rest and recover. Security sounded like an ordeal in itself!! Multi-quote.... sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't! I assume they are still working out some bugs. I DO NOT like the fact that when I get my email notifications... which are finally coming, I can't preview the post. The emails used to include the post and I could read them on my phone when I was away from my computer and keep up with what was going on. Now I just get a notification that someone posted. And I never have been able to find a list of my subscribed threads. I liked the old format. And now FB is supposed to be changing the profile page today!! Who likes change???? Still coughing today, and feel like I probably have a low grade fever again this morninng so I'm going to chill this morning, but will go to Red Hat luncheon later because I pre-paid!! LOL! Over $20 for a COB SALAD~~!! Ridiculous. Don't know who picked the place because everyone was complaining. $23.80 includes tax and tip but we had a choice of either a Cob Salad or a hamburger!! Good grief! Janet... have you ever been to Sherman's in Palm Springs?? I haven't. Supposed to be nice, but a ittle beyond the pocket book of some of these older ladies on a fixed income. It will be interesting to see how many are there because I heard a lot of grumbling the day it was announced. They let one lady pick the place and make the arrangements with no input from the rest of us.
  3. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Didn't get the epidural because I hadn't had pain in two weeks. So of course, 5 days later and my back hurts again. But not bad like before. I think it'll be fine tomorrow.
  4. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    SECURITY..... and that's one of the reasons we are DRIVING to WA and not flying!! Double post.... I added the pictures, and then I tried to look at them to see how big they were. Still can't figure out how to go back after you look at the first picture!! So I hit the back button. There was my post again like it was never submitted... so I hit the button to post it again!! So... double post... no pictures on the 2nd one! And it was no wine and just a little Bailey's in a cup of coffee. My suggestion would be to buy a wireless mouse. Little transmitter goes in your USB port. Mouse then has no wires. Takes batteries and has an on/off button. And our "FLASH MOB" did nothing at all entertaining except laugh a lot and act silly before dispersing!!
  5. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Glad you're back! Sounds like you had a good time. There was no hope of you finding a Latin Lover since you had a roommate!!! HAHAHA!! Sorry... I'm so BAD!! Yes...I'm sure golf cart was a consolation prize! He's enjoying it as much as I am. And he wants to take the blue scooter home and leave it there when we go up for Christmas... which was a decision made while you were gone, I think! Tracy and Jim are going to wait until Feb. to come down. You'll have to read about my Starbucks escapade a page or so back..... unless I forgot to post it here! May have only put it on the other site. It's complicated but they screwed me, basically! Out of a LOT of money. I'm disputing one of the charges. Stupid girl charged me twice. I'm out about $40 plus ended up with over $100 on my sbx card when I told her I wanted to add $30 plus some items I was buying. She couldn't get that!! Went back to straighten it out when it showed up on our online CC statement, but manager said he couldn't do anyting about it... I had to call 1-800#. So that lady told me to call cc and dispute the 2nd charge!! We'll see what happens. But it might take 8 weeks!! Candace... might come up for a couple of days next summer, but can't do a week, as much as I'd like that! We're going to drive, apparently, so.. That's going to be lots of days on the road!! Karla, how did yesterday go?? If you can handle almost 8 minutes of video... go to my FB profile page and watch the video of grandson, Thomas at his school Christmas concert! It's SO cute!! He keeps waving and waving, and clapping at the end of each song until just before the 6 minute mark you can see this little redheaded girl next to him telling him to "STOP clapping, Thomas!" So funny! Walked a mile in the TOPS walk yesterday, most of it uphill. I was the LAST one, but I finished it! But this morning I could hardly walk! Low back pain is back, but not down my leg this time.
  6. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Don't know about the hormones! Could be! Yeah, we have a condo in Lake Stevens WA but RV down here in DHS in the winter.... not far from Janet. Are you talking about that Angel View store?? I've seen it but never gone in. My friend, Jacki, finds so many great things at "Grandpa's" in Farmerville. And when we were there last weekend, this lady was there delivering tamales to the owner so we bought a dozen, too. I've never been a big fan of tamales, but those were GOOD!! I do want to hit some of the 2nd hand stores in this area. I just don't have as good an eye for the good stuff as Jacki does!
  7. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Somehow I missed a whole page of posts before my last entry! Glad you had such a good time and got out of there relatively easily!! Did you go to the QVC store?? I agree with you 100% about the emails that are coming. I always used to keep up with the posts on my phone when I was away from my computer before they changed everything. That's probably the thing that bugs me the most! WOW! 400 is pretty high!! You'll have to tell us all about the tour of homes! DD put up her tree yesterday... I posted it on my profile page... beautiful!! Then they went to bed! And the cats had a GREAT time! They put the tree up against their staircase going upstairs. The cats discovered they could dive in to the tree from the banister. Apparently the tree wasn't looking quite so pretty this morning when they got up! Yep.... that sounds like my cold!! Started with a very sore throat and sneezing. The sore throat only lasted about a day though. Low grade fever off and on all week, sniffles, achy and a little coughing. Almost gone now, but not completely. An especially soothing warm liquid is coffee w/Bailey's!! LOL! See how bad I am!!! :lol:DH is out in the desert flying his newly renovated RC plane. However, I don't see it flying out there beyond the palm trees. I hope there hasn't been another disaster already!! Those of you on FB.... if you can endure almost 8 minutes of video, I just posted a really cute video of 5 yr old grandson, Thomas' Christmas concert! So darling! He is in the back row in a red polo. He keeps waving... and clapping enthusiastically after each song until you can see this little red headed girl standing next to him say, "STOP clapping, Thomas!" HAHAHA! I think it's just before the 6 minute point. Photos.... #1.. Zoey curled up on my pillow not wanting to get up yet. #2.... Earl working on his laptop and watching football.... with his eyes closed #3.... Working on airplanes #4.... two RC airplanes #5... DD's Christmas tree before cat attack
  8. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Somehow I missed a whole page of posts before my last entry! Glad you had such a good time and got out of there relatively easily!! Did you go to the QVC store?? I agree with you 100% about the emails that are coming. I always used to keep up with the posts on my phone when I was away from my computer before they changed everything. That's probably the thing that bugs me the most! WOW! 400 is pretty high!! You'll have to tell us all about the tour of homes! DD put up her tree yesterday... I posted it on my profile page... beautiful!! Then they went to bed! And the cats had a GREAT time! They put the tree up against their staircase going upstairs. The cats discovered they could dive in to the tree from the banister. Apparently the tree wasn't looking quite so pretty this morning when they got up! Yep.... that sounds like my cold!! Started with a very sore throat and sneezing. The sore throat only lasted about a day though. Low grade fever off and on all week, sniffles, achy and a little coughing. Almost gone now, but not completely. An especially soothing warm liquid is coffee w/Bailey's!! LOL! See how bad I am!!! :lol:DH is out in the desert flying his newly renovated RC plane. However, I don't see it flying out there beyond the palm trees. I hope there hasn't been another disaster already!! Those of you on FB.... if you can endure almost 8 minutes of video, I just posted a really cute video of 5 yr old grandson, Thomas' Christmas concert! So darling! He is in the back row in a red polo. He keeps waving... and clapping enthusiastically after each song until you can see this little red headed girl standing next to him say, "STOP clapping, Thomas!" HAHAHA! I think it's just before the 6 minute point. Photos.... #1.. Zoey curled up on my pillow not wanting to get up yet. #2.... Earl working on his laptop and watching football.... with his eyes closed #3.... Working on airplanes #4.... two RC airplanes #5... DD's Christmas tree before cat attack
  9. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    I guess I used the term "flash mob" incorrectly. Apples description of their impromptu lake parties is what happens around here, too. Sorry that made you sad, though!! Wikipedia says: A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual act for a brief time, then disperse.[2] The term flash mob is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.[3][4][5][6][7][8] The term is generally not applied to events organized by public relations firms, protests, and publicity stunts.[5][9] So.... after walking that mile yesterday, most of which was UPHILL, I got up this morning with my back hurting agin!! Not as bad uas usual, though, and not going down my left leg... just in my lower back. Cold stll not completely gone either, so I'm dragging a bit today. Went to church, took Zoey for a golf cart ride and just watching football now. DH is operating on his remote control airplanes! I think it's also called "cannibalizing"! He has both good and bad parts on two different fuselages, so he's trying to make one functional airplane out of them. Glad to see you back, Janet! Sounds like you had a GREAT time! How are you doing, Arlene?? So sorry about your friend's stroke. Where's Julie?? Who else are we missing?? I figured out where Eva went... Ohio, right? Chris, sorry about your Dad's health problems. Hope he's okay. Saw you on FB so sent you a friend request. Where's Lori??? Did she get out of MPLS??? Jewel.... I wish the only thing I had to confess was 2 Margaritas!! I'm afraid I was quite bad last night, but we won't talk about it! Let's just say I couldn't stay awake past 9:30 pm and that is REALLY early for me to go to bed! Earl kept filling up my wine glass! And then he brought everyone coffee and Bailey's after dinner. He really fixed us all quite a nice dinner. I didn't do too badly there.... 1 grilled chicken thigh, 1/2 baked potato w/low fat sour cream, some peas.... oh, yeah... I split a personal size pizza with someone.... Schwann's. Didn't eat much the rest of the day, though. Small eggbeaters omelet for bf, and lunch was 145 calories.... 100 for a boca burger, and 45 calorie slice of Sara Lee bread. I won't count the ketchup... wasn't that much, and a little bit of onion. Hugs to all those I missed!! Kelly..... I had something to say to you, but I forgot!!
  10. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Hey! TOPS walk today and I walked 1 mile!! Woo hoo! Pushed Zoey in her stroller. Let her walk about 1/4 mile and then she wanted back in the stroller. She was SO good! Rest of ted day is kind of a blur. I was pretty tired out after that. Came home and took a long ride in the golf cart with Zoey because DH was doing some maintenance around the RV and I wanted to miss it! Came back and people were starting to gather next door... so I took my glass of wine over there... developed in to a "Flash Mob" party... impromptu! So Earl put chicken thighs on the grill, cooked some baked potatoes and veggies, and took it all next door for dinner! Had a good time.
  11. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    HAHA!! I totally agree with you about the frosting and chocolate chips!! Glad your kids at school are getting some counselling. Such a difficult things for kids to deal with! What a mean thing to say!! Dogs are part of the family! Some people just don't get that I guess!! Me, too!!
  12. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Well, today she had a different preference! I put her in back to go get the mail and she jumped over the seat so she could sit next to me! Yeah, the park is BIG.... two sides... East Side and West Side, and over 1000 sites... either RV or mobile homes. Looked at a really nice one tonight that is priced at $60.500!! Includes all the furniture and a golf cart! Wish Earl would consider it! Blueberry wine!! Mmmmm!! Can't wait to get some more of that homemade wine I bought in Buffalo this summer! We'll be back next August for our 50th high school reunion. Yeah, we're OLD!!
  13. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    So glad you are back! Forgot where you went, though! Yes, I am having some wine now! And I had 2 cups of coffee this morning, Soup and another cup of coffee for lunch, a free latte.... 20 oz, at Starbucks, and now my wine. Starbucks was frustrating. First, I was not feeling well and my cheeks were red from fever, so by the time I got to the manager, I was a little heated and sort of slammed my copies of the AMEX statement on the counter. So he told me I needed to settle down and if I slammed my hands on the counter again he was going to ask me to leave. So I told him if he asked me to leave I would be calling the police because I had "fraudulent" charges on my credit card from that store. So we both settled down and I showed him my paperwork and explained what happened. Showed him my SBX card transactions on my phone and what the girl did on Monday. So he told me to sit down and he disappeared for about 10 minutes. When he came back he told me there was nothing he could do and I needed to call this 1-800 # for Starbucks and if they did not resolve my problem I should call his personal cell phone #. So I came home and did that, and the rep told me I needed to contact AMEX and tell them to take one of the $70 charges off my credit card. So I went online and did that, but site said it could take 8 weeks to resolve! Plus I still had over $100 put on my card when I wanted $30! We'll see what happens now! So I asked the manager, "well, can I have a drink??" So he gave me a free latte.... so I ordered a quad shot 20 oz!! LOL! So at least I got 2 free drinks out of this! That ditz who waited on me Monday gave me a free drink because it took her so long (to double charge me!!) You better take care of that back!! Cart is running GREAT!! Took it to get the mail when I got back from SBX today. I have not yet done ANYTHING for Christmas!! I am going to do mostly giftcards for our mostly teenage/young adult grandchildren. Glad things went well with DH! I have always liked fruit cake. When I was growing up my Mom always ordered some from the door to door bread man... can't remember the name of the company. But it was good fruitcake. Hardly ever get any recent Christmas'. Our oldest grandson just moved in with his girlfriend, so DD #1 cleaned out his room and made an exercise room.... put our treadmill in there (we don't have room in our condo), bought an elliptical and put their stationary bike in there. Oh... and their daughter gave them a small flat screen TV to put in there!! Her and her boyfriend just bought a 65 inch at the Black Friday sales! ZOEY has worked out her place in the cart!! I keep putting her in the little plexiglassed area behind the seats, but today, on the way to the office, she jumped over the seat so she could sit next to me!! So I assume that's where she prefers to be! LOL
  14. phyllser

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Yeah, traffic on LBT has slowed considerably since they initiated this new format!! I don't like it either. At least I'm getting emails now, but I used to be able to read the posts in my email. Then I'd go to the site when I was ready to respond. That's another thing I don't like.
  15. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Hi, Frustrating situation with that surgeon. Hope you can get it fixed soon! Feeling slightly better... took a mucinex and 3 ibuprofen! Had fever most of the day, and headache, plus coughing a little. Supposed to be at choir practice, but can't go like this! But may go to cafe in the park for dinner later. And i had to go to Starbucks to straighten out charges from Monday. Not that it did any good except they gave me another free drink! The stupid girl who waited on my Monday!! I wanted $70 on my SBX card and then deduct the $39.85 in gifts that I was buying, minus my 15% discount, from my SBX card. So she puts the $70 on TWICE and included the $39,85 on one of those charges. So, I ended up with $179.85 on my AMEX card!! So the manager, after much deliberation, tells me to call SBX 1-800 # that he gave me to get the charges resolved. So I did that and the rep at SBX told me to dispute the 2nd $70 charge with AMEX!! So.... they basically will lose about $30 on the transaction if AMEX credits it back to me. But when I disputed the charge online it said it might take 8 weeks to resolve!! What a ridiculous mess!! Every time I have any kind of a problem... drink too hot, too cold or they forget to add my extra shot... it's always that Desert Hot Springs store!! Too bad it's the closest one! But I go to the one near Costco most often.
  16. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Wow! That is really impressive, Jewel! Good for you! You're doing GREAT!! I'm going to steal from you a little, Apples!! Yes, Jodi! Enjoy reading about all your comings and goings. Take a deep breath!! HAHAHA!! Melissa..... there seems to be a miserable cold going around all over the country!! Meredith.... hang in there!! Kelly.... I will be glad when I get over this cold so I can walk Zoey in her stroller again!! And, yes..... I am pretty much down and out with this cold! No Water aerobics ALL week and I really miss it. And I just had to send a message that I'm going to miss choir practice again this week. Out of town last week. I am not proving to be very dependable! Hope you have a successful day and not hit too bad with the storm! My family in Buffalo is getting hit hard. At least some of them! Funny but the niece that most wants the snow has very little. And my sister in Cheektowaga only got 3 inches, but the one out closer to the lake got quite a bit. Two nieces got somewhere around 4 ft! I re-posted a lot of pictures and some video on FB. Hope DH makes out okay with that eye thing! One of my sis' had to have something like that removed a couple of months ago. GREAT.... hope you have a GREAT time with your DD today at MOA!! Girls' Night Out sounds FUN!! Arlene..... whassup?? And "HELLO" to everyone I missed!! Have to go to Starbucks today and try to straighten out a mess from earlier this week. I went to my unfavorite one the other day to buy a few Christmas presents and collect my free birthday drink. Well, I got a newbie at the cash register. I wanted $70 on my SBX card and then take out what I spent on the gifts.... a little under $40. Well, I don't know what the heck she did but I ended up with $179 charged to my AMEX card and only $102 balance on my card. So she charged WAY more to my card than I told her to, and charged me about double for the gifts.
  17. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Too bad they couldn't do that surgery at the same time! Yeah, seat covers are the last priority, but I will find some to replace the blue throw that is over them now. Earl is off to costco, Home Depot, etc. for the batteries, some paint, wire brush to scrape off some rust in the battery compartment. He says this $350 golf cart is going to end up costing about $1000! But.... it's a good one... Yamaha, and in pretty good condition mechanically. So worth putting the money in to. But there were implications that this is the major part of my Christmas present!! LOL! Glad you are home and feeling fairly decent! I think dogs can sense when you're not feeling up to par! With this cold I have... I had mine sleeping on my shoulder last night and then again this morning! Wouldn't have been too bad except that she had her belly pressed so hard against my ear that I was getting sound effects..... could hear her stomach gurgling and her heart beating!! Yeah... stay away from the crappy cold that is going around! Seems to be everywhere! I am coughing now, slight fever, headache is gone for the moment after taking some Ibuprofen! Sorry for the drama with John. He seemed like such a nice guy. Wouldn't have guessed he had that in him! Hope you find a GREAT replacement! No... neither of us golf. But it is THE most popular mode of transportation around the park! You should see the golf cart traffic jams at chapel on Sunday mornings!! Think I posted a pic on FB one week. So, yes, we will be using it to get around the park. We've BOTH been using my scooter for that. Now the whole family can travel in style TOGETHER!! There Is a little plexiglass enclosed space behind the seats where Zoey seems to enjoy riding. Had her next to me yesterday going up to the mail box but she wanted in the back.
  18. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS in my inbox, too..... SIXTY FOUR of them???? HUH???? I'm just on the first one, so not yet sure why so many!! I KNOW there haven't been 64 posts... unless they caught up with me from last week!! MOA sounds like great fun. I'd be hitting the QVC store, too! Not a big fan of the TV channel QVC, but sure enjoyed that store. Great teeth!! Yeah, I think I could almost see your tonsils in that photo!! Wonder why it blew up so big!!?? She does enjoy riding in it, but she seems to prefer the little compartment behind the seat... plexiglass all around and she's protected from the wind... which was NOT blowing today, for a change! Sorry for your sinus troubles!! DH's not really 100% solved by the surgery he had in Oct., but somewhat better. I am in the midst of a miserable cold, which seems to have made the discomfort in my neck worse, too. Now wondering if it's lymph nodes. Golf cart takes 6 batteries at $75 a pop. Then you get $9 each back for the old ones. DH pulled them all out this afternoon and cleaned the terminals, so I think he's going to costco for the new ones tomorrow. He went and got the replacement windshield and installed it today. I need to look for seat covers at Walmart. I miss Janet, too. She will be back on Saturday. Christmas pickle is interesting! Never heard of that before! So sorry for all that your Mom & Dad are going through. Our friend, Jacki, that we were visiting over TG weekend finished her 12th chemo on Wed. She was getting Taxol and another drug. The 2nd one she will continue to get every 3 weeks. And after Christmas/New Years, she will start 6 weeks of radiation... 5 days a week. And she has to go to San Francisco for all of that... 4+ hr drive. She's a trooper, but it was easy to see her weariness. We didn't let her do much in the kitchen for Thanksgiving, but she's pretty stubborn! When we went thrift shopping on Saturday, I did the driving. She was feeling light headed all weekend. Cancer treatment is a difficult thing to endure, and she is way younger than your dad. Zoey seems to LOVE it! But she still wants scooter rides, too!! Took her out on the golf cart... up to check the mail, and as soon as we got back she ran to the scooter! DGS, Charly needs his two front teeth for Christmas!! Yeah, there are days when I'd like to strangle his little neck, but... most of the time, he's a keeper! In the last two weeks he got me two things he said he wouldn't!! The dog stroller and now the golf cart! It's pretty easy.... just have to hit the "Click to attach Files". Kelly..... Hit the multi quote button on each post you want to respond to before you click on "Add Reply". I'll have to remember that one!! HAHAHA!! Yeah, too funny!!! Wonder why it did that!?
  19. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning! Got the sneezes on the way home from Three Rivers Sunday, then sore throat, sniffles, etc. Not too sick... just mildly miserable. Think I might have a low grade temp, too. And coughing a little. GRRR!! So... no Water aerobics so far this week! Have to see the "Pain clinic" guy today and they'll probably do a epidural block. Seems pointless because I haven't had any pain in the last couple of weeks. But never know when it will come back. So... we'll see what the doc thinks. Went to beading yesterday despite not feeling to well. We missed two weeks because teacher was sick and then out of town for Thanksgiving. And just two classes in Dec. because she's going to Florida for Christmas. So we did a kind of complicated bracelet yesterday. So I'm no where near done. May work on it later today... after Dr. appt. While at beading, Earl surprised me by buying a used golf cart! He's been telling me no, no, no for at least two years! But he saw one at the used lot here at the park that was the right price... $350 but needs new batteries ($500). Needs a windshield, too, but guy has one he's going to give him, and I'm going to look for seat covers. First he called me and told me he needed the check book to buy propane... which puzzled me because I'd just said to him the day before... "Have we bought propane since we got here?" And he said we didn't need it because we are using a small electric heater and just use propane for cooking. But... he came up and got the checkbook from me. Then he came back about 1/2 hr later and tells me I need to take a break and come with him. So he takes me over to the window and points outside and says... "that's your new golf cart"! I was totally shocked! Cheri... hard to know what to say!! So very sorry to hear about another tragic death of one of your students. That is so sad! So senseless! Hugs to you, girl! That's just terrible news any time, but especially during the holidays. This time when I logged on... it did take me to the last post I read... I think... but still no emails. I liked reading the posts in my email and then coming here to respond. I am sorry to hear about the job frustrations, 1Day! No fun for you! That lady should NOT be going through your purse! That's terrible! Janet always journalled on a little spiral notebook she carried with her, too. Well... I'm brain dead, and I have to get in the shower and get ready for Dr. appt. Love you all!
  20. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Good Morning! Glad to hear your surgery went well Karla! When do you go home? Sorry about the trouble w/John, Candace! Hope you can find a replacement soon! Not feeling so good since we got back. Started sneezing on the trip home, then sniffles, now coughing! Feel kind of sick to my stomach, too. Feel like I may have a low grade temp. Sore throat. Going to the "Pain Clinic" today and they said they'd probably be doing an epidural block. Pain has been gone last couple of weeks, so I don't know what to do. Never know when it will come back and then I can barely walk. Went to beading yesterday anyway! Wasn't coughing yet then. Just had a bit of a headache. Bracelet for the day was tough and I'm no where near finished with it. I did make a set over the weekend and gave it to Jacki's sister for her birthday. No pattern... first time to make something wihtout a pattern. Designed it myself w/crystals and seed beads. Then made matching earrings. Hugs, Chicks! Gotta get in the shower soon. OH.... Earl surprised me and bought a used golf cart while i was at beading!! He called me and asked where the checkbook was because he needed it. Then he came up and got it with some story about having to get propane.. I knew he just told me th night before that we didn't need any, but I figured he must have changed his mind. Then he comes back about 1/2 hr later and says take a break for aminute and come over here. He took me to the window and says, "that's your new golf cart"!! Guy at the park takes used ones and sells them for people at a lot near our garbage dump! So he saw this one marked $350, needs batteries. So he went and talked to the guy and ended up buying it. It needs a windshield too, but the man has one that will fit and is going to let him have it. So, we just have to buy batteries... about $500, and we'll have a nice golf cart. And... I want to get seat covers. Seats are shot!
  21. phyllser

    New 60+ Thread

    We had a great Thanksgiving, and my birthday the same day. So good to be with old friends. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving, too. I DO NOT like this new format. I went to each of my subscribed threads, "unwatched" it, and then "rewatched" it and set preferences to get immediate notification every time someone posted. But I am getting NO EMAILS at all! So... good thing I have saved the last email from each thread I follow so I can click on the links to get to them. Then it no longer takes you to the last post you read like it used to. Now it takes you to the last post period. So you have to scroll back to read the ones you missed. It's quite frustrating! And if you click on a photo that someone posts to get a better look, after it shows the picture, it takes you completely away from the site. UGH!! Anyway, came back from central CA with a sore throat and runny nose! Don't know who gifted me with it, but not nice!
  22. phyllser

    I'm here to help...

    Got back to RV today after a great weekend w/friends in Three Rivers. And Zoey has a new BFF... Chloe! Zoey and Chloe!! Still quite frustrated with the new format here. I'm not getting emails. When I click on link in my old emails... it takes me to the last post, not the lst post I read like it used to do. Tried to look at Laura's photos... clicked on the first one, then tried to go back and it took me to the last post again! UGH! Came home with sore throat, sniffles, sneezes, etc. Better feel better in the morning because I want to go shopping with Red Hatters!!
  23. phyllser

    Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

    Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, especially on Tuesday. How long do you have to stay in hospital?? Stan and his friend hunted Fri, Sat & Sun, so no cleaning while we were there. The dead pheasants were all in the wine closet. They usually make it all in to sausage. Stan was going to give us some to bring back with us but... they forgot. It's really good. Started sneezing on the way home... now sore throat! I better not be sick tomorrow. I want to go shopping with the Red Hat ladies!
  24. phyllser

    Christian bandsters

    Hope everyone had a BLESSED Thanksgiving! We certainly did, and I had a GREAT birthday, too! How are we liking this new format/??? NOT!! LOL
  25. phyllser

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! God Bless!

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